When Mercury makes contact with a higher planet it enhances the ability to see the world through lifes patterns. Mercury opposition Jupiter You begin to assert your independence, sometimes in ways that seem alarming to those around us. Be willing to drop involvements, projects, or methods when something more right for the moment/time present itself. *Upsets and change in your love relationships is the key issue now. You are more sensitive artistically, your imagination is stirred, and you have an increased appreciation for subtleties. You find it hard to clearly express yourself during this transit. Connect with the ground or the trees in some way. Its time to take a deep breath and attempt to focus on the big picture if you can get your mind there. Avoid jumping into something without planning ahead, as important details are too easy to overlook right now. Along the way, you will learn new things and meet new people. This could be a time when you are working under stressful or hectic conditions, as you feel pressure to get things done quickly. You are likely to hear news that is in opposition to what makes you feel satisfied. Uranus Transits Conjunct Jupiter A certain amount of mental tension can be expected, so bear with it. Mars rules our anger, assertion, sexualityessentially our desire nature. High-technology, social transformation ideologies and subjects such as astrology or metaphysics may appeal to you during this time. Mercury conjunct Mercury If there is room in your existing relationships for this type of change, it can be a time of exhilaration and growth for both partners. Thoughts race through your mind at such an incredible speed that you cant keep up. Patterns of behavior that worked for you in the past are questioned, and change is in order. Lighthearted conversations, sociability, humor, and cooperation characterize this period. Your opinions are generally progressive, and you may prefer the company of other free thinkers. You can also be quite sensitive to changes to methods, routines, and traditions in your life at this time. Changes which are liberating and exhilarating, recharging you with excitement about life. Other 'truth revealing' interests would be: psychology, astrology, astronomy and the mass media from a humanistic standpoint. All new and existing relationships must have excitement to them that you may not have demanded before. *Be extremely careful in all practical affairs at this time. Your observations are sharp, but you could be inclined towards mental pressures or impatience with others who dont seem to be getting your point right away. You might make a verbal connection with a female, your mother, or a person from your past now. 2023 will bring powerful changes as Saturn will be moving into Pisces in March! Mercury sextile Jupiter The only things you should avoid if you want to benefit from this transit are rigidity and inflexibility, because something may not go as planned. Mercury sextile Uranus natal gives a curious and ingenious intellect. The individual often perceives things in a different manner and there is an elevated level in which the world is interpreted. How to Predict Your Future: Secrets of Eastern and Western Astrology by James Braha. New ideas about your past history, new approaches to established facts. Your relationship may undergo a kind of rebirth, or you may separate from each other. Its a strong time for socializing and communicating with ease, telling others how you feel, and negotiating. +A time that can mean great change for you personally, during which you break away from the past and try new and different ways of presenting yourself. Because you grasp new ideas and concepts more readily now, you should challenge your mind as well as the thinking of others. +Unexpected behavior and an urge to be independent could find you ignoring your feelings and much of what has motivated you up to now, taking you off in a different direction. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. Your thoughts may be more on home and family. Uncovering important information or engaging in revealing and profound conversations or investigations are the more positive ways of managing this somewhat tense energy. Uranus Transits Square Jupiter The changes are not likely to be extraordinary in scope, but a definite enlivening of your relationship to others and the world in general is evident. As well, your powers of persuasion are particularly strong now. A free-spirited, independent streak arises in you, making you more selfish, independent, and unwilling to tolerate being stifled by another. Jupiter will spend the first part of 2023 in Aries, its a great time to start new projects and adventures, especially if you have Aries placements. It would be very helpful if you put the end time/date of the aspect as well. You may feel emotions of a religious nature. Unbiased, independent, progressive thinking. Mercury opposition Ascendant This transit often brings some level of mental stress and pressure. Youll have to take responsibility for all your behaviors. Exciting outdoor activities appeal to you now. Men may decide they want more out of life than a house in the suburbs and two cars in the garage. All of that anger slush that has been accumulating inside you surfaces. A strong streak of independence can overcome you during this time, upsetting the status quo in your life, and particularly in your relationships. Or, you may simply become unwilling (as this time period progresses) to live within the confines of your old life. These are the days when you can meet with interesting people and experiences. Its easy to ask for what you want and get it! You might receive some interesting offers now. You may branch out in an entirely new direction. This transit triggers a volcanic mind. A lot of mental tension or worry stemming from a rebellion against ideas, the way you think and communicate. Your ideas and communications may not be well-receivedperhaps others think they are too hair-brained, inconsistent, or simply not traditional enough. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. Decision-making about practical matters may suffer as a result. Its easy to communicate effectively at this time, as you are speaking to an audience and careful about the words you select to express yourself. Your intuitive creativity is stimulated under this influence. You could find a teacher or guide, a new approach to your career, and so on. It is especially important to be aware of this blind spot. Mercury trine Neptune Mercury opposition Neptune Personal freedom is highlighted. You could be feeling quite restless now, and in the mood for new scenery. You energetically accomplish a great deal during this time period. Uranus transits square Mars Passions and anger that you may not even know you had emerge during this transit. Enlightened intellect. Mercury opposition Midheaven Eccentricities and a different manner of presenting yourself may be in order. Uranus takes approximately 84 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. +A powerful time of change, during which you may have great insight into your career. You could receive unexpected backing and, in general, your efforts are successful and reach new heights of originality. Insight into your own mental workings, original thoughts, and the like. You may have a straight job and an unusual home life, or you may do something quite exotic or unusual for work and yet lead a quiet suburban home existence. Keep in mind that decisions made now are unlikely to be objective, so you might want to hold off on important decision-making for the time being. Perhaps more importantly, you are more patient and strategic in your decision-making. This transit has a stimulating, electrifying effect on your thinking and communications. You have more spontaneity, which helps you avoid boredom or daily routine. A time when you may get insights into your living situation or support system. Socializing is favored because of your thought-provoking ideas and kinky sense of humor. Order now and get 20% off with the coupon code ARIES. You could feel more sensitive than usual to your environment or medication during this transit. It's energy is to free us from our routine and to try new things. You see potential where you never saw it before. You are more ableand motivatedto find hidden meanings and to cut to the chase. Seeing things from a different point of view may help in solving lingering problems or finding lost objects. The effects are not dramatic and unusual, but there definitely is a quickened pace at this time. Useful mercury sextile uranus Crystals. Your energy level is much higher than usual, and you can work for long hours without fatigue. *Creative thinking and innovative ideas are key issues now. When transiting Mercury is square to your natal Uranus, you need excitement and can get bored more easily than other times. Travel plans may change unexpectedly. Either way, the ability to transition between super-specialized or hidden worlds and the common realms keeps either world from becoming too much. You also are able to manage and motivate others very effectively, and you may find yourself involved in a successful and productive team effort. A kind of mini-revolution may find you altering your value system, allowing you to like new things. Mercury conjunct Neptune You're open, and your curiosity and intrigue likely make you very appealing to others, as well. This is an opportune time to go to meetings or other organized group activities, to communicate online, and to take part in activities involving computers, science, or metaphysics. Your daily routines may take a detour in new and unexpected directions. Look to planets in Taurus and Libra in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Uranus is now infusing with the urge to break out of existing routines. Resistance will only attract circumstances that leave you feeling out of control. mollis inter appling codon paling Faucibus in hoeng, Download the free AstroMatrix Horoscopes App, What obstacles you may face in regards your work life, health and relationships using your Birth chart & Transits. Your vision of possibilities strengthens, and this boosts your spirit and outlook. They do come from somewhere, from deep within you, but Uranus awakens them in such a dramatic manner that it can be hard to identify with them at first. Uncertainty reigns today. Expressing your wants and needs is flowing, natural, and spontaneous right now. In fact, it's hard to have a proper appreciation for your own uniqueness unless you consistently set time with yourself and away from everything else that stimulates you. The desire to express yourself more freely is strong. You are likely to make more emotional demands on your friends and love partners. Mercury conjunct Saturn Trust the changes! Mercury trine Moon Uranus transits sextile Moon This transit occurs only twice in each 84-year cycle of Uranus. Superficial conversations, connections, and topics have little appeal to you now. Its a favorable time for solving problems. Others notice your changes and you could alienate a few people in the process. Superficiality in others could also be particularly irritating to you. +A time for discovering others or for finding yourself able to respond to friends or lovers and enter into relationships with a renewed sense of love and compassion. You're approachable, and your interest and wonder are likely to appeal to others as well. You're open, and your curiosity and intrigue likely make you very appealing