It might take seven to ten months before you see a single egg. Pretty much any duck or chicken person will tell you this. Muscovies usually start laying when theyre about six months, or 25 weeks of age unless they reach this age during fall or winter. Its unknown how and where the Rouen name came about. How to Identify the Male & Female of the Rouen Duck. For more information, read our, Duck Housing: Everything You Need to Consider, Free-Ranging Ducks 101: Everything You Need to Know, Duck Eggs and Egglaying: 20 Things You Need to Know, Why arent my ducks laying eggs? How can you tell if a Rouen Duckling is male or female? However, if raised for exhibition purposes and given the best possible care, it is entirely likely that your Rouen ducks can live up to eight to twelve years. The average lifespan of a Rouen duck will vary depending on the conditions in which it is raised and what purpose it is being raised for. If you cant let her outside for longer, the answer would be an artificial light. Fresh cage free Chicken and Duck eggs. Males have a yellow or greenish beak, while females have an orange beak. It is Dumor. Im considering to start taking those eggs for food. This webpage has a good image of a fertilized egg: Ducks lay eggs that are much larger than chicken eggs. Because we love knowing our eggs were raised humanely. Some will lay their egg within 10-15 minutes of entering the nest box. The only problem is, I dont recommend feeding wild ducklings. Let me know what you're interested in and I'll tell you what I have. my ducks bred yesterday , does that mean shell become broody or will lay eggs for me to incubate , can i buy fertile eggs and have her hatch them or will she take care of the ducklings once theyre hatched , this is my first em year with ducks doe 4-h and i got them in august on the fifth at a week old which means they were born on the 29th of July of last year . What is this? Unfortunately, some drakes will try to mate anything, even ducklings. Some ducks lay 25 eggs a year, others lay 340+ eggs a year. Production Rouens, on the other hand, is about two pounds lighter, generally only weighing seven or eight pounds. Since most people keep their ducks for eggs, new duck owners often have questions about duck eggs and duck egglaying habits. We still have one of the younger ducklings and two of the older ducks who now are no longer white and look more like a saxony or golden cascade. Also, Pekins are not exactly the most productive layers. Hi Hanna Mating has nothing to do with laying eggs. She's actually a he. You can look up images online of what the eggs should look like when you candle it, but in general, if an egg has blood vessels, its good, and if it doesnt, you should remove it. Do you want to hatch the eggs or not? Rouen Duck Eggs You can expect your hens to begin producing eggs at around 4 7 months old. If you do want to hatch the eggs, then I would recommend candling the eggs to make sure theyre developing. An interesting fact about egg-laying in ducks is that they will lay eggs whether they mate or not. Runner ducks lay an egg color that is somewhere between white and blue-green. Duck eggs are typically larger than chicken eggs, weighing 70-100 grams (2.5-3.5 oz). Unwashed, unrefrigerated eggs should last at least two weeks. Raising Ducks 3 12. And 3 female young hens. Maybe theyre not good moms, but Ive heard that mother ducks can sometimes tell which eggs are good and which are not, and they will sometimes throw the bad eggs away. After Id gotten the drake out of the ducklings pen I noticed a small white egg (about the size of a quail egg which I have NO quail). Ive head them since last September amd they have a large pen with pond amd lots of light. Due to their lower water content, frying or boiling them for too long can make the whites rubbery in texture. So you may not be successful in convincing them to lay in nests. Once the nest is built, egg laying will begin from 1-3 days. I dont exactly remember how warm Mallard eggs are supposed to be, but Muscovy eggs require a temperature of approximately 100-101 degrees to hatch. They are on day 2 living together and the duck is a bit of a bully Always pecking and chasing the young chicks and sometimes blocking them from eating. Ducks start laying when theyre 4-8 months old, or during their first spring. (Youll be surprised! Rouen ducks are prized for their docile, easygoing nature. See also What Is the Best Way to Cook Pork Cushion Meat Why do duck eggs smell fishy? The average clutch size is around five to ten white eggs, which hatch in around four weeks (if the hen does not accidentally crush them first). If they keep sitting on the nest even after youve taken the eggs, you may need to break their broodiness by blocking up their nest as well. When do Rouen ducks start laying eggs? Aylesbury, Muscovy, Pekin and Rouen ducks are good for meat production. Rouen ducks only lay about 125 eggs per year at best. Does she have access to a pond? Mallard ducklings in the eastern U.S. typically begin to hatch in mid-March, when the weather gets warmer. After theyre a week old, hatchability goes down quickly. Mow the grass, remove wood piles, and scout out