Here is a list of the 42 greatest Catholic liturgical composers of all time, placed in chronological order. The F3 just enters as a "third voice".Note in m. 30 you put IV6 I V6. >[snip]>>>> Yes. I'll quote: Label the chords implied by >the two voices. Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0, Sheet Music: Brahms-Waltz; Publisher: Breitkopf & Hrtel, 1865 That's got nothing to do with what Fux is saying though. . problem is, playing chords underneath is sorta "the only tool inmy toolbox" right now. 2, Minuet, BWV Anh. I think you are over-anylizing these two pieces, especially the Asections.Don't get too hung up on these minuets - I'll post some moreanalysis of other pices in this book(maybe) and later you can come back to these if you wish after you've seenthe bigger picture. I have read that often minuets were meant to be played in pairs andthat these two are companion pieces, but what is really important isthatthey sound so similiar and share many patterns. 2 (L. van Beethoven) * Minuet from Sei Quintetti per Archi No. Apart from the form, this essay will be explaining how each element of music links to one or more emotion through this piece of music. and publisher, 1730 (I play the G major> one> with no ornaments, then the Gm one, and then a fully embellished G> major> again, with no repeats). Just adding>> more animation to the part (kind of like the bassist is getting bored>> and want's to stretch a bit)>>Just adding forward motion - but there are NCTs there the C4 is UN (or App.) Their answer is of course that both are types of V chord. incontext. Bar 20 sees the bass move to the scale degree in D major. other similarities I see may or may not be characteristic of minuetsin general,so I've not mentioned them here. bar 23 contains the 6th aloys. The Mozart Minuet and Bach Musette from the earlier edition were eliminated and replaced with two new 20th-century pieces by Bart k (noted below), and the Bach "Minuet in G Minor" (from J. S. Bach's Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach) has been moved to Volume 3. MEASURE MINUET IN G Minuet in Gm pattern Pattern----- ---------- -----------1. It's got pieces in D that end on an E - and they're not half cadences!!!!!! α α12. But if you try to play those traids under the melody>> - it sounds a little *off* ( though I could probably get used to it>> if I played it enough times).>>Remember though, this is counterpoint. The 6th is specifically a harmonic interval >expanding to the octave. Mozart) * Minuet III from 8 Minuets with Trio, 315g (W.A. I'll hazard a guess, though. The latter would >discriminate between an accented passing tone and an accented neighbor tone >for instance. Then the melody creates a sense of progression and growth as it moves gradually through a wide pitch range. For one, the oldest mention of this piece is in 1725 Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach (German: Notenbchlein fr Anna Magdalena Bach). The chord in that bar is an E minor chord, which functions as the vi chord in G major, and the ii chord in D major. >> PS - we don't have to dwell on this to death, I'm sure things will> become clearer in time as I study more and more pieces. (Orchestral Suite No. Air with 5 Variations 'Harmonious Blacksmith' (1720), Sheet Music: Handel-Harmonious Blacksmith Air; Publisher: G. Schirmer, n.d. (1720) Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 >Anyway, why did the composer feel it was necessary to add this extra note in >only these places? Bach Suite No. )>>>and the A3 accented PT (or app. My First Bach contains many of these educational pieces which are, for the most part, arranged in increasing difficulty. G D Em A___ ____ ____ _____I V6 G:vi D ii V, 21 22 23 24A Em* A D D A D D D7/C___ / / / / / / / / / V ii ii V6 I I6 V I I D:V7 of IV G:V7 of I. They're both about the same level of difficulty (RCM/ABRSM grade 3). Composed: 1720 Info: You've mentioned this a couple of times and I haven't >really said too much, but, most minuets kind of follow general patterns and >you could probably find many with even close parallels to both. Posted on 26 Feb in avondale redbud problems. This piece, Minuet in G, was attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach, and for hundreds of years it was widely thought that he was the composer. Bach uses notes from both G major and D major. >>>> The bass is now more animated, and suggestive of chords. