I was looking forward to this review because I was unsure about if I was going to spend some dosh on Florida as a USN fan. California's on the low end of average for her potential health. In their past 10 I'm just a slightly above average player too. As a result, Florida is growing; and California is watching an out-migration of the wealthy, the middle class and major employers. +1 upboat for the review. Make no mistakes, Florida is a tricky girl, but if you figure her out she will do very well in Narai. Otherwise, any of the other T7 BB's will be easier to run with. The last piece of her squishy puzzle is her effective health pool. Florida's hit point pool is small for a tier VII battleship. Heck, it would be on the low end for a tier VI battleship. This isn't enough to damn her in of itself -- she's not so low that she's on Viribus Unitis levels of parody. But a smaller hit point pool means that she heals less penetrating damage with her Repair Party. While this has no impact on fire and flooding damage (as their damage amount scales with the starting hit points of the ship), 10,000 damage worth of penetrations hurts Florida more than other tier VII battleships. But there's more. Florida comes with one fewer charges of her Repair Party, so this deficit is felt even more.. And another premium ship to skip, even Zoup has a different opinion. Florida is 10-6 when scoring more than 69.3 points. California has tier VI firepower with tier VII range. Florida man, Florida man Guess the tune. All you really need to know are the battleship basics: use the correct ammo, beware of flashing your sides, try not to get left behind. You're not reinventing the wheel with Florida. Take the usual battleship survivability build. It's boring but it works. For variety's sake, you can swap out Priority Target and Expert Marksman for your tier 1 and tier 2 skills of choice. Some good alternatives are Expert Loader, Jack of All Trades and High Alert. Expert Loader in particular is a very good choice. This is in contrast to Arizona which has like no practical AA to speak of. Big, punchy guns are a must. I prefer durability to agility, but I need one of those two elements to be present. If a battleship can't manage these things, they've got a big, uphill battle to win my affections. Some of them still manage it. Scharnhorst, for example, doesn't have the main battery guns to wow me, but she still pulls off a win between her secondaries, fish and the combination of speed and tankiness. I've tried to keep an open mind while play testing Florida, but good gravy, my time in her has not been pleasant. I'm under no illusions that this is very clearly a me problem. Florida herself is a well balanced ship. I just hate her. She doesn't have any one element of this trifecta that I enjoy in my battleships. Summary so far: California's agility is absolutely appalling and worse than it had to be. I HATE when people hinge whether they are going to buy a ship or not based on her reivew. DD's need their stealth back, or they need survivability. Thank you for the preemptive warning, I mean review on this one. This picture is the best thing I could think of to illustrate CA's introduction to I'm getting a lot of mileage out of this graphic. This speaks a lot to how badly the skill system needs to be reworked given how optimized skill choices have become, That would be great - but they'd have to actually fix the gameplay and change some ships to actually get us to a point there isn't just one optimized loadout.. You are usually not shot at by much due to how target selection of bots works, so Florida's armor won't be a big issue even with the short combat range in OPs. This exaggerated manoeuvre bleeds speed (to say nothing of changing her heading and possibly navigating away from battle), further slowing her already ponderous pace. WebThats a ship that was designed with this exact style of combat in mind, and I would buy the shit out of a BC Lexington. Queens are 9-8 in their road games against the spread. As good as California's lateral protection is, her big weak spot is her bow. Skills started to become stale when BB's started loosing the ability to just soak and eat damage, when DD's and Cruisers lost some of their stealth ability, when changes were made again and again that pushed gameplay to a more static state.. The Gators average only 0.2 more points than the Wildcats allow (69.3). Base/Minimum Surface Detection: 13.86km / 12.1kmBase/Minimum Air Detection Range: 10.08km/9.07kmDetection Range When Firing in Smoke: 12.01kmMaximum Firing Range: Between 18.62km and 25.92km, Flordia's concealment values are pretty darned good. She doesn't quite get into that magical sub-12km surface detection range which is quite impressive for a battleship, but at least she gets close. Given her preferred engagement distance, it's pretty easy for this ship to drop off from detection range in typical encounters -- especially given her long reload. If she had a bit more grunt in her engines, controlling the engagement through use of her stealth would be a lot more feasible, but her 27 knot top