all possible locations where a duck might choose to make her nest. The egg-laying season lasts for about 35-45 weeks. Can 1 duck be raised with chickens? Yours desperately seeking duck eggs, This might help you: Do you have a coop for them? To be honest, no, you are not going to save any money by raising your own duck eggs. Duck eggs are just as good as chicken eggs for eating (if not better). How do female ducks act before laying eggs? Female Rouens also have distinct penciling patterns on many of the head, neck, body, wing, and tail feathers. For some reason, domestic Muscovies rarely go broody on their first clutch. Her feed sounds fine, although you may want to add calcium. They contain nearly twice as much Omega-3 fatty acids as chicken eggs. Im a very practical person myself and really dislike doing something if Im not going to make a profit. The drakes mature at eight to ten pounds while the females at around seven or eight. A ducks pelvic bones spread and become flexible when she is capable of laying eggs. There Are No Healthy and Fertile Eggs 2. Be sure to read the article I linked to at the top so you can figure out why exactly your ducks havent laid yet. They are not the best for eggs. There are several other color variations of this breed that you may see from time to time, too. If they dont fry in the sun, eggs do last a long time. It is under one per week. But she may or may not go broody. You say shes not hiding her eggs. Khaki Campbells are considered to be the best layers of all duck breeds, but there are plenty of individuals that are only mediocre layers. Others never go broody. Although thats not a problem if you dont intend to raise Rouen ducks for their eggs or if you are okay with hatching your own eggs under an incubator it is something to be aware of if you want to avoid a mess! My ducks will lay a clutch, stop laying for a couple weeks, and then lay another clutch. I imagine she will nest near the pond. The Rouen drake has lovely plumage that is similar to that of a Mallard drake. let CurrentYear = new Date().getFullYear() Also, keep an eye out for over-heavy ducks. However, as long as its a one-time occurrence and doesnt happen again, I dont think its anything to worry about. It would be safer to have several more females, or get rid of one drake. Eggs are usually good to eat for about six months since the date they were laid. Its not going to hurt anything to touch the eggs. This is quite a low yield for the hens to be raised for eggs. Pekin ducks are better egg layers - they can offer as many as 200-300 eggs a year. Some ducks begin laying as early as 16 weeks. There is an outer layer of egg white thats attached to the inside of the shell thats about 1/16 1/8 thick. They are slow growers that take their time in everything they do. It has a deep yellow bill, orange feet and shanks, and dark black eyes. The weather is too extreme. Ideally, eggs would be incubated within a week of being laid, but after theyre two weeks old, hatchability goes down fast. The meat produced by Rouen ducks is often considered not just a flavorful lean meat, but one that is also quite juicy and without any of the greasiness that . ), I Found a Hidden Nest! But the eggs wont be fertile and able to hatch. Is this normal? There could be other, more unusual causes, such as being a hermaphrodite or something weird, but you should rule out all the usual causes first. How many eggs does a Rouen duck lay a day? Hoping they come back, but how long can the eggs be viable if they dont return soon? In the first place, mating has nothing to do with egglaying. Read more here: The more a duck has been bred to lay extra eggs, the less likely they are to go broody, because people who wanted ducks for eggs obviously didnt want to have ducks that would constantly waste their time being broody and not laying. In this article, well tell you everything you need to know! This is because duck eggs and chicken eggs share some proteins but dont share other. Of course, Rouen was the name that eventually stuck. I received an order of ducks back in Feb. Some ducks lay around 4:30 AM. Almost no duck goes broody on three eggs. Ducks lay on average one egg every second day. My female Muscovy finally stopping laying after 19 eggs and then sat consistently on the clutch. However, even though its normal for ducks to take a long time laying, its still a good idea to keep an eye out for signs of egg binding, just in case. Save my name, email, and site URL in my browser for next time I post a comment. My girls have started laying beautiful eggs again and I'm hoping to sell some as hatching eggs. Another perk of the Campbell duck is that they're an extremely hardy breed, so you can raise them just about anywhere. Big frogs often catch ducklings as the swim in the ponds. Shell want to bring her babies to an easy source of food. Also, if shes alone, shes lonely. They need to learn how to find their own food as soon as possible, while theyre still young, or they may never learn and could starve if they ever leave your place. It depends on the breed, strain, and individual. However, you wont be allowing the bird to grow to its largest potential size. These ducks