Perhaps you could extend it to include the Contrabasso range? My voice ranges from C3 to A5. Im definitely a classical singer. I can sing form C3 to D6. Hey, I just did a test for my vocal range and my lowest is Ab3 with my highest being F#2. So Im guessing my range is: Low: (g2)a2-f3 Middle: g3-d4 High: e4-a4(b5) Falsetto: (f4)a4-a#5(b5). Hi Im a boy I can sing from A2 to F5 with my modal or chest voice and can sing falsetto from G5 .By the way Im 14 year old.My voice has been changing but still I am overcoming all the cracks and break. My highest note is G4 and my lowest note is a E3 so what does that put me? MALE, If I can go from E2 to F5. Im 15 and I can only sing Eb2 F4 would my voice drop again? *Ladies, you should start looking for your lowest note around middle C and move down from there. If I do that weird baritone belting thing I can go up to a C5 in chest voice. My vocal range excluding excluding falsetto and with full voice is F2-E5. I have a similar situation. In the case of men, their voices are typically categorized into 4 groups: tenor, countertenor, bass, and baritone. Then chant the reverse, from the highest note to the starting point. Go look at a piano and you'll see that the keyboard is made up of the same grouping of 12 notes (5 black notes, and 6 white notes) over and over again. baritone? I just found this via a pinterest suggestion. Another more important factor is vocal timbre, described as the descriptive sound of your singing voice. Am I a tenor? Huh. So I sang alto in the choir for a month and it was to hard for me. The vocal range covers only chest voice or all voice types? I got e1 to c5 and I got up to G5 with falsetto Im 19 and male what am I? I have a range of C3 and d5 but is that valid cause they both are in different octaves. B4 is a full tone above A4 so yes, it is ver high for a male voice. So get someone else to help you find your range to make sure. Or, your range might be larger than any one vocal type. Hope this helps^_^, Hi! Your singing voice doesnt include, falsetto, screams, growls, ..Thats what a classically trained singer includes. [Answered], How To Connect Studio Monitors To Audio Interface, How To Get Better at Guitar Tips To Become a Great Guitarist, How To Connect Audio Interface To Computer. However, I am most comfortable starting with the lowest notes of C3-F3. Awesome! Im an 18 year old male with a vocal range from g3 to d5. Maybe get a friend to help you? Ive one some more training with head voice- falsetto transition and found put that I can hit notes in head voice that I usually use falsetto for. C3-E5 is what I got but Im not sure of what that is. Hi! Its kinda- bad for your voice. C5 is basically known as the supreme high note of a solid Tenor. Strengthen on that. 43 Y.o. If you can go up 5 notes,(From C5 to A5) you will be a mezzo soprano. My higest was C6 if i really tried and lower than E2 what would mine be. I know I might not be using the right terms here, but all this key and range etc musician talk is Greek to me. And for the male vocal range I can go from C4 D2. Classical singer needed the vocal range & voice type classification. My highest falsetto is G5/A5 but thats a bit forced up there. When I speak normal its from (B2) C3 til E3 (F3). SopranoThe highest singing voice that lies from middle C4 to high C6. The tenor voice range spans two octaves from C3 to C5 but can extend either down or up at B2 and F5 respectively. Falsetto vs Head Voice Differences Explained! She put me in the bass AND the alto section because of my range. Very cool! This voice range lies between A3 to A5 but may go as low as F3 or as high as C6. Ive over time developed my higher end to extend to c5, and on a good day one or two notes higher when singing jamiroquai. A combination of all these factors is utilized to determine a singers voice, and categorize it into a specific type of voice type. I used to be able to sing F3-E6 so my range lowered a little when I turned 22 and I lost 1 higher note. I have a lot of difficulty with using mixed voice. 15 year old girl. hi I did the vocal test on sing sharp and my top is C4 and my bottom is A2. That will probably change again when I turn 40ish. I am a 28 year old male contemporary singer? A contralto that can extend her voice up to C6 is called a Soprano Sfogato. Lol. BassThis is the lowest singing voice range that occupies the keys between E2 to E4. Yes. I do understand that vocal range however isnt the only thing that defines what singing type you are (as per the article) and there are also way more singing voice types than the main 4 or 6. But it's a fun song to sing too so certainly worth giving it a shot! You are singing in the alto range. In the case of men, their voices are typically categorized into 4 groups: tenor, countertenor, bass, and baritone. What am I? If when I am straining, rarely I will be able to do C2-C8. 