foolish or self-destructive with a gun and those who surely will not. [55] Journalist John Stossel explained, Criminals dont obey the law Without the fear of retaliation from victims who might be packing heat, criminals in possession of these [illegal] weapons now have a much easier job As the saying goes, If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. Second Amendment has been liberally interpreted doesnt prevent any of us from 2016 study, gun homicide rates in the United States were 25.3 times higher and gun suicides were 8 times higher in 2010 than in other populous, high-income countries. To access extended pro and con arguments, sources, and discussion questions about whether more gun control laws should be enacted, go to Guns are unnecessary. An UNarmed society can be compelled to most any heinous act by its ARMED government. [44] Japan has a low gun ownership rate at 0.6 guns per 100 people and a high suicide rate of 18.41 suicides per 100,000 people in 1997 (ranking it 11 out of 71 countries). A school shooting- the place which should be reserved for education and knowledge- yet we now have to go through drills and be taught what to do in case a shooter came to our school. Arm teachers and train the kids even better. Women have protection from assault, murder and rape . Every year, people claimed using guns for self defense more than 2 million times; 2. , Jessica Damian, No Comment, February 6, 2023 Chicago, Illinois 60654 USA, Natalie Leppard [45] In 2009 Switzerland had 24 gun homicides (0.31 deaths per 100,000 people) and 253 gun suicides (3.29 deaths per 100,000 people). Introduction. The Second Amendment is not an unlimited right to own guns. And their cartridges are standard hunting calibers, useful for game up to and including deer. [68] According to a Feb. 2013 Pew Research report, 32% of gun owners owned guns for hunting and 7% owned guns for target or sport shooting. And theres the extent to which its just so ingrained that banning guns is Guns, Ammo, Texas Online LTC classes and more. [37] A June 1985 study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that the weapons used [in altercations] were those closest at hand. [38] An editorial published in the June 1985 American Journal of Public Health noted, gun-inflicted deaths [often] ensue from impromptu arguments and fights; in the US, two-thirds of the 7,900 deaths in 1981 involving arguments and brawls were caused by guns. [39] A 1993 study published in The New England Journal of Medicine found that [r]ather than confer protection, guns kept in the home are associated with an increase in the risk of homicide by a family member or intimate acquaintance. [40], None of the 62 mass shootings between 1982 and 2012 was stopped by an armed civilian. [158][160], A Mother Jones investigation found that high-capacity magazines were used in at least 50% of the 62 mass shootings between 1982 and 2012. Current gun control laws are frequently aimed at inner city, poor, black communities who are perceived as more dangerous than white gun owners. There are several reasons why guns should not be banned. Two shootings in the span of eight hours on Tuesday. police. Real guns and real gun knowledge dissipate the fantasies created by violent video games and TV. We the People should make those who think they are in power quake this New Years Eve with an organized and deliberate demonstration of our 2nd Amendment rights. [44][45] Jim Barrett, author for, stated, the theory that the restriction or elimination of guns would have a positive effect on the overall suicide rate in the U.S. does not hold up under scrutiny. [81], 95% of all US gun owners believe that children should learn about gun safety. Whats needed to stop all gun The first time the Court upheld an individual rights interpretation (that individuals have a Constitutional right to own a gun regardless of militia service) of the Second Amendment was the June 26, 2008 US Supreme Court ruling inDC v. Heller. 2023 Gonez Media Inc. All rights reserved. Fourty-one-year-old James Huberty, armed with a long-barreled Uzi, a shotgun and a hand gun, and proceeds to shoot down 21 adults and children at a local McDonald's. The issue is simple either were a country that values human life or were not. If you grew up somewhere in America where gun culture Bang. Studies have Yet in this election, the NDP is the only federal party talking about an outright ban. The idea of banning guns has been raised several times before, but people argue that our police wont be able to protect themselves or get others, and neither will is not discriminatory in this way. guns enter the general population. Civilians today have access to folding, detaching, or telescoping stocks that make the guns more easily concealed and carried; silencers to muffle gunshot sounds; flash suppressors to fire in low-light conditions without being blinded by the flash and to conceal the shooters location; or grenade launcher attachments. [171][172] Firearm-related suicides accounted for 61% of the gun deaths in the United States between 2000 and 2010. Origins of Sexual Orientation, International Civilian Gun Ownership Rates, Leading Causes of Suicide, Homicide, and Unintentional Death. [162] A study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that firearms were the second leading cause of deaths for children, responsible for 15% of child deaths compared to 20% in motor vehicle crashes. I say this not to win some the mentally ill. Ban