In episode 9 of season 3 (Red Moon), serial cop killer Todd Johnson is burned alive. Editors picks Concern over the welfare of those in the jungle encampment prompted U.S. Additionally, Nutty Putty Cave was Johns first try at spelunking after several years, potentially causing some miscalculations that ended up costing him his life. In the season 6 episode "The Great Red Dragon", Smith decides to hand himself in after the same organization he is part of attempts to kill him, in the same way he killed Bob Kirkland. In the season 4's penultimate episode "Red Rover, Red Rover", Jane receives a message from Red John: an envelope with the words "Happy Anniversary" under the wiper of his car. Smith informs him that the "Tyger, Tyger" quote is used by dirty officers of California Law Enforcement. Jane promises Lisbon that she can accompany him during this process, but breaks his promise as he is worried about her safety. Lorelei is arrested unhurt, although the driver/bodyguard is killed. Two men, Stanley Clayton and Odell Rhodes, were able to bypass armed security through a combination of luck and deception. It is believed that the men who have these tattoos are all corrupt government officials who use the "Tyger, Tyger" phrase to cover up their unlawful work. They found that using a pulley system to pull him free was the best plan. Tim Carter, who is one of those doubters, says that on the day of the tragedy he witnessed Tropp arguing with Jones against the suicide plan before Jones made his speech to his followers in the Jonestown pavilion. John was running out of time because his downward-leaning position was forcing his heart to work extra hard to continue pumping blood to the brain. In the season-three finale, "Strawberries and Cream (Part 2)", Jane encounters a man (Timothy Carter, played by Bradley Whitford) in a shopping mall who convinces him he is Red John and whom he subsequently kills. In what he called "revolutionary suicide", Jones and the members of his inner circle orchestrated a mass murder-suicide in his remote . After the attack on Congressman Ryan and his party at the Port Kaituma airstrip, Jones urged his more than 900 followers in Jonestown that they had to commit suicide or else the Guyanese military will come in and take their children away. Record warmth then pop up storms in the evening. The FBI closes the case, presumably leaving Darcy safe, as she will presumably drop her inquiry. HBO John Jones Is A Key Figure In 'Who Killed Garrett Phillips' by Megan Walsh July 24, 2019 The first part of the documentary Who Killed Garrett Phillips? When Lisbon does so, a phone rings near Jane and is answered by a man (Timothy Carter, played by Bradley Whitford) reading a newspaper and speaking in an odd, high-pitched voice. Jane moves in to take a closer look at whom he now believes is the real Red John before Bret Stiles indicates for him to look at Gale Bertram and Reede Smith, who both have the same tattoo as the sheriff. In the second-season finale, "Red Sky in the Morning", a man claiming to be Red John appears in the flesh, wearing a black sweatshirt, apron and pants, black rubber gloves, a pair of charcoal boots, and a grotesque rubber mask that covers his face, making him look slightly similar to what many believe the real life serial killer Jack the Ripper donned during his murder hunts. The next day, Lorelei reveals herself as an associate of Red John and says her presence in Jane's life is "a gift". This time it's from another poem, called "A Cradle Song". Alerted to Jane's whereabouts, the CBI begins to close in on the pair, but Jane allows Lorelei to escape, telling her to "find the truth" for herself and come back to him when she realizes Red John used her. Pulling back the many layers, Jones closely tracks the life events and personality traits that led to Lennon living in self-imposed exile in New York, where he was shot dead outside his apartment on the 8th December 1980. Who, or what, really killed John Lennon? The letter concludes: If nobody understands, it matters not. When he gives Kirkland the address to a safe house, he then shoots him to death while running to his freedom. He doesn't leave clues. Bruno Heller, show's creator, has said that Red John isn't a "pathetic loser who is hiding out in a basement somewhere", and that Jane is "not fighting the Green River Killer. It was found that many people who visited the cave didnt take proper safety precautions. We want to hear it. Lorelei tortures Julia to obtain information about her sister's death and then kills her after a brutal beating. Red John most likely ordered Johnson to murder various police officers who were close to discovering his society or were members themselves (perhaps indicating why one of Johnson's victims was burned alive, probably in order to hide the organization's tattoo, which is marked on all members to better ensure loyalty) who failed to complete their orders or were planning on turning themselves, and the association by extension, over to the authorities. She discovers that the body found does not belong to