16. 2. I would just go with whatever is the most comfortable for you. But my head voice is really strong where I can comfortably sing up to a second soprano and I also have whistle tone in my voice. My highest note is a A5 and my lowest note is a C3 so what does that put me, Perhaps a wide ranged Alto like myself? I used to sing in highschool choir, but havent really sung much since then, only picking it up as a bit of loose a hobby again the last few years. Good vocal range . I switch between ex- and inhale for higher pitched screams. Key of Gb. Been told by quite a few peopke when i sing in the lower register i sound manly :/ duno if thats a good thing or not but when i go high im very girlish what do you think. According to netizens, Taeyeon is the "Queen of OST," and indeed one of the best vocalists of K-pop. My highest note c#6 and lowest is Bb3 is that ok I get called a squeaker alot, My name is maro my chest voice is very weak and in I sing soprano in clasicalchoir easy ,Im 20 will my voice change my chest voice is from e2 _ D 5 sometimes do but I dont know how to control it my whistle is from c 6 _ f # 7 smoothly please help me I want a career in music my head voice is my favourite part of my voice i have full control. Ill narrow it down for you. My Vocal Range Is At Bb1-C#6-A6-D7-F#8My relax range is at F2-F6So where do I fit in? TeTe MICOponkichi http . Famous sopranos include Dolly Parton and Ellie Goulding. Head voice is soft and tender, yet full and strong. Hello. When I was young I was in the school band and choir, but I always had this problem At home I could sing a song well and strong, but then Id go to try to audition for something and what came out was squeaking. If I sing an f2 to a c5 what really would this mean because its confusing me. Id like to extend it up to an e5 or f5 full voice. starting to think maybe he was right. Im 24 year old female and my range from high is B4- low G3. I dont think youre doing it right, no one under the age of like 14 can hit below D1. My lowest note is A2 and I can sing up to F4 in my chest voice, where I then have to switch to my head voice. I most comfortable singing (tessistura range) from G2- B3. Im sorry if that seems like a dumb question Im a bit confused on that. Im not sure of where I fall. Countertenors are male singers who are able to sing as high as a soprano or mezzo- soprano. Ditto for women. `.`. Sopranos are also able to sing more high notes and sustain at a high pitch better than a mezzo soprano can, and they are also most often the lead role for operas or shows. Your trying to show off, otherwise you wouldnt have put that. When singing at school, I would be singing in the higher key of the original music. The absolute lowest I can go is A2, but comfortably I get to about C2 all the way comfortably to C6 and to E6 if I scream. Hi I would like to know what my range is considered? Hey, uh, dont-scream. According to the Guinness World Records, Tim Storms has the widest vocal range. The vocal register is a natural tone of the voice that emanates from vibratory patterns of the vocal cords in the larynx. My vocal range though is a D2-B7 without straining. 30 years later my range is more like A3-G#5still fun to do karaoke of break out an acoustic and sing at parties. Im not interested in professional singing (anymore), I just like to sing along with music. Most basses for example experience their break at C4 without work. I went from a f2 at my lowest to an f5 at my highest, I am an 18 year old Boy. The lowest I can go it A2-B2 and the highest I can go is A5. Then what kind of voice i have.??? When all the planets are aligned I can hit a C6 but thats not all the time so my high note is A5. Low is B1, High is D4, I would say D5, but it kind of hurts at that one. Im 18 and Female, if that helps? Continue going up higher until you reach the highest note. Some rock solid performers have pulled out D5's but that is rare. I have a vocal range of F3 to A4 ? In my perspective, as a non-singer, I consider myself lacking power and resonance, I suppose, but I have no idea. Thanks. Supposedly my range is an E2-C5 however, my lower register (even though i have a naturally really deep voice) sounds lacking and cant get good resonance or tone despite being able to reach those notes. I cant find a single website with a FULL chart showing the vocal ranges. Am I a Tenor or baritone singer? Lol What are your thoughts? Have i got one for you..Lowest is b1 ,highest is e5 .. Normal speech is a g2. There are apps that you can download that will give you a general idea. Look up what notes human beings can produce