to others, as well. Ask me me@astrolada.com. Check out the Free online Tarot readings using this deck on the AstroMatrix app. How to Predict Your Future: Secrets of Eastern and Western Astrology, Planets in Transits: Life Cycles for Living, Alive and Well With Uranus: Transits of Self-Awakening. This might be a good time to discuss domestic matters, as you are more likely to approach the topic with objectivity. You can talk your way out of practically anything now. If channeled well, however, your ideas are inventive, original, progressive, and unbiased. Communications may be unclear, vague, or downright confused. This is a period of heightened verbal ability or increased communications. Surfing the Internet allows you to pick up information while not getting bored. *Breaking free from past habits and attachments, seeking emotional freedom, sudden changes of mood and the development of new attitudes towards life are key issues now. +A time during which you may be able to break through and move ahead with your ambitions and general lifes purpose. It can be a very creative day if you maintain control and flexibility. Think about the consequences ahead of time and make use of the logic and mental brilliance that these transits provide. Communications are facilitated, connections of all kinds, news, and so on, are furthered, often at the expense of tradition, established order. Web design & Development: ThinkWeb ThinkWeb You may even do or say things that are wrong or unintentional. There may be some exciting news. Perhaps a new-found independence and originality manifests itself in your working environment. There is a difference between Minor Transits and Major Transits. Uranus sextile Mercury might make it seem like everything teems with brilliance and fascination, like a kid fielding gifts during their favorite holiday season. Thoughts, ideas, and communications are more intense and focused. The Internet was made for your way of learning and communicating. You possess more insight and psychological understanding than usual during this transit. Organizations, businesses, and government agencies also respond favorably to your suggestions and proposals. Its also likely that plans are upset, keys misplaced, traffic prevents you from being timely, and so forth. Seek out the unusual or challenge yourself to accept and integrate something you usually avoid. *Courageous and undaunted, you step boldly forth, assert yourself, and charge ahead. They urge you to find new meaning in your life through leisure activities and/or romance. The mentality does not think with the status quo, as there is something within that thinks outside the box and looks for the unexpected. Seek out the unusual or challenge yourself to accept and integrate something you usually avoid. Sudden breaks from the routine. Yet, if anything becomes too difficult, contentious, or requires a lot of concentration, then you're inclined to lose interest quickly. A Uranus transiting square to natal Saturn can last anywhere from one month to a year depending on whether transiting Uranus retrogrades back over Saturn, in which case there are usually three hits and the influence is effectively longer-lasting. Disagreements on an intellectual level are quite possible. There is an expression that applies here: Dont throw the baby out with the bathwater. In your attempts to make changes in your life, and to rid yourself of limiting conditions, you are prone to making hasty decisions and leaving behind circumstances, jobs, or people that you might one day miss. You could also receive news or information that makes you tense or goes against your goals. You will receive an email within 24 hours please check spam folder. Your individuality becomes the focus. So me with Mercury far out of bounds in Gemini, 8th. When youre on the road or traveling, you need to be extra cautious and calm. You may drastically change your appearance or lifestyle. Your persuasive powers, strategic thinking, and observational skills increase. Mercury semi-square Saturn. Whatever you consider to be liberating for you, you will seek to achieve it now. You will begin to seek freedom and excitement in your relationships, particularly in your love (and sex) life. An inner struggle between your sense of purpose or direction and a need for independence and freedom makes this a possibly tense time. This is a positive time when you feel excited by the developments in your career. You dont endure routine at these times and are willing to take risks. Your confidence in what you have to say now helps you to be well-received. During Mercury-Uranus transits, you jump to conclusions quickly. This transit can be very difficult on marriages, especially if one partner is playing a submissive role. In a search to attach greater meaning to your thoughts and ideas, you may exaggerate, overstate, or overestimate. An urge may exist to be more devoted to high ideals and to making your dreams real. Use self-control here to direct your energies into some useful channel: remember that being yourself is important only when the self you are being is worth the effort. Will you be able to do a pesonalized prediction for me ? Create daily rituals or do small acts that anchor and stabilize you in the midst of the changes you are going through. Slow down your mind if you have to. Its a strong period for objective observation and discussion. Manifestation and achievement are what satisfy you. The aspect gives a quick mind as a jolt of energy is given to the intellectual sphere accounting for those speeded up thoughts. Be careful not to start something new without first finishing the one before it, nor to be carried away by chaos or a lack of order. Expressing your more way-out or unconventional opinions comes naturally to you