So I think that would be my one. Right. Maybe it's your idea, you thought about this whole thing, uh, you pitched this whole thing, um, you convince somebody that this is the right path and now you're doing it right. Nadiem: yeah, when, when things are bad, you have to, yeah. Things like an organization's expectations, vision, philosophy, image, interactions within the office and outside of the office also define what the organization . Nadiem: like it creates these moats. And I think that kind of like ties us all together. Right and we made the requirement that product groups, my share with other product groups and then functional groups, my share with other functional groups and there was a minimum requirement. So let's not talk about how to mitigate the risk, but what's the payoff at the end? Just like saving a dollar every day. And that inherently blocks bottom up because it means that the people under this person can rise up because then they never get the credit that they deserve. Many companies seek to create cultures that are productive and foster a positive work environment. I think coming in year three, four, five and then 10 years is exponentially greater. That's dangerous because it doesn't allow for that focus that, that can then really build something that's sustainably advantageous or sustainably great. It can be anyone who just wants to have a sense of contribution. Uh, rather than thinking about, you know, building an enduring company or in doing business. OKRs are Objectives, Key Results. Innovation Solve problems at scale. Top down isn't about being a, uh, you know, like a tyrant. Like, like everyone will agree that yes, absolutely we should do that. Yes. Like, I mean, growing up I think we all were, and then, and, kids who probably question authority. And I think, you know, really kind of taking a step back and thinking like how, what are the things that really matter? Right. It's basically another word for our target setting and goal setting. What does that mean in terms of real business performance? I think that's dangerous, right? Um, so it's very easy to kind of look at, I'll look at these valuation numbers, look up the money raised, uh, look at, you know, revenue or users or are all of these numbers which are important. Um, that process not involving your one downs in that process is basically the first, it's like the original sin. It was good. And then feeling that loss of control by just having things happen to them instead of them driving the change that they want to see in their work, is fundamentally different experience of working because then you're, you're really owning it, right. Right. Their most recent investment was on May 12, 2021, when CEO PT. Gojek (ditulis bergaya sebagai goek, sebelumnya ditulis GO-JEK) merupakan sebuah perusahaan teknologi asal Indonesia yang melayani angkutan melalui jasa ojek. And so having that empathy is key instead of having a more kind of inward looking part about what your team is obsessed with or passionate about and that's hard to do. The app is used for food ordering, commuting, digital payments, shopping, hyper-local . That's a short term. I know it seems kind of like, I dunno, uh, almost administrative in a way, but I think those details of like, oh, this is infused in the way we do performance management. And I, yeah, I can't, I mean obviously there's multiple videos sharing kind of companies being started with niches. I experienced that not only throughout my childhood and I got into trouble in high school a few times by being too argumentative with some of my ideas to my teachers, but I feel like, in the beginning stages of my professional life, I was also so many ideas came to my mind that everyone just kind of dismissed because I had no track record or anything like that. GO FIGURE is a podcast dedicated to expose the inner workings of ambitious tech companies in the emerging world. We know for a fact that is there is no finish line and its a continuous journey to achieve amazing things and changing millions of lives for the better. Read writing about Culture in Life at Gojek. I mean, I think, I mean without naming, you know, specific things that we've done, there's definitely been a few big things that we've done. But if you anchor your solution first and they're constantly going to be having to beat your solution and have the confidence and they have to have the confidence to actually try to beat your solution, which is a huge mental hurdle given that you're their boss when they actually did have a solution, but they are like, if I see this now, you know, am I going to make him feel like his solution isn't the best? And you instantly saw the energy in the room whereby it wasn't just leader saying, oh, I like that. Fantastic for short term but disastrous for long term. Their latest funding was raised on May 10, 2021 from a Corporate Round round. Nadiem: Same exact thing. If you just set from top down that, that direction without actually taking in the feedback and inputs of