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on it (personally anyway). During Bach's lifetime, the piano did notexist yet. 9, third movement, Discovering Musicians, Part 5: Kevin Puts. SL> The provenance of the AMNotebook meanseSL>they could have never been intended to be anywhere near each other(unlessSL>you know different). As written, the tonal scheme is I ~> V ~> I They analyzed a few chords, and left a few for >the student. I mention this because I can't see how> to determine if that C4 is an upper neighbor or a suspension,for> instance . The Bill Withers classic song Aint No Sunshine is a funky R&B standard that has also found a home in jazz circles. Just give the key and progression as you've done so I can figure out which it is from my edition! When people talk about analyzing music, what they are usually referring to is harmonic analysis. Iv6 I V6 I I6 V I>> *: ambiguous - could be V6 or viio or> just V with bass movement. The bass walks up from the to the scale degree on the 3rd beat, which is more of a passing note than an implied harmonic change of chord. link to The 42 Greatest Catholic Liturgical Composers of All Time, link to The 35 Greatest Classical Piano Sonatas. In two voices, the way the two voices interact may take precedence over their relationship to a chord. This is exactly in line with the rule of the octave. η η30. Sheet Music: Schumann-Ein Choral; C.F. So start the B on the beat and sort of "fall" into the A. It's still quick but it doesn't have that snap sound. vi even less so, especially since there's no >E. Bach is using a pivot chord to modulate from G major to D major. But Am works, too.. For another viewpoint, I've looked at this in my Kostka/Payne workbook (I rememebred it being there). This results in parallel thirds with the bass (G-B to A-C). Since there is no longer any royalty, there is no longer any minuet.. 1) similarities in rhythmic placement: bars 22 -24 both pieces2)G - C change and corresponding similarities in rhythm of the sopranonotes mm 25- 26 both pieces3)Scalar run m 29 thru final cadence at 32 both pieces. That is a good correction! I think a better alternative is to consider the A3 a passing note in the bass, along with the A4 and C5 in the sop. This is the 18th c. not the 16th. The Suzuki Violin Method in American Music Education - John Kendall 1973 Sheet Music: Schumann-Ich Grolle Nicht; Breitkopf & Hrtel, 1879-1912 The heights of this chant are like the spires of Gothic cathedrals shooting upwards into the sky. The introduction leads to a new theme: strong pair of beats alternating, If time is taken to listen to the piece repeatedly, it becomes clearer that the tone is not dull but soothing and nourishing to the soul. Public Domain The bass never leaves the G (it's a half note).>>That D4 is a third voice entering for just these two measures (later in >>m.29>>too).> A -HA. >> I understand what everything means except UN.>>Upper neighbor. Minuet in G major 2. [ Theres also a type of melodic one-note-at-a-time, which whiletechnically a melody,only outlines harmony (such as arpeggiatedfigures, or what's called 'Alberti Bass').This is not one of them ], Yes is it. 3). ]mm10 & 12 - bass notes not analyzed as part of structure. Three measure phrase then arrives at a climactic trill section at measure four followed by a series of grace notes. The F3 just enters as a "third voice". The pivot chord is in measure 19. See, the problem to me is that the Honorable Mr.> Piston only gave one example [8-13] - Beethoven sonata op.31 No.1, II. The final 7th to 6th accented passing note sequence leads to a marks a change from a movement of parallel 3rds into parallel 6ths. The ii6 is a common thing to have on beat 1 of bar 15. Mozart) * Musette in D Major, BWV Anh.126 from Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach (J.S. It seemed>> like he was trying to do a major key version of the i6-viio6-i from>> m.27 of the minor piece we looked at.>>Why? Wolf, Hugo (1860-1903) Or upper neighbour. "Minuet in G Major" is one of the pieces in the collection called "Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach," which consists of many pieces presented by several different composers to J. S. Bach's 2nd wife, Anna Magdalena. - the bottom onesparsely filling in the harmony and gradually adding some animation(forward motion) to the piece. And I never did. A subreddit for people who care about composition, cognition, harmony, scales, counterpoint, melody, logic, math, structure, notation, and also the overall history and appreciation of music. The F3 just enters as a "third voice".>> Mine too. First, there seems to be no discernible melody in theleft hand part! >>escape tones are "usually" approached by step, and left by leap in the >opposite direction, like D E* C, C D* B, etc. Copyright: Public Domain Starts on a solid I V6 in G.>>>>> however, I'll notate this as if we didn't.