now. Work done now is likely to pay off in the future. Negotiations are in order, and you might feel a strong need for feedback from a significant other or special friend. You believe in your dreams and have the realism to make things happen. The mind hates to be restrained and longs to be free to explore everything electrical and anything which is likely to revolutionize the way the world thinks. Mercury conjunct Sun Mercury sextile Mars This is an unfavorable time for any kind of meeting, starting a new project, and business proposals. Minor Transits are the Inner and quicker moving Planet/Luminaries; the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. Outwardly, Uranus is the wild card, bringing unpredictable and unforeseen events into the picture. Transit Asteroids. April 14, 2026 Something you hear now, or new information that you learn, can give you pleasure . Interpretation from our Life Trends report. Think less of forcing your will on others, more of understanding their wishes. This is because your wants are aligned with your thoughts. It can also signify a soul who receives flashes of insight and intuition, grasping many facts at one time. *Upset and unexpected changes are standard fare now! Your email address will not be published. Your intuition is strong, and insights seem to come from out of the blue. Your ability to concentrate and focus is enhanced now. It signifies our curiosity and what areas of life we find mentally appealing and stimulating. In this case, your tendency to rebel acts at cross-purposes to those who care for you. March 20, 2011 astrologyplace Mercury in a trine Uranus is a free thinker, humanist, and independent mind. Your creativity is high, and you are full of new ideas. You tend to kick over the traces and run wild with whatever ideas you have been suppressing up until now. Like a hard wind blowing the sand off a buried city, they are revealing who you actually have been all along. This is a time when you are bound to discover information that you need at just the right time. Mercury in your chart reveals how you get your point across and in what style. Its easy to make social connections under this influence. Uranus transits to Mars affect your drive and desire nature, strength, as well as your ability to assert yourself. Disagreements with others are quite possible. Thanks. July 7, 2023 An insight about your support system, your mother, or other females may be important. Consider all alternative, unusual, or nontraditional possibilities that are presented to you now. This is a time when you can have flashes of insight, but you also tend to be scatterbrained. You may well have to take a stand, in a way that is controversial or sets you apart from the crowd. Communication challenges today make it hard to get a point across. This slow-moving planets transits are long-lasting, and each transit takes its time to unfold. Real breakthroughs, a willingness to try new and different approaches to relationships. Mercury sextile Uranus Clarity, objectivity, and a smooth flow of communication makes this an excellent time to reach a decision and/or tell others of a decision youve come to. Impersonal, collective, or group forces seem to be working against your personal best interests. Mercury sextile Uranus: Different than Mrs Average, The outstanding Daily Horoscope by Astrodienst describes your individual topics for each day. You are expressing yourself with strength of character now, and others take note. You could be asserting more independence, perhaps at the expense of your job or career by spending more time away from it, engrossed in your personal and domestic scene. You might receive serious news or practical advice, or engage in an important conversation. You are inspired and able to inspire others with your words. Decision making comes easily now. Mercury square Ascendant Pleasing conversations with females, relatives, neighbors, or people from your past figure now. It would be wise to leave major decision making to a better period. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. You could be pleasantly busy now, conversing and socializing, writing or speaking, and handling details. Mentallythere is a cool detachment of the mind, the native is interested in whatever is unique and has an ability to spot previously overlooked truths. Its too easy to go off on tangents rather than concentrate on one task at a time now. Thank you for the post. Your daily routines may take a detour in new and unexpected directions. Interpretation from our Life Trends report. You are willing to look beyond the surface of things and investigate matters in more depth. Mercury conjunct Pluto And there won't be any shortage of people or subjects to bounce around. This is not the best time to take a trip. Mercury conjunct Uranus transit will open our minds to different perceptions. Try not to be impulsive or say things you will later regret. This can be a very busy, communicative, or even hectic day. Human touch and human connection is very helpful now too. Planet. Has the right idea at the right moment. This is a time of tremendous change that can be liberating, electrifying, exhilarating, and tumultuous all at once. You are productive and take busy-ness in stride. You may experience an awakening of sorts with regards to sexuality. Mercury sextile Vertex Typical features that sextile brings: You have great communication skills, and you are often high educated. *Exciting developments in your career make this time period a very positive one. Getting in touch with relatives, neighbors, and acquaintances can figure now. All your senses are heightened, allowing you to perceive things in greater detail. Marriage at this time indicates that you are marrying on impulse or perhaps to get away from some