each of those key leads under you, I think that's where the beginning of the end, you know, like that's where you start losing credibility, you start losing trust and you start losing motivation. Right? Nadiem: Yeah. Kevin: Yeah, yeah. A lot of painful activities that don't deliver fruits that are obvious are more painful than beneficial in the short run. The CEO of Gojek shares his lessons of creating a principled culture, managing organizational debt, and building true moats. But without that requirement to share the key results, then you'll never get credit for it. Ada 5 perusahaan yang dirangkum ACT Consulting yang termasuk dalam kategori memiliki budaya kerja yang menarik dan sehat. Google is home to countless communities of unique people. The level of interdependency is so high is that you have to be a creative problem solver in order to be an effective leader. The earlier that you invest in these, the more powerfully they will manifest in the company's future. We've run out of time, but you know, we could go on for hours about. And the leader immediately says, yeah, yeah, yeah, we can do that. Right? I think is really kind of the, marker of you know, whether or not, you know, companies and individuals are serious about this. But, um, when you just kind of see that that is the, that as the ultimate objective, the be all end all, um, it becomes easy then, you know, when you're building a company to just optimize for those things and what are the things that get you those things immediately? To shape the culture of cross-functional learning which primarily benefits the participants to gain knowledge and skills from the experts in Gojek to progress in their careers To build relationships across the Design team and Gojek wider organization And to facilitate the designers develop mentoring skills. Ride-hailing giant Gojek and marketplace Tokopedia, Indonesia's two biggest startups, said on Monday they have combined their businesses to form GoTo Group, the largest technology group in the . And those can also be sources of insight as to maybe these are other things that we should consider focusing on maybe during the next quarter or the next half these are when like, uh, these are when problems, that we didn't realize were problems, suddenly surface, right? Right? And this is a theme around focus. The culture consists of an established framework that guides workplace behavior. I feel exactly the same. I just got a hint of how it's taking a step back and managing this process between very talented people could produce better results and a little part of musical sad. The Dynamic Culture (DC) team, headed by Sam Diah, had never encountered such an emergency. From my personal experience, a lot of companies talk about being people first, but most dont practice the mindset of what it takes to be truly people first. Clocks 3,600x growth in 18 months. Like, you know, we have this feature that, you know, we've been working on know for a long time. Yeah. Motto: "We're all in this together.". We are here because of each other. Right? And so if you kind of focus too much on the what and the output here, which is just like all me, uh, then the easiest thing to do is just for, it's for me to always make it look like, you know, I'm the person who has all the ideas and the execution to my boss. According to MomentumWorks, this is the structure of the board of directors: Founders CEO and founder Nadiem Makarim who holds 58,416 shares, accounting for 4.81% of the total shares. Researchers - Global UXAlliance, Usaria, and Somia CX. And I think more importantly, why did you think that this was, this is something that is actually different than just kind of just saying like, hey guys, collaborating. Right? And so for the next cycle if this actually is a systemic problem across the whole company or across multiple different, uh, teams, then we can decide to tackle it together as a group right. Understanding and interpreting organizational culture is important, as it affects organizational development, productivity, and learning at all levels. Uh, I think, uh, it's easy to think that you're doing things the right way when the what is, you know, all you care about, right? That's a really good reflection of it. And what's bad about that is then, uh, information, uh, that is necessary for better decision making. We've invested a lot of time and effort in, and I think they actually you know pretty good in and of themselves, but you know, whether or not they're really impactful, whether or not they're really worth the effort was debatable. Kevin: Yup. Well, what for you, it's when, you know, you're trying to, when you're trying to raise something, right? If you just focus on output numbers, then at a certain point, those output numbers like revenues, sustainability, all of this other stuff might go down over time if you're not investing in the long term leading indicators of health in an organization. I look at all these great things that this thing can do now, but, right. Right. Right. Kevin: I think for me, I agree with everything that you said. You can see this happening in our every day conversations. And what's really interesting about it is that all these hows have no short term payoffs. Google follows the corporate culture. Nadiem: I think that's what, that's the theme that we wanted to talk today. Evaluate. We're all about that. And some people were more courageous in this than others, but I thought that was a very powerful moment where let's not talk about what we're going to do. Company Profile is an initiative by StartupTalky to publish verified information on different startups and organizations. And you're beat, you're there. It's so complicated. Yup. Everyone, you know, media is writing about, look at all this amazing stuff. Culture as organizational personality Right? Yeah. Right? And this can be a very powerful thing when combined with bottom up innovation because what truly matters to the user. That should be like a fundamental kind of mechanism that happens. But that enabled this OKR setting process to be much more bottom up. That does not necessarily mean like for the user for example, but that's the most important thing for them. Build shared values. I think the second thing is making sure that you talk to those leaders, talk to their subordinates during the planning and OKR setting. We like to talk about things we like and talk about things we don't like. Right? Gojek | 832.890 pengikut di LinkedIn. For me it's when they're trying to raise something to me, right? I think, I think those two actually, you know are necessary for the other, right? So you could see immediately when you had to share targets together and you have to share budget together, powerful stuff happens. For us at GO-JEK, culture is a collective philosophy about how to build products that change lives. And this is where it also gets tricky. We really love innovation. Uh, it could also mean that as a, as a leader, they want to take all the credit for themselves. Disney' Organizational Structure Walt Disney Company has five segments in businesses- media, entertainment, parks and resorts, consumer products, and media network. That's a really hard thing to save for I would say anyone. And therein lies the scientific and very rational approach is extremely important. 2019 is really about the how. Uh, but then at the time our structure was not appropriate for, you know, those types of. For me, its the people. Not only did we do that, we also created a minimum requirement of budgetary spend between product groups to I think very, very radical requirements that in some ways jumpstart or force or jumpstart the collaborative effort of the organization. Because they're closer to the problems. Thats one of the fastest in the world. The recommendations are just amazing, right? I think there's also oftentimes that question from, from a lot of folks who then, you know, or might be resistant towards this idea, it inherently kind of challenges, um, maybe, you know, traditional notions of what somebody in a leadership position should be doing. Um, got everything done on time and really over, uh, over achieved on, on the targets, um, and was constantly being yes, man throughout that whole process. I think that part is, I think, um, the next step of really kind of instituting these philosophies that generally sound good. Yeah. And it's hard. So there is a massive risk in encouraging bottom up innovation if disparate teams are not communicating and talking to each other and aligning what to do in that bottom up innovation. What Gojek does to manage culture within the organisation is by understanding that culture is the lifeblood and backbone of everything they do, supported by having the proper fundamentals such as vision, mission, and statements. Right. It's been horrible. This has been a contentious kind of battle. Um, and so, uh, I think, uh, they are inherently kind of, um, I guess those so called leaps of faith because it's so easy to kind of just brush them aside. Because to me that implies that either A the team's that team's ideas are being suppressed. Because it's easy to say, oh, those things don't matter and it's easy. The more that people below you come up with better ideas, the more you know you're on the right path. Org Chart GoJek - The Official Board Board N-1 N-2 CEO Kevin Aluwi Move CFO Thomas Husted Move Finance, Accounting & Tax J. I think this was an interesting one because intuitively of course, do you agree like, Oh yeah, of course we should foster collaboration of course. Company Type For Profit. Uh, yeah. My name is Nadiem Makarim, CEO and founder of GOJEK Southeast Asia's first Super App. So make those painful moves early. And that's okay. Oh. A great way to understand an organization is to ask, Why should someone work there?. Because we know the risks you slowed down. Twitter. And then suddenly like a product just like leaps in terms of just quality, uh, you know, about like a year or two years after that. Yeah. I think the habit of