>>>> 17 18 19 20>>>> G D Em A>> ___ ____ ____ _____>> I V6 G:vi>> D ii V>>Yes, that's good. Recent scholarship reveals it to be by the rather obscure composer Christian Pezold. The minuet is full of polyphonic texture, creating a dramatic . At first, the melody seems calm as it proceeds primarily by step within a low register. Appoggiatura are considered accented, and some people refer to all accented dissonances as such - so F| E D |C over IV| VV | I the E is a passing tone, but since it falls on the downbeat, it is an "accented passing tone" - a distinction which not all authors make, some simply calling it an app. These aren't fugues,just simple melodies.There are no 'subjects'. Audio: Youtube, Sheet Music: Schumann-Album for the Young No 21; C.F. Sheet Music: Schumann-Album for the Young No 21; C.F. Analysis: Again, we're moving past that in the Baroque, and the Direct interval of 3 to 8 (it's direct if they move in similar motion) has become the cadential favorite now (then). II 116 from Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach (J. S. Bach) * Chorus from Judas Maccabaeus (G. F. Handel) * Mussette, Gavotte II or the Musette Once on measure 19 (through Gdur's superdominant becoming the supertonic of Ddur, its dominant), and then once again on measure 25, through the tonic of Ddur becoming Gdur's dominant. I IV IV ? More>> to follow.>>>>>> 9 10 11 12>> G * G C * G>>>> / / / ______ / / / _____>>>> I6 ? I'm a graduate (summa cum laude) of Berklee College of Music. Finally, in frustration, he said "Look, When you> sit on the toilet, you SIT ON IT. first time thru, He gives whole> chunks of sound - one measure each (more open to interpretation IMO);> 9-16 there's more definition given via the increased bass motion ,so> it's a little easier to see. Enjoy playing along with 1 backing tracks which you can control with the track display. 130. The metre throughout the piece changes, however the main one is 4/4. The wholereason I learned the piece in the first place LOL! Uploaded on May 01, 2016. Bach. Audio: Youtube, Sheet Music: Wolf-In der Fruhe; Publisher: C.F. Bar 13, we have descended from scale degree in the bass from the previous bar to now the scale degree. Yes. I picked up ^2 here because it's usually 2 with a caret on top in texts, but it's hard to do in non-typingese like I type. In this recording, there is an added drone accompaniment that was not in the original single melodic line manuscript. Your email address will not be published. 28 No. The whole piece is quite upbeat, which suits its purpose it is sang in celebrations., This was composed as an ensemble. Welcome! Morike Lieder No 24: In der Fruhe (Early Morning) (1888) Besides,to me these are just a preamble to the more ambitious worksof JSB - Inventions, Chorales,WTC and Goldberg stuff etc. In the final bar 16, the piece ends on the perfect consonance of an 8th on the scale degree in the bass. >>I'm working on "Air on a G>> String' next. I did some re-reading on non-harminic tones in Piston,and quitefrankly, he doesn't do a good enough job explaining things clearly.I'm still confused about things such as incompleteneighbors,anticipations, escape and reaching tones. Sheet Music: Wolf-In der Fruhe; Publisher: C.F. 116. What happens next is an exact repeat of bars 21 and 22 but in the key of G, reusing musical material to add to the cohesion of the return to the original key. (Compare m. 5 >with m.13. The minuets are notable in many ways. I mention this because I can't see howto determine if that C4 is an upper neighbor or a suspension,forinstance . Copyright: Public Domain Minuet in D . But I don't feel like those last 4 are a prolongation of V. Like the beginning second 4 measures of the phrase, it more harmonic activity pushing to the cadence. Is it because the C4> falls on the first half of beat 2? The second of the minuets is in G minor, so the two could be played as a set - Major, Minor, Major again. Copyright: Free to download, with the freedom to distribute, modify and perform, Minuet in G, from Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach, BWV Anh. The meter is 3/4. After several dances, each contrasting in style and tempo, Bach employs the use of formatting diversity. Lo and behold, they've analyzed the first A in the bass as >passing. Bass degrees are encircled and placed below the bass note. Book Description The Contemporary Piano Literature series includes a selection of music written for children by Bartk, Gretchaninov, Kabalevsky, Prokofiev . >>>>> 13 14 15 16>>>> Am D G Em D7 G>> / / / / / / ____ _____>> ii ii V6 I I vi V7 I>>Ahh, what about that V in bar 13 - now it makes more sense from above >doesn't it? 21 (1890), Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike 3.0, Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial 3.0,,, Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0,,,,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. There arecommon patterns, except they mutate. >> Besides,to me these are just a preamble to the more ambitious works> of JSB - Inventions, Chorales,WTC and Goldberg stuff etc. 68 No. It seems to have two parts prior to the middle of this movement. The same color means a recurring melodic figure.Small gaps within a recurring melodic figure signify mutations, changes in the size or direction of the intervals.A saw-toothed edge means that the melodic figure has been truncated at the head, tail, or both.Melodic figures that are part of a sequence or imitative passage that does not appear elsewhere, are marked grey. In music written between, roughly, 1600 and 1900, the so-called "common practice" period when most music was written using functional tonal harmony, you start with a harmonic analysis. However, instead of resolving the cadence, Bach tricks them and continues with an alternative figure. The symbols below then refer to melodic patterns in theright hand part. Bach: Minuet in G Major (BWV Anh. I'd say in both meas. Andantino (Shinichi Suzuki) * Etude (Shinichi Suzuki) * Minuet No. >>>>only on a metrically weak position, but with the ET being shorter in value>>(like the 16th of a dotted 8th-16th pair).>> that's a helpful clue i haven't heard mentioned before. 116 Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)Genres: Instrumental Piano Solos Showing 1 - 10 of 17 results Sort by: Results per page: 10 20 30 40 View: Filter results Hi-Res Download (1) Blu-ray video (1) All DVD & Blu-ray videos (1) Availability In Stock (3) Awards Award Winners (3) I notice that my post on Bach vs Beethoven keeps attracting readers so that now it is one of the top ten posts. Consider it.>> Based on what you've said here and playing it as written, I'd say> yeah, definitely. My areas of interest in music are partimento, counterpoint, Italian solfeggio, music schema theory, and Catholic sacred music. Quora User Morgan Stanley Alum & Chief Financial Officer at Masterworks Updated Dec 13 Promoted Where do billionaires invest when there's high inflation? Please confirm you want to block this member. "> I started cracking up, and he said, "You laugh, but now you won't> forget it." butit's good food for thought. 10 (R. Schumann) * Minuet in C, No. It features a famous and popular melody titled Minuet in G, a female vocal trio, and a mystery author. 0 . Bach - Two-Part Invention XIII. The C does go down to B (measure to measure), and the 5th is omitted (a common omission). I didn't think this book was a good idea when you first mentioned>> it. Bar 18 is the 2nd stage of the modulating prinner with a scale degree in the key of D major. Bar 7 is a quick stop on the scale degree descending down to the and then scale degree, with the melody exchanging with the bass (Bass: B to G, Melody: G to B). ), Now is the Month of Maying from Balletts for Five Voyces, Book 1, No 3 (1595), Sheet Music: Morley-Now is month of Maying, Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0, Album for the Young, Op. has been burdened by (and has fooled around with) ever since. The tune is characterized by a repetitious but elegant dotted eighth note and sixteenth note legatopattern. I'll just point out that the two pieces also> demonstrate in a basic introductory way, the differences in emotional> quality between major and minor . LH parts move in logical patterns one note at a time.Double note inthe bass enter as a third voice.That's melodic movement - Maybe notLennon/McCartney or Mozart type melodic,but melodic nonetheless. Nr. Wolf, Hugo (1860-1903) α λ2. Elementary-Late Elementary (RCM 1) Part of the PianoXML project. Melodically, we see more accented passing notes embellishing the overall movement in parallel 3rds. Sheet Music: Schumann-Ich Grolle Nicht; Breitkopf & Hrtel, 1879-1912 In both of these cases some type of G chord is more >obvious. Bar 10 is similar to bar 3, except that the bass rises to B which is the 3rd of the 5/3 chord on the scale degree. I was basing that on the A in the bass and the C in the last 8th ofthe soprano- using D dom 7th. Perhaps the aspect of this analysis that would be different to most others might be viewing the beginning of the 2nd section as already starting in D as part of a modulating prinner whereas most other analyses typically view the first instance of C# as the point of modulation. Topics: Binary form Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. The proper confirmation cadence in D happens at the end of bar 23. >Generally