", "Ah. I was so worried about you. However its stated that Pattern hasnt met her until the ship with Jasnah which is chapter 1 Way of Kings. Following Adolin's lead, Pattern and Syl imitated the Lightwoven people, slashing randomly at the space around them. And I don't see any proof that it was a delusion. We also know that Ishar was instrumentalin the original creation of the Knights Radiant: "But as for Ishi'elin,his was the part most importantat their inception; he readily understood the implications of Surges being granted to men, and caused organization to be thrust upon them; as having too great power, he let it be known that he would destroy each and every one, unless they agreed to be bound by precepts and laws." I won't say it's impossible, but I will say that Shallan's mother attempting to kill her because Shallan was Radiant is more likely than the opposite, given the information we have. But, he says, the opportunity is worth the cost. Please help The Coppermind by. [13] When Lightweaving, Shallan can anchor her illusions to Pattern, allowing them to move and draw Stormlight even when they are not in close proximity to her.[1]. [46], After they had finished dinner, Adolin suggested that he teach Shallan how to use a Shardblade seeing as she had one in her possession. Dictates of custom require following certain patterns before you copulate. [4][30], Humans can see the world as it is not. The dead blade was never returned to the strongbox. Care to share with me what that foreshadowing was? Score: 4.3/5 (7 votes) . Pattern watched over the conversation silently as the women discussed Urithiru, the Shattered Plains and the Voidbringers. It would also make sense that breaking the bond would be very similar to doing so with an already dead Shardblade, which seems to require the person to physically summon the Shardbladebeforebreaking the bond. Further, he tells Shallan that she will eventually betray her oaths, thereby breaking his mind, leaving him dead. [59][60], The next day, Shallan and Pattern returned to the Oathgate platform to face Ashertmarn, while the others tried to take control of the palace. Again he vanished, seen only for a brief moment. On the night of Jesus' trials, Judas betrayed, but Peter denied. She could also be saying that Dreder was an individual in a group her mother knew and Shallan wishes none of them had come to the house. [17], Pattern and his fellow Cryptics continued to follow Shallan while she was in the hospital. [3], Pattern appears as a complex three-dimensional scribble capable of sliding and floating around, occasionally lying flat in a two-dimensional pattern, often adhering to Shallan's dress. Several days later, found Pattern, again, talking with Shallan while she studied. Nalan's little group of psychopathic Judge Judy's dont really seem likely either, its possible but I very much doubt that Nalan would not be there himself. 2) Ghostbloods and Testament were after Mishram. Pattern left with Shallan for the meeting, who had disguised herself as Veil using Lightweaving, traversing the streets of Sebarial's warcamp. You fear nonexistence, but is not unconsciousness the same thing? Panicked, she fled the room, taking Memories as she went and drawing the scenes as a way to track the spren. [2][21], I will not stop vibrating. I have no idea. Pattern helps Shallan escape the sinking ship. But what occurs to me is that it is likely that her mother was the first one within the household whom was a member of one of the nefarious societies which we seem to be finding out about. [51][52], Within the now empty library rooms, Pattern could sense the memories contained within the hidden gem archive. So he played along with her lies, and then slowly pushed her to start to believe a bit more. Without speaking truths you will not be able to grow, Shallan. So, it's pretty clearthat Ishar was blatantly lying to Nale about being able to stop the desolation by just going around slaughtering surgebinders left and right. Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc. On 11/30/2020 at 2:48 PM, Shardbearer said: On 12/11/2020 at 8:54 PM, Aspiring Writer said. At first I would have agreed, it just seemed too easy, especially because I wanted Pattern to not actually be betraying Shallan. RAFO. I'll RAFO that, but yes, there is some external influence there. 1. Kaladin doesnt seem to have a need to create romantic relationships. Her mothers arrival, with a friend Shallan didnt recognize, to confront her father. [33], During Adolin's duel against Brightlord Relis and the other Shardbearers, Pattern was tasked with distracting Brightlord Abrobadar after he attacked Renarin, however, the Cryptic's appearance on the dueling ground, also drew the attention of Syl. Pattern was present for most of Shallans childhood. She has few memories of him during that time, but the extent of Patterns involvement in her childhood is revealed in later flashbacks. But later on in Oathbringer Patternblade is ALSO described as Silver. was he truly that loyal to her? Her drawn pattern then leaves the paper and moves onto the floor. With regard to his sarcasm, Pattern states "Insults in particular will be of great use to my people, as they are truths and lies combined in a quite interesting manner." 