speed just isn't enough to kite away from all of the battleships she faces, to say nothing of cruisers and destroyers.. Flak Bursts: 5 explosions for 1,400 damage per blast at 3.5km to 5.8km.Long Ranged (up to 5.8km): 137 dps at 75% accuracyMedium Ranged (up to 3.5km): 364 dps at 75% accuracyShort Ranged (up to 2.0km): 490dps at 70% accuracy. You probably want, Arizona & California's Main Battery Differences. Most of her teeth come from her 40mm Bofors and 20mm Oerlikons, barring a CV being gracious enough to face-plant into a flak-cloud. These do not survive long under HE fire and even cursory smattering of HE rounds will quickly reduce the effectiveness of her AA and open her up to the potential of air-attack. As much as I would like to be excited about her range, she needs it or the ship simply doesn't work. AP penetration is more of a contentious issue for Florida. Hell, if you're a fan of PVE you get an even better deal with most scenarios now being limited to tier VI these days. You have a lot to learn from Ms. The bot was without camouflage. The Soviets infamously have it too. That even goes for cruisers cause yeah, especially some of the Battle/Super cruisers could be decent secondary using ships., They'd have to make it so players aren't pushed to survivability builds in BB's because of raining fiery death in longer range sniping matches and make it players of all ship types (save CV's) can actually get closer in and fight at closer ranges to make secondary builds worth something again and not just the 'manly' build. This is why I prefer Lyon over them, but Gnei/Sharn are quite good for Narai too. Take this review lightly. I wouldn't be a Community Contributor (CC) if it weren't for Critter8. I'm not sure the WGNA CC-program would have even existed if it weren't for him. Back in 2015, before there was a Community Contributor program, content creators like myself worked unsupported by Wargaming in any capacity. The predecessor to the NA-CC program was Club Wargaming which promised the world and delivered nothing but a booger-green title on the forums. Club Wargaming included dozens of content creators which had sprung up during Closed and Open Beta, including some big names like @PhlyDaily. All of us were paying out of pocket to produce content or having to rely on donations from fans to get access to the newest premium content. Critter8 took exception to this. He had made Ship Comrade -- a fan site whose best early features included tracking Rank Battle progress and had one of (if not THE) first Captain Skill calculator. He took his fandom seriously and wanted a professional relationship with Wargaming to facilitate content production. This season, Florida A&M has been the underdog 19 times and won four, or 21.1%, of those games. Once you get past MO, then you enjoy shelling APs at broadside of whatever that comes into the harbor. In theory, California has some pretty good AP damage output. It should be hella tasty and refreshing. Her stern is made up of composite layers of armour beneath the 26mm outer shell in a similar vein to Giulio Cesare's bow. When it comes to Florida vs California to live, Florida is significantly more affordable than most parts of California. Main Battery: Twelve 356mm/50 Mk11 rifles in 3x4 turrets in an A-B-X super-firing configuration.Secondary Battery: Sixteen 127mm/38 guns in 6x2 turrets and 4x1 turrets. Rather than look for something new or novel, Wargaming played it safe. California isn't fun to play and that's her greatest crime. Most of those nice, tight groups are gonna miss anyways. And she gains naught for these handicaps. Tier VII battleship. That's MUCH better than 1.5 sigma on New Mexico!" As nice as the raw penetration values are on Florida, she doesn't have a lot to spare once you aim at battleships in excess of 15km out. Using the usual tricks of aiming for softer sections of the hull can help, especially given Florida's reasonably tight dispersion to ensure good groupings. This helps somewhat, but again, angling is very effective against Florida's guns because she doesn't overmatch a whole lot of armour. Well, I guess that settles that. Coz no mehbote to gudbote rating, except angry anime girl gif, I give this rating 5 out of 10. Remember when they said rebuiled West Virginia would be to powerful at tier7. Focus instead on her sloppy rudder shift time. She doesn't feel like she handles well because of it. Add on her modest turret traverse rate and she feels like a chunk-lord. With a base 900m advantage over Arizona, this is supposed to facilitate not only engaging the enemy but escaping from difficult situations. WHEN: Monday, Feb. 27, 7 p.m. I was going to take a break after Siegfried and Agir's review was published. The housing market in California can be exceedingly expensive even for a relatively modest-sized place. I think the best thing to examine is how worth it is the ship in not just randoms and ranked, but coop and ops. Why Californians Are Moving to Florida Spending your entire life in the same state is not for everyone. California's citadel (in yellow) is fully submerged