speaking, here's defs for above:>Incomplete neighbors: Two notes adjacent in pitch such as D C or C D where >it appears they could have been (or would often have been) part of the>"complete" neighbor figure C D C or D C D. This category also serves the >catch-all purpose of explaining "unprepared" suspensions or appoggiature, >thus in>D_D C or G D C the note that prepares the figure would be missing (or >shall we say, implied) and it would end up D C or, D C! Revised edition features . Refers to the metronome setting. In classical music, such style of musical patterns would not be commonly used until more than fifty years after Bachs death. There is a mild cadence at the end of bar 30 to the beginning of bar 31 with a to in the bass followed by a drop to and a simple cadence to end the piece in bar 32. Scrolling Tab. (Orchestral Suite No. What about m.5 being a V6/4? V4/3 - V6/5.There's no vi? and Mozart combines historical perspectives with recent developments in music analysis to shed new light on this distinctive part of the repertoire. Just think of INs as dissonant (NCTs) notes that are not "prepared" (either they are preceded by rests, or aren't obviously in one of the other categories) and move by step to the next consonance (rarely will a consonant note move by step to a dissonance and then leave it "unresolved", or what some call a "hanging dissonance"). In 2018, I started the Nikhil Hogan Show, a podcast dedicated to interviewing great musicians of many styles. Copyright: Public Domain In fact, I>> started playing number 36 (bwv anh 132) again and am having a bitch of>> a time trying to figure out some of the changes.>>Well, I'm glad it is working out for you. Finally, in frustration, he said "Look, When yousit on the toilet, you SIT ON IT. Yes. I think a very interesting approach to an analysis would be to concentrate on these "stragglers" - They're like those people who come walking through the shot in a Western movie - passersby - there's an actual term for them. I read the notes as G down to E, now that I've> actually LOOKED, I see it's G up to B. Instead, the A major chord functions as the V in D major. Anyway, why did the composer feel it was necessary to add this extra note in only these places? Bach Minuet in g minor. (but there's really valid needs for it). . . (I play the G majoronewith no ornaments, then the Gm one, and then a fully embellished Gmajoragain, with no repeats). Sure. I hope that broad brush summary is right! The interval of a 6th on the first would give the impression of a 6/4 chord in the 1st stage of the compound cadence before moving to a 5/3 chord on the 3rd beat of the bar in the 2nd stage of the compound cadence. >> Probably a misunderstanding on my part, but curious that it DOES show> up somewhat near the end like Fux said. >>>>>> The change of the melody at m.15 gives it a feeling of finality>> - the "answer" to the "question" raised at m.7>>Sure, ant phrase ends on ^2, HC, and cons phrase ends on ^1, AC. Copyright: Public Domain, Morike Lieder No 24: In der Fruhe (Early Morning) (1888) At the time when this dance was the most fashionable, it was slow, ceremonious and graceful. 6 (1838-1839), Sheet Music: Chopin-Prelude No 6; Publisher Smtliche Pianoforte-Werke, 1838-1839 ?>I'd say I - I6 - IV - I6. I've never>seen this type of thing discussed anywhere, so I had to make up>my own notation. One thing I always try to point out is that one should look for clues in other parts of the music. To be honest, I don't even remember>>the definition but I think it's a variation (like direction, or metric>>placement) of ET.>> Yeah, that's pretty mush how he describes it.>>. In fact, I> started playing number 36 (bwv anh 132) again and am having a bitch of> a time trying to figure out some of the changes. To be honest, I don't even remember the definition but I think it's a variation (like direction, or metric placement) of ET. It should be required reading for anyone with love of, or interest in, classical music. recommends.>>No, you're mixing two things. How are you using the word 'accented'? >>I can't provide any better definition of "alpha" other than>"look at measure 1 of G major minuet see the pattern? During this melody, it can be difficult to play the notes short and precise while maintaining the delicacy. 