just like, hey, like, let's do this. And then we come to the third kind of strategic theme, which is be the best at what matters. And who can drive things forward at all leadership levels, whether it's team leader, product leader, department leader, you name it. Because you know, when you're juggling, and I think we're all guilty of this, in many, many ways around thinking that hey, we can do it all as a company, as, as leadership. Nadiem: Fear and money. Right. If you liked it, please hit like, subscribe and follow us on social media. Sebagai Yeah. Investment Stage Late Stage Venture. Right? And finally when we're talking about what exactly they're doing, being the best at what matters means. . Right. And I know that, you know, out of those things, like I'm probably doing like, I don't know, like four or five of those things pretty, pretty okay. It's all fun and Games until you get that decision wrong. I can't, I can't tell you how many times. There was less of uncertainty in terms of what people should be doing, right? Nadiem: It's not how quickly they get it done. Right. If you kind of look at the universe of companies. Nadiem: Right. Nadiem: And so let's talk a little bit about, I want to talk a little bit about what we actually did right in the organization to pay tribute to this bottom up innovation. Category - Community and Industry Engagement. It's about being the best at what truly matters, which is about a focus. And here's where it gets really tricky. Gojek has the principle of adopting the most generous interpretation in the different jurisdiction they have. Intro: Welcome to GO FIGURE. And what's the difference between thought leadership and just being really good at execution? And I think the ownership comes because it's your idea, right? And that when things don't, when things don't go wrong sorry when things don't go right or when things go wrong, you don't blame other people, right? GoTo's ecosystem comprises of on-demand transport, e-commerce, food and grocery delivery, logistics and fulfillment, and . And I think for most bosses it's easy to fall into that trap as well. Kevin: And so you see like the, that payoff, right? So this is one of the most fascinating discoveries that I had is that actually cascading KPIs. Like you, you need these self-driven individuals who are proactively finding the solution as opposed to simply executing it. Were dedicated to creating (and scaling) positive socio- economic impact for our ecosystem of users. We didn't just say, you know, build bridges, break walls and then not back it up by anything. I was just labeled a dreamer all the time. And so, you know, the ownership is also it's not just about kind of like being, you know, the first on the ground if you know there are issues. Let's talk about that because if the payoff is not worth it, then why are we even doing this? Because you understand the whole logic of like, why you made these decisions. When people feel comfortable in a space, when they . Kevin: Yup. And that just doesn't work. Does it, you mean do people actually care? It's a very small, it's very small nuance, but yet critical. Um, uh, became, it morphed into top down because in order to, in a top down into, I would say a negative way because you know, in order to be able to influence with a hundred percent certainty, like hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of people, you have to be extremely forceful, right? But for either reason, it just keeps guessing what I want to do next. Because it's like, okay, like clearly, you know, I am responsible for something. Every CEO needs a trusted advisor with whom they can discuss their business and thoughts to enhance performance and reduce stress . Gojek didirikan dengan prinsip menggunakan teknologi untuk memudahkan kehidupan sehari-hari dengan menghubungkan konsumen ke penyedia barang dan jasa terbaik di pasar. Some of the mistakes are like people choosing, what they want to be the best, at what they're currently good at. So, you know, I love what you said about trade offs gotta hurt for it to be meaningful. . Its not unusual for a person to move teams to pick up a technology theyre interested i,n or pair on solving a common problem. Yeah, just can't do everything. Nadiem: Because my performance is judged based on how well I execute what my boss told me to do. Do you understand what the objective was? It's gonna be what where we are going to do or be our best at. Thought leadership means actually thinking on your own two feet and being able to come up with solutions that are better than whatever your boss tells you. You want to be the best that what truly matters must be passion agnostic. Primary Focus: Mentorship and teamwork. It's also because they are inherently hard decisions and, and um, it'll never, these things will never seem kind of urgent to implement. And they adopted that policy around all of our markets. Once their solutions have come up, you can then bring your solutions to the table and then that's a free and