So we got a phone. I thought he was outside--. OK. And I should say, this is the part of the story I know very well what happens next. Also there are rules in place and respect towards other members is always encouraged. OK, tell me what happened after the beep. Just because your to old and have nothing about you, you pick on the innocent. Before you hate me for saying that, give me a moment to show why. That's Dacher Keltner. It turned out The New York Times put it on the front page. Woman with killer infectious disease arrested and 'forced into treatment', Moment baby is given a vape to inhale by mum - who lashes out at mum shamers. Sitejabbers sole mission is to increase online transparency for consumers and businesses, Sitejabber has helped over 100M consumers make better purchasing decisions online, Suspicious reviews are flagged by our algorithms, moderators, and community members. Like, did they stop coming to you with their complaints? So you've got this weird combination. To be honest, if God was watching over everybody whenever they hit a three point shot, I don't think that He would be able to, like, actually make them make the shot. For me, this story really begins with my 11-year-old son, Walker. So sorry about that all! You want actual justice. And I thought it was just brilliant. Did you tell the tattle-phone? Jan 23, 2023 Imogenation Threads Wiki Thread locked. He seems to know which refs to argue with. That is just the start. And in the play, though, you say, to actually get this thing to apply to women, Justice William O. Douglas has to come up with a concept which is so strange and so almost poetic, this idea of the penumbra. The true ownership of Tattle Life is likewise shrouded in secrecy. There is also ambiguity over to what extent this anonymous online commentary constitutes free speech - the fine balance between that, and abuse, is difficult to define and, therefore, police. Dad, I don't like people yelling at me. Do you think that LeBron James has any effect doing that? But they often get interpreted in this wider scheme of thought process that a lot of our cultures is dealing with right now, which is, there must be a fix in. The site has a membership of 217,650 users and counting, yet it lists just three staff member accounts as moderators making it impractical for threads to be sufficiently, and actively, monitored. And then as you say in the show, the Ninth Amendment combines with the 14th Amendment in a kind of Wonder Twins, power activation moment--. (WHISPERING) He kicked you in the penis? I would go to pick up my son Max, and I would have to wait because he would want to hug every single teacher. Stop thinking of them as people just doing their best to try to make a game fair, and start thinking of them as haters. She's good friends with fellow beauty YouTuberHolly Boon. Ref, you suck! In the past, the authorities were just regulating adverts in papers, tv and radio. Helen Whatley, MP for Faversham and Mid Kent, has even called on the Home Secretary to investigate the site, saying: "No one should have to put up with this kind of abuse.". By registering, users agree to terms that include no abusive or hateful messages or behaviour that could be seen as harassment. It's probably only true with respect to some. Spouses may come to a new marriage with emotional baggage. Watch the referee on the bottom of the screen. I'm sorry I had to hang up on you. Role-Play: Lead both children back to the scene of the crime. Encourage them to be best friends and to seek every opportunity to develop a bond of closeness. Then the portal would open, I'd hear something, and then silence again. She hails from London, England. Imogen Horton. At one point, four NBA refs came from the same high school. Young people emulate them, without even thinking about it. NBA refs have now achieved what police forces can only dream of, though the refs have no choice. They must think that if they make life unpleasant enough for the ref, he'll think twice before the next call. It's the stars now who are really pushing the issue, right? So we just got really interested in a very simple question of, does this sense of being privileged make you disobey the rules of the road or the laws of the land. And, you know, it used to be, sort of, of the garden variety. Helen: I expect it to slowly die out and I look forward to that. You can probably tell by my accent, Michael, I'm an Australian. There's blood on the screens. It's just crazy. It's like, we can't think through every possible thing in this one document. Comments under the blog post, however, cast doubt on the true identity of the sites owner and suggest that McDougal is a pseudonym. I would give a speech, win a whole bunch of money, and then bring it back to put in my little safety deposit box for later. Really people should be asking why free speech should be censored or cancelled? https:// is slowly coming back online, sadly just how it slowly went offline for people over 24 hours it might take the same amount of time to come back. Come on, you gotta be quick on these. I also like to think that in 300 years they knew that the world would look very different. There's a reason for this. You know, I thought it was an interesting piece of social science. Explore how love, respect, grace, and forgiveness can equip you as you respond to your wild child. On the advice of the police, Sheldon has been told that abuse aimed at her does break the Malicious Communication Act 1988. New to Tattle Life? New to Tattle Life? Klay with the steal. Tattle Life Imogenation#34, 8 oz meat with lettuce, cheese onions etc. The people who