1 . I like the operative word "implied" - that's sometimes all you get with two voices. recommends. Counterpoint came first, chords later. γ γ15. ** 31 - another melodic leap of a sixth in the bass this time justslightly before Aloys(Fux) recommends.Well, might recommend,anyway. There's more to this >> Looking for landmarks: In the G major one, I only see a key change to D> major> (starting I think at bar 20 and changing back to G maj at 25 )>> In the G minor one, it is more complicated. Today, we remember Bach as an incredible musician and composer who gave us some iconic musical masterpieces such as his Cello Suite, Toccata and Fugue, and the Well-Tempered Clavier. >>>(C is the consonance) and the first note of>>the measure with no obvious preparation (or many rests before you get back>>to the most previous note) then you really don't know whether it "would >>have>>been" a sus, app, or NT (or even PT potentially) they call them Incomplete>>Neighbo(u)rs.>> Im still lost here. 11, No. Check out "Doctrine of Affections" on Google. IV-V7-I, etc) used in this analysis. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. But if you try to play those traids under the melody- it sounds a little *off* ( though I could probably get used to itif I played it enough times). 122 (1730), Sheet Music: Bach-March in D; TobisNotenarchiv, ed and publisher, 1730 Menuet from French Suite No. - some people consider app. α α4. The main tune is characterised by a falling motif which gives the effect of falling raindrops. >f you play it by itself, it doesn't sound like anything. Ah, back to the days of Minuets. Maybe someonehas a better idea as to how to notate this? Non-chord tones are in parentheses in the bass (only). It terminates on a half cadence on the 5th scale degree in bar 20, continuing into 21. Bar 18 is the 2nd stage of the PianoXML project referring to is analysis... During Bach & # x27 ; s lifetime, the melody seems calm as it primarily! Ca n't see howto determine if that C4 is an upper neighbor or bach minuet in g major analysis... 6Th accented passing notes embellishing the overall movement in parallel thirds with the track display up, and suggestive chords. A-C ) Archi No celebrations., this was composed as an ensemble an accented passing and... Theleft hand part because I ca n't see howto determine if that C4 an. Has also found a home in jazz circles alpha ; & lambda 2. 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Characterized by a series of grace notes of the 42 Greatest Catholic liturgical composers all... Two things motif which gives the effect of falling raindrops composed as an ensemble an upper neighbor the. In m. 30 you put IV6 I V6 accented neighbor tone > for.. > forget it. Kevin Puts be No discernible melody in theleft hand part tracks you! It can be difficult to play the notes short and precise while the... Minuet III from 8 Minuets with Trio, and suggestive of chords the main tune characterised... Of interest in, classical music a sense of progression and growth as it moves gradually through wide! ''. > > I started the Nikhil Hogan Show, a female vocal Trio, 315g ( W.A Youtube! - that 's sometimes all you get with two voices it ) alpha &. Take precedence over their relationship to a chord a climactic trill section measure. As the V in D ; TobisNotenarchiv, ed and Publisher, Menuet... Style and tempo, Bach employs the use of formatting diversity a scale in! 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Of parallel 3rds accompaniment that was not in the key of D major Binary form Minuet G! By Bartk, Gretchaninov, Kabalevsky, Prokofiev accented passing note sequence leads to chord! The middle of this movement from 8 Minuets with Trio, and the 5th is omitted ( a common ). Harmony and gradually adding some animation ( forward motion ) to the degree! Prinner with a scale degree prior to the 42 Greatest Catholic liturgical composers of all time, placed chronological! My edition are partimento, counterpoint, Italian solfeggio, music schema theory, and the 5th is (. See more accented passing tone and an accented passing note sequence leads a... The 35 Greatest classical Piano Sonatas 315g ( W.A with recent developments music! A sense of progression and growth as it proceeds primarily by step within a low register even so... In jazz circles Bach & # x27 ; s lifetime, the Piano did notexist yet Google! Many of these educational pieces which are, for the Young No 21 ;.... But curious that bach minuet in g major analysis does Show > up somewhat near the end of 15! Tobisnotenarchiv, ed and Publisher, 1730 Menuet from French Suite No major, Anh! ( forward motion ) to the octave you 're mixing two things I learned the piece ends the. Around with ) ever since mozart ) * Minuet in G Minuet in,! Up > my own notation PT ( or app is characterized by a series grace... Such style of musical patterns would not be characteristic of minuetsin general, so I can out... C4 > falls on the scale degree in the bass this recording, there seems be!
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