Anna could also follow the utilitarian theory by requesting medical emancipation to allow her family and sister to end their suffering, allowing Kate to die as she requested, as well as the family to not have to worry about hospital admissions, testing, and treatments for Kate and . Hosp., 105 N.E. Massachusetts best interests standard is applicable to minors wishing to refuse certain medical treatments through In re Rena.26 Although the issue in the case was moot,27 the Massachusetts Appeals Court listed the factors to be considered when determining whether allowing the child to make certain medical decisions is in his or her best interests.28 The first two criteria focus on the minor-patients expressed preferences for the operation, as well as the patients religious convictions.29 The next factor considers the impact that the desired treatment would have on the patients family.30 The fourth and fifth criteria examine the probability of adverse side effects from the treatment and the minor-patients prognosis without treatment.31 Finally, the court determines the present and future incompetency of the patient in making that decision.32 The factors that focus on the minor-patient (i.e., expressed wishes, religious beliefs, and incompetency) must also be weighed against the maturity of the minor-patient to make an informed choice.33 Even though this standard seems more child-centered, parental preferences still invade the evaluation of a minors best interests. Synopsis. After reading this novel, one should know that disaster can happen at any moment in life. The rule of sevens is a common law rule of capacity that states that under the age of seven, a minor lacks capacity; between the ages of seven and fourteen, there is a rebuttable presumption of no capacity; and between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one, there exists a rebuttable presumption of capacity. Many of the concerns evident in the Florida courts analysis are applicable to a minors desire to refuse lifesaving medical intervention. Anna was an orphan. If You Take Your Sci-Fi with More Depth Than Octane, Consider, 3 Bad Church Approaches to Good Money Stewardship, 7 Ways Anxiety Dominates the Christian Mind, 5 Critical Rules to Teach Your Kids to Help Them Stay Safe, 4 Things You Should Know about Jesus Revolution, Jesus on Adultery: Its More Controversial Than You Think, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Id. This essay will focus on three events in Annas life, and discuss how each event in the characters life had an affect on her physical, psychosocial and cognitive development. Statutes that grant minors certain rights to consent to medical treatment are sometimes called medical emancipation statutes. Latest answer posted October 30, 2021 at 11:11:30 AM. Anna believes that her only role is to be a donor for Kate. Anna, the story's protagonist, is brought into the. 2018; judicial law clerk, Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation, Mashantucket, Connecticut; admitted to practice in Connecticut and the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation. This new novel is by far her best achievement and a leap forward in her literary oeuvre. Arguably, a minors right to refuse lifesaving treatment is grounded in his or her right to bodily integrity. Substantiated allegations of this unlawful influence could appropriately lead to criminal charges. Kate told Anna that she did not want to not live any longer for the fact of the way that she has been living is no life at all. 457, 459 (1997). A nationwide search begins. She has published novels in multiple genres including realistic fiction, historical fiction, magical realism and fantasy. Although the refusal of lifesaving treatment is a passive act, as opposed to an active request for euthanasia or assisted suicide,134 the same result would still be produced. This approach seems inevitable, as evidenced by the requirements even in liberal jurisdictions that allow for the euthanasia of minors only when the minors illness is terminal, incurable, and causes suffering that cannot be alleviated. Summary: Sara In 2002, Kate meets a boy named Taylor while she receives platelets and he receives chemo. Director Nick Cassavetes has coaxed amazing performances from his first-rate cast, including Diaz, who surprises with the strength of her rage and melancholy as a mother determined not to see her child die. 137. Communicative Competence 1 Linguistic 2 3 4. She is at the center of an ethical dilemma as she has to decide what is best for her and her family. Menu. Your membership has expired - last chance for uninterrupted access to free CLE and other benefits. Minors, however, are capable of rendering mature decisions without being religiously motivated. [ ] . 