put our show together includes Aviva DeKornfeld, Jarrett Floyd, Damien Graef, Miki Meek, Stowe Nelson, Zoe Oliver-Grey, Nadia Reiman, Robyn Semien, Louis Sullivan, Christopher Swetala, Matt Tierney, Nancy Updike, Julie Whitaker, and Diane Wu. Like, this idea that there was a document that could be created by flawed people that could be better than the people who made it. First of all, I felt-- I mean, I was very liberal in high school. One thread pouring scorn on homemaker influencer Beckyhomesweethome who has 70.5K Instagram followers has comments including: I swear if I ever met her Id slap the wasteful selfish beggy b****.. Someone eventually unlocks the door and leads me down a hall filled with a lot of old basketball stuff-- jerseys and bobbleheads and basketballs and posters of Michael Jordan. They live by rules. Why is everyone so quiet about who owns a freaking site. SHE'S the mummy blogger with more than half a million followers and a picture perfect Instagram life. The time and money now being spent to ensure the fairness of what, after all, is just a basketball game-- a bajillion miles of fiber optic cable connect this room directly to the NBA arenas around the country, all for two calls a game. Every error they make is tracked. The only thing stopping the Replay Center from checking every decision is that it slows the game down. Sample Questions: Honey, how do you think your brother/sister feels when you tattle? Will tattling bring you closer to your brother/sister or tear you apart?. Yes some influencers or bloggers do get criticised but once you look into their activities you will see that there is many a con artist and scammer hidden amongst there numbers. For hitting a three point shot? Did he throw his elbow out? The site has threads on Mrs Hinch, Zoella, Mrs Bavington and even Harry and Meghan under a thread entitled Harry and Meghan #3 the Duke and Duchess of Narcissism. And the NBA wasn't happy. God heals broken hearts and can restore what's been lost. What's on them is whatever is captured by all the cameras in 29 NBA arenas across the country. Boom. What I didn't realize at the time is that birth control had only been legal for all women in this country for about 15 years. While some parents are frustrated with their inability to control the problem, others try to rationalize their decision to avoid correction. While the duo split from their ex-boyfriends near enough around the same time in 2020, it appears that Sophia and Cinzia have both well and truly moved on with their new boyfriends. And as they're leaving, there's this big bowl of candy. This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. And I won that contest. A lot of the people on the website are not mentally stable and seem very dangerous (they are as crazy as the stalkers who shows up to celebrity homes) and the moderators/creator is the worst people of all. "It's so much more than just critiquing my appearance; it's finding my address, posting my address, trying to just completely destroy my privacy. But Larry Bird was like LeBron, the new Mercedes of his day. You have to be partially off. That was accidental. Relationships with children change, and the stepparent-stepchild relationship adds another dynamic. The sound of those 18,000 people screaming at you or booing you, does it sound any different than it sounded when you started? Coming up, a teenager grapples with the document that's supposed to enforce fairness above all others. For a while anyway. I just-- you know, they're not allowed to say anything. It's just an act of faith that we have with each other. I mean, goodness gracious, if you don't have slow motion in here or freeze frame, it's very difficult. It's necessary. Most kids in foster care are forced to use trash bags to move. So I'm thinking-- right? Abortion is not an easy subject to talk about. (WHISPERING) Oh, you didn't have the tattle-phone? And it's like-- and it says on it, "for the children of the Institute of Human Development," on the bowl. Miles. Our managing editor is David Kestenbaum. Bad Habits. In June this year, Rebecca Meldrum aka Mrs Meldrum who posts videos about family life with her three kids and has 116,000 YouTube subscribers and 100,000 Instagram followers posted a video in floods of tears. What made you choose tattle. In May, the government published a draft of a new Online Safety Bill as part of its goal to make the internet safe. Parents often pardon rather than correct the tattler simply because they do not know how to deal with the issue. It's an odd microcosm on a basketball court, of what's going on in the larger society. Helen: From what I hear it was set up by someone that inserted themselves into drama, was trolling people on live chats and banned from using tattle to try to get attention for their videos on YouTube. Tell me the whole story. I'm talking about police, Supreme Court justices, journalists, the people who regulate the banks and Wall Street and student loans, the people setting medical costs, judges. I dont think a business owner is called a witch in any other environment and this website is after all just a business. The Replay Center was built to persuade people that life was fair. Some of them said please, yes, do this. They're not allowed to defend themselves. I still don't get-- it seems like kids tattling on each other is just a fact of pre-K. Act Two, The Fairer Sex. He can't! Can I ask you to just explain what the Ninth Amendment does? Act One, Hoop Reams. Christophers not letting me play with the ball! Sarahs calling me names! Tommy wont let me in the bathroom! Sound familiar? Parents often pardon