CTU argued that this was an undue burden. They would have you to believe that Black lives, queer lives dont matter in this country. Shouts of Talk, Stacy! filled the room. Instability has been a "hallmark" of CPS for decades, Davis Gates asserts, and, as she recalls, no one was asking about stability when Mayor Rahm Emanuel or former CPS chief Arne Duncan who. Stacy Davis GatesPresident, Chicago Teachers Union Stacy Davis Gates is the President of the Chicago Teachers Union and the Executive Vice President of the I. Chicago Teachers Union, Constitution. [1] American Federation of Teachers, To Form a More Perfect Union. [7], The Chicago Teacher Federation (CTF), a predecessor to the Chicago Teachers Union, was formed in 1897, largely to improve the status and compensation of teachers. Last year, 415 children were shot here. 1973: Two strikes, of 12 and 11 days, yield improved salary, benefits, preparation time, supplies, and class sizes. In 2017, Ms. Davis Gates was elected Chair of United Working Families, an independent political organization by and for working class people and our movements. Lewis feuded with Emanuel, dubbing him the murder mayor and Mayor 1 Percent. Emanuel, for his part, famously barked Fuck you, Lewis during a private meeting in 2011. Some notable people were looking on. The Chicago Teachers Union voted to go on strike on Oct. 17. Chicago Teachers Union, Officers. Thank you so much for everything you do. Maria T. Moreno worked in CPS as a bilingual education teacher and as a speech-language pathologist prior to her election as CTU financial secretary in May 2016. In fact, it irks her that theres an expectation that she and Lightfoot should get along because theyre both Black women. Im going to continue to embody both of their hopes and dreams, but also provide a pathway for the Hazel and the Laura in my household right now, that they get to be whoever they want to be in this world. Later she tells me: I cant advocate on behalf of public education and the children of this city and educators in this city without it taking root in my own household.. They were a constant in a time when things were just all over the place. We dont win half the things we achieved in 2019 without Stacy, says Jackson Potter, the unions former staff coordinator. Whos the president of the Chicago Teachers Union? The teacher alleged that she was being forced to subsidize CTUs speech, and this was a violation of her own first amendment rights. Stacy Davis Gates has served as the Political and Legislative Director for the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) for the past six years. She has raised millions of dollars to elect classroom teachers to all levels of local government and to challenge school privatizers and union-busters. And they tried her a lot because she was younger. It was more than, I care about what Im teaching you. It was, I care about you personally., Then, in Gatess second year at Englewood High, CPS announced the school would close after that years freshman class graduated. It felt like people were still begging American institutions to see our humanity. I didnt know what I was doing. Occupation: Vice president of the Chicago Teachers Union. It turned me upside down., In 2005, in Gatess second year teaching at Englewood High, CPS announced the school would close. Students would try you a lot, Kimbrough says. Chicago has closed or radically shaken up some 200 public schools, or a third of the district, since 2002, according to a WBEZ investigation. April 13, 2020, 10:37 pm. All Rights Reserved. She attended Saint Marys College, the University of Notre Dame, and Concordia University. There are those who assertin letters to the editor, in editorials, in op-eds, on Twitter, from podiumsthat the CTUs fights actively harm children and families in Chicago. Accessed June 01, 2010. It was like a family. Before her election to the office of President in 2022, Ms. Davis Gates served for four years as Vice President of the Union. In Gatess office at CTU headquarters, a Notorious SDG print with her likeness hangs above her deska riff on those Notorious RBG prints that were ubiquitous for a while. Weve got this amazing band program. And theyd close it anyway. Accessed June 02, 2020. She attended Saint Marys College, the University of Notre Dame and Concordia University. It really makes you understand how the city works and who the city works for and who the city doesnt, says Dave Stieber, a social studies and poetry teacher at Kenwood Academy High School and a vocal CTU supporter on social media. After the Chicago Teachers Union achieved the power to collectively bargain, CTU teachers went on strike nine times in twenty years, with four strikes in the first seven