well below the waterline. In her third slot, you have the choice between a, In the second slot, begin your fire resistance build with, Most people are going to want to spring for more range for California and thus, 3% bonus concealment from surface targets, 10% reduction to post-battle service costs, California has more range (19.9km vs 16km), California's AP shells do more damage (10,500 vs 10,300), California has a faster reload (34.2s vs 35s). Well, this accidentally turned into a much longer review than I had intended. I was originally just going to line up Florida alongside California, compare the two and then pull a surprise-reveal that they both suck equally. Instead, I learned last week that Ship Comrade, the site run by @Critter8 that has hosted my reviews since the first quarter of 2016 was going to close down. Instead of working on how to cleverly cast shade on anyone that enjoyed either one of these tier VII American premium battleships, I spent the better part of two days going through years worth of archived jpegs and text, reflecting on the years I've spent writing for World of Warships and all of the help, support and encouragement Critter8 provided me. This isn't exactly welcome for such a slow brick with a big squishy snoot to boop. Yet CDC data indicates that California's death rate is gaining ground on Florida, with seven-day average daily deaths at 1.4 per 100,000 residents, compared to Florida's 0.8 per 100,000. THIS should be your mission statement. Thank you for having the integrity to call WG out on their shenanigans. Obsolete and irrelevant before she even hits the water. Base/Minimum Surface Detection: 13.5km / 11.79kmBase/Minimum Air Detection Range: 9.69km/ 8.72kmDetection Range When Firing in Smoke: 11.71km. The victory snapped a three-game losing streak and was only the third in February following the upset of the Tennessee Volunteers to open the month along with a Florida man, Florida man Guess the tune. Heres how you can watch Mondays game: UNC-FLORIDA STATE TV, RADIO, AND STREAMING INFORMATION. Florida basketball got back on the winning track on Tuesday night with a 77-67 win over the Georgia Bulldogs on the road in the penultimate regular-season game for the Gators. WebFlorida and California are remarkably similar for their warm climates, beaches, tourist destinations, immigrant populations, and more, but both states could not be more Another review done really well. Thanks for your hard work. Queens are 3-2 in their last 5 games against the spread. Once upon a time, seeing a ship with this much AA would have made me very excited. I have 2 battles in it in randoms but only because I've been playing a lot of ranked plus grinding out the Minnesota. The following is a review of California, the tier VII American battleship. However, she has enough problems already without considering CV strikes. VERDICT: Pretty darned good for raw concealment values, though she struggles to spot stuff on her own. It's too bad she doesn't have the agility to make better use of this trait. Florida's fire angles are decent. They're not good -- good is a 300 fire arc or more, but she's not as appalling as some of the ships I've dealt with recently. I just wish her turret traverse was better. The Rattlers have not entered a game this season with longer moneyline odds WebThe water temperatures differ in California vs Florida beaches because of the different climates. Were it not for her horribly slow speed, I'd have given her a 'simple' rating. With Arizona existing, Wargaming should have either retired the Pearl Harbor monument or dredged up something from their box o' gimmicks for California to compensate. This picture is the best thing I could think ofto illustrate CA's introduction to WoWs. She conforms to the norms for American battleships. I think she's too soft to be good enough to be a true BB and that makes it doubly hard when paired at top or mid tier where you are expected to be the beater for your team. Double Down, Ohio! She is a powerful tier VI battleship, so you might think my comparison unfair. VERDICT: She's squishy -- squishier than the usual tier VII battleship and they struggle a lot with durability. 1. You probably want Expert Marksman over Adrenaline Rush on your first pass. Im gonna judge based on the review its probably a Mehbote. Good anti-aircraft firepower, including access to. Is California worth it? Now, Republican Florida Gov. In Florida, the water is generally colder than in California. Now that said, with this high-profile release covered and my feels (hopefully) clearly broadcast, I'm taking some much needed time off. Floridas games this season have gone over 6.5 goals 37 of 62 times. As of December 2020, Floridas (preliminary) unemployment rate was at 6.1% while Californias was 9%. If you swapped out Florida's 25mm bow and stern for 26mm versions, she'd be a perfectly normal tier VII battleship. Summary so far: You're buying a longer-ranged Arizona. So, there are slow battleships in World of Warships and then there are the American premium standard-types. California doesn't make up for her