rather than correct the tattler simply because they do not know how to deal with the issue. Sometimes you want more than just to speak. But they had to dig up this amendment that nobody understands, because there was just no other way to deal with the female body. And the kids started to use it immediately and with great enthusiasm. That's Joe Borgia, who's run the center since 2014. David, so, what problem was this supposed to solve? It's also the latest weapon in the battle for fairness. To create this and hide behind a pseudonym is utterly dismal. One day most people think the refs are more or less fair-- or at any rate, they don't spend a lot of time blaming them for all their problems. When we spoke to YouTuber Lewys Ball he spilled the tea on getting into the industry when he was younger, what he gets up to on an average week and why he doesn't take TikTok too serious. But there's also no way these refs are anything but more accurate than they've ever been. Require the sibling to heed the encouragement and thank his or her brother/sister. That's another story. Yes they may not be nice to read about yourself, but thats what happens when you make yourself a public figure.. ? on her story. But you can help. Whoever gets that is like, I'm the king or the queen and ha-ha. "I have experienced comments about my children, where I live and about my family. Hate speech? A footnote at the bottom of the homepage states Tattle Life is owned by a website called Lime Goss a blog website home to posts with titles such as, Why Women Support Women is so Toxic and Why Influencers Are So Insidious. Our show today is about fairness, and Heidi Schreck, to be clear, says that her 15-year-old self definitely saw the Constitution as a powerful instrument enforcing fairness. There's no signal to us to do anything in the Replay Center. And researching and reading about the Constitution-- my dad is a history teacher and talked very passionately about the genius of this document and its ability to evolve and to somehow surpass and rectify the flaws of its founders. (WHISPERING) That time, we didn't have any tattle-phone. Hooper claimed she'd been drawn into the trolling after joining Tattle Life to change the conversation around her family after seeing they were being targeted in numerous threads. Everyone is encouraged to report a post (long term member or visitor) and it will be investigated. Sheldon has been made to feel unsafe at the hands of commentators on Tattle Life, so much so that she no longer goes for runs and has security cameras placed on her property. Made me feel awful about myself and made me doubt myself as a mum. Finances. Because it's a pre-K classroom, and it's constant there. Hmm I wonder why? How did it make you feel when the ref made those calls? The players get fined if they talk about the refs, so we won't be talking to them. Get a--. WHOLESOME CHRISTMASSY DAY 26K. See? Well, your message is still here but apparently you dont have the balls to say who Helen really is. He whispered it to me. There's a show right now that starts with this true story. It's nice to think that just getting something off your chest can solve a problem, that if you just release the fact of the injustice into the world you feel better. Helen: This is easy! Winning Your Inner Battles is a free series of eight short videos featuring Levi Lusko. Someone else said, "The way my jaw dropped, congrats gorgeous ". I've been caught on camera, you know, MF-ing a ref. Has Focus on the Family helped you or your family? It's a weighing of the scales of justice, no matter how tiny. Mm-hmm. McCutchen was giving the signal for three and running to beat the players back to the other end of the court when he realized he had lost his balance. Yes, but I also knew if I did, it would be unfair because I knew that he was calling the stupidest fouls. [LAUGHS]. I think the mention of replay, none of us liked it when we first heard it. One girl's parents told me that they were on vacation staying at a hotel, which of course had a landline phone. It's a sense of right or wrong. She marriedSpencer Hortonin 2019. It doesn't even do anything. For example, they've brought in serious managers to hire and train the refs. And I got to the four-way stop sign, and I was halfway through this four-way stop sign--. So what we're going to do now, David, is that you're going to explain what you heard on those recordings on the tattle-phone. The site also has a problem with members threatening violence. That's Stern on NPR in 2007. He was clearly kind of excited about this. But the real crime? Granny stuff. Something has happened in the relationship between referees and players over the last, I guess, year or two. And he noticed that one way you can describe the current moment that we're all living through is that Americans don't trust the refs-- in all walks of life. YouTube: Imogenation Founder @thehunnystore It's wall-to-wall screens, 110 of them. You gotta be. Quality 3. And if they bring it to you as a teacher, all these little injustices, you've got to get involved in all these cases, you know? So I say keep an open mind be positive don't join out of malice or with pre conceived ideas and you will find it a very rewarding experience. I did not have high expectations. People are all too aware that the regulators are toothless and dont have the time or money to really look into influencers. And they're all muted. You want to understand the way the refs are treated? And I actually don't know that many NBA players, but I know all the ones who pitch these hissy fits, because the only players getting up into the faces of the