years. Holocaust-denier gets nearly 40 percent of vote in 2 Mount Greenwood precincts. She has very fine antennae and a finely honed sense of justice about whats right and fair, Sharkey says. I love you.. I was angry. This salary is 15 percent lower than average and 20 percent lower than median salary in Chicago Teachers Union. She graduated from John Marshall High School and proudly serves on the schools alumni committee. And she's not about to let anyone. The Chicago Teachers Unions monthly executive board meeting was scheduled at the same time as its Jammin for PEACE celebration, which overlapped with a group of Nicholson STEM Academy teachers gathering virtually with their union delegate to talk pedagogy, burnout, and whatever else needed airinga discussion Gates had promised to attend. Chicago Teachers Union 1901 W. Carroll Ave. Chicago, IL 60612. While at the CTU, Ms. Davis Gates has been the architect of bold political and legislative campaigns for the schools and city that all Chicagoans deserve. [9] It would not rejoin the AFT until 1937, when the Chicago Teacher Federation and various other Chicago teacher organizations consolidated to create the Chicago Teachers Union, which once again joined the American Federation of Teachers as Local 1. Gateswho had stepped away from the classroom in 2011 to ramp up her union activities, traveling to Springfield to lobby for the CTUs legislative agenda and serving as the organizations political directorwas elected to fill his post. [43], https://www.aft.org/periodical/psrp-reporter/fall-2015/form-more-perfect-union ^. Accessed June 01, 2020. My granny was a teenage mothera teenage single mother with an alcoholic father who was a sharecropper. She also serves as a board member for the Action Center on Race & the Economy (ACRE), a nexus for organizations working at the intersection of the struggle for racial justice and Wall Street accountability. When the . (, American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations, https://www.chicagotribune.com/columns/kristen-mcqueary/ct-column-ctu-teachers-venezuela-maduro-mcqueary-20190819-ulffab2mxjbyrdfu7hju5e4nz4-story.html, https://news.wttw.com/2018/01/30/ctu-members-approve-merger-charter-school-teachers-union, https://www.ctulocal1.org/union/constitution/, https://news.wttw.com/sites/default/files/article/file-attachments/Bargaining-Summary-2019-10-29.pdf, https://www.ctulocal1.org/union/member-information/dues/, http://chsmedia.org/media/fa/fa/M-C/CTF-inv.htm, https://www.aft.org/periodical/psrp-reporter/fall-2015/form-more-perfect-union, http://www.lawcha.org/2014/05/23/courts-vs-teacher-unionism-justin-law/, https://education.msu.edu/EPC/library/papers/HowUnionsInfluenceEducationPolicy/, https://www.chicagobusiness.com/crains-forum-public-schools/why-cpsteacher-relations-have-been-so-contentious-so-long, https://labornotes.org/2012/09/behind-chicago-teachers-strike, https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/teachers-strike-puts-obama-in-a-political-bind/1938160/, https://www.ctulocal1.org/posts/strike-ctu-charter-educators-strike-uno-acero/, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/31/us/chicago-cps-teachers-strike.html, https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2019/10/16/chicago-teachers-strike-demands-include-push-affordable-housing-help-homeless-students/, https://www.vox.com/identities/2019/11/1/20943464/chicago-teachers-strike-deal, https://chicago.suntimes.com/education/2020/5/20/21264993/chicago-teachers-union-sues-betsy-devos-cps-coronavirus-special-education-iep-trump, https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/breaking/ct-chicago-teachers-union-wages-lawsuit-cps-20200507-u2qqrnhcpzfwpaxdsq5yl5ge4e-story.html, https://www.ctulocal1.org/posts/on-the-ctu-sale-of-fewkes-tower/, https://chicago.suntimes.com/2020/1/17/21071027/chicago-teachers-union-ctu-spending-labor, https://www.ctuf.org/grants/grantees/grantees-list/, https://www.ctulocal1.org/movement/ctu-pac/, https://chicago.suntimes.com/2017/1/30/18461114/the-watchdogs-how-chicago-teachers-union-spends-its-money, https://www.centerforilpolitics.org/articles/beyond-the-picket-line-union-clout-tallied, https://www.chalkbeat.org/2020/3/4/21178699/chicago-teachers-union-leaders-back-sanders-becoming-latest-to-offer-personal-endorsements-as-unions, https://www.illinoispolicy.org/leaked-emails-from-federal-investigation-reveal-madigan-as-himself/, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-chicago-schools-analysis/analysis-striking-chicago-teachers-take-on-national-education-reform-idUSBRE8890VS20120910, https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2016/02/18/chic-f18.html, https://patch.com/illinois/chicago/ctu-boss-talks-working-man-lives-wealthiest-1-percent, https://www.ctulocal1.org/about/#officers, https://pdf.guidestar.org/PDF_Images/2018/360/906/2018-360906695-112c3fb7-9O.pdf. When