Make sure you play outdoors or in an open indoor space. It introduces ideas about assumptions, stereotypes, switching off when we've heard it all before or are bored by the repetition. I have used this module with both Customer Service Advisors and customer facing Production Staff as a way of testing their listening skills. As a manager you should certainly be able to handle conflict. At least 50% of the delegates get less that 50% of the statements right each time we run the session perfectly illustrating the learning point. 2. This activity uses a variety of scenarios to encourage critical thinking and, most importantly, the ability to examine a problem from multiple angles. They began to understand the assumptions we make about other cultures and they became receptive to altering their communication style to ensure their interaction was effective. Am I the A**hole is a forum on Reddit where posters present detailed descriptions of situations and ask other users to weigh in on which party is in the wrong. You can also include spaces for variables or what ifs.. Top 10 Ice Breaker Activities for Meetings, Training, and . Aims: To explore why difficult conversations can be necessary and form part of healthy working relationships. Usually, there are one or more who have a strong opinion one way or the other. The session started off well and discussions were really focused. gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; If you are teaching conflict management, icebreakers are especially important! Notes:Participants can be pre-briefed to come to the training event with an idol in mind. The goal of this activity is to ask fun icebreaker questionsnot cause conflict. Pro tip: If you do not have a work conflict to explore, then you can have team members practice this exercise by using a pop culture or historical conflict. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion. Notes:If reading the story to participants, we suggest that you rehearse reading the story aloud a few times prior to delivery. 30 minute activity. To do Choose Your Own Adventure Stories as a group, you can pick a tale to play on, or write your own script with multiple outcomes. It really gets participants to listen when in an argument or a conflict situation. 288 lessons. Excellent!!! Vet the stories you use before you use them. Aims: To encourage participants to think about the behaviours exhibited by assertive people. To encourage participants to think about the characteristics of submissive and aggressive behaviours. What positive outcomes can result from conflict in the workplace. Separate participants into groups of 4 or 5 and give them a large marker pen and a large sheet of paper. Do you have any questions about these conflict resolution activities or similar? Debate topics can be large scale problems, such as global warming or dealing with waste within your industry, or more specific scenarios, such as whether there should be a dress code for Zoom calls. Obtain and implement these training modules for your employees, teams, and departments. 4. Great as an icebreaker in to so many different subjects. Aims: To encourage participants to share information about themselves. To explore values and beliefs. To build rapport among participants. Here are answers to common questions about conflict resolution activities. Wolf/Chicken/Grain Riddle. Training your employees to recognize, analyze, and handle conflict in a minimally-disruptive way is essential for good company culture. | Library Home Page | This activity can teach your employees that subtext may have a very different meaning,even if it seems clear, because each person lives in their own context. Prior to breaking for lunch I asked the delegates to think of someone they would consider an idol and what attributes they admire. Ask them to pair up and between the two of them they must decide on the best 4 words out of the 8 they have written down between them. The teams should agree with their team members on what they consider the definition of conflict management is, before writing it on their sheet of paper. The trainers notes are very well laid out and it is what all exercises should be, simple and yet effective. Each pair need to keep a tally of how many buts they used. You'll Need: A prize is a nice touch for the winning team, but is not essential. A stopwatch or timer. Thus, you can promote appropriate means of handling conflict. Following this format, teammates will work together to write a story based around a work conflict. Response 2 Yes, you are. Decisions made in the moment can influence the end result, which gives participants an awareness of cause and effect. Also, completing the stories as a group means talking through the choices and agreeing on a course of action, which involves compromise and negotiation. It is possible to use this exercise in conference situations as well as more usual training interventions like courses and workshops. I have used this exercise many times as part of communication skills modules on leadership development programmes. Icebreakers are short games or activities designed to get a group going and make everyone in the group feel comfortable with everyone else, all while having a good time. These modules worked extremely well and prompted lots of interest from the participants and also some key learning points were easily identified. Useful For:Anyone attending a course or workshop that focuses on dealing with conflict. Teach Choice - Children need more than one strategy to solve a conflict independently. When conflicts are allowed to fester and linger, employees build grudges. Pages Updated On: The icebreakers in this activity set the stage for working on conflict management in a group. Statements might include: To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. When