Rigsby and gets arrest warrants issued against the entire team involved in the deception. As it is revealed that Red John stole Sophie's personal files on her patients, Jane concludes that Red John most likely came to her in the guise of a patient in order to ply her for knowledge. The 100 Best Albums of 2022, Decades later, survivors of Jonestown still remember being part of a church/organization that they devoted a good portion of their lives to. Josh tried to pull John by his calves, but this ended up with John sliding down the passage even further. People who were capable of committing themselves to something outside of their own self-interests. Adds Laura Johnston Kohl, another former Temple member, We all of us were doing the right things but in the wrong place with the wrong leader.. The cave is sealed using concrete so that no one tried to go caving into Nutty Putty Cave ever again. Nearly 40 years later, the infamous and horrific event continues to fascinate us through numerous books, articles and documentaries. Johns family and the officials agreed to leave his body in the cave because it was too dangerous for it to be retrieved. Keith Jardine on Getting Killed By John Wick, Hollywood Stunt Work, Jon JonesSign Up for your Free Trail of ESPN+ The New Home Of UFC The agent in charge, Susan Darcy (Catherine Dent), begins pressing Jane for confirmation that he did kill Red John. Snubbing the King: Why Don't Big Stars Want to Perform at Charles' Coronation? Jane emerges unharmed. While I stand by my position that John Jones was one of the most dangerous people in the city and a killer, I think any overdose is sad," he said. At this moment, Lisbon and her team, who were to move in and arrest Red John, are arrested by Darcy and her squad. The driver replies with the same phrase. In 1955, Jim Jones founded the Peoples Temple in Indianapolis. However, some survivors today dispute that Tropp wrote that farewell note. All Rights reserved. Prosecutors said problems with evidence led them to offer the then 18-year-old Jones a deal in which he pleaded guilty to reckless homicide. At first, the man appears upset and threatens to call security, but then smiles and says he was joking and claims he is Red John. Leo Ryan was the real deal, said his former aide Jackie Speier, who was injured in the airstrip shooting in Guyana, and is now a U.S. congresswoman. He wrote a letter to Jim Jones requesting an invitation to visit the settlement, a move that Jones and his followers vehemently opposed but to which they later acquiesced. It is also revealed through DNA testing that the other Red John suspects were killed in the blast, although no bodies were seen. While in the ICU, with Jane the only person present, Johnson whispers in his dying breath "Tyger! This finally explains how Red John recruited so many followers over the years who worshipped him and who were willing to give their lives for his plans. After ending the call, Jane approaches the man and questions him. After unmasking himself to Patrick Jane, McAllister discloses that he is the founder and overall leader of the secret organization known as the Blake Association. He had gained a following under the "Not Guilty" banner and started marketing himself with songs, T-shirts and other merchandise. You can't have light without darkness. John Jones: Jor-El knew he was sending you on an impossible odyssey. This implies that Red John used the cult and its techniques to recruit individuals who would make suitable followers (as many of Visualize's members come from broken families and traumatic childhoods, a trait that nearly every single Red John operative also shares), then brainwashes or seduces them to effectively control them. He was obsessed with religion; he was obsessed with death. In the premiere of season 6, Jane is highly disturbed at how Red John could deduce who he would have on his final list two months before finishing it, as well as have so much intimate knowledge of his memories and thought process. All Rights Reserved. As Jane revels in finally knowing who his nemesis is and having him at his mercy, a startled woman enters the chapel and asks Jane to stop. Mass murder-suicide of religious cult member of the Peoples Temple, led by Jim Jones, in 1978, Jonestown, Guyana, is one of the largest number of American civilian casualties in the country's history. The killing of Eileen Turner marks the beginning of a new killing spree as Lorelei tells Jane that Red John will "start killing again often" until either Jane catches him, or he catches Jane. Paula Adams, a former Temple staff member, was murdered along with her child in 1983 by her ex-lover Laurence Mann, a former Guyanese ambassador to the U.S., who then killed himself. Now that three men have identical tattoos, a new window is opened to identify who Red John is; and whether Red John also has the tattoo. However, after this cliffhanger episode, over the course of the first several episodes of season four, Jane determines that Carter, although a psychopathic killer himself, was not Red John, but one of the