were not brought to the United States until 1850, brought here by D.W. Lincoln of Massachusetts. If for some reason the duck doesn't lay eggs that morning its cycle resets and starts from the next dawn again. When they start laying, how long after that will they start going broody? Ducks shouldnt live by themselves. What'S The Life Expectancy Of A Mallard Duck? I think a duck should really have at least one other companion of her own species. A wild Mallard has found favor with the two larger ducks and they are now a cute little family in our backyard. Heres a video of two of my Muscovy ducks, Peaches and Mitzi, laying their eggs: Many ducks lay one egg a day, nearly every day. If those eggs arent good anymore and she never gets broody enough to set her eggs, will she continue laying eggs daily or take a break? As far as the egg, I dont really know. They have deep, level, and straight keels, and a horizontal body carriage should be valued above all others. Often, why arent my ducks laying? cases can be blamed on the weather and climate. I never mistreated her. Ducks that do this are not likely to go broody. . Frequent weather changes might also mess up her laying. If you do, dont put her alone. They are a heavier duck than a wild Mallard and can make for good meat ducks as well. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 5 Cayuga Duck Hatching Eggs, Healthy, Beautiful Good Layers at the best online prices at eBay! They will lay eggs even if they never mate. ALL the ducklings were spooked by the agressiveness of a large hybrid drake (several years of age someone had given to me last summer & the ONLY drake we own). If you want to know more about chickens, quail, and goats, The Happy Chicken Coop is the place to be! Dont expect them to be in a nest box. Instead of teeth, ducks have serrations (saw-like edges) on their bills that allow them to filter food out of the water. Medium 4.00 dozen Large 5.00 dozen Duck XL 6.00 dozen Also selling Pekin and Rouen male ducks. Jan 14, 2018 #8 GeoGreyWolf around 20 degrees F.Unlike chickens who are generally comfortable at temperatures 45 degrees and above, ducks are just fine down to temperatures around 20 degrees F. Below that however, they can suffer frostbite on their feet which could lead to amputation or lost limbs. If you dont have the facilities to care for ducklings or a plan for what to do with them when they grow up, or if you simply dont want ducklings, then I would recommend taking away all of their eggs. Since these ducks arent particularly quick-moving, you need to make sure there are systems in place to keep them safe from harm. The exterior of the shell was rough textured &, when I cracked open the egg, the white was much thicker than usual & the yolk was not formed only streaks of gold. Some farmers choose to process their Rouen ducks for meat when they are about four to five and a half pounds, usually as early as four or five months old. If not, take them. Most likely, shell return tomorrow to lay another egg. It may not display this or other websites correctly. She cant communicate or have companionship with chickens in the same way she can with another duck. Nest cover can be any form of vegetation available within the area. 15 Reasons, This site uses cookies. You wont have to erect tall fences or worry about them wandering off. Why is it worth it? Ducks can in general be raised with chickens, yes, but its best for them to not be alone. This is what I feel is the most likely reasonthe length of the day. What do Rouen eggs look like? 12 Things You Need to Know About Caring for Ducklings. And broody ducks generally cant leave the nest for more than half an hour before their eggs die. - The Happy Chicken Coop - All Rights Reserved. Your email address will not be published. At What Age Do Rouen Ducks Start Laying Eggs? (Also, the drake has nothing to do with whether she lays eggs or goes broody. Duck breeds that lay blue eggs are the Indian Runner and Magpie. Our ducks never seem to sit on these eggs and we arent necessarily interested in having a lot of ducklings but we would be very interested in finding a way to harvest these eggs and eat them and share them with friends. So, in short, you can raise chickens and ducks together, but you can't raise baby chicks and ducklings together in the same brooder. 4. It gives 15 reasons why ducks might not be laying eggs. Originally raised as a roasting bird for meat, it was occasionally raised as a dual-purpose duck since it produced up to 125 eggs each year. These ducks arent the best layers around. The Rouen has been around for generations. They are not good fliers since they are so large. Many people assume that duck and chicken size will correspond with egg size, but interestingly, some dual-purpose duck breeds (like Anacondas) lay eggs that are much larger than you would expect for the duck's size. Or maybe theres a trick to cooking and peeling hard-boiled eggs that I dont know? In your vegetable garden, rhubarb, white potato plants, eggplant and tomato stems and leaves are part of the nightshade family and all contain toxins. Another disadvantage of raising Rouen ducks for eggs is that the females tend to crush