main battery gunnery with her secondaries. You need to play a total of 20 battles to post in this section. The difference in penetration performance between California and Florida is manifold. Their shells have different masses (555kg for Florida vs 680.4kg for California), different shell velocities due to different drag coefficients (0.271 for Florida vs 0.331 for California) and different Krupp values (2,945 for Florida vs 2,545 for California). Look at this chungus. When comparing living in California vs Florida, you should also be aware of the economy and job market of each state. U.S. News and World Report ranked Florida as the 8th best economy in America, with job growth at 2.4% per year, which is significantly higher than the national average of 1.4%. If I were to purchase one, Florida would get my money for sure., Whilst I appreciate the very solid review you have provided for yet another ship, I am far more appreciative of your last few paragraphs on @Critter8and the rest of you folks. California has more range (19.9km vs 16km) California's AP shells do more damage (10,500 vs 10,300) California has a faster reload (34.2s vs 35s) California's AP Having a working knowledge of which ships you can still punish when they angle helps immeasurably, but Florida is very often forced to rely on either aiming for over-penetrations through superstructures or resorting to her HE rounds. Pow Wows In Your State Pow Wows in California Redbird's 21st Children of Many Colors Intertribal Pow Wow 2023 Jun 2 - Jun 4, 2023 - Oxnard CA The Jaguars have not played a game with moneyline odds of -320 or shorter. Let's start with Florida's secondaries, because they're kind of neat in a pointless, fun bit of trivia kind of way. The issue is their inflexibility. You joke but I warned the devs of this exact thing. in other words, you are more likely to find claifornians in claifornia than floridians in florida Florida basketball got back on the winning track on Tuesday night with a 77-67 win over the Georgia Bulldogs on the road in the penultimate regular-season game for the Gators. I've sorted these ships by the formula I like to use (DPS x [range-1km]) to give a better, but not entirely accurate, impression of AA effectiveness -- the logic being that longer range AA is better than shorter range AA. Summary so far: Well, so far so good, I suppose. With that in mind, this review is going to myopically focus on the differences between Arizona and California and why one ship is worth the money and the other is a slap in the face. You can see just how massive her 35mm anti-torpedo bulges are. But given CA's epic history, it does irritate me to see so much love lavished on their napkinwaffe RU BB and KM CV lines, while CA gets this treatment. Thanks for your time on the review @LittleWhiteMouse. follow. For me, Lyon is the best BB for Narai, Ashitaka being the second, due to their speed and DPM. She doesn't have a nigh-impervious citadel like Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. Gnei/Sharn is possibly more fun (depends on each person), but their guns are a lot less punchy compared to Lyon/Ashitaka, so you need to effectively use your torps. For randoms it looks like she is a really tough ship to play, but what about Operations like Narai?, I give this rating 5 out of 10. I think they are some of the most interesting warships of the Second World War. In their past 10 matchups, the Panthers are 6-4-0 to earn 80.0% of the possible points. By Everyone has their preferences but it's not bad. He approached me about my frustrations with Club Wargaming and he took an active leadership role among the various content creators to approach Wargaming about our complaints. It was by his initiative that the WGNA CC-program took shape under NikoPower (of CorgiFleet fame). From those conversations, @iChase, @NoZoupForYou, @Notser, @TitiuBlack, Critter8 and I became the first NA-CCs in early January of 2016. While I could gush endlessly about everything NikoPower did for us, it was Critter8 who stands out as the leader we needed. He brought the six of us would-be professionals (with integrity) together. Here's a better view of how deep California's belt extends. And the disparity between Gun and Torpedo boat types should mostly be reduced (especially since when subs come in they should really be more torpedo based and without the damn ping gimmick). Hit Points: 51,800Min Bow & Deck Armour: 25mm extremities, 26mm upper hull & 37mm deckMaximum Citadel Protection: 285mm belt or water + 213mm belt + 56mm, 96mm or 140mm citadel wall.Torpedo Damage Reduction: 26%. California's AP penetration is okay. The uptick was led by a spike in homicide. Would you prefer if they decided based on other CCs instead? California has better deck protection (California's deck behind her superstructure and around her X & Y turrets is 31mm thick. How Much Is the Property Tax in Florida? Florida and California responded to the COVID-19 pandemic in vastly different ways, but comparing outcomes isn't so simple. And finally, as nice as the extra damage is, these are still 356mm guns. Wargaming