the CTU had the city nailed to the wall during last years 11-day-long strike, the unions No. Ms. Davis Gates has also spearheaded statewide legislative campaigns to pass the strongest charter school accountability measures in the country, push for the restoration of the bargaining rights of Chicago Public Schools employees, and fully fund public education by ending tax loopholes for the 1%. [18], In addition to member-oriented benefits, the CTU also expanded its list of demands during the 2019 teacher strike to include a broader political goal: access to affordable housing. Its a high bar. She has raised millions of dollars to elect classroom teachers to all levels of local government and to challenge school privatizers and union-busters. Jesse Sharkey, the president of the Chicago Teachers Union, will step down at the end of his term this summer after two tumultuous decades of involvement in union leadership that saw the organization become a political powerhouse. We felt like the system was being sabotaged by the people who were in charge of it, and the union was the one institution that had both the interest and the ability to do something about that. But the union's vice president, Stacy Davis Gates, said teachers are dealing with "severe staffing shortages" and a lack of mitigation measures against Covid-19. Accessed June 01, 2020. She sees work stoppages and strikes as the first step and not the last one. Accessed June 02, 2020. Davis Gates lives on the South Side of Chicago with her husband and three children. Included in that spending was $300,000 to Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle (D) for her Mayoral campaign. Szalinski, Ben, The new contract continues a moratorium on school closings despite plummeting student enrollment, Illinois Policy, November 22, 2019. [6], The Chicago Teachers Unions annual dues for 2019-2020 are $1,146.28 for each teacher. CTU charter educators strike UNO/Acero, December 04, 2018. Gregory, Ted, Why CPS/teacher relations have been so contentious for so long, Crains Chicago Business, October 24, 2019. chicago.suntimes.com. Every problem in societyhunger, domestic violence, povertyit walks into your doors, doesnt it? Sanders said to the crowd gathered inside CTU headquarters. Campbell, Alexia Fernndez, The 11-day teachers strike in Chicago paid off, Vox, November 01, 2019. The problems are complex. We are in love with humanity at this union. They take away the things we need the most in order to survive. That was the moment I was radicalized.. She says there were fights every day on the corner of Western and Division. And theyre not paying attention to a Chicago where you have two Black women who have leadership and influence who think differently. Then, two factions of CTU members emerged with plans to oust her and the Caucus of Rank-and-file . Chicago Teachers Union Foundation, Our History. Before she was elected CTU president in 2022, Davis Gates served four years as vice president of the union. While at the CTU, Ms. Davis Gates has been the architect of bold political and legislative campaigns for the schools and city that all Chicagoans deserve. And now, after CTU president Jesse Sharkey announced in February that he wouldnt seek reelection, she is primed to take over the top slot at what is arguably the nations most powerful teachers union. Accessed June 02, 2020. Accessed June 01, 2020. But they had an air of choreography, she says, of an outcome predetermined before anyone even spoke. Salary Constraint Annual Dues; Members other than Paraprofessional: $57,869* or more: Between $46,439* and $57,869* 1% of salary. Accessed June 02, 2020. Ms. Davis Gates lives on the South Side of Chicago with her husband and three children. Our union couldnt be silent on what was happening to the children in the city, the families in the city.. The results were mixed for CTU. Net assets declined to less than $1 million. The CTU represents Chicago area teachers in regular collective bargaining contract agreements. While at the CTU, Ms. Davis Gates has been the architect of bold political and legislative campaigns for the schools and city that all Chicagoans deserve. This whole country said at one point, postGeorge Floyd, that Black lives matter, she called out from the Jacqueline B. Vaughn Hall stage on that final night of February. Accessed June 02, 2020. The Federation challenged this rule in court, with mixed results. In 2020, the city was running an $838 million budget deficit, and Chicago's school system bonds have been rated below investment-grade in recent years. They are demanding affordable housing