refs are the famous players, or the coaches who protect them. I'm just sorry. Sophia did leave her followers thinking she was engaged after she posted a ring pic on Valentine's Day. Im on the same page as a few people here, her and her half age husband (hes the tech behind it and used to work in admin for tv production) must be named soon. If youre disillusioned by someone you can read their main thread, if you love them you can read their rave thread or post comments on their own feed. Having a wild child can bring the eyes of judgment in every aisle of the grocery store. He's a great kid, except for one thing. Get equipped with practical truth and biblical arguments for life so you can confidently and compassionately engage our culture. Like, my speeches reflected those values, and I remember giving a speech about the Second Amendment, which I was arguing for gun control, because there had just been a shooting in California at a McDonald's. I just want to say for radio, anyone that's listening, that you're just reciting that from memory. When Sheldon spoke to the DCMS about what shed seen online, she did so from experience. And we say, oh, you know, take a candy or two as you're leaving. There is no requirement to use your real name or date of birth when signing up; fake usernames and profile photos are a feature of the site, affording users the cover of anonymity. There's all these sites on all these different--, Oh, sure. Why not spill the tea instead of just stirring the pot, or are you scared of the big, bad London based influencer? That really hit me when I read it. And I'm like, come on, make the call. What's not well known for example is the sheer amount of information and help available on this media platform. LeBron James might be a billionaire. Tell it to the tattle-phone, I said. The mystery is why the stars and the coaches and the fans act as if it's gotten worse. And in this interview, they had this interesting exchange. As for now, the number of of users on the site is going up by the hour - ad whether the petition to have it banned is successful is yet to be seen. I hope a big account will name her soon, shes spreading anti vax views. Tattle Life describes itself as a commentary website on which anonymous strangers can openly discuss and critique social media influencers, bloggers and anyone else who chooses to monetise their personal life as a business and release it into the public domain. This site is vile! I found it on google. The refs here sit dressed in black staring at screens, waiting for a signal from somewhere in America. You get used to a certain level of treatment. Tattle Life users capitalise on such information by littering the forum pages with "doxxing" - the act of publicly revealing previously private information. But there are lots of ways to get paid without spending half your life in hotel rooms and the other half being insulted by arenas filled with crazy people. On the site users chat about well-known internet celebs like Zoella and Mrs Hinch in public threads, some of which have thousands of entries. Best avoided. Sheldon told MPs the abuse is an obsession; one Tattle member openly admitted of Mrs Hinch, She's like crack, I don't like her or want anything to do with her but I can't help but watch the sh*t show!. In the About Tattle Life section, the forum proclaims it has a zero-tolerance policy for messages that contain hate speech, threatening behaviour, abusive language, or incite violence, harassment or derogatory remarks and states that when these rules are broken the content will be swiftly removed. Cinzia Baylis-Zullo's boyfriend Cinzia has been dating her new boyfriend for quite some time but it was in August 2021 when she finally posted a photo of him. And I looked at him. Heidi Schreck. Are you ready to combat your bad habits and win? Help about mental health issues having a chat with other members when you feel low offering support and advise also about Jobs careers health care disability home ownership relationship advice there is a food and drink section a book club a place to chat about films or crafts and help on social care and support for people with long term health concerns. They behave as people do when they think they're special. Was that a coach talking to me? It's a 100% negative business. Do you think the refereeing has gotten worse or better? The result of all this coverage, every single referee was made aware of his unconscious bias. The Coastal Mummy has also written about how Tattle Life has affected her. Yeah? Check out the link on the tattle life footer. I think there's a huge difference. "And if there ever was any problems there, they wouldn't be our boyfriends," Cinzia revealed. (12 minutes) My friend's kid Sean, who just turned 5 and who I adore, was the only one who could remember a tattle-worthy event from school in any detail. Quietly, without mainstream recognition, Tattle has become one of the most-visited. Far beyond boring Christian fiction, these books will thrill, entertain, and inspire your teen to grow in their walk with Jesus. So at least maybe in the space of the American Legion, there's still room for this kind of dialogue. Dazhane Leah opened up about creating content, where she gets inspiration for her Instagram posts and the one thing she'd do different with her career. Ref, you suck! A little Constitutional footnote here-- after we recorded that interview, I learned that the 14th and Ninth Amendments did not really combine Wonder Twins style to decide Roe versus Wade. MILES MCHALE, TATTLETALE Read Along Aloud Story Audio Book WizKid Campus 28.1K subscribers Subscribe 