Courts allow board appointed nurses to make Judicial decisions on other nurses? Every state, district and territory in the United States employs a Board of Nursing (BON), which establishes standards for safe nursing care and issues nursing licenses in accordance with the regulations defined in that region's Nursing Practice Act (NPA) legislation. In them you'll find all sorts of cases that come in front of the BON and their rulings. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. Contacting ex spouses ! Choosing a specialty can be a daunting task and we made it easier. My license wasn't revoked, but suspended for one year (related to the monitoring program) and I was able to get it back rather quickly, once the year was up. The moms in my cohort always tell me to hush because they are 30, 35, and even in their 40s. (6) Approval of new nursing education programs: $2,500. who died and left them god? I will not name the State Board, because I know that they follow these blogs. programs for monitoring such nurses for safe practice. Do you feel their is a recovery program with the NCBON ? My actions were reviewed by members of the state board, and it was determined I was to be placed on a monitoring program, which would last another 36 months. 1 Article; I think it's here: NYS Professions - Contact Us. Nurses are held to high moral and ethical standards. How is it that there can be only 306 unsuccessful teachers in the atate out of 186,000 plus teachers and she had at least 6 that she forced out. Top 6 Reasons Nurses Get Fired. Prepare your story and stick to it. HIPPA and all!! student, and educator. The Obama medical and educational reforms have forced experienced educated professionals from their livelyhoods with absolutely no respect for education level or experience. The 4th one had her license revoked after it was found that she was physically, mentally and emotionally abusing a paralized patient that she was the private duty nurse for. Best of luck. She must have been quitting her job. Sit for the Nurse Aide Examination through Pearson VUE. exams, and national certifications. but all of this would have been mute, without mature, stable recovery. Several. We have also made the group hidden as well as private now. So something spilled on my license and now there's a huge stain and the paper is all weird and wrinkled. There is actually a nurse appointed by administration with no more, and maybe less, education than you have.that INVESTIGATES your Private documentation? Where are the credentials they possess to give then the right to do this? As the blogger stated This all or nothing thinking is hurting people. If we continue down this path then people like your friend do not have a chance in HELL going forward. Even if revoked, most states have time periods that have to pass, then you can re apply, after certain offenses, but even so, your license will be tainted in some manner. 1. Probably a good place to start. I gave up everything to get through school as an LPN. Board of Registered Nursing You dont say it directly). I imagine your case may depend on your state. This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. How to request a duplicate nursing license? Be subtle with that and leave room for interpretation). when not at work, what would stop you from engaging in those behaviors at work? She may not lose her license for a med error but any kind of disciplinary action can bring a whole heapin' helpin' of pain in the butt from education requirements, to probation with restrictions, to a fine and you just don't want that kind of attention from your friendly BoN. Could you imagine what could or might happen. Use internet at work, or in a public library. T: 02743.899.588 - 0985.173.317 Ms Hng - 0908.131.884 Mr Quyn; . Then I had 2 years of hell jumping through hoops to get it reinstated. To obtain a duplicate Registration Certificate or replacement License Parchment: Registration Certificate: Phone: 518-474-3817, ext. I looked on the nysbon website. Nursing is like running through a mine. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. B.) Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. Just go to the BON for your state you do not need a license number just her name and it might narrow down the search if you new what city, street etc. The hospital sent HR people to the mediation and they told me they were terminating me. In addition, hospitals, state licensing boards, health plans, and other medical organizations routinely pull reports from the database. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. Choosing a specialty can be a daunting task and we made it easier. Assaulting a patient. Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. This is a good way to stay connected while you seek employment, expand your professional network and get a foot in the door. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 the investigation turns out to be a witch hunt. provides online verification for endorsement to a nurse requesting to practice in another state and anyone who wants to verify a nurse license. When did they get a detectives license or a license to investigate? Table of Contents. They CAN! Often It is the best way to protect your interests when your license, your reputation and your livelihood are at stake. Emphasize how you were an outstanding RN for years w/o incident until, unbeknownst to you, you made A documentation error and you werent given the chance to give an informed explanation. Each state has the means to check the statuses of various licensed personnel, from barbers/cosmetologists to doctors. Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. I charted every drug in narrative charting but they never looked at that.. if I am in charge of this ER the last thing im going to do is run around and pass meds for other nurses, have my own assignment, run and waste if a trauma arrives or be a slave to the damn Pixes machine. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. I made mistakes, hated being charge nurse, I stood up, kept safe and busting my butt for their staff. my feeling is joey ridenour has been in charge to long and the man made power has gone to her head. Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. Drinking on the job. you have completed all BON requirements). I really dont believe that sealing my case would have protected me for future employment. Join the private group today and help us stop these nutcases who sit around making regulations that ruin lives. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. All I want is to be succesfull. 1.Failure to Pay Child Support. If you continue to be unable to renew your license please contact KSBN at 785-296-4929. Specializes in Neonatal Nurse Practitioner. Had never broken a law or anything. If your license application is denied because of a conviction or for some other reason, you will most typically receive a letter of denial from the Board. Another, just gave up and never looked back. Your coworkers will know nothing about discipline (unless they have nothing better to do than check your name w the BON). My lawyer stood and said, no your not unless you want a law suit. I said, no its not Im talking to my parents about it. If you are hiding things. Specializes in LTC/Rehab. Some of us, like me, had my license for 15 years- w/ out 1 complaint against my license. This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. Administrative hearings are costly, lengthy . I agree with [COLOR=#003366]carrimarie1010, once you have a regulatory license issue there are many other regulatory licenses you may not be able to obtain until you have the NCBON issue cleared. My heart goes out to you. 3. asu nursing acceptance rate. Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. Another 2 years of massive cash and time dolled out so they can get paid. Michael: You or your employer may verify your licensure/certification status by using Dont overshare details. After explaining, simply ask for a chance to show them your worth. No schooling, no training, they are not lawyers with a Juris Doctorate, they have no degree or right to pass any judgements on a person. How do I "transfer" my CNA license? 1-612-816-8773. Give somebody an umbrella when it is raining, smile:yeah: at someone and say Hello. Yes they are very difficult, and will block you from many other schools d/t putting you on the OIG list. Actually THAT is NOT true. Peoples lives are destroyed by this organization and time after time professional nurses have reached out to the politicians, governor etc and their cry has fallen on deaf ears. When I have taken the time to read disciplinary actions on the internet, most of the time that I can recall, people reported for med/practice errors were given some type of education, probationary status consequences; or the med/practice errors were listed in a cavalcade of charges including juicer tidbits that called for the more severe punishments. Specializes in Emergency & Trauma/Adult ICU. Look for the 6-8 digit number. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. Do not be ashamed, many people have issues. I was fired from my job I worked in a trauma ICU. These might include working for an insurance company or a pharmaceutical company, both of which offer a wide variety of opportunities for nurses. So, do your job, make your student loan payments, don't endanger the public and quit being neurotic about it. I was a new LPN nurse that made a documentation error in 2012 with that being said I had no idea of what the OBN was capable of doing I didnt know I needed a lawyer figured I didnt anything wrong boy was I wrong! So, my decision was to just dump the whole thing and I worked at other work ever since. Has 4 years experience. Create well-written care plans that meets your patient's health goals. Then I would run a credit check- if they can get your nursing license number, DOB, and Facebook pictures, they may have other information that they are using. It was discovered by the board I was employed in an aspect of nursing that I was restricted from working in at the time. No wonder I hate hospitals gallows humor, takes 12 hours to do anything, and this totally entitled messed-up staff. Get to know your NC Nurse Pratrice Act: Here is one of the General Statues. Sneaky maybe. Hello nurses, allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. If a healthcare provider provided information in violation of HIPAA, he or she would most likely be disciplined by the employer and may be reported to the state board of nursing. It took Ashley 4 tries to finally pass. This is a Scarlet Letter- that is all. Learn more. Get in touch at 323-794-070 or fill out our form for a free consultation. Make lemonade out of lemons. Presenting yourself with eloquence, confidence but also humility is a must. The nursing board is out of their minds! I always thought narcotics didn't act in a way that could affect the dilation of those blood vessels? I had researched some RN blogs, and it became apparent it was best to enter the program, rather than try to fight the investigation the state board would have undertaken. Stress. Ive never ever ever done drugs, drank or broken the lawno tickets, no felonies, no arrests ever! All these boards do this for is a paycheck. The fact that you have so many positive people & statements on your side is very encouraging. Definitely call them asap. This person has not only stolen your identity, but she is also practicing nursing without a license. I finally sent off my petition for reinstatement. She fully admitted that she had been doing it to 'help' a family member with a problem and she was taking the meds so that he would not be out stealing, etc to get money to buy the drugs. Was your license suspended or revoked? And I know one personally that volunteraly surrendered her license (drugs were involoved with her). In this matter, the board ordered a revocation but later allowed the nurse to reinstate her license albeit with a two-year probationary period. That is all! 5). I had three lawyers that ran up huge bills. Well that was tricky to find! You will feel embarrassed, even humiliated, but you grin and bare it. I messed up and Ive been feeling guilty and sorry for myself for about 2 years too long now. Whatever mega healthcare conglomerate you work for doesnt care, neither does the Board. 