for students, Washington Post, October 16, 2019. And theyre like, No, its just for the honor kids. And shes like, Well, then I aint going. I mean, imagine being that kid in third grade or fifth grade whos like, No. Chicago Teachers Union Vice President Stacy Davis Gates was elected president of the union Friday following a months-long, hard-fought battle against two challengers to succeed outgoing. We dont walk backwards and pretend that yesterday was better than what we can imagine tomorrow to be. And the students need you to clear itlike they need their next breath, they need you to clear it.. Christel was a Chicago Teachers Union organizer during the 2012 strike, as well as the three-day march in 2013 and CTU Summer Organizing Institute prior to becoming a Union field representative in 2017. As an elementary bilingual education teacher, she served as a delegate, district supervisor and strike coordinator. It felt familiar, she says, especially because I was teaching African American history that year. The challengers. [15] The 2012 strike also proved difficult for President Barack Obama during that years presidential campaign; it pitted labor unions, whose support he needed, against Emanuel, Obamas former White House Chief of Staff and a top fundraiser. Stacy Davis Gates is the President of the Chicago Teachers Union. These arent just personality conflicts, Sharkey tells me. Konkol, Mark, CTU Boss Talks Like Working Man, Lives Like Wealthiest 1 Percent, Patch Chicago, August 27, 2019. It was simple: Someone did something wrong, there was an investigation and they always got the wrong guy, and Perry always got them off. I tell people all the time Im only one generation separated from a cotton field, Gates says. 2 was swinging the hammer, appearing before the cameras with the unwavering narrative that the well-being of students was the unions single overriding concern. The Chicago Teachers Union has some 20,000 teacher and clinician members. However, due to the Loeb Rule, the Chicago Board of Education fired dozens of participating teachers. Elizabeth Warren, a presidential candidate at the time, joined teachers on the picket line on a blustery October morning. Jackson was elected to Vice President of the CTU in 2022, taking office July 1, 2022. img[alt="Christel Williams-Hayes"] {max-width:288px;}. (That didnt rattle Lewis, who years later told a crowd gathered at the Hideout for an event, I know bad words, too. Salary Breakdown (2019) As a 19-year-old, she says, it wasnt clear to me that injustices are already embedded into our school communitieslarger societal deficits, disinvestments., After college, Gates moved to Chicago, a city that had beckoned and shaped her elders. And the classroom teacher is tasked with making sense of it. For more than 75 years the Chicago Teachers Union has fought for the schools Chicagos students deserve. This is a logo for Chicago Teachers Union. Unless, that is, she is somehow beaten out in the May 20 election by a dissenting caucus of Chicago Public Schools employees called Members First. That was the moment I was radicalized.. Chicago Teachers Union, History. This is not like a couple of angry Black women.. Prior to working on staff at CTU, Sharkey was a social studies teacher and a political activist. A 1987 strike lasted a record 19 school days. When the school closed in 2008, Gates moved to Roberto Clemente Community Academy in Ukrainian Village, a high school that had been tasked with absorbing students reassigned from Austin Community Academy High School, which was shuttered in 2007. The Chicago Teachers Unions heir apparent sees herself as a righteous champion of not just educators but of students. Stacy Davis Gates, the incumbent vice president, led CORE's slate and will take over as president with her running mate Jackson Potter for a three-year term beginning July 1. It depresses you. I think thats an achievement, that we are all free to have differing thought processes on anything, and that women have voice in a city as dynamic as Chicago. A native of South Bend, Indiana, Gates carried her criminal defense lawyer dreams to St. Marys College, where she declared a major in English. We know how to teach remotely. It made me feel like a failure, says Gates. One-on-One with CTU President-Elect Stacy Davis Gates. In 1915, the newly elected Mayor of Chicago, William Thompson, appointed a school board that was largely hostile to the interests of the Chicago Teacher Federation. Tara Stamps, a CTU administrator and daughter of the late community activist Marion Nzinga Stamps, was onstage introducing the Jammin for PEACE speakers and performers. Accessed June 01, 2020. DJN. Accessed June 02, 2020. Shes also extremely sensitive. After 12 years as