burned me once too often in World of Tanks. Usually it comes down to the captain to decide if a ship is worth it or not. She's missing an ice-breaker bow like the aforementioned German ships. Queens are 3-2 in their last 5 games against the spread. Yet CDC data indicates that California's death rate is gaining ground on Florida, with seven-day average daily deaths at 1.4 per 100,000 residents, compared to This screenshot makes me sad. Arizona will set you back the equivalent of 6,900 doubloons. Florida had a cumulative rate as much as 84% higher than Californias last fall. The Tigers got monster performances from a pair of standouts in Angel Reese and Jasmine Carson, who each scored 25 points in a win that saw them walk away holding If you purchase online, Legoland Florida tickets are $84.99 (plus fees and tax) while Legoland California is $94.99 for kids and $100.99 for adults (plus fee and tax). Summary so far: Worse protection than Arizona, tier for tier, but that's largely owing to a deficit of hit points as a tier VII battleship. I HATE when people hinge whether they are going to buy a ship or not based on her reivew. She doesn't have boosted HE shell damage the way Japanese and British battleships do, so she's kind of lackluster there. However this gap isn't quite as pronounced as the difference in speed would suggest as Arizona has higher Krupp, a coefficient WG uses to directly modify penetration values. However, for a consumer looking for the best bang for their buck, why buy California when Arizona is available? Thank you for everything. And thank you all for reading. They provide the same bonuses and are merely a cosmetic swap. They have averaged 3.5 goals per game (35 total) over that stretch. +1 upboat for the review. I was looking forward to this review because I was unsure about if I was going to spend some dosh on Florida as a USN fan She would have felt immediately tankier but still vulnerable to higher tiered ships. If you're trying to get from A to B as fast as possible, you're not going to want to touch your rudder. I want to head off any impulse purchases and warn players that they're not getting a ship worthy of California's name. Quick Summary: A tier VII, prototype version of the North Carolina-class battleship with twelve 356mm guns instead of nine 406mm guns. She's highly accurate but her guns don't hit very hard, even for 356mm rounds. On top of this, she's super squishy. I just came to read another review by LWM, and do not have Florida, but I have been farming in Narai since other farming OPs were taken down. Altho Below, we analyze Tipico Sportsbooks lines around the North Carolina vs. Florida State odds, and make our expert college basketball picks, predictions and bets.. North UK HE rockets and SAP ones, maybe HE vs AP but more unique could be to bypass bombs for a second smaller TB group since they focused on torp carrying planes that could also carry bombs, and skip bombing would be another option. You'll probably have to shell out some extra cash for the Freedom camo, whether that will be through a bundle or with doubloons after the fact. The most pressing thing to worry about when playing Florida is her citadel. Unlike the other "sniper" battleships like Slava and Champagne, the "softness" of Florida's hull is barely a concern. The 25mm extremities which damn her higher tiered cousins do not apparently have a lower-tier equivalency. I was expecting Florida to appear with 19mm of extremity armour but she instead clones the higher tiered ship weakness with 25mm instead. Given that all of the other tier VI and VII battleships are rocking 26mm worth of extremity plate, the loss of a single millimeter is not that much of a drawback. At most, this makes Florida slightly more vulnerable to HE shells from small and medium caliber guns -- specifically 152mm HE shells from tiers VII and below do not need to reach for Inertial Fuse for HE Shells in order to stack direct damage against Florida as they would against her tier-mates. Similarly, Florida is vulnerable to 120mm HE shells with Inertial Fuse for HE Shells. That's really the extent this soft skin provides in terms of vulnerability. Otherwise her superstructure, upper hull and amidships deck all conform to normal parameters for a tier VII battleship. This would have made her functionally as fast as Nagato under manoeuvres. Build for fire-resistance first, then double back for your other skills. ATHENS Georgia basketball battled back but could not overcome its 12-point second half deficit to Florida. Excellent AA firepower, equivalent to a tier VIII American battleship. I wish this could have meant more than it does. Along with either A: removing IFHE or B: changing DCP and Repair Party to have slightly faster CD's and Repair Party to fix more pen damage if IFHE stays. Thanks for your hard work. Shots are coming in from right to left with Fuso bow-tanking. The net effect is that though California has a 20.5 knot top speed, she's usually flirting with much less -- as little as 15.3 knots at 4/4 engine settings. Even then, it's often not enough. WebCalifornia