hes finished, hell ask you for a napkin. Ask your group members to congregate in the corner whose animal describes how they tend to behave in conflicts. Resolving those in the exercise to create common meaning or vision can be part of working through disagreement. After the allotted time is up, have one person from each group, say aloud to the class, what their definition and positives and negatives were, that they listed. Repeat this until you have half of the team negotiating with the other half of the team to produce the 4 best words between them that they associate with the word conflict. Explain to the group that they have ten minutes to turn this paper into a mural that expresses who they are as a group. Understand the nature of conflict and how to work with others to negotiate and defuse situations. Time:This exercise will take about 15 minutes to run. Terrific. Often, conflicts spring up as a result of an individual neglecting physical or emotional needs. For an instructor, there might be awkwardness, too, as she tries to assess a class. Now, he has a baseball-sized lump on his noggin. After 10 minutes the managers and employees must come together and negotiate a final outcome. Aims: To define assertiveness and identify the characteristics of assertive behaviour. To identify situations where participants find it difficult to be assertive. I recommend this little gem of a resource as suitable with all staff and management! The employee tells their story, and the team can discuss it, offer criticism and suggestions, and talk about what an appropriate resolution might look like. We have been using this activity in our Equality and Diversity sessions to demonstrate what happens when we make assumptions or go into something with a preconceived Twitter . View More Reviews Read/Hide Reviews Assumptions - The Witches of Glum Time: 2. Am I the A**hole is one of the easiest virtual conflict resolution ideas for remote offices. Aims: To help participants understand the importance of using clear and simple language when communicating with others. Check out our mini-guide on how to fight fair, and stop letting badly handled conflict cause pain in your relationships. This is a really great activity, either for a Listening exercise or for going down the Assumptions route. Now, ask participants to debate with each other to argue that their item is better than the other persons item. The other person will then either just answer the question or answer and follow up with another question, but which must build on the previous question. Blow Wind, Blow! Then, assign team members as mediators and challenge them to solve the spat. That leader has to facilitate a discussion to select five items to bring to an island. Conflict Resolution Activities | Trainers Warehouse WorkSMART: Tips for a happier, more engaged workplace Call Us: 800-299-3770Fax: 508-651-2674 Home Recent Posts Shop About Get in Touch The first speaker then reacts with a you heard, I meant, statement. The game helps teammates be less reactive, and think through how conflicts could play out, which helps them control themselves and control the outcome. Jump to an icebreaker 1. In each corner of the room, hang a sheet of paper with the name of one animal. This is accomplished through . Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses. Time:This exercise will take about 5 minutes to complete. Each pair will pair up with another pair and the process goes on again. And Am I the A**hole? Use the same style of debrief questions as above. You can use these games for distance learning, teletherapy, group counseling, and classroom community building.Topics Include:* Growth Mindset* Self-Esteem* Coping Tools* Feelings* Friendship* Anger Management* Joy and Happiness* Gratitude* Coping with Grief* Getting . Your employee turnover will rise if people don't enjoy being at work, and your organization will repeatedly suffer the disruption and costs of replacing employees. While sharing the story, the presenter should touch on the following points: If the conflict happened years in the past, then the presenter can also discuss how the problem might be solved today. AITA? Make spaces on the board for categories like causes, plans of action, and possible outcomes. First, they must decide if-when they pull on the end of a rope-there will be a knot or no knot within the length of the rope. The first speaker begins with a statement. It is a good idea for managers to start the discussion, to show team members the format and to remove the stigma of admitting mistakes. Larger groups will mean longer running times. No one said you can't talk to one another (if they did not communicate. Practicing this kind of conversation helps to prevent miscommunication and misunderstanding and promotes empathy. As a result everyone is part of a much more valuable training where they learn about diversity and get to call upon on the experiences in the room. 7. If you are a member of Glasstap you can submit one using the contact us screen. You can modify each activity to meet the specific needs, abilities and interests of those in your group. Notes:A great exercise to demonstrate our role in conflict with others. Plus, these exercises provide low-risk environments for teammates to practice and perfect these abilities. Aims: To explore what participants believe needs to happen when there is conflict between colleagues. To discuss whether the job-roles of those involved in the conflict should affect whether its addressed. Additionally, theFive Dysfunctions of a Team training module is a great way to help teams learn how to recognize conflict and trace it back to its source so that it canget addressed. The problem with stereotyping also arose - which led into discussion about issues with stereo-typing internal and external clients. I've had the group get a unanimous decision by vote and then ask someone who caved why they changed. 