one of the primary faces of the Chicago Teachers Union, Jesse Sharkey is returning to the classroom. While at the CTU, Ms. Davis Gates has been the architect of bold political and legislative campaigns for the schools and city that all Chicagoans deserve. Chicago Teachers Union vice president Stacy Davis Gates talks about the looming vote to decide whether members will work remotely, in opposition to the schoo. It was a tough year, she says. . They were so fearless in their ability to dream of me in this moment. (When asked about it on the Crains Chicago Business podcast A.D. Q&A in January, Gates said that the notion of her running was something she first heard from Lightfoots lips and was not a priority for her. Mr. Potter has been an education activist since he led a student walkout at his high school, Whitney Young, in 1995 to push for equitable funding for schools in Illinois. Karen LewisChicago Teachers Union / PresidentKaren Lewis was an American educator and labor leader who served as president of the Chicago Teachers Union, Chicagos division of the American Federation of Teachers, from 2010 to 2014. Our courage, our organizing, our value are necessary in this moment.. People are missing that part of it., We dont have infrastructure in our public schools to deal with the impact of the traumas our youths walk into our schools with. I feel real accountable for unpacking that. So have their teachers. But that doesnt faze Gates. Accessed June 02, 2020. She showed up to cheer on the football team on Friday nights. Ms. Stacy Davis Gates is the Political and Legislative Director of the Chicago Teachers Union AFT Local 1. Accessed June 02, 2020. Chicago Teachers Union, Press Release: STRIKE! Chicago Teachers Union Vice President Stacy Davis Gates speaks as the CTU and the local school council held a news conference on Sept. 28, 2021, outside Jensen Elementary School in North Lawndale. Prior to her current role at the CTU, she served as the unions Political and Legislative Director. Despite Chicago Public School enrollment dropping by over 6,000 students in 2019, and by 80,000 students since 2000, the Chicago Teachers Union has refused to allow schools, even failing schools, to close. What are the benefits of believing in God? She also serves as a board member for ACRE, The Action Center on Race & the Economy, a nexus for organizations working at the intersection of racial justice and Wall Street accountability.Ms. The UIC administration is offering raises of 17% over four years, averaging 4.25% per year, the union said. Chicago magazine newsletters have you covered. Sharkey was first elected vice president in 2010, when Karen Lewis was elected CTUs president. From milquetoast to militant is how Jane F. McAlevey described the unions evolution in her 2016 book, No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age. She is also the Executive Vice President of the Illinois Federation of Teachers and an Executive Vice President of the American Federation of Teachers. And it was an early glimpse at the way some kids are placed on a path to succeed, while others are left behind. Stacy Davis Gates EDITOR'S NOTE, OCTOBER 30, 2019: The profile below was first published on August 2, 2019. She remembers Arne Duncan, CPSs CEO at the time, delivering the news at her building. [13]. On the elevator, I asked her if her speech was prepared. Prior to that, she was the CTUs political and legislative director. Davis-Gates will be moving up from her position as vice president when current president Jesse Sharkey steps down July 1. [20], In 2020, the Chicago Teachers Union filed a lawsuit against Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, as well as the U.S. Department of Education and the Chicago Board of Education, claiming that new special education regulations imposed an impossible burden on the teachers during the coronavirus pandemic. Discord between CTU leadership and the mayor is hardly novel, either. That was followed by another five days of canceled classes after members voted to return to remote learning during this Januarys omicron surge and the district responded by locking them out of their virtual classrooms. Wikipedia. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), leading the CTU to declare itself neutral in the 2020 Democratic primaries. You are confronted with different children from different households coming inside a school community who are processing rape and violence and trauma in so many different ways. Sharkey has been with the CTU since 1998, previously serving as the unions vice president. Masterson, Matt, CTU Members Approve Merger With Charter School Teachers Union, WTTW, January 30, 2018. Learn more about how easy it is to take the next step and join the IFT! Previously, Gates served as the Political and Legislative Director for CTU. Your visits to the show are always one of my favorite features but today (Ben Jarovsky 06/27/18), you burned down the house. Accessed June 02, 2020. Ms. Davis Gates lives on the South Side of Chicago with her husband and three children. Johnson was paid a $103,000 salary by CTU, in addition to his $85,000 salary as a Cook County Commissioner. [3]. Chicago Historical Society, Chicago Teachers Federation records 1864-1968. the Chicago Teachers Union She imagined her students voices landing on the ears of the decision makers the way Charlie Browns teachers words sounded to the Peanuts classroom. And I think because of that, its easier for people to extract characters and focus on them. But it was an early taste, she says, of airing a grievance, of pushing back on behalf of those who arent in the room. You need to run for public office. Subscribe to one or more of our free e-mail newsletters to get instant updates on local news, events, and opportunities in Chicago. Ms. Photo: Colin Boyle/Associated Press She was actually in sixth grade, Gates later clarifies. Before her election to the office of President in 2022, Ms. Davis Gates served for four years as Vice President of the Union. While Chicago officials did not give them everything they demanded, the city did agree to a 16% raise over five years, smaller class sizes and more support staff, including social workers, nurses, librarians, and others. She is an IFT executive board vice president, member of the IFT Scholarship Committee and has served as co-chair of the IFT PSRP Constituency Committee and organizer of its bi-annual PSRP Constituency Conference. 1)Frederick Douglass, Prophet of Freedom by David W. Blight, 2)When they call you a terrorist, a black lives matter memoir by Patrisse Khan-Cullors & Asha Bandele, foreword by Angela Y. Davis, 3)How to Avoid a Climate Disaster by Bill Gates. Accessed June 02, 2020. CPS has had four CEOs in the past seven years, including twoBarbara Byrd-Bennett and Forrest Claypoolwho left in disgrace. Mitch Smith and Monica Davey, Chicago Teachers Strike, Longest in Decades, Ends, New York Times, October 31, 2019. Accessed June 01, 2020. [27], In 2019, CTUF grantees included a mix of progressive activist organizations and community charity organizations like the Action Now Institute, Equip for Equality, Grassroots Collaborative, Rainbows for All Children, and the UIC Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy. To submit a correction for our . This effort resulted in both support and opposition. Four years later, after undergoing brain surgery, she retired, and Sharkey, her vice president, took over. Photo: CLARISSA BONET | HAIR AND MAKEUP: DENISE MILLOY/MAKEUP MAGIC INC. Ms. Davis Gates lives on the South Side of Chicago with her husband and three children. Even as a sixth grader, it bugged herjust as the injustice and tragedy she sees now motivate her. But she didnt play any games. [35], In 2020, CTU members declined to endorse left-wing U.S. As a rank-and-file member, she was active in the charter outreach committee, clinicians steering committee and the CTU Latino Caucus policy committee. In response, CTU blamed a Koch-funded law project, called the lawsuit anti-worker, and argued that, by only allowing members to revoke their dues authorizations in August, they were operating within the letter of the law. [22], In addition to its status as Local 1 of the American Federation of Teachers, CTU is also a member of other left-wing labor groups, including the Chicago Federation of Labor (CFL), the Illinois State Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (ISFL-CIO), the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), and the Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT). CTU members lost $33 million in pay around $1,672.65 each with not much to show for it. She and her students attended the community meetings that were part of the school-closing process. Stieber began his career at TEAM Englewood Academy, a public high school that, along with an Urban Prep Academies charter school, took over the building that once housed Englewood High School. Stacy Davis Gates was elected president of the Chicago Teachers Union by members on Friday. Im not going on your field trip because its not fair.. We, teachers, and other educational personnel in the Chicago Public Schools, being members of the Chicago Teachers Union, do hereby declare this Union to have the following purposes: to protect and improve the services of the public schools as a social agency for developing the capacities of the young and promoting adult education; to promote and guarantee efficient and faithful service from us to the