and check yourself against those. My low note is G4 and my high note is E5. Thanks. Finally I found somebody that thinks the same way I do. Maybe youre an alto with coloratura? FULL FORCE is one of music's legendary award-winning R&B/hip hop vocal band/production teams, with a proven track record, that stands among the most talented and successful musician collectives in modern pop, r&b, hip-hop and dance. What would I be classified as? This record is for the highest musical note made by a human female. I was always mezzo in high school. This voice type, the mezzo-soprano, sits between the soprano voice and contralto voice and also over-lapping both of them.. About 1.5 to 2 octaves, while for others it can reach four (Freddie Mercury) or even six (Axl Rose and Mike Patton). Ive been able to hit a g2 but its growled/fryed. Why is it that women like myself are not accounted for? and Im a 15 year old boy, gonna turn 16. BaritoneThis is the midrange of the male voice, and it spans A2 to A4 with an extension down to F2 of up to C5. Well I did it a bunch of times and I get E2 A5. I am a 29 year old female and according to the app, my vocal range is E3 F6 I dont even see F6 on this chart. My lowest is A3 and my highest is D4. Counter tenor, Dramatic tenor, Lyric tenor, Baritone with a high range, I have been described as all of these, what is your opinion. , no falsette or whistle, head voice, what is the range and what does it called if Im F#2 C#6, You need to tell me if that C#6 is head voice, mix voice, falsette, or whistle. My head voice is very breathy and I feel that its very lacking in support and I sound like a completely different person. Can someone help me find my vocal type?? And you will find your voice type and range. Natural Minor Scale C4 - D4 - E4 - F4 - G4 - A4 - B4 - C5 Diana Damrau sings Mozart's "Queen of the Night" aria. James Kung LTCL in Vocal Performance, Trinity College Of Music, London (Graduated 2016) 4 y Related Hey, Im a totally untrained 22yr old guy and my lowest, absolutely not forced note is around E3, but my highest are around E5-G5, I switch to head voice or that squeeky sound that you make when you have absolutely no chest left (and do something wrong), when Im around C5 I can sing lower (my lowest being around B2), but it begins to feel more unnaturally forced than around E3-E4. In order to master your head voice, you have to be able to access the resonance in your nasal cavity and employ your pharynx. #4 Cry Me a River by Michael Bubl One of his most famous songs, this is a tough one. The top note I can sing in falsetto without being pushed is a D5/E5. Im confused too I always called myself a contralto My range is B2 to G5. Can someone help me please? Watch on. so im a 13y/o girl, and my current range is e2 to g#5. However, there is a difference and a massive one at that between a full fledged belt and sustained B4 and even a chesty B4 where you just graze the note. Dont worry your vocal will get bigger you have plenty of time to explore. It should fall within the above chart. Bb1 to F#5. So if your range is between G2 and F4, you should input G3 and F5 in the search below. BTW,My head voice range is B3~G5, my falsetto range is G5~C6~(F6). Hi. So basically, for an untrained singer, my range is from A2/B2-A4/B4. Hello! Enter your email and your range will display immediately in the app. So I fit into the alto category. Mezzo-soprano My vocal range is from F#2-C6 (does not include Whistle Register or Vocal Fry) My head voice is from C5- C6. Next, click the mic at the bottom and immediately start singing your highest note. But going on your declarative, either a Baritone or Tenor. I saw somewhere thatd be lyric tenor but Im not sure =/, Hi I read where someone was looking for a songwriterwell I think I just might be worth having a look at. Amd my head-whistle goes to c6-a6 Whats my range? My vocal range is from G#2-F#7 but Im more on the range of A2-F#7 , How many octaves and what voice type could I be? I could possibly go higher but thats around the range I can make without sounding to weird. I can never seem to find things that work right for me. Can you help me? Ive been reliably measured as ranging C2 to D6, but Ive gone as low as A#1 and as high as F6. I dont find me in the article. Id really like to have those extra top notes so I could mess with them in songs. Having a wide vocal range is just a talent by luck of the draw. Are you a classical singer or contemporary singer? I am 17 years old with low note D3 and highest C5,what is my range.I am a girl. i dont really understand the chart.. Im confused if iam a Tenor or a Baritenor ~ T~T, C2 to D4 ( lowest to highest) what does that make me ~ ?
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