1 week ago 1. Have the same debrief as before. Conflict resolution activities are games and exercises that teach participants how to solve disagreements with diplomacy. You'll Need:Nothing, other than the materials provided. Or, you could also read scenarios out loud in a Zoom call, and ask participants to respond via reaction, the chat, or the polling feature. When having a bad day or getting upset, teammates run through the list and check off any options that apply. You can take your team on an outing to a rage room to drain pent-up anger instead of leaving that frustration to fester and turn into an interpersonal conflict. - Free to use handout that can be used in training in conflict resolution skills. We've included a set of conflict management techniques under every point so you can practically approach each point and help your group move forward. Suppose you each had to pay $100 or $1,000, or suppose someone would be hurt if the decision was wrong? It is, after all, fake money and no one is going to lose anything at the end of the day! Aims: To understand the interests and priorities of fellow participants. To identify the benefits of getting to know those we interact with at work. Group Size:This module can be used with groups of up to 25 participants. To play the game, read off the situation, then give teammates the chance to respond. Next, write the desired result or results. My participants seem to really love it and it never fails to cause discussion and training room banter with bags full of light hearted frustration. This activity helps team members understand the role timing plays in conflict. Such as: You canread more about this exercise and the debrief here. Dress Up. '", The first speaker refutes this with an "I meant" statement. Team building content expert. LinkedIn Ask. What they expect regarding how those needs are met at the workplace, and the relative priority of these expectations, is at the heart of this exercise. - Jimmee John should not have been stealing your lunch. What would you do if you heard that a teammate was spreading a rumor that you were hoarding all the packets of Cheez-Its from the break room snack stash? I will also ask that person who went against their strong opinion what they would do if I made them thegroup leaderand their decision was the final one. It also identifies that we usually do not have such a shared vision - but that we can create one. - Judging is a fairly natural response, but it interferes with really hearing the other person in a conflict. As a trainer, I really enjoyed behind able to pick something up and run with it. You'll Need: Flipchart paper and plenty of post-it notes. Our Google Reviews and our FEEFO Reviews speak for themselves. Learn To Control Conflict At Work And Home - Don't Let It Control You! Objective: To get team members to work through conflicts, differing opinions and how different team members handle conflict. Another teammate responds by giving their interpretation, in a you said, I heard format., You said, When will you have that report ready?. By clarifying desired outcomes from their work together, participants can begin to build an agenda that seeks to affirm those desires in practice.". The prompts can be funny, serious, or a mix of both. Improve work relationships by reducing conflict and using cooperative communication techniques. For this version of the game, the prompts should focus on conflicts. Further, conflict management is a product of successful problem-solving in which the parties have worked out ways to de-escalate conflict and avoid future escalations. Aims: To identify things participants have in common with each other. To explore the impact on relationships of finding common ground. Time:This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. Interpersonal Skills: Lesson Plans & Activities, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, The Elements of Trust & Their Significance to Relationships, Healthy Communication Skills for Romantic Relationships, Conflict Resolution Skills: Lesson for Kids, Conflict Resolution Activities for College Students, Conflict Resolution Activities for Middle School, Relationship Conflict Resolution Activities, Role-Play Exercises for Conflict Resolution, Importance of Peer Relationships in Early Childhood, Building & Promoting Positive Peer Relationships in the Classroom, Divorce Lesson Plan for Elementary School, Conflict Resolution Activities for the Workplace, Conflict Resolution Activities for Adults, Healthy Relationships Lesson Plan for Middle School, ILTS Special Education General Curriculum Test (163): Practice & Study Guide, MTTC Physical or Other Health Impairment (058) Prep, Social & Emotional Development Lesson Plans & Activities, History, Culture & People of the Americas, GACE Special Education Reading, ELA & Social Studies (087) Prep, FTCE Preschool Education Birth-Age 4 (007): Practice & Study Guide, FTCE Prekindergarten/Primary PK-3 (053): Practice & Study Guide, U.S. Supreme Court Cases: Study Guide & Review, GACE Special Education Adapted Curriculum (583) Prep, CSET Physical Education Subtest III (131): Practice & Study Guide, CSET Physical Education Subtest II (130): Practice & Study Guide, Innovative Thinking & Risk Taking in a School Community, Celebrating Contributions within a School Community, Creating Budgets with Stakeholders in Education, Using Time Management & Planning to Reach District & School Goals, Utilizing Technology & Information Systems to Improve School Management, TExES Principal as Instructional Leader Exam Essay Topics & Rubric, Differences in Values & Their Effect on Behavior, The Impact of Age on Behaviors, Attitudes & Identity, Addiction Theories: Overview & Implications, Psychosocial Stress: Definition, Indicators & Impact, Involving Clients in Problem Identification in Social Work, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. While you can do so with traditional training, games and activities are one of the best ways to handle it. Its great seeing the learners reaction when they realise they get the majority of the answers wrong and makes them reconsider how they jump to conclusions. Group Size:This module is suitable for use with groups of almost any size. I have used this in call handling training as well as to reception staff. Ask participants to form pairs and explain that one of them will start by asking one question. 