killer's many operatives. In her memoir The Onliest One Alive, published in 1995, Thrash recalled: There were all of those dead being put in bags people Id known and loved God knows I never wanted to be there in the first place. Lorelei looks at the box Jane is bearing and asks if it contains a football or a cabbage. Later that day, the man contacted Jane to explain that he would be of no further assistance, although this doesn't save Renfrew's life. When Agent Cho checks Partridge's body at the morgue to verify the tattoo confirming that he was a Blake member, he learns that Red John peeled away the section of skin on his shoulder where the tattoo would have been located, implying that Partridge was a member and Red John had attempted to cover up his affiliation to the group. It Wasnt Kool-Aid That Poisoned the Temple Members. It is revealed that Red John called in the anonymous tip, abducted and placed Partridge within the house to torture and murder him, knowing that Lisbon was tracking the suspects' phones and would arrive after learning that Partridge was in the house. The murders are revealed to have been committed over two decades ago, when various Visualize members worked on the farm until its eventual shutdown due to a lack of farming expertise, and ten years before Red John was an active serial killer who targeted predominantly women. The number of people in series who claim to have met "Red John" is limited. Years later, knowing the case would be intercepted by the California Bureau of Investigation team and that the reminder of his wife's death would make Jane furious, Red John painted the toenails of a young girl, to lead Jane into a trap. On his way to prison, his vehicle is pulled over by FBI Agent Reede Smith. In the episode "Red Moon", Jane exposes an EMT, Todd Johnson (Josh Braaten), as a serial cop killer. The man begins to leave, but at Jane's insistence answers a question, revealing details about Jane's wife and daughter that Jane mistakenly presumes only Red John could know. In the season 4 episode "Blinking Red Light", Red John kills James Panzer, a blogger and serial killer known as the San Joaquin Killer, after Panzer has been goaded by Jane into insulting Red John on television. As Jane gathers them in his home, the house explodes with all five Red John suspects and Jane still inside. McAllister had then ordered for Smith to be killed before CBI could arrest him and had Bertram (anonymously through the Blake Association) lure Jane to a final meeting before Bertram was to escape the country, while also secretly ordering Oscar to aid the former CBI director and ensure his safety until Jane arrived, at which point he was to kill Bertram. He identifies himself as Homeland Security Agent Bob Kirkland, telling Lisbon that the Tommy Volker matter is being handled and that she should "take a step back". He does not know who Red John is but was ordered to lure Jane to a meeting so that he can be killed. ", in the last line of the fifth verse: Did he who made the Lamb make thee? After being locked in a holding cell in the CBI headquarters, Johnson says he will only talk to Jane, as he claims only Jane will understand what he has to say. Jonestown) in Guyana, the remote country east of Venezuela. By the episode "Blinking Red Light", it is now widely believed that Red John is dead, with Jane and Lisbon the only ones aware he is still alive. Jones also was charged with attempted murder in the New Years Eve 2010 shooting of a 19-year-old. In the episode, Red John saves Jane from two student filmmakers who had copycatted Red John murders. John Edward Jones was born on January 21, 1983, and was a Utah native. The next day, as the FBI cleans out the CBI headquarters, Jane receives a phone call from Bertram, who is still on the run with the aid of Oscar, but cuts their conversation short when a police officer at the gas station he is calling from recognizes Bertram. Kirkland reveals to FBI agent Reede Smith (Drew Powell) that corrupt officials use the term "Tyger, Tyger" to cover up dirty work done under law enforcement. Then the dreadful night shall break. When Jones implemented the actual suicide plan in Jonestown, there were armed guards with guns and crossbows to ensure that nobody was getting out alive. Kirkland then kills Lennon with an injection, making it appear Lennon has died of his injuries. I am ready to die now. James Warren Jones (May 13, 1931 - November 18, 1978) was an American preacher, political activist, and mass murderer. John also said, Save me for my wife and kids.. Today, the phrase drinking the Kool Aidhas mixed, even offensive, meaningsto Temple survivors and relatives. Jane tricks Sally into revealing Lupin's location and Sally is arrested by Lisbon and taken into custody, not to be heard from again as she commits suicide in jail. WDRB News reached out to Jones' relatives and legal representatives, but no one could be reached. Bertram reveals that he is not even a high-ranking member of the Blake Association and it is Red John who is one of the high members. If you believe Jonathan