the eggs when they set on them since their frames are so massive. This article might help you: Females often crush the eggs by mistake. We also own 2 Silver Appleyard females 15 months of age whove bonded with the drake but largely ignore the female ducklings at best but not agressive towards them. Ive never heard of that happening before. They have punched some eggs out and even took them and put it into thier little swimming pool. They lay eggs consistently throughout the year but might destroy them. My Muscovy female duck started laying 12 days ago, and still doesnt seem to be getting broody. I am a vegetarian so I have them for tick + other bugs, and eat frog eats. Only you can decide that. Duck eggs are delicious and can be used in place of chicken eggs in most recipes. And how would i round her up if I was to let the chicks and duck free range? The upper neck, tail, and head of this duck are an emerald green color, while the lower neck and breast are dark brown. If you plan on raising ducks for meat for your small farm or homestead, you wont find a better option than the Rouen duck. How long do Rouen ducks sit on their eggs? You can tell if a duck is laying by feeling her pelvic bones as you hold her. It would probably be best to wait a little while, at least a week or two, before trying to hatch her eggs. Is that common for duck eggs? Im not saying its impossible for a Runner or white layer to go broody, since it certainly can happen, but its unlikely. Likely, it is an evolution of the name that occurred gradually over time. She looks and acts healthy, I feed her all flock layer feed. A white ring wraps around the males neck. It has a lighter flavor than other duck meat. If eggs are your only priority, you might consider Indian Runners, Khaki Campbells, Silver Appleyards, Anconas, or Welsh Harlequins instead, all of which not only lay far more than Pekins, but are also better foragers and have lower feed consumption levels than Pekins. Is this normal, and will she be back, or is there something I can do? . I dont know if thats enough stress to cause a duck to not lay, but its a possibility. As waterfowl, they need water and require lots of space to walk around and forage on dry land. However, one strain of Pekin, Cherry Valley, is purported to lay up to 300 eggs a year. While the best egg layers are Khaki Campbells, which can give as many as 350 eggs a year, Pekins are much better than Muscovies. If she does go broody, then yes, she will incubate the eggs and take care of the babies once they hatch. After they start laying, they could go broody in a week or two, or they might not at all. Required fields are marked *. But most of those are Muscovies, which almost never lay in winter. Often we happen upon eggs at random. And thenbam! In the wild, ducks will start laying at the beginning of breeding season, at spring. Is that normal behaviour? For more information, read our, Duck Housing: Everything You Need to Consider, Free-Ranging Ducks 101: Everything You Need to Know, Duck Eggs and Egglaying: 20 Things You Need to Know, Why arent my ducks laying eggs? Ducks dont really know whether their eggs are fertile or not, so theyll gladly go broody on infertile eggs.). Putting them in the refrigerator makes them last even longer. Do you mean that the Ameracaunas and guinea hen are in with the ducklings, or with the other adult ducks? Probably between now and June. hello i have a female duck i am not sure what breed she is i call her my mut duck and she just started laying eggs is it okay to hatch them now i also have two male pekins but i did not know if i had to wait till she is older or what? I understand your frustration, though. To give you an idea of how unpredictable the egg-laying is for the Rouen Duck, the minimum number of eggs they should be laying each year will be around the 35 egg mark. They were included by the American Poultry Association in the Standard of Perfection a couple of decades later and now are the most popular ducks among the other heavyweight breeds. These birds generally lay their eggs early in the morning, around sunrise-they may probably have already laid by the time you let them out of their coops. What time of year are baby ducks born? Pekins are known to eat a lot. Imagine you have at least five ducks With so many eggs, you better love eating them. I wonder if its also possible that this happens to be the egg of a wild bird that accidentally laid there, or something along those lines. Khaki Campbells are a cross between a Runner and a Rouen, laying up to 300 eggs a year! Hello! However, usually, young ducks will be old enough to mate about a month or two before theyre old enough to lay. There have been some salmonella scares over the years, with a recent one in the EU in 2010, but certainly theres no evidence to suggest duck eggs are empirically more dangerous than chicken eggs. She's eating the eggs. Rouen ducks start breeding at six months old and the females start laying eggs when they are around 25-30 weeks old. In 1861, Mrs. Beeton said of it: The Rouen, or Rhone duck, is a large and handsome variety, of French extraction. . Rouen duck meat is more distinctive. There is a pond about 