guns! In January this year, an 18-year-old student gunned down his principal at a school in Gurgaon. nothing more. First, the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the right to keep and bear arms. Real guns and knowledge about real gun dissolve the fantasies created by violent video games and TV. More gun control laws would reduce gun deaths. ], [Editors Note: The MLA citation style requires double spacing within entries. [42] Jeffrey Voccola, Assistant Professor of Writing at Kutztown University, notes, The average gun owner, no matter how responsible, is not trained in law enforcement or on how to handle life-threatening situations, so in most cases, if a threat occurs, increasing the number of guns only creates a more volatile and dangerous situation. [43], Both Switzerland and Finland require gun owners to acquire licenses and pass background checks that include mental and criminal records, among other restrictions and requirements. In fact, 37,5% of the offenders obtained their guns from the streets. Read our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions. position is ultimately aboutpolice not carrying guns, To actually buy a gun, customers have to show proof of honest income, provide references, pass a criminal background check, prove any military duties were completed with honor, and be fingerprinted and photographed. 61% of men and 56% of women surveyed by Pew Research said that stricter gun laws would make it more difficult for people to protect their homes and families. [58] Nelson Lund, JD, PhD, Professor at George Mason University School of Law, stated, The right to self-defense and to the means of defending oneself is a basic natural right that grows out of the right to life and many [gun control laws] interfere with the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves against violent criminals. [59] Constitutions in 37 US states protect the right to bear arms for self-defense, most with explicit language such as Alabamas: every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state. [60][61] Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President of the NRA, stated, The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. [62] A May 9, 2013 48% of convicted felons surveyed admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed with a gun. Progressives who might [71][72][73] Approximately 50,000 guns were recovered by police in Chicago between 2001 and Mar. Mayor David Miller has been taking aim at the feds and is pushing a national handgun ban. [16] In 2010 there were 230 justifiable homicides in which a private citizen used a firearm to kill a felon, compared to 8,275 criminal gun homicides (or, 36 criminal homicides for every justifiable homicide). [8] David H. Chipman, Senior Vice President of Public Safety for ShotSpotter and former Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) agent, stated that a high-capacity magazine turns a killer into a killing machine. [7] Some gang members use high-capacity magazines, such as 30 rounds or even 90 rounds, to compensate for lack of accuracy and maximize the chance to harm. [102] According to a Mar. We use cookies to analyze website traffic and optimize your website experience. Bang. Passing an assault weapons ban might prevent 170 mass shooting deaths a year in the US, experts who support gun control estimate. Former student Nikolas Cruz goes on a shooting spree and killed 17 adults and children. The idea of banning guns has been raised several times before, but people argue that our police wont be able to protect themselves or get others, and neither will we be able to protect ourselves if there is an intruder. Guns are a leading cause of death in the United States. Lets make some noise America! whites, as well as deeply committed to fighting police brutality against blacks All firearms in Canada are supposed to be registered, but no government agency checks firearms removed from the registry because theyve supposedly become inoperable. jesus christ. Productivity losses exceed $1.5 billion. [9] According to a Feb. 2019 NPR poll, 65% of Americans believed banning high-capacity magazines would reduce gun violence. [15], Of the 29,618,300 violent crimes committed between 2007 and 2011, 0.79% of victims (235,700) protected themselves with a threat of use or use of a firearm, the least-employed protective behavior. Armed civilians are unlikely to stop crimes and are more likely to make dangerous situations, including mass shootings, more deadly. relevant case law. The Centers for Disease Control listed firearms as the #12 cause of all deaths between 1999 and 2015, representing 1.3% of total deaths. from Supreme Court interpretations of the Second Amendment. Canada ranks right up there with Israel and Northern Ireland a spine-chilling fifth among 26 industrialized countries in the rate of firearms deaths among children under 15. [10][12] A 2003 study of 23 populous high-income countries found that 86% of women killed by firearms were in the United States and American women are 11.4 times more likely to be the victims of gun homicides [13] 57% of mass shootings involved domestic violence. [154] Guns dont kill people; people kill people. More cops are patrolling the streets than ever before, and crime in all other major categories is down, yet incidents of gun violence keep rising. Ban guns. up next, but also not not because of No person should be less than 100% dependent on authority. speak their minds. Why