3. - Great starting point for conflict management exercises. The rest of the team can give the leader feedback about their success at the end. (influencing) Time:This exercise will take about 15 minutes to complete. If the sentences are true about them, they should stand up and wave their arms in the air; if not, they should remain seated. This is one of my favourite activities; I use it in my Telephone System/Call Handling training where it is very important for people to listen to what others are saying on the telephone. Several people took time after the presentation to comment favourably on the use of the story telling exercise. It's a great way of illustrating that we're not as good at listening as we think we are. The story is, of course, Assumptions The Witches of Glum. 2023, all rights reserved | Terms | Privacy, What I learned or what I could have done differently. - When Messages get Lost in Translation, Course Introduction - A Basic Introduction to Training Events, Flendas Tale - Understanding Our Impact on the Behaviour of Others. Person B will argue against it. FIND THE COMMONALITY The game is a perfect team bonding game. Here is our list of the best conflict management games to play at work. Sometimes,conflictscan occur between groups, including specific teams and larger departments. If questioned, I have had the entire group turn their decision around. We tend to train somewhat cynical engineers who really take a lot of engaging in order to deliver any Soft Skills. })(); Top : Exercises and Training Activities To Teach Conflict Management: In this section you'll find descriptions and links to free training activities and exercises that can be used to teach conflict management and conflict resolution skills to all ages. You'll Need: A single apple (or other type of fruit) for your participants to see. Included in this bundle:1. Defining Conflict: Where Do You Stand? Also good for stimulating your thinking if you teach conflict resolution. Thegroup's moderatorplaces the rope in a pile and tasks the group with deciding whether or not, if the rope is pulled from both ends, it will have a knot in it. YTA, for yes, you are. On returning from lunch I gave each pens and a sheet of flip chart paper and asked them to create a visual representation of thier idol and then had them present back to the rest of the group. Players can answer individually, however you should talk the decisions out as a group and have teammates give reasons for or against taking actions. We also have a list of books on negotiating and books on problem solving skills. Pro tip: To get the maximum impact from this activity, have teammates talk through how they can apply Choose Your Own Adventure logic to real-world conflicts at the end of the exercise. The Witches of Glum module was used as an introduction into communication skills with sales trainees. Please share below. Its bad effects don't end there, however; conflict makes people unhappy, and the damage it does to company culture can overwhelm every other aspect of the work environment. Established in 1992, Bacal & Associates is a small training, consulting and publishing company with a core business centering around all aspects of communication, including helping deal effectively with conflict, dealing with difficult people, and dealing with hostile customers. This game is challenging because it requires that no one actually says Arm-Wrestling. Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers Library. Many conflict resolution activities are theoretical. For example, if you ask: What drinks do you like? the person who answers can say a lot of things and elaborate. If you are looking for an icebreaker for a small group, then challenge teammates to solve a riddle together. Our clients cover a range of different industries and sectors so we have the experience you need. This conversational exercise is typically best performed by two individuals,and any two individuals can partake. Try to keep the atmosphere in the room friendly. Posters should reply so that all team members can see the answers. Explain that debate is an attempt to prove that your position is better than the other persons position. What would you do if one of your teammates did not reply to your emails for days, but you saw them posting random, non-work comments in Slack? Each pair has 5 minutes to win the argument. Developing leadership skills in a laid-back and fun format makes them less intimidating. Place the issue in a circle at the center of the board. The Big Book of Conflict-Resolution Games - Washington State University To do this activity, show a clip from a movie, read a scene from a book, or pick a famous feud. Challenging because it requires that no one actually says Arm-Wrestling team, but interferes! Dealing with conflict as to reception staff awkwardness, too, as she tries assess! Each had to pay $ 100 or $ 1,000, or suppose someone would be hurt the! 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Spruce Creek High School Valedictorian, Articles C