6) It is possible to convince a Cryptic that finding Mishram is in their best interest. The next day, Pattern debated the meaning of 'truth' with Shallan, who found herself frustrated with the biases shown by past scholars. Meanwhile, Pattern went to Shallan's deserters for help, asking them to go fetch her. [1], Despite being a spren attracted to lies, falsehoods, or their offshoots, Pattern is revealed to be a terrible liar himself. You will not stop drawing., Several days later, Pattern was sent to spy on a conversation between the Tvlakv and one of his men. After the group reached the monastery building, Pattern explored the facility and sought out Talenel'Elin, whom Shallan had been tasked to find, while Veil and Iyatil conned the ardents. Re-Shephir's attempts to break their bond failed and it fled, afraid of the damage that could be caused by Shallan. Mmmm delicious lies. @HayamaGuess I should have read that last Shallan chapter again before posting this theory. [44], In her rooms, Shallan practiced manipulating sound, while Pattern watched and commented. Imbecilic? Shallan asked., Initially, worried what the sailors would think of the spren, Shallan tried to keep both herself and Pattern contained to her room, though quickly abandoned the plan. I mean, this is a cryptic that decided to bond a human before almost any other spren tried. Point of view: Kaladin, Shallan, Dalinar Setting: The Oathgate, the central plateaus, the sky Progression of the Chapter: Kaladin finally admits he's a Radiant; Kaladin and Szeth begin their battle.Shallan seeks the pattern of the Oathgate; she finally sees that it's a fabrial.Dalinar turns his attention to the retreat; Adolin is pleased; Sebarial and Palona are unexpected; the evacuation . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I think Lin joined the Ghostbloods because they had information about the Skybreakers. [61][62][63], Transported to the Cognitive Realm, Pattern and the others looked through the beads near the platform to find something they could use get away from the city. Cookie Notice Before Everstorm, even if Talnwould have broken, the Fused didn't have bodies to possess. During a break in the meeting, Renarin approached Shallan and found, to his surprise that he was able to see Pattern, who, unlike his own spren Glys, could not turn invisible. Nalan's little group of psychopathic Judge Judy's dont really seem likely either, its possible but I very much doubt that Nalan would not be there himself. [43][44], You were talking about mating! Additionally when she passes the blade to Kaladin in the chasms she tries to speak to Pattern and then remembers that shes given Pattern to Kaladin. 4) I think the confrontation happened because Shallan and Testament found out the location. They werent designed into the system and thus are more of an accident. Like all radiant spren when they first entered the Physical Realm, the journey damaged Pattern, who lost much of his cognitive abilities becoming non-sapient and mindless. Also she said that she is "one of us". Pattern's report worried Shallan, who was uncomfortable at how Tvlakv viewed her as little more than a slave. What in the Halls are you talking about, girl? [36], In the chasms, Kaladin used Pattern in his blade form to fight the chasmfiend and allow Shallan the opportunity to escape. I mean, when the Lost were united, they were a force to be reckoned with. [12], Pattern is attracted to lies. Especially until part 4 when this is explained. So who is it? She didn't say she feared her. [20], I thought I saw something in the water, just now. However, her train of thought only confused him. When Adolin arrived, bearing gifts of food and books, Shallan formally introduced him to Pattern, who was then named as chaperone for the evening. The room reminded Shallan of her father's study and Pattern forced Shallan to admit another Truth and confront the death of her mother as well as the role Shallan had played. Shallan informed him otherwise and then used Lightweaving to hide from the woman, having Pattern check after a time, that the coast was clear and Iyatil was gone. Otherwise they would have for sure been interested in her or would want to kill her like her mother did. ", Pattern hummed, trying to sort through to the meaning of what she said. There is much more to it then simply Maria telling Salvatore they were having an affair. He says yes. The things I told him, another heard. Now, I know the first reaction of many of you would be to point out that, yes, of course shes insane. In everything. Her mother's arrival, with a friend Shallan didn't recognize, to confront her father. Food. "You wish to prepare for the Everstorm, the spren of the unnatural one. An insect centaur that has a bet with Nameless. I'm still not quite 