Should Guns Be Banned? Many gun crimes are the work of inner city gangs and drug dealers . And its not just a gang thing. In exchange, Africans imported guns and gunpowder, textile, spirits, beads, glassware, whisks and tobacco, among other items. Proponents of more gun control laws state that the Second Amendment was intended for militias; that gun violence would be reduced; that gun restrictions have always existed; and that a majority of Americans, including gun owners, support new gun restrictions. simply a cultural tradition to be respected, and not, you know, about owning guns. (The NRA exists!). nationwide? [4] Firearms were the 12th leading cause of deaths for all deaths between 1999 and 2013, responsible for 1.3% of deaths with 464,033 deaths. Gun control laws are just as old or older than the Second Amendment (ratified in 1791). demonstrate that theyre culturally sensitive to the concerns of small-town Syed Rizwan Farook and wife Tafsheen shoot 14 people at the Inland Centre in San Bernadino. A woman's risk of being murdered increases 500% if a gun is present during a domestic dispute. 9. Mexico has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world and yet, in 2012, Mexico had 11,309 gun murders (9.97 gun homicides per 100,000 people) compared to the United States that had 9,146 gun homicides (2.97 per 100,000 people). Patriot Guns & Ammo , Samsa Latif, Comment Closed. 4. gun violence costs taxpayers billions of dollars each year in medical and law enforcement [49] Jonathan Lowy, Director of Legal Action Project at the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, stated, These are weapons that will shred your venison before you eat it, or go through the walls of your apartment when youre trying to defend yourself [they are] made for mass killing, but not useful for law-abiding citizens. [50], The Second Amendment of the US Constitution reads, A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Gun ownership is an American tradition older than the country itself and is protected by the Second Amendment; more gun control laws would infringe upon the right to bear arms. in discussions of whats feasible keeps what needs to happenno more gunsfrom entering the realm of Hows that for ripping a hole in your conventional wisdom? 2. [35] Marjorie Sanfilippo, PhD, Professor of Psychology at Eckerd College who has researched childrens behavior around guns, stated, We put gates around swimming pools to keep children from drowning. of the country where guns are popular. should. What is the governments response to this? wasnt a thing (as is my situation; Im an American living in Canada), or even Some historians suggest that the idea of an individual versus a collective right would not have occurred to theFounding Fathersbecause the two were intertwined and inseparable: there was an individual right in order to fulfill the collective right of serving in the militia. Accessed February 21, 2023., More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws, Born Gay? WebStates (Reasons). It protects the rights of people to keep and bear arms. Remember, Police paperwork is all the protection anyone really needs. Guns cause criminal migration. More than 20 per cent of the 4,000 suicides annually are carried out with firearms. [44] The United States, categorized as having permissive firearm regulation by, ranked first in international gun ownership rates with 88.8 guns per 100 people (about 270,000,000 guns total). [89], Lithuania has one of the worlds lowest gun ownership rates (0.7 guns per 100 people) but its suicide rate (by any method) was 45.06 per 100,000 people in 1999, the highest suicide rate among 71 countries with available information. Hollis Phelps in Salon. [157], There were 572,537 total gun deaths between 1999 and 2016: 336,579 suicides (58.8% of total gun deaths); 213,175 homicides (37.2%); and 11,428 unintentional deaths (2.0%). I used to refer to my position on this issue We have a good supply of semiauto, bolt action rifles and pistols, custom ordered and built to your specifications. The main arguments against banning guns can be summarized as follows: 1. Gun control laws would prevent citizens from protecting themselves from foreign invaders. The Second Amendment was intended to protect the right of militias to own guns, not the right of individuals. As if gun ownership were In gun free zones people dont believe in self-defence that is why they ban weapons. It doesnt take specialized expertise in 6.) A 23-year-old student called Seung Hui-Cho kills 32 people in two separate locations at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg. [48] The Second Amendment was written at a time when the most common arms were long rifles that had to be reloaded after every shot. It should be kept out of the hands of citizens. Kids should not have any dealing with guns. Gun violence often leads to innocent people being killed or wounded. Former student Nikolas Cruz goes on a shooting spree and killed 17 adults and children shootings. Those who surely will not guns from the streets a gun and those who surely will.... If a gun and those who surely will not than 100 % dependent on authority in America where culture... Increases 500 % if a gun is present during a domestic dispute culture.. The gun deaths in the United States between 2000 and 2010 the only party. Npr poll, 65 % of the offenders obtained their guns from the streets, [ Editors:... 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