open, transparent marketplace of ideas. That's just noise. Hmm. You're great for short term. As a pioneer, Go-Jek has to gain consumer . Gojek has made 13 investments. And the third is some material incentive, right. And it's amazing that you kind of see a company publicly say that, oh, we're going to do this. Yeah. Kevin: I think for, especially for companies that are seeing good growth, I think it's particularly problematic because. As individuals and as a team, we never let ourselves get too comfortable whether its about knowing a piece of technology, scaling for hyper-growth or achieving new milestones every day. And so I think for the listeners here, this is about, you know, especially for people who are starting out, um, their own companies or are starting a tech division within their company, etc. 1. And look, hey, you're a new father, right? Category - Community and Industry Engagement. An organizational structure is a visual representation of what employees do, who they report to, and how business decisions are made. Organizational change expert Jim Hemerling thinks adapting your business in today's constantly-evolving world can be invigo. Once, because most problems are unknown problems. Listed Fortunes favorite again! "Organizational culture defines a jointly shared description of an organization from within." Bruce Perron Culture is a process of "sense-making" in organizations. Right. I think, I agree with you, but I do think that, for me, I apply this to everyone, not just people who are leading people. This person's been crushing it. Right? Almost like the majority of the time when I go and accidentally stumble it and one of their teammates somewhere else over lunch or coffee or something like that, I'm gonna ask, hey, how you're doing? Great place to work, but issues with bad HR policies, frequent layoffs, and slow pace of execution. We've invested so much time and effort. You want the person closest to the user or to the problem to actually decide what truly matters. Kevin: And in a company that's rapidly growing, shit is always hitting the fan. And I think one, one thing that we've seen here and we've seen, uh, here in GOJEK, uh, but also here in the region and actually, you know, all around the world, uh, is actually, you know, the whole bottom up versus top down thing. It's like, okay, if I am the leader here, I am the most senior person within this group of other people and I am not the one who's coming up with the ideas and I am not the one that's getting credit for making the right calls or coming up with the right ideas, then what is my value? Like usually I just saw it when like people linked me a video and I watched it and then I just bounced. And the what you know, is easy to validated are those, you know, those numbers, uh, those, uh, those media stories are easy to kind of, um, it's easy to see that, oh, that's kind of the, uh, the, the objective. And around prioritization. It's like the favorite catch word. What makes a difference, though, is that each of us is willing to try. Crosses 190 million app downloads. Nadiem: Yeah. Gojek is founded on the principle of using technology to remove life's daily frictions by connecting consumers to the best providers of goods and services in the market. You could still be somebody who's driving, you know, something, uh, executing an idea as an individual contributor that you know, is also given a lot of leeway to, to kind of, you know, have ambitious goals. Spreads wings across Vietnam and Thailand. I guess processes if you will. Kevin: Yeah. And I think what ended up happening was a lot of people ended up becoming more or less engaged. Oh, I love this feature. Evaluate. Nadiem: Which is super hard, being in a tech company with running like hundreds of experiments at the same time, by default, things have to fail.The majority of things have to fail. But I recently, I think over maybe over the past year, I've recently been totally hooked on YouTube. But the reason why we believe in them is because for the parts of the units of the organization that we did apply these principles. Right? GOJEK achieves robust growth and expands at scale and speed across Southeast Asia with a data-powered business strategy. An organization's core values describe how group members should treat one another, how employees can expect to be treated, and what central values everyone at the company shares. That's right. And I think in large scale organizations think about themselves as a facilitator role within that and manage the process, set the ground rules, here's the rules of the game here are the parameters, here's the targets you've got to share, here's the budgets you got to share. A peek into our culture, values, people, principles and stories that make us who we are a step better than yesterday. Kevin: So I think, I think in the early stages, it's, um, in the early stages, it's, it's really easy to do a top down without feeling bad about it. We occupy 3 floors of a building in Bangalore's Diamond. Either that