135. First, we have the moral issue surrounding Anna's birth. TV Shows. Let's examine 1. Introduction My Sister's Keeper is a movie that explores the clinical and ethical issues of compelled organ donations. the conduct and demeanor of the minor at the time of the incident involved would determine whether a minor had the capacity to consent to medical treatment.15 Other states have adopted the doctrine by judicial decision or statute,16 although with slight variations.17 In some states, the criteria of the doctrine are more accommodating than others. See Adam McLeod, The Groningen Protocol: Legalized Infanticide in the Netherlands and Why It Should Not Be Adopted in the United States, 10 Mich. St. J. Med. The court was asked to consider statements that a patient in a persistent vegetative state had made prior to a life-threatening accident, which occurred when he was seventeen-and-a-half years old.60 Coincidentally, the patient had a tangential connection to the case controlling this decision, In re Gardner,61 and in light of the publicity surrounding it, had made a statement to his mother that, were he to become comatose, he would want his mother to let [him] go to sleep.62 While accompanying his brother on a hospital visit for a comatose friend, the patient again made similar remarks, stating, I dont ever want to get like that . If the nature of the treatment is also considered in these circumstances, then a fact-finder could potentially decide a minor lacks maturity based on the course of treatment he or she wishes to elect. If you have not read the book then a good film, if you have read the book the the film will disappoint, the book gives more detail and goes a lot deeper and the ending it totally different, watch the film then read the book. from St. The publisher: Atria Books, 2003; paperback version, Washington Square Press, 2005 (Book 11) Like most teenagers, Anna is beginning to question who she truly is. Treatments considered lifesaving are almost always invasive, may have harmful side-effects, and are not always guaranteed to actually be lifesaving. In this film, Anna Fitzgerald is a. Anna's mother has a right to make medical decisions for her. How does it affect the kidney donation issue? Much more dignified and less manipulative than I had expected. application of ethical theory will be explored in conjunction with the analysis of characters in My Sister's Keeper. 26. Although it is highly unlikely that the United States would welcome a euthanasia law in the near future, if at all, the standards of these European laws can be used to inform an approach to a minors refusal to undergo lifesaving treatment. "Most babies are accidents, not me. But their family is rocked by sudden, heartbreaking news that forces them to make a difficult and unorthodox choice in order to save their baby girl's life. Thirteen-year-old Anna hires Campbell Alexander, an attorney, to sue her parents for medical emancipation. See id. 34. The moral lesson I learned in this movie is we have to face the reality and accept what could be the outcome, even though it's not what we wanted . MY SISTER'S KEEPER by Jodi Picoult is the amazing, gut-wrenching, sad, funny, insightful, moving and thought-provoking story of this American family. 2d 548, 553 (Fla. Dist. 1. Meanwhile, the. 90-21.8(e)(2) (West 2017). For some, such genetic engineering would raise both moral and ethical ques-tions; for the Fitzgeralds, Sara in particular, there is no choice but to do whatever it takes to keep Kate alive. from Franciscan University of Steubenville M.A. She becomes a girl who is constantly nervous and feels guilty. Each paragraph must contain a topic sentence, on quote from the book, and an explanation connecting the two experiences. 94. 39. The U.S. Supreme Court acknowledged a substantive due process right to bodily integrity in Rochin v. California,91 but the right is one that has long been recognized by common law.92 Bodily integrity as a fundamental right safeguards a persons body from governmental intrusion93 and is considered a right that is sacred.94 Recognition of this right has served as the basis for some of the most controversial of Supreme Court decisions, including the reproductive rights cases. See Andr Janssen, The New Regulation of Voluntary Euthanasia and Medically Assisted Suicide in the Netherlands, 16 Intl J.L., Poly & Family 260 (2002). The motivations of individual characters, the emotions that pull them one way or another, and the personal feelings that they inject into professional situations becomes achingly clear as we . My sisters keeper is a novel written by Jodi Picoult first published in 2004. 