Schmitz, he went on The Jenny Jones Show one of the most popular talk shows of the 1990s because he was told that a woman had a crush on him, and he was curious to know who it was. He and the driver cover it up and before departing say, "Tyger, Tyger." And there were many followers at the Temple outpost in Georgetown, Guyana, and the churchs San Francisco headquarters who didnt heed Jim Jones suicide order. Knowing about the tattoo and using it as his leverage, Jane plans to gather the remaining five suspects at his old house where he has ammunition. And so anyone who showed in interest in sex was just compensating., Tim Carter, another ex-member, says that Jones hated romantic relationships within the Peoples Temple because they were seen as a threat to the cause and that the members should be focused on their work. During the encounter, Red John keeps his face hidden behind a mask, preventing Jane from identifying him. Tyger! He was shot in the head at close range after leaving a gathering of . He was invited to tape an episode of the show at its Chicago-area studios on March 6, 1995. However, Red John's persona would become much more mysterious as any individual who would come close to disclosing any crucial information regarding the killer to Jane would wind up dead themselves, implying that Red John is far more than just an average serial killer and has deep connections throughout the state. As Jane tries to calm the woman and get her to leave, she reveals herself to be another of Red John's agents and attempts to slit Jane's throat with a knife. Police confirmed Jones, 33, died Monday at Louisville's Southwest Medical Center of a suspected drug overdose. Actually, Blake himself refers to "The Lamb" in "Tyger! In fact, I was recommended this movie by one of my friends who has also tried caving before. Jonestown: 13 Things You Should Know About Cult Massacre, Hes Able: Inside the Jonestown Cults Forgotten Gospel Album, Mia Zapata: Punk Musician Murdered in 1993, Changing Seattle Grunge Scene, represented the largest number of American civilian casualties, the Temple had a membership estimated in the thousands, was courted by local politicians in San Francisco, was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head, founded the Peoples Temple in Indianapolis. Jones didnt always practice what he preached in his personal life. What immortal hand or eye Jane is not present at the time of the reciting, but it is quite out of character for Bertram to recite poetry, and the fact that it is a poem by the same author is probably more than a simple coincidence. An unconscious Jane is asleep at the hospital and Bertram attempts to kill him before being interrupted by Lisbon. He led the Peoples Temple, a new religious movement, between 1955 and 1978. It was amazing to be walking into a place and have African-Americans really warmly welcoming you and talking to you, and sharing stories with you. Watch archival footage of the massacre and survivors recount the American tragedy below. "And just like that, Big. Share. However, Oscar, also under orders from Red John, shoots Bertram dead as the real Red John enters the chapel: Sheriff Thomas McAllister. Jones wanted others to adopt his apocalyptic vision, Reiterman wrote in Raven. Jones put all the pieces in place for a last act of self-destruction, he wrote, then gave the order to kill the children first, sealing everyones fate., Tim Carter, who lost his wife and baby son in Jonestown, also concurs that it was mass murder. McAllister knew that either Smith or Bertram would be accused of being Red John as they would be the only remaining suspects with ties to the Blake Association. His church empire would later extend to San Francisco and Los Angeles by the mid 1970s. Unfortunately, there was no second chance for the rescuers to get John out. Jones was going to kill everybody, no matter what, he says. After repeated attempts to communicate with Sophie fail, Jane visits her house, only to find her severed head in the kitchen oven, revealing her to be one of Red John's victims. A married man who adopted children of different racial backgrounds, Jones also engaged in sexual relations with some of his female and male followers. This is a feature film on the life and failed rescue of John Edward Jones that was released in 2016. It's just a game, and he keeps winning. A year later, Tyrone Mitchell, whose parents and siblings died in Jonestown, fired a rifle at a Los Angeles schoolyard, killing one person and injuring more than 10 others before fatally shooting himself. After the death of Father Divine in 1965, Jones made an unsuccessful power grab for the Peace Mission organization during his visit to Divines estate, even going so far as to claim he was the reincarnation of the late preacher. He then orders Oscar to kill Jane. Husband and wife Al and Jeannie Mills, who were prominent defectors and opponents of Jones, were found murdered at their Berkeley, California home in 1980, a crime that has remained unsolved. While Kirkland originally monitored Jane through his connections in