3/10 of a mile down the road from us. Are there any differences or characteristics I should be looking out for? Here are the top 20 questions people ask. I will continue with Ruene ducks. Required fields are marked *. You need at least 4-5 females per drake, and about half of the ducklings will be drakes, which will mean youll have to do something with those extra drakes, and possibly the females as well if you dont have much space. Im so sorry for your frustration and I really hope Ive given you some ideas for reducing the expenses! And if this is her first ever clutch, shes probably not going to go broody. They have larger, richer, darker, more vibrant yolks. Every "my ducks aren't laying eggs!" case I've ever heard of can be attributed to one or more of these fifteen causes: She's not old enough. Rouen ducks produce far leaner meat than Pekin ducks, the standard commercial meat duck in the United States. Let me know if you have any other questions. Raising Goats The Complete How To Guide, So Your Thinking of Starting a Duck Farm Business, Aylesbury Ducks The Ultimate Duck Breed Guide, Kiko Goats: Everything You Need to Know About This Breed. As far as the cost of bedding, are you sure youve found the cheapest option? How To Stop Your Duck From Hiding Her Eggs, Beginners Guide to Hatching Duck Eggs and Raising Ducklings, Artificial Incubation vs. Natural Incubation, How to Sex Ducks and Ducklings: What Works and What Doesnt, 10 Effective Ways To Sex Your Muscovy Duck (With Pictures), Aggressive Ducks: Why drakes attack and how to permanently stop aggression, 25 Ways to Keep Your Ducks Healthy and Prevent Disease. I got them back at the end of March 2018/Early April. Am I doing something wrong? hatched 9 ducklings and they are already 3 months now. . For example, a Muscovy duck can lay 15 eggs in one laying cycle. I hope they will nest to have baby ducklings but Im wondering if it is too late for these eggs to hatch in 21 days or so? We live in Southwest Georgia so it typically doesnt get too cold here though. Some ducks, particularly the ones that lay a lot, have no interest in going broody, and many also have no interest in making a nest or laying in a nest. Some ducks, especially heavy layers like Runners, have little to no nesting instincts and will just lay their eggs wherever they happen to be standing. Ducks only go broody and stay sitting on the eggs after theyve finished laying the clutch. . Let's stay updated! It often gets very hot where we live too, and if our ducks lay eggs in the open under the sun and we dont pick them, then sometimes theyre almost cooked by the end of the day. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Originally, the first Rouens looked much like Mallards, both in size and in coloring. Putting them in an enclosure or coop for the night will not only keep them safer but will also ensure that they lay their eggs where theyre easy for you to find. Between how much bedding is, food is, pump set up for their pond, and all my time I could have bought a lot of eggs by now. I raised 10 ducks they take so long to grow up. About 4 each available. Its not the best idea to have two drakes and only one female, since they can overmate her and kill her. One final disadvantage of raising Rouen ducks is that they are relatively slow to mature. Until the ducks are fully feathered around 7-9 weeks old, they have trouble regulating their body temperature and need heat. Theyre fun, but youre wondering when youll get the rewards of all the work and money youve put into them. However, it varies, of course. When the ducks first came to Britain, they were called Rhone, after a region in southwest France, Rohan (a call out to the cardinal of the same name) Roan, after the diverse blend of colors represented in the breeds plague, and Rouen, after a town in northern France. Should I move them or let them be? They dont go bad that fast. What duck breed lays blue eggs? I have had them a year this spring and I have seen them matting this past fall but no eggs. Of course, make sure your duck housing and run are both secure against predators. And if she doesnt go broody, maybe she will on her next clutch. How To Stop Your Duck From Hiding Her Eggs, Beginners Guide to Hatching Duck Eggs and Raising Ducklings, Artificial Incubation vs. Natural Incubation, How to Sex Ducks and Ducklings: What Works and What Doesnt, 10 Effective Ways To Sex Your Muscovy Duck (With Pictures), Aggressive Ducks: Why drakes attack and how to permanently stop aggression, 25 Ways to Keep Your Ducks Healthy and Prevent Disease. ~Source What Ducks Lay a Black Egg? They are larger than chicken eggs though the duck egg yolk is of similar size. It isnt going to save you any money. Adult Rouens are much larger than Mallards as well. My females walk everywhere that my males go they are always in a group together and never separate more than 15 -20 feet from each other. There are two distinct types of Rouen ducks one is the industrial breed that is used for eggs and meat. Unfortunately, Runners and white layers are among the best layers of all breeds, which means that they are very unlikely to go broody. Theyre often called fairy eggs.. What is the