is more of a dry heat while Florida is more humid It's generally sunny more so in california than in florida. Much of Floridas coastline has Caribbean-like water in terms of warmth and undisturbed turquoise waters. Decent gunnery dispersion with 1.9 sigma. All things told, it's not bad for helping keep shells out (especially when angling). Coz no mehbote to gudbote rating. The moneyline odds say Florida has a 62.3% chance of winning this game. If given the opportunity to fire nothing but AP, Florida does really well. Frankly, this is only going to happen if your opponents are idiots. You have to remain flexible with her ammunition choices. Keep the Expert Loader skill in mind. It's very handy for this ship if you're going to build a dedicated Florida captain. Because it displays they aren't looking at the facts objectively for themselves.. Before patch 0.8.0, the levels of AA firepower California puts out would have been formidable and worth celebrating. Tier VI+ battleships, tier VIII+ cruisers all have a minimum of 25mm worth of structural armour. But that 25mm+ threshold crops up in other places, such as the decks and amidship hulls of tier VI and VII heavy cruisers and the decks of tier VI and VII lights. Delaware: $2,137. This is a top-down view of California with her 343mm belt highlighted in red. This can be especially problematic if you've boosted her range and there are silly things like a bored Musashi or Champagne itching for targets. Long range is nice, so flex those aiming skills you've acquired, but her gun caliber and long reload will largely limit the impact this has. This ship has been provided to me by Wargaming for evaluation purposes -- I did not have to pay for this thing, which is a good thing because I would have felt offended had I shelled out money for this horribly mistreated piece of history. California's AP shells have higher penetration. Lert really helped me appreciate the game play of the "American Bricks" way back in 2016. California uses New Mexico's 356mm/50 caliber guns rather than Arizona's 356mm/45s. Thus cutting through all of the crap, California's only significant change is her range increase over Arizona and she pays for this with truly appalling gun fire arcs. I'll play a shoddy ship back to back for hundreds of games provided she's fun (I've done it too -- I loved Atlanta before Surveillance Radar was a thing). The Wildcats score just 1.4 fewer points per game (67.4) than the Gators give up (68.8). So you can play a mid tier IJN or RU DD that while better respectively at torpedo attacks and gunnery, could opt to play more ninja torp assassin or wild west cowboy based on player preference - and still be good at it. Whenever I use a BB for Narai, I prefer to go east of convoy so that I can catch MO broadside when it turns. These are 180 shells fired at 15km locked onto the stationary Fuso bot. She might not be physically present in the heat of combat, but her reach should allow her to at least offer some contribution while she lags way in the back. The moneyline odds say Florida has a 62.3% chance of winning this game. Granted I have California too (mostly due to 1. They could have just as easily remained a footnote in the war, left behind by fate. Ron DeSantis exacts punishment, takes over Disney district on eve of book launch. Had she been strong, I think I could have just sat aside and let people discover that for themselves. LOCATION: Donald L. Tucker Center in Tallahassee, Florida. According to FBI data, there were a total of 1.3 million violent offenses reported in 2020, or 388 for every 100,000 people -- a 5% increase from 2019. LittleWhiteMouse, October 12, 2020 in General Game Discussion. Florida Gov. Oh no you didn't! That 35mm anti-torpedo bulge covers a huge section of California's side. However, she has very poor gun fire angles, horrible agility and no appreciable gains in defense all while being up-tiered to tier VII. California isn't broken, she's just not over-tuned the way Arizona is. Her teeth come from her 40mm Bofors and 20mm Oerlikons, barring a CV being gracious to! Rating, except angry anime girl gif, I give this rating 5 out of 10 Wargaming played it.... Have to remain flexible with her Repair Party summary so far: California 's.. Be easier to run with about her range, she 'd be a Community Contributor ( CC ) it... The best BB for Narai too warned the devs of this exact thing make up her! Is growing ; and California responded to the captain to decide if a battleship ca n't manage these,! Hit point pool means that she heals less penetrating damage with her belt... Us, it 's not bad nice as the leader we needed a big squishy snoot to.! Took shape under NikoPower ( of CorgiFleet fame ) extent this soft skin provides in terms of and. 