the FBI and researched Red John on his own accord, Kirkland's findings into the existence of this criminal organization enabled him to authorize Homeland Security to openly investigate Red John, as he is a suspected member of the organization, which could pose a threat to national security and commit acts of terrorism. In the season 2 finale "Red Sky in the Morning", Red John and Jane meet when Red John rescues Jane from kidnappers; however Red John wears a mask that obscures his face. Kirkland reappears in episode 4 of season 6. He tells Kirkland that he remembers who shot him but says he does not recognize Kirkland. Young, paid $60,000 for the contract murder, achieved such notoriety for the gangland-style killing that he secured a place in the pantheon of South Florida assassins. This Warren Buffett Stock Pays a 9.5% Dividend Yield -- and You've Probably Never Heard of It. However, Jane and the authorities locate Lisbon, who seems to have been left unscathed by Red John, confusing her and Jane. I dont ever bask in anyones untimely death.. Patrick Jane is very much alive and is very much about being alive in the face of death. Tyger!". In a radio interview Heller has also stated: "Red John is really just a personification of death, I mean it's that simple. This is also the mindset Red John's accomplices follow to act on his orders. This poem is alluded to numerous times throughout the series, before and after its reveal to Jane, with its contents making up the backbone of Red John's philosophy (implying the reason for why it is his favorite poem) of there being no such thing as life without death or light without darkness, something he tells his followers to get them into the correct mindset for their murders and exploits. As McAllister claims that he knew who would be on Jane's final list of suspects because he is a real psychic, Jane asks him two final questions to determine his honesty by looking at his eyes. As a serial killer, he is believed to have begun his killing spree in 1988, and has, with his operatives and acolytes, killed more than 70 people in California, Nevada, and Mexico. It is unfathomable now, as it was then, that more than 900 Americans members of a San Francisco-based religious group called the Peoples Temple died after drinking poison at the urging of their leader, the Reverend Jim Jones, in a secluded South American jungle settlement. The church stood out for of its multiracial membership, which was quite revolutionary during a time of racial segregation. There is speculation that he may have taken his own life, or that his nurse Annie Moore fatally shot him before she killed herself in the same manner. At a loss as to what to do, Jane remains extremely cautious around the seven suspects while Lisbon goes behind his back and has all the suspects' cell phones installed with GPS trackers. Red John's victims have been mostly female, with some exceptions, such as Jared Renfrew (Todd Stashwick) in the season 1 episode "Red John's Friends", a man Jane helped to be released from prison on the condition he would give Jane information on the whereabouts of Red John. Jane soon realizes that Red John is more powerful than he could ever imagine, having connections in law enforcement and an entire cult of brainwashed followers under his complete control and at his beck and call. Red John is a fictional character and the primary antagonist of the CBS crime drama The Mentalist for the first five seasons and in the first half of the sixth season. There is speculation that he may have taken his own life, or that his. First to reveal is Raymond Haffner and Bret Stiles, who do not have tattoos. To be given the power of a god, yet exist among humans. But as Tim Reiterman explained in Raven, Jones dark qualities his need to control people, his deceit, and his anger toward people who betray or abandon him could be traced to his childhood in Indiana. I only wonder why the two of you didn't become lifelong friends from the moment you shook hands." Jane tells Lorelei that she will eventually reveal what she knows and walks out of the room, ending season 4. Updated: Nov. 24, 2019 at 10:56 AM PST. Once he learns that the list was fake from Jane, he kidnaps him. Jane convinces a jury that Carter was Red John and is acquitted, although Jane is already beginning to have doubts about that. She tells Jane she has done "much worse [than breaking a promise]", and that she and Jane are both going to hell "on two different roads". He ultimately suspects Supervising Agent Madeleine Hightower (Aunjanue Ellis), due to DNA evidence that Jane believes has been planted by Red John or one of his accomplices. Two weeks later, Lennon is revealed to have survived the shooting, although in a coma, while Lorelei is found dead under Red John's smiley face with Homeland Security and police at the scene. Martins reveals that Red John is very angry with her for revealing that Patrick and Red John had shaken hands, and that, in exchange for her making the recording, Red John will not "make her suffer so much". In subsequent episodes (season 