63 terms. This muddied body of case law is what the Connecticut Supreme Court had to draw from when it decided In re Cassandra C.67 The petitioner, Cassandra, was sixteen years old when she was diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma.68 Cassandra was removed from her mothers care and placed under an order of temporary custody following a series of missed appointments to begin her cancer treatment.69 Initially, Cassandra and her mother were skeptical of the diagnosis and sought a second opinion.70 Cassandras mother was openly hostile with the doctors and was specifically worried about chemotherapy treatment, which she viewed as poisoning her child.71 Cassandra also missed several appointments intended to evaluate the stage of her cancer,72 which alarmed Cassandras doctors, who expressed the importance of beginning Cassandras treatment as soon as possible to improve her prognosis and avoid the need to resort to radiation therapy, which has more harmful side effects than chemotherapy.73 Because of the mothers combativeness and observed unwillingness to have her treated, Cassandras doctors contacted the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF).74 An investigative social worker attempted to make contact with Cassandras mother, who at first did not return her phone calls, but then was openly hostile to the social worker when she made contact over the phone while insisting that Cassandras medical needs were being met.75 Because of the doctors continuous concern that Cassandra had not started her treatment, DCF filed a neglect petition against the mother for her failure to meet [Cassandras] medical needs and filed an ex parte order of temporary custody, which the court granted.76, Under the authority of the court, DCF removed Cassandra from her home and took her immediately to the emergency room, where Cassandra expressed her fears about waking up with tubes sticking out of her and about angering her mother.77 At the preliminary hearing on the order of temporary custody, the court appointed Cassandra a guardian ad litem to assist in evaluating Cassandras best interests and scheduled an evidentiary hearing.78 At the evidentiary hearing, her guardian ad litem testified that Cassandra had told him she was willing to undergo treatment only if she could return home.79 He further testified that Cassandra originally refused treatment because she had done her own research on the disease and needed time to absorb the information.80 Cassandra also testified at the evidentiary hearing, and told the court that her mother had wanted her to begin chemotherapy, but Cassandra resisted because of her fears surrounding its side effects.81 She promised the court, [I]f you let me go home today, I would start chemo tomorrow.82 Cassandra complied and went to her first two chemotherapy appointments, but when a social worker came to bring her to the hospital on the morning of her third appointment, Cassandra was missing.83 She returned home several days later and was brought for a medical evaluation the next day.84 She revealed that she had only agreed to start chemotherapy so that she could return home, and that, because she would soon turn eighteen, she would no longer be able to be forced to continue treatment.85, Cassandras behavior throughout the court proceedings persuaded the Connecticut Supreme Court that she was not a mature minor who was competent to make her own medical decisions.86 Although the mature minor doctrine had not been adopted in Connecticut jurisprudence, Cassandra attempted to use the doctrine to assert her right to choose her own course of medical treatment.87 The court agreed with the trial courts assessment that Cassandra was not a mature minor under any standard and therefore declined to decide whether to adopt the doctrine.88 Although Cassandra and her fellow respondents argued that the trial court improperly concluded that Cassandras lack of maturity was evidenced by her unwillingness to undergo treatment, the court characterized Cassandras argument as a claim that she had the right to refuse lifesaving treatment for any or no reason and that her assertion of this right could not be used against her when determining whether she was a mature minor.89 The court refused at that time to determine whether adults even had such a right, but nevertheless concluded that the law is clear that a seventeen year old does not have that right but, to the contrary, is presumed to be incompetent to [decide whether to refuse treatment], at least in the absence of proof of maturity.90. Sarah and Brian conceived Anna almost exclusively for the reason that Kate needed the umbilical cord blood in order to live. Latest answer posted October 24, 2019 at 3:11:22 PM. A minors right to refuse lifesaving treatment is limited, even when that minor can otherwise demonstrate his or her maturity. Her cross-cultural traditional themes can be vouched in her fictions beginning with The Mistress of Spices (1997), Sister of my Heart (1999) and its sequel The Vine of Desire (2002). INTRODUCTION Literary work produced by people is a medium to express ideas, feeling, or to describe someone or something. Kate has realized that Anna has been sacrificing a lot for her. How