or entertainment. Right? Description of Gojek. You don't have a top down a way of working. It was just very dynamic. You only figure that out later, right. Operations expand beyond Jakarta. So that very act of just delaying. This is a highly collaborative work environment where every individual is valued and communication is a top priority. Let's talk about what we're not going to do. Long term success takes a lot of sacrifice in the short term. Kevin: Yeah. They have to be painful for it to mean something in the organization. Right. It's rare, but it is possible. WeWork Calle 26 # 92-32 in Bogota, Colombia. That's it. I think this is true for, but I think a lot of the things that we say actually I don't think when you talk about it at a, at a high level, right. And the first one, organizational investments. Pamela Chan Sep 23, 2022 4 min read Culture From the East to West and back: Meet Giri Kuncoro Well, some of the risk is that you actually slow down some of the key initiatives because you realize that other teams require, you sacrifice a little bit of your ego in a team in exchange for helping out a partner group or buddy elsewhere. That's something that people consistently come up against. Number of Exits 3. For a product designer, Gojek is a great place to be. Just that, that little tell. Um, I think it's very easy to fall in love with, you know, your solutions and your ideas or the things that you know, you particularly good at or you've, what you've been doing for a while. GOJEK does ride hailing, food delivery, payments even on demand massages. Like I've seen this be a pretty consistent theme where you know, I'm always shocked when I hear the amount of effort and depth a lot of your leaders I've seen in many other companies put into their people put in to their organization that don't have like payoffs this week or next month or might be at best to be something like, oh, next quarter, you know, this is going to be great. You name it we do it. Instead going, look, I've noticed that we have an acute allocation, we have an acute supply problem in this specific geography, can you please take a look at it and come up with some solutions on what you think we should do here? GET allows me to have initiative and be creative. Nadiem: Well did I think, I think we've covered a lot of ground here. Um, yeah. But without that process, we wouldn't have known. And I think courage to believe that those unsexy, slower, more painful investments you put into your organizations will ultimately lead to far longer successful run, and in a much more sustainable way. Kevin: Yeah. Nadiem: And that ownership, everyone keeps talking about ownership like it's the greatest thing alive. GOJEK'S ORGANIZATIONAL PRINCIPALS Banyak startup yang focus pada short term matriks seperti revenue, valuasi ataupun growth. We are here to bring #impactatscale through technology | Gojek is Southeast Asia's leading on-demand platform and a pioneer of the multi-service ecosystem model, providing access to a wide range of services including transportation, food delivery, logistics and more. You might have solutions in your head and that's fine. Especially because, you know when the, then the company is like 30 people all in the same room, even top down doesn't feel very top down, right? Nadiem: You don't have to be an asshole. Being given that freedom to even as an individual contributor to kind of figure it out and actually deliver something great, I think is definitely the kind of people that, you know, we try and have more and more of and we just kind of people that we want to appreciate because of, through this policy. Fully engaged employees are far more likely to be satisfied, motivated, and committed to their work and . We all do our bit to make sure it's transparent and open to innovation. Test. A strong organizational culture reflects employee values and helps enterprise companies thrive. Among Indonesias Top 10 Powerful Brands at Brand Asia awards. Yeah. Right? Culture matters because it boosts productivity, agility, employee engagement, and innovation. I think one is, um, people then, um, don't think they don't think, because like, oh, my boss told me to do it right. Right? Di antaranya : 1. Just a little sad because, because it's like I used to deliver good results, but when realizing at a certain scale when a leader realizes, you just can't, you cannot compete with the collective creativity of your teams. Google. Right. Are more painful than beneficial in the different jurisdiction they have did I think for most bosses it easy... Question authority than yesterday theme, which is be the best at to mitigate the risk, then! The, that payoff, right, shopping, hyper-local our ecosystem of users kategori memiliki budaya kerja menarik... Generous interpretation in the organization love what you said thinks adapting your business in today #... Subscribe and follow us on social media culture reflects employee values and helps companies! 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