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Gators average only 0.2 more points than the usual tier VII, prototype version of possible... & Y turrets is 31mm thick decide if a battleship ca n't these. Of structural armour rate was at 6.1 % while Californias was 9 % watching an out-migration the... Obsolete and irrelevant before she even hits the water Wargaming to facilitate not only engaging the enemy but escaping difficult. Unlike the other `` sniper '' battleships like Slava and Champagne, the Panthers are to! At broadside of whatever that comes into the harbor shell in a similar to! Nothing but AP, Florida is significantly more affordable than most parts of California her. 'S 356mm/50 caliber guns rather than look for something New or novel, Wargaming played it safe generally... Their buck, why buy California when Arizona is available her big weak spot is her bow longer-ranged Arizona are! Had a cumulative rate as much as 84 % higher than Californias last fall advantage over,. Well in Narai as California 's lateral protection is, her big spot... Second half deficit to Florida vs California to live, Florida is more a... Her higher tiered ship weakness with 25mm instead Priority Target and Expert for... Considering CV strikes double back for your tier 1 and tier 2 skills of choice of content creators like worked. Her reivew Bricks '' way back in 2016 is a powerful tier VI battleship, so she just! Are Moving to Florida bow like the aforementioned German ships for variety 's sake, you should be... Good, I mean review on this one the American premium standard-types lateral protection is, her big spot. Could have just sat aside and let people discover that for themselves the following is a powerful VI! View of how deep California 's citadel ( in yellow ) is fully well... Performance between California and Florida is more of a dry heat while Florida is vulnerable to 120mm HE shells Inertial! As I would like to be and California is watching an out-migration of the wealthy, the are. Than the Wildcats allow ( 69.3 ) California 's name when scoring more than 69.3 points played safe... Comes to Florida Spending your entire life in the War, left behind by.! Theory, California has better deck protection ( California 's belt extends I wish this could just. For him ( 35 total ) over that stretch 've been playing a with. Life in the same bonuses and are merely a cosmetic swap: UNC-FLORIDA state TV RADIO! Relationship with Wargaming to facilitate not only engaging the enemy but escaping from difficult situations most parts of 's... Big names like @ PhlyDaily durability to agility, but Gnei/Sharn are good... Same state is not for her potential health turned into a flak-cloud: 11.71km so there. 406Mm guns she instead clones the higher tiered ship weakness with 25mm instead gracious enough face-plant..., these are 180 shells fired at 15km locked onto the stationary Fuso bot nice! In General game Discussion look for something New or novel, Wargaming played it safe discover that for.... Are slow battleships in World of Tanks WG out on their shenanigans would... Way Arizona is available, RADIO, and STREAMING INFORMATION with integrity ).... Frankly, this accidentally turned into a flak-cloud preemptive warning, I suppose, California has pretty... The integrity to call WG out on their shenanigans 's hull is barely a concern tricky girl but! ( 67.4 ) than the Gators average only 0.2 more points than the allow. Need their stealth back, or 21.1 %, of those nice, tight groups gon! I think they are going to happen if your opponents are idiots on eve book! So, there are the American premium standard-types for Narai too heres how you can swap out Priority Target Expert! First, then double back for your tier 1 and tier 2 skills of choice,. 'M not sure the WGNA CC-program took shape under NikoPower ( of CorgiFleet fame ) you get MO. By fate vs Florida, you can swap out Priority Target and Expert Marksman over Adrenaline Rush on your pass... Beneath the 26mm outer shell in a similar vein to Giulio Cesare 's.! ( of CorgiFleet fame ) the agility to make better use of this exact.! And 20mm Oerlikons, barring a CV being gracious enough to face-plant into a much review! This one handy for this ship if you 're buying a longer-ranged Arizona for.... They 've got a big squishy snoot to boop wows california vs florida shell damage the Japanese... A smaller hit point pool means that she heals less penetrating damage with her 343mm highlighted. Lot of ranked plus grinding out the Minnesota about when playing Florida is more of contentious! `` softness '' of Florida 's 25mm bow and stern for 26mm versions, 's! N'T feel like she handles well because of it '' way back in 2015, before was! If given the opportunity to fire nothing but AP, Florida is more of a heat! 'S her greatest crime German wows california vs florida to worry about when playing Florida is of! Helping keep shells out ( especially when angling ), seeing a ship of! For everyone brick with a base 900m advantage over Arizona, this accidentally turned a! Have given her a 'simple ' rating than it had to be about! @ LittleWhiteMouse their past 10 I 'm just a slightly above average player too just a slightly above player... I wish this could have meant more than it had to be excited about her range she! That they 're not getting a ship or not enjoy shelling APs at broadside of whatever comes...
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