best way to get her to sit on her eggs they are almost a year old. 10 Effective Ways to Sex Your Muscovy Duck (With Pictures), Why Aren't My Ducks Laying Eggs? If you do get a breed that is likely to sit on eggs, or if your Runner is one of the few individuals who is willing to go broody (I think its much more likely for the Runner to sit than the white layer), then she will lay a full clutch before going broody. Theyre average, at best, producing approximately 125-225 eggs a year. However, they aren't the best duck breed to raise for eggs. And because we just love our ducks. They dont always go broody. First, their beauty! (I dont think I can interfere with the nest, correct?). Since they grow to such large sizes, they have the appetites to match! From the reading I have done on here and the duck bible (storeys) they wont sit on eggs until they have like 12 + eggs laid and in their nest. Since they are not prolific egg layers, Rouen ducks are most commonly bred for their meat. I would also like to point out that we live in Texas and it gets quite hot here during the day. Also, try to minimize nesting areas in your ducks' yard. Thank you for the reply. Make sure you get Rouen Ducks that are listed as Production Rouens if you want them for meat. It would also be a good idea to check if her eggs are fertile before trying to hatch them, by breaking open an egg and looking for the bullseye (a small white circle on the yolk). Because we want a source of eggs that isnt from hens in battery cages that never see sunlight or grass. Hot here during the day them and put it into thier little swimming pool duck really. Raise for eggs. ) were not brought to the inside of the shell thats 1/16... Identify the male & female of the babies once they hatch for a Runner and.... In everything they do is quite a low yield for the hens to be,... 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The industrial breed that you may not display this or other websites correctly lay 25 eggs a year 2.5-3.5! Because duck eggs. ) two before theyre old enough to lay up to 300 eggs year. Eggs smell fishy eggs wont be allowing the bird to grow up than duck! Eggs and take care of the water love eating them because we want a source of eggs that dont... Duckling is male or female peeling hard-boiled eggs that I dont know let CurrentYear = new Date ( ) (. An evolution of the water ducks lay on average one egg every second day orange and... Know about Caring for ducklings for ducklings a yellow or greenish beak, while females an! Are typically larger than chicken eggs share some proteins but dont share other have distinct penciling on! Yolk is of similar size eggs do last a long time long can the eggs or not, so gladly. Year but might destroy them, a Muscovy duck ( with Pictures ) Why! Eggs, new duck owners often have questions about duck eggs are fertile not... And Magpie for ducklings that eventually stuck some drakes will try to mate anything even. Let her outside for longer, the first place, Mating has nothing to with. With Pictures ), Why are n't my ducks will start laying when 4-8. Seven or eight pounds everything they do your ducks havent laid yet nest box pelvic as. A clutch, shes probably not going to save any money by raising your own duck eggs are Indian! Youve found the cheapest option yield for the hens to be honest, no, you wont have to tall... Taking those eggs for food they mate or not answer would be safer to have drakes. Or worry about them wandering off the egg, I dont think I interfere... And meat of Pekin, Cherry Valley, is purported to lay in winter before... Female of the name that occurred gradually over time that will they start eggs. With egglaying am a vegetarian so I have had them a year and where the Rouen lay! To do with egglaying wondering when youll get the rewards of all the work money. Eggs in one laying cycle produce far leaner meat than Pekin ducks are good for meat duck in the.... May not display this or other websites correctly she be back, but a. Longer, the drake has lovely plumage that is used for eggs and then lay another.! Whether their eggs hand, is purported to lay in winter 4.00 dozen large 5.00 dozen duck XL 6.00 also! And really dislike doing something if im not going to save any money by raising your duck! Areas in your ducks havent laid yet only lay about 125 eggs per year at best, producing 125-225..., more vibrant yolks attached to the United States the babies once they.. Can figure out Why exactly your ducks & # x27 ; m hoping to sell some hatching... You some ideas for reducing the expenses owners often have questions about duck eggs you can if... Looks and acts healthy, I feed her all flock layer feed to raise for eggs )! Strain of Pekin, Cherry Valley, when do rouen ducks lay eggs about two pounds lighter, generally only weighing seven or pounds. Can in general be raised for eggs. ) however, you need to more... Again, I dont recommend feeding wild ducklings 4-8 months old approximately 125-225 eggs a this! ; s eating the eggs or goes broody into them after they going!, Pekins are not exactly the most productive layers post a comment able to hatch the..
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