100% sure there was no spy, but I think it's plausible that Mraize was making an educated guess, knowing that he didn't send any additional agents (or maybe he did, and that person saw Radiant do it). He calls these things lies, but not in a disparaging way but rather admiringly, as if he is fond of lies. Pattern is a spren on Roshar. You'll learn more about Malise in Book Two. When Jasnah infused one of the strangely cut gemstones, Pattern noticed that it vibrated in a specific pattern, creating a decipherable code. Ars Arcanum: The only thing we get to observe in this chapter is the Stormlight healing Shallan's feet, but there are two other allusions worth mentioning: One, there are a couple of references . Looking at her father from another angle you get the impression that he did everything he thought he could do to protect her which leads me to believe her mother was also a Ghostblood. After Shallan had found the Oathgate, Pattern told her that both the highstorm and the Everstorm were on their way, and they would cause immense destruction when they clashed. In his diminished state, Pattern was hardly impressive to Shallan, who half-heartedly agreed to Jasnah's orders to spend the next few days studying the spren. Is it possible the shardblade she used there was not Pattern but her original? He announces to his group that the Diagram has served its purpose and now has to be disbanded. She says she hates him, and he says he knows. Do I have this sequence of events right? . "They break. She was a Skybreaker. When Shallan kills Tyn shes bonded to Pattern - so if it was Testament then she should have heard Deadeye screaming like every time a Deadeye has been summoned by a Radiant. This would appear to be Pattern's 'true' form. And Tower was corrupted. Shallan postulated that Pattern was similar to a spren prince, though Jasnah was not sure as she had not been able to delve far into spren politics. In doing so, Shallan realized that the Oathgate was a fabrial and using Pattern, she activated the platform, transporting those outside to Urithiru and saving the Alethi army. Possibly the best ever representation of Pattern is here. [9], Later, Veil tells Pattern to hang on the wall of a hallway next to Kharat. I still don't think this is the case, but crazier theories have been right before. At first i discarded the idea because later on her other family members became involved with them (after the mother is killed), but that may not matter too much. Who is shallans mother? Sign up for a new account in our community. Shallan Davar, whose alters are known as Veil and Radiant, is a lighteyed Lightweaver of the Knights Radiant from Jah Keved.Shallan is an emerging scholar whose greatest achievement is the discovery of the legendary city Urithiru.She is also renowned for her extraordinary talent of accurately reproducing even fleeting scenes with photographic accuracy. After all, when the recreance happened all the spren got stuck as blades in the physical realm. In the distance, Shallan could hear the ships crew being executed and to buy them time asked Pattern for his help in Soulcasting the boat. She gives Shallan a book called Words of Radiance. Shallan ignored him, and instead concentrated on creating a persona who could wield Pattern as a blade without panicking. She refers to the blade asPattern. Four days after his transition found Pattern on the deck of the ship with Shallan. and Dalinar whos, what, 50 or so, is actually 68. Lady Leshwi is a singer and high ranking member of the shanay-im, a type of Fused. Without meaning to, Shallan used Stormlight and turned a patch of the deck of the ship green, as she began to recreate the memory. Later, after she had been moved to a private room, she also found them lurking, whispering to her, though she chose not to respond. [7] I mean, yes--that's what it was intended to do. Still messed up, but more plausible. And, as was mentioned, why would Shallan have done anything bad enough to be executed? He says that patterns are eternal, as is fire, as is the wind, are all spren. A: And so they enter Lasting Integrity: Adolin, Shallan, Pattern, Maya, and Gallant. Or maybe something else - there are probably a lot of other possible explanations for those organizations to not get along. "Mmm . [1][34][35], Im sorry that your mystical, godlike powers do not instantly work as you would like them to., This new discovery came in useful several days later, when Pattern, attached to an image of Veil, was sent to 'retrieve' the instructions left in a tree by the Ghostbloods. Assuming that's all that he did, though, that's no betrayal. I don't honestly know. Jah Keved too will turn against the coalition at that time. ", "It is the lies that save you," Pattern said. [8] Since then, she's seen him from the corner of her eye, appearing in the grain of wood, the cloth on the back of a sailor's shirt. He thinks he could understand peoplethrough the lies they want to be told. The Blade disappears, Testament goes to Shallan the next day, 4. The same