other undesirable tie. Hi Juan. Favored now are interactions with groups and organizations. This combination suggests a harmonious complement between ordinary and extraordinary states of consciousness and perception. Uranus transits conjunct Sun This is a time of finding yourself, when you begin to feel uncomfortable with your current life path and behavior patterns. Conversations can be frustrating now, and you could be hypersensitive to the opinions or statements of others. Some people open up their marriage to include other companions or sexual partners. +A time during which you discover new and different reasons or ways to enjoy and appreciate life. You might get insights into your own mind and/or into others behavior. Things go faster than usual when transiting Mercury is in conjunction to your natal Uranus. News or information you receive now could be frustrating, or conversations with others make you tense. New, innovative, unconventional ideas come into your mind endlessly. Look to planets in Cancer in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Uranus is now infusing with the urge to break out of existing routines. It can mean that spacey, unusual or progressive topics interest the person and often its a particular interest in one of these areas. You can be very impatient and anxious. This can be quite positive, but take care not to be too impulsive or insensitive with those you care about as you express your newfound desires. Rather than blaming or resenting circumstances which may be forcing a change upon you, choose to acknowledge that you are now free to express and be other than you were. For a woman, health may be a factor. +Your value system may receive a challenge from a new independent streak that wants to break away and try new things. It analyzes and organises and defines the way we interact with others. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. You enjoy interacting with others and enliven conversations with a kinky sense of humor, plus original or alternate points of view. Mercury may make it appear as if everything is brimming with brilliance and intrigue, like a child receiving gifts during their favorite holiday season. Mercury sextile Saturn Solid friendships and marriages will survive the challenges of this transit by expanding to allow greater freedom of expression for both partners. Uranus is a planet of rebellion and liberation from all sorts of restrictions. Uranus Transits Opposition Jupiter You are a quick learner and need to keep your brain stimulated. And you're often never too preoccupied for a good joke or prank. Interpretations marked with a * are from our Time Line Forecast report. Try to control your mind and slow down because you speak and think too fast when transiting Mercury is in opposition to your natal Uranus. If you are a strong and aggressive person, then you will try to take full command of every aspect of your life, and force weaker personalities to submit to you and support you. Mercury square Mars Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. Dont get carried away. Other people irritate you because they move at a slower pace. The text below is the interpretation of Uranus transit when Sextile Mercury Uranus Sextile Mercury Note that alternate meanings are indicated by a * and +, and are offered here for the student of astrology wishing to expand his or her knowledge with different perspectives of each transit. All around you, new aspects of life will be opened up for you to experience. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from othersthese are all negative possibilities of this transit. Your will is called to the fore, and you may express yourself in a defiant manner. You are mentally alert and keen, able to absorb new ideas very quickly, and less resistant to new information than usual. Its a challenge to deal with routine matters or monotonous tasks under this influence. Mercury conjunct Mars If you live in an urban area or are involved in activities that are fast-paced and dynamic, then this time period may become too intense for you. Control your impulsivity, especially when driving or traveling. The day of this transit is ideal for organizing or paying attention to serious matters, and buckling down in general, although its not especially fun or frivolous. Mercury represents our rational mind and is the planet of everyday expression and communication. June 26, 2025 You also have an interest and talent for technology, especially anything that feels like the future. The future is fascinating because it allows you to entertain possibilities that are steeped in the present, but not yet manifest or adopted widely. This is certainly a time for approaching certain elements of your life from a new angle. Uranian power in the horoscope can create the urge to experiment and it stirs up the desire to seek a connection with the cosmos. In fact, a direct confrontation with some authority in your life may be the splash of cold water in the face which forces you to wake up. A revealing conversation or connection to someone could figure now. This is a favorable influence for short trips, writing, teaching, studying, mailings, interviews, advertising and promotion, submitting applications and forms, and accurate observations. Your thoughts could be all over the place, and it can be hard to concentrate on any one particular task. Your ego is awakened, and you feel compelled to express yourself in unique and perhaps unusual or unconventional ways. Travel for business purposes is possible. The following are interpretations of Uranuss transits to planets and points. You may also come across as rude, arrogant, and blunt when conversing with others, so watch out for that as well. 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