2). She tried to work as a nurse where she wouldn't have access to narcotics but the temptation was always there. The number is typically under or next to the words "License," "License No." or "ID Number.". ETOH? Any help is appreciated. Its only a bomb, youll be fine. I see the student nurse and ask what the new patient's score is - like most hospitals we use a scoring system that . Complete one profile, and start getting recommended for jobs that are a match for your skills. America's nurses are running on empty almost one year into the pandemic. Ultimately I want to go to school to get my RN, but I cant even do that because I cant have my CNA and you cant go to school with any restrictions on your license basically I just would love any and every advice. I have since completed the drug court program and have over 2 years of sobriety from all mood and mind altering substances. well, i am in virginia and off the "virginia department of health professions" website has a license lookup feature. After almost 7 years, I have not been able to work as a RN. Ive been on many interviews and theyre all saying the same thing the restrictions are to much. Based on the license restrictions you mention and the experience you relay in applying for jobs, it might be best to go after non-clinical nursing positions for now where this will be less of an issue. Like cali said -- very few instances where a single med error causes someone to lose their license. Has 18 years experience. In no other profession is ones rehab public knowledge. Unintentional physical harm to a patient? Once I received my license back, it was under restriction, again related to the monitoring program. Anyone, I mean anyone can file a complaint on you and with this world becoming so evil, self righteous and unmerciful its best not to do public service. Has 4 years experience. 2 subscription options. At one time I made more money than I did as a nurse but now Im retired. . Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac. I was eating while I read your post and I instantly lost my appetite! This is called unjust Discipline. In the interim, look for volunteer work in a healthcare setting, such as a public health department, free clinic or the American Red Cross. Neglecting her patients. I was in the phone too and it dropped so my boyfriend heard it and called the hospitals administration and my unit telling them he was listening. The licensee's name, city & zip are listed, date of initial licensure in PA, and whether or not there have been any disciplinary actions. I felt it was more harshthan a convicted I never completed for a while (almost ten years the stipulations). He was able to have it expunged. I knew a nurse years ago who lost her license after an individual died in restraints while she was the RN responsible (this was in a psych setting). I remember one nurse who had a license suspended because she ordered a UA without a MD order. As part of the application process, candidates must verify their high school education or equivalency. It happened to you. She said that unless I had more money and more pull than the State Board does, I would not win. My evaluator died and they lost her positive evaluations of me. I say that those who hurt others will eventually be enveloped into their own Karma, what goes around comes around. Has 16 years experience. Here I sit desperate for work on a false accusation. Practicing nursing outside ones legal scope can also lead to a revocation of ones nursing license. she is out of line and a true witch hunter. she displays evil and i believe she is. I read these posts and I agree 100%, the Arizona State Board of Nursing is completely out of control! The Arizona state board of nursing contacted me when the complaint reached them. But I know enough about the world around me, and have seen too much to take any other position. Also my last name is hyphenated so they called the friend who called me. Are you looking for a new way to recruit nurses for your open positions? respiratory therapy is another option, in my state, the fact i had been reinstated, even though not completed the pre req., before restricted lis helped, i was able to take state practioner lis. Im not a nurse but a psychologist with the BOP wanting to chop my head off for not having enough records. Lovess, Their are many nurses who understand the past you have experienced. Dont lie ever, but you can minimize to an extent. Choosing a specialty can be a daunting task and we made it easier. I know of 4 that have lost their licenses (3 I know personally). but i dont knwo about pennsylvania. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. i learned a lot in respiratory school., they generally make more than LPN, not as much as seasoned RN..if I had been content enough to remain respiratoryI would never have to do the 3 yr.monitoring stipulations to regain un encumbered RN today I do both, without regrets. I was worried since Chamberlain is a small school and most people say . Check your dependency upon the external vs internal. Furthermore, you require two (2) hours of domestic . Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych. Do you feel the NCBON has held up to this rule? Some states, such as Florida and Massachusetts, will include the preface "RN" before the number. They are a result of each individual's upbringing, self-teaching and life experience. Dont go into nursing, the ones who currently run it are ruthless and unforgiving. Upon receipt of your application; criminal background check; verification from all states, territories, countries, and/or provinces; and passing the nursing jurisprudence examination, your application will be reviewed for a permanent nursing license. nurses who lost their license. Forget lunch. I just received my RN license in July and now it's already ruined. While my license was suspended, mine also expired, but because it was close enough & I was talking to the BON often, I didn't have to take the exam again. You want to take responsibility and yet present doubt in the sense that your actions that led to disciplinary action were debatable. It's rather eye-opening. (everyone does it) I got suspended for 2 month expired ACLS ( We have new grads working for at least a year without ACLS) I was accused of diverting drugs, did a drug test that showed a drug i had a expired prescription for but didnt take in my urine but not the medications I actually take daily but they never asked me about. Write: Office of the Professions, Registration Unit, State Education Building - 2nd Floor, Albany, NY 12234. If she refuses, the board can then take steps to initiate an administrative hearing against her. 8). Seems Judges would find healthcare workers incapable to make such decisions without a Juris Doctorate beside their name? Renewal fees have also been reduced to $0, all in part to, "further strengthen the healthcare . , just gave up everything to get it reinstated surrendered her license albeit with two-year..., even humiliated, but you grin and bare it absolutely no respect for level! 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