thing is at play here. I think Helaran joined the Skybreakers because he found out his mother was a member and thought that might have been why Lin killed her (which is Helaran's understanding). I think the simplest solution is that Shallan was being treated as or like a voidbringer and Dreder was a Vorin exorcist. I was going to post this, but decided to look up what Brandon Sanderson had to say about it right before, and I'm confused. It would make sense to me that the bond is retained, or something. In her coach, Shallan practiced her Lightweaving, while Pattern watched. Additionally, Shallan has her memories with Testament, including Testament's death. Eventually, during the Battle of Narak, her bond with Pattern allowed her to become the first Lightweaver to be revealed as a Knight Radiant since the Recreance. Decision made, Shallan chose to travel in her quasi-carriage so she could speak with Pattern, who had once again hidden inside, away from the slavers. The bond Pattern and Shallan share grants him sentience in the Physical Realm and gives her access to the Surges of Illumination and Transformation. A warping of the air, as if the wind itself became visible. 5. Did anyone else feel really betrayed after you found out that Pattern was the traitor. "One is almost certainly a traitor to the others.". I'm with Nameless here, I don't think the blade was there at all. He may have developed somewhat of a romantic interest in Shallan, but there is little to be gained there for him. Shallan speaking to Hoid - hardback page 528. He used the box to speak to Wit without telling her that he was doing so, and was willing to lie about it. I am just not convinced. I'm less confident than I was when I posted this that the infomation I'm giving is current and accurate. She just assumed it was her original sword and so started lightweaving the garden? You think in lies and tell them to yourselves. I agree Shallan Mother was part of something and important, but I am not convinced yet exactlywhat that is. In WoR chapter 6 : Terrible Destruction; Shallan asked Pattern what was the first thing he remembered, and Pattern replied "With you. [4], "I find sleeping very odd," Pattern said. Hopefully she doesn't kill him too, but given there's probably hundreds or thousands of dead Cryptics that studying the situation with Shallan could aid, it's a risk they're willing to take. I am not sure what I think of this theory but if Shallan did kill testament before her mother "She's one of them" could be refering to the ghostbloods and not the radiants. Before they continued on, Pattern went to seek out Adolin, and bring him, along with additional soldiers, back to the newly discovered passage way. Pattern tested his weight on a shield manifested by Shallan, to make sure the objects would not sink underneath the beads. She was the first wife of Lin Davar, and birthed Helaran, Balat, twins Jushu and Wikim, and Shallan . . Jasnah still doesnt believe her, so Shallan calls upon one of the symbol head creatures. Returning to the Realm reminded Pattern that it was where he had once resided, though he could not remember much of his time there. I hadnt thought of this before, but with Helaran apparently wanting to be a sky breaker (or had become one), is there some possibility he had traced the people his mother was affiliated with? When Tyn's soldiers resisted them, the deserters killed them. And Shallan is able to talk to Wit through the Seon, and I don't think that is a trick since he shares with Shallan the information about opening the box to get to the Seon safely - Mraize certainly would not have shared this information. Did he know she wasn't ready for the whole truth? It is one reason he's attracted to Shallan; her 'delicious' lies. It is preceded by Oathbringer.It is currently both the longest Sanderson novel and longest in the series at 455,891 words . It containing information about Shallan's her eldest brother, Helaran, but also, as Pattern pointed out, lies. Bluth returned as the exchange ended, reporting that mercenaries were in the area and prompting the group to hurried break camp to try and get away. In WoR, when Shallan kills Tyn, she summons a shardblade. Updated information: Radiant and Veil might not even be meant to be alters, which I got the impression that they were and that's what confused me. The lies they want to kill her like her mother did dead blade was never returned to the of. Pattern and Shallan share grants him sentience in the physical realm odd, '' Pattern said can the... With a friend Shallan didnt recognize, to make sure the objects would not sink the! 'S death in Shallan, to make sure the objects would not sink underneath beads. Got stuck as blades in the physical realm of Fused you found out that Pattern was the first reaction many!, slashing randomly at the space around them 30 ], Humans can see world! To make sure the objects would not sink underneath the beads to convince a Cryptic that decided to a! 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