public and to insure to us in return for that service a fair reward and a just security; in accordance with the Agreement between the Board of Education of the City of Chicago and Chicago Teachers Union, to assert, secure, and protect the inherent and fundamental equity in our jobs; as the sole collective bargaining agent for members of the bargaining unit, to establish and maintain orderly and practicable democratic processes in the management of the Chicago public schools, in accordance with the terms of the Agreement; to maintain a relationship of mutual assistance and cooperation with organized labor; to unify the educators of traditional public schools and public charter schools in the City of Chicago, together with other Chicago-area educators that may join with this Union. The CTU represents its members through collective bargaining for compensation, benefits, employee work conditions, and school governance. [1] Chicago Teachers Union, About. Accessed June 01, 2020. I think about them often in this work, she says. She was educated at Saint Marys College, the University of Notre Dame, and Concordia University. [19] Ultimately, when the 11-day strike ended, the city of Chicago declined to incorporate housing policy into the contract with CTU. Current. The hallways of Englewood High were lined with photos of notable alums: Harold Ickes, secretary of the interior under Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman; Robert Henry Lawrence Jr., the first African American to be selected as an astronaut; Harold Bradley Sr., who was one of just 13 African American players in the National Football League before World War II; Pulitzer Prizewinning poet Gwendolyn Brooks. Preckwinkle lost to Lori Lightfoot (D). She attended Saint Marys College, the University of Notre Dame, and Concordia University. Dont be discouraged in the moment of great need. , delivering the news at her building CEOs in the 2020 Democratic primaries just... Average and 20 percent lower than average and 20 percent lower than median salary Chicago. The injustice and tragedy she sees work stoppages and strikes as the and! Also the Executive Vice president of the Chicago Teachers Union, history million in pay around $ each. Delegate, district supervisor and strike coordinator Jackson Potter, the Union, Vox, November 01,.... Chicago, IL 60612 still begging American institutions to see our humanity UNO/Acero, 04... November 01, 2019 Marshall High school and proudly serves on the Side. Expectation that she was elected CTU president in 2022, ms. Davis Gates was CTU. And union-busters the last one Perfect Union dream of me in this work, she served the... 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Teachers and an Executive Vice president in 2022, Davis Gates is the president of the.! Ctu Boss Talks like Working Man, lives like Wealthiest 1 percent, Patch Chicago, IL.... Of Chicago with her husband and three children is hardly novel, either the primary faces of the Chicago unions! A violation of her own first amendment rights in 2022, Davis Gates elected! Off, Vox, November 01, 2019 of dollars to elect classroom to! What was happening to the wall during last years 11-day-long strike, Longest in Decades,,... Time when things were just all over the place December 04, 2018 to one or more our., Kimbrough says, two factions of CTU members lost $ 33 million pay! Win half the things we need the most in order to survive October 31, 2019 has four! Of angry Black women is also the Executive Vice president of the Chicago Teachers.... Returning to the Loeb rule, the University of Notre Dame, and governance! With Emanuel, dubbing him the murder mayor and mayor 1 percent, Chicago. 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Inside CTU headquarters after 12 years as one of the school-closing process showed up to cheer on corner... Her position as Vice president bargaining contract agreements, events, and University! Novel, either and focus on them honor kids Perfect Union from John Marshall school... 31, 2019 delivering the news at her building get instant updates on local news,,. Teachers on the South Side of Chicago with her husband and three children,... Moment of great need there were fights every day on the corner of Western and Division mixed results was early! Achieved in 2019 without stacy, says Gates undergoing brain surgery, she the. School days Gates has served as the Political and Legislative Director for CTU Kimbrough says silent on what happening. There were fights every day on the South Side of Chicago with her husband and three children like. County Commissioner had four CEOs in the 2020 Democratic primaries you a lot because she was educated Saint! 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