does this decision affect her relationship with the other members of the family. Kate shows that she is sincerely apologetic toward Anna for always dragging her down with her when she is sick. Like abortion, passive euthanasia evokes strong moral objections that could put a strain on the parent-child relationship. SYNOPSIS My Sister's Keeper tells about Anna Fitzgerald's life. I was engineered, born to save my sister's life." Instances where moral values would be in conflict would be when the parents must ask themselves, does it make them bad parents to use one child to save another? In the town of Upper Derby, Rhode Island in 2004, Brian and Sarah Fitzgerald, the parents in the book, have a sick daughter and learns that she only has a limited amount of time to live. My teeth are chattering I try to tell her but my jaw and teeth are chattering so much, I cant make the words. (Frank 26) The day after the car accident, Anna learns that Ellen passed out after the were hit, and this resulted in her having a collapsed lung, some cracked ribs, and a broken leg. 20 terms. . Another major theme in this novel is "The importance of living in the moment.". In My Sister's Keeper, what are the main differences in the movie vs the book? 25. Jodi Picoult received an AB in creative writing from Princeton and a master's degree in education from Harvard. LIVING IN THE MOMENT & HOPE. Response: If I were in the same situation Anna was in, I would do everything I can to save my sibling's life, even if my sick sibling tells me to stop helping them to get better. 2002). 2 . A minors right to bodily integrity is one that has been widely accepted and often explored in the context of the mistreatment in schools or juvenile detention centers.105 Still, courts have applied the right to protect minors from state intrusions in other contexts.106 In In re E.G., for example, the Illinois Supreme Court suggested that a minor may invoke the right in the context of refusing lifesaving treatment, as it saw no reason why [the] right of dominion over ones own person should not extend to mature minors.107 When it comes to a minors right to bodily integrity against parents, however, the rights are less definitive, primarily because the law presumes for multiple reasons that parents have the right to make medical decisions on behalf of their children.108, In the reproductive rights context, minors rights have been protected against parental interference. And the film does well what many other dramas about . Science Chapter 11. Once the story segues into courtroom mode, the movie ultimately suffers and loses its poignant tone. My siblings matter to me and I wouldn't want to see them out of my sight ever. As Anna leaves the courtroom, she tells her mother she did great. Much of the literature written on this novel focuses on Anna, the sister who was born in order to become a donor for her sister, Kate, and the ethics of forcing such donations from a child.2 Anna hires a lawyer to sue her parents for the rights to [her] own body so that she cannot be forced to donate a kidney to her sister.3 While Anna is providing testimony in court, however, it is revealed that Kate had appealed to Anna and asked her to let her die.4 This revelation not only transforms Annas seemingly selfish act but also raises two important questions: What lengths must a minor go through in order to die with dignity, and when is it possible for a minor to refuse lifesaving treatment? was a mature minor who was entitled to exercise her religion freely, and could therefore refuse the blood transfusions.50 The Illinois Supreme Court held that mature minors have the right to consent to and refuse medical treatment.51 The court declined to address the constitutional issue presented in the case,52 implying that, in Illinois at least, religious grounds are not the only circumstances under which a minor may refuse medical treatment. at 745. Is it morally correct to do whatever it takes to save a child's life? 37. The Diaspora life can be traced further in her work Queen of Dreams (2004) and Oleander Girl (2013). 705 N.E.2d 1155 (Mass. 92, 93 (N.Y. 1914)). The book tells the story of Anna Fitzgerald, a 13 years old girl that was genetically selected to be a savior sibling to save her older sister's life. She is the only hope for Kate to get better. 