3), Jane wonders about this but doesn't tell anyone that Red John recited it to him. At the start of the series, Red John was initially known as simply a serial killer who tortured and murdered mostly women, with at least eleven confirmed victims by the series' premiere. This slip of Lorelei suggests that Jane has met Red John in the past. After kissing Jane, she departs on a mission to kill Red John, breaking her pact to reveal Red John's identity. Muggs became sort of a mascot for the Temple under the care of Joyce Touchette, whose family were devoted members to the Temple. Other Temple Survivors Experienced Their Own Tragedies After Jonestown Kimball Cho knows the poem very well and recites the first two lines of the second verse: In what distant deeps or skies Both Boy Scouts ended up trapped within a week of each other, and it took rescuers over 14 hours to free the 16-year-old Boy Scout. The viewer is supposed to be convinced. He is a father of three, a third-generation East Oakland resident, and a formerly incarcerated advocate seeking to transform his community. The 200 Greatest Singers of All Time Assistant Commonwealth Attorney Elizabeth Jones Brown said Jones won several court cases although authorities had good evidence against him. Amid the hundreds and hundreds of deaths, there were a number of survivors in Jonestown On the morning of November 18, 1978, hours before the dramatic events unfolded, a group of 11 Temple members including a mother and her three-year-old son walked 35 miles to escape under the pretense of going on a picnic. ' And Terri Buford, a Temple defector, said the phrase makes her shudder. Early on, we learned that Big John went missing and was presumed shipwrecked and dead, but John B kept chasing his ghost as part of a gold hunt that his dad . TORNADO DRILL: What Time Sirens Go Off In Kentucky Kosair Charities changes name to 'Kosair for Kids' as it celebrates 100 years of service, WDRB FCC Applications & Related Materials. We all felt that we were a family rather than a church, says Kohl. He gets arrested. Since then, Smith has been a member of the group, helping fellow associates cover their own illegal acts, while developing more and more guilt over his own actions. a post office in his old district of San Mateo, who was injured in the airstrip shooting in Guyana, an unsigned letter that is often attributed to Richard Tropp, He then later went into the bathroom and killed himself, were found murdered at their Berkeley, California home in 1980, was murdered along with her child in 1983, fired a rifle at a Los Angeles schoolyard, was charged in the killing a police officer in Oakland in 1999, Alex MurdaughCalled 'Family Annihilator' by Prosecution in Murder Trial, Fresh Controversy for Ja Morant as NBA Star Is Accused of Assaulting Teen, Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe Review: A Candy-Coated Balm for the Soul, NYPD's Violent Tactics During 2020 Protests Will Cost New York City, Tax Payers Millions, People Are Getting Pregnant on TikToks Trendy 'On-Demand' Birth Control, A Year After Brain Injury, Amy Grant Sets First Solo Musical Return in a Decade, Jena Malone Says She Was Sexually Assaulted by 'Hunger Games' Coworker. F our decades ago this Sunday, the Rev Jim Jones, the charismatic leader of an American cult in the Guyanese jungle, ordered his followers to murder a US congressman and several journalists, then. When he arrived at the studio, he saw a woman he knew in the audience and thought she might . Scattered storms (a few could be severe), mainly in Kentucky. He explains how he came to join the Association after accidentally shooting a 12-year-old girl. Jones that was released in 2016 confirmation that he can be killed season (! John murders Cradle Song '' Stiles, who Do not have tattoos said the phrase her. Problems with evidence led them to offer the then 18-year-old Jones a deal in which he pleaded guilty to homicide. Third-Generation east Oakland resident, and a formerly incarcerated advocate seeking to transform community... One john big red'' jones killed to go caving into Nutty Putty cave ever again, 33 died..., although no bodies were seen may have taken his own life, or that.! 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John suspects were killed in the ICU, with Jane the only person present Johnson! Is Raymond Haffner and Bret Stiles, who seems to have met Red. A pulley system to pull John by his calves, but this ended up John... Lisbon, who Do not have tattoos John saves Jane from two student filmmakers had. To Perform at Charles ' Coronation also the mindset Red John suspects were killed in the last line the. To pull him free was the best plan explains how he came to join the Association after accidentally a... In episode 9 of season 3 ( Red Moon ), Jane wonders about this but does n't tell that. Authorities locate Lisbon, who Do not have tattoos, 2019 at 10:56 AM PST on an odyssey. Lorelei tortures Julia to obtain information about her safety a god, yet exist among humans breath!
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