11, 2014), Few cases have recognized a minors right to refusal, and the circumstances under which this refusal right is granted are limited. However I do not think she meant for Anna to be at the mercy of her sister. Judi Picoult had successfully published My Sister's Keeper in the year 2004. I remember in the first few months of grad school, I became friends with a group of women that I believe God sent to help carry me through the next two years. will help you with any book or any question. my sister's keeper moral issues Category: Business Paper Type: Homework Reference: APA Words: 1500 Ethical Issues in the Movie "My Sister's Keeper" There are following ethical issues in the in the movie The ethics of Breeding The ethical issue of breeding Anna as a Donor for Kate Meanwhile, the girls' older brother Jesse (Evan Ellingson) has almost been forgotten in all the drama. (quoting Schloendorff v. Socy of N.Y. They're tearjerkers, but never inThe Notebook sense. Animal Farm Vocab. This would help ensure that the minor has not been coerced into making the decision to refuse lifesaving medical treatment. See supra note 42 and accompanying text. Yes, it's possible: in vitro fertilization assured a perfect match. Sisters'. Ass., Resolution 1952, Childrens Right to Physical Integrity (2013). 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Minors should have the right to refuse treatment to avoid subjecting themselves to unwanted bodily invasion. . Best interests of the child is a varying, paternalistic standard that complicates a minors access to certain medical treatment, including the refusal of medically accepted, lifesaving treatment. An Ethical Theme Of Genetic Engineering In The Movie My Sister's Keeper: [Essay Example], 557 words GradesFixer. Bodily integrity is a formidable opponent against governmental interests, even those that are strong and well-established. Because court involvement in a minors end-of-life decision is inevitable, it should be required that a psychologist make a determination of the minors capacity. Write two paragraphs that will each focus on a a different personal experience. You will need to think about the morality of Anna's parents specifically designing a baby to be a match for Kate. Jodi Picoult. Anna is so shocked about Cameron, and worried about Ellen, that her body starts to shake whenever she becomes very nervous or scared. The Maine Supreme Court discussed its approach to the mature minor doctrine in In re Swan,59 a case involving a nonreligious refusal of lifesaving (or, more accurately, life-preserving) treatment. In re E.G., 549 N.E.2d 322, 325 (Ill. 1989). While the story itself is particularly bleak, there are a few nice cinematic touches that prevent My Sister's Keeper from being a total bummer. By limiting the euthanasia laws to minors whose ailments are incurable, who are terminally ill, and who are in a state of unbearable physical suffering, Dutch and Belgian legislatures implicate a standard of the minors best interests. : Medical Decision-Making Autonomy and the Mature Minor Doctrine, 13 Ind. 97. Vocabulary Workshop test 13-15. Running Head: MY SISTER'S KEEPER: EXPLORATION OF ETHICAL ISSUES . Massachusetts and Oregon were introduced to the issue of a minor refusing lifesaving treatment in the context of religious freedom in In re Rena53 and In re Connor.54 Massachusetts best interests standard takes into consideration a minors expressed religious preferences as part of its balancing test,55 and, in In re Rena, the Massachusetts Appeals Court found that the lower court had erred in ordering the petitioner to receive the blood transfusions without weighing her religious objections as a component of the mature minor doctrine.56 However, the respondent-minor had turned eighteen by the time this issue reached the appellate court, and it vacated the final order because the issue had become moot,57 thereby declining to hold definitively whether the respondent-minor was a mature minor or whether her constitutional rights had been violated. Anna has to deal with many different people accusing her of wrong doing to benefit herself or somebody else in letting somebody die. 2022 American Bar Association, all rights reserved. Kaye had gotten to the point where she couldnt cope physically. In the past, several of Picoult's novels have been adapted for the small screen, namely for slightly cheesy Lifetime movies, and the subject matter has generally had "made for TV" written all over it. ; In re E.G., 549 N.E.2d 322, 326 (Ill. 1989). Once Anna reaches a certain age, she realizes what has been happening to her and refuses to go through with anything else by suing her mother. 3. The minors physician should also weigh in on this evaluation because the physician will likely have had ample interactions with both minor-patient and parent, and he or she will have insight based on observations of the relationship. "Moral value is value that must be separated with other values. Summary Read our full plot summary and analysis of My Sister's Keeper, scene by scene break-downs, and more. More than that, however, is a renewed sense of thankfulness for my faith as an anchor in life's most challenging moments. It is important as a health care provider to make sure the patient keeps their autonomy while informing them about what the best options are even if it is against what they want. Second, there is a strong moral theme regarding the morality (or lack thereof) of Anna's parents continuously using Anna's body as a resource for Kate. In . Anna's time in the hospital helped her to see things, Parents spending the majority of their time with a sick child, often leave their other children to take care of themselves.Parents can tend to focus entirely on one child when the others are in need. Ann. Kate goes on a date with Taylor. Legal Issues 637 (1999), for an example of how these statutes may differ. In Cardwell v. Bechtol,14 the Tennessee Supreme Court decided that age, ability, experience, education, training, and degree of maturity or judgment obtained by the minor, as well as . At this particular moment, Campbell suffered an epileptic. She is has to make life changing decisions that can cause health complications down the road and affect the dynamic of her family. One of the main moral dilemmas in "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult is how parents should balance the needs of their children. Throughout the novel she sues her mother for the right to her own body, she develops as an individual away from her sister. 106. Last updated by jill d #170087 3 years ago 9/8/2019 5:59 PM. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. First, we have the moral issue surrounding Anna's birth. 7 excellent Sister's Keeper qualities: 1. Under the Belgian law, a psychologist must determine the minors capacity to make an end-of-life decision, while in the Netherlands, capacity seems to be presumed in minors that reach certain ages and is therefore more akin to the common law rule of sevens.135. In Alabama, for example, any person aged fourteen and over has the authority to consent to medical procedures.18 In Delaware, any minor may lawfully consent to certain medical treatments if reasonable efforts were made to first obtain consent from the parents.19 For some states that provide the mature minor doctrine by judicial decision, the minor must meet certain criteria to prove that he or she can provide informed consent to the procedure, and sometimes it must be determined that the medical procedure would be the in the minors best interests.20. What words would describe Kate from My Sister's Keeper? Instead of focusing her creative energy on sweeping stories of long lost love la Nicholas Sparks, Picoult crafts twisty tearjerkers that revolve around dysfunctional families. She eventually won the case and didn't have to give Kate the kidney. Anna eventually sues her parents for medical emancipation after years of painful procedures. Movies. My Sister's Keeper clearly demonstrates how modern scientific advances have resulted in disputes between parents and children. My Sister's Keeper novel is an interesting and exciting novel that addresses some important moral and ethical issues. A minors beliefs and convictions should be at the forefront of the best interests of the child standard, regardless of whether these beliefs are religious or not. Sample topic sentence: In Jodi Picoult's book, My Sister's Keeper, Anna's relationship with her sister, Kate, is very similar to my . Kind moral "Sister" and "sister's" are the singular forms. This is where an informed consent standard can fill in a gap and allow a minor to prove that he or she understands and appreciates the outcome of refusing lifesaving treatment. But for whatever reason filmmakers decided My Sister's Keeper had big-screen potential, they also agreed that Picoult's original ending was a little too much for the masses. Chandrika Narayan, First Child Dies by Euthanasia in Belgium, CNN (Sept. 17, 2016), eNotes Editorial, 4 Nov. 2021, cheyennebatista. of personal autonomy and bodily integrity,97 characterized the newly recognized right to abortion as an extension of the powerful right of physical liberty. A sister is not jealous of her sibling's calling: Now Cain said to his brother Abel, "Let's go out to the field.". Conceived by means of in vitro fertilization, Anna Fitzgerald (Abigail Breslin) was brought into the world to be a genetic match for her older sister, Kate (Sofia Vassilieva), who suffers from acute promyelocytic leukemia, in order to keep her alive. My jaw and teeth are chattering I try to tell her but my jaw teeth. Or her maturity doing to benefit herself or somebody else in letting somebody die, are! In vitro fertilization assured a perfect match that she is sincerely apologetic Anna! Keeper tells about Anna Fitzgerald & # x27 ; s life to do whatever it takes save... When she is sick Kate shows that she is the only hope Kate... Received an AB in creative writing from Princeton and a master & # x27 ; s degree education. Fitzgerald & # x27 ; s mother has a right to Physical integrity ( 2013 ) interests. Accusing her of wrong doing to benefit herself or somebody else in letting die. Or something ( 2 ) ( West 2017 ) literary work produced people! 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