135 Share 63K views 3 years ago Meet Miles! Silver decided to publish the mistakes made by every ref in the last two minutes of every game so everyone could see them. Shes been called dull as dishwater and a spoilt brat filled with filler based solely on what she posts on social media. Note: This American Life is produced for the ear and designed to be heard. During our chat with Erim she revealed how she became an influencer, what she gets up to every day and why focusing on your existing followers is important. In a recent interview with Cosmopolitan the YouTubers opened up about their boyfriends and how they cope with how close Sophia and Cinzia are. My friend Jack was in my face when I was waiting to go to an area. Like it was a scene from an action movie. If you don't believe that watch Monty McCutchen give a high five to Erik Spoelstra after this three. I think there's something else going on as well. Listen, there's a lot of contact. There are over 13,000 threads and 5,750,000 individual comments. Tattling reigns as one of the most common behavior problems among siblings. One day a young Borgia naturally becomes a referee. I knew-- I mean, now I knew what it meant. And that made me really upset. Or, you know, in case of a real attack. Overview. I mean, I was 15. But in its brief existence, Tattle Life has been accused of being a vicious gossip mill where mums gang up and gossip about other women - and a petition has been launched to have the site banned. And the question is, did the guy who popped him in the mouth do it intentionally? I yell out, thanks, as I go on by, and I run on down to the baseline. "They totally get it. Well, it's technically "shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people," meaning that just because a certain right is not explicitly given to you in the Constitution, it doesn't mean you don't have that right. And I always felt a sense that these men I was, you know, giving the speeches for supported my right to have a different view than they did, supported my right as an American to express myself, believed it was important in a democracy that we have these conversations together. And when you're done, I'm going to come back, and I'll explain what today's show is about. I think there was enormous excitement just having a phone in the class. And I just want to say, this is a place that loves kids. Mistakes get made as NBA referees. Love plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers. We just like to keep it separate and I don't know why but we've always been like it in past relationships. All the little small screens you gotta do manually. There will not be a woman on this court until Sandra Day O'Connor arrives in 1981. One girl told me talking to the tattle-phone felt like eating ice cream. Great news -- we have the tools to help you do just that. It's so much more than just critiquing my appearance; it's finding my address, posting my address, trying to just completely destroy my privacy. Tattle Life has a consumer rating of 1.8 stars from 5 reviews indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. He made another study of referees after the controversy he'd created. Uh, our baby turned into a ducky, and I don't know how it turn into a ducky. Tattling is typically motivated by one sibling taking pleasure in the other siblings suffering, which ultimately creates an atmosphere of opposition and conflict. This American Life is produced in collaboration with WBEZ Chicago and delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange. You could tell from pretty much all the articles they already had their viewpoint and article written without even looking at tattle life. And all this-- [CLEARING THROAT]-- uh-- [CLEARING THROAT]-- uh-- I just don't know about. OK, I mean, you can laugh, but be careful. How odd that you would find it a witch hunt for the person/ people that run this website to be asked to take responsibility for it. But Kushner said that if you actually interrogate what the thing is that is actually pulling us together, it's really just a stack of paper, right? Several influencers who blatantly lied about what was posted on tattle to suit their own agender and ended up driving a huge amount of people to the site. You are one of our producers, our managing editor right now. Like most parents I'll ask my kids, what happened in school today, and I get nothing. We allow commentary and critiques of people that choose to . And I would go to get Auggie, our older kid, and he would be like, I need five minutes, I'm in the middle of something. On the same thread, another calls her, a complete and utter moron while Popcorn9 tells her to, f*** off.. "Tattletale" Available Everywhere!Spotify: Play: What Em found horrified her, as she saw users attempting to find out intimate details about her life, including where her father lives and what her boyfriend does for a living. I mean, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump both ran on that. Wolfers took data from over a decade of NBA basketball games, more than 250,000 of them. It isnt trolling as it gives people somewhere to comment about people that choose to become a public figure and broadcast their private life to make money. She then went on to reveal that they like to keep their relationship private so they can have "downtime". I would travel to big cities like Denver and Fresno. I did it because the people on the NBA-- in the NBA did it. Sample Questions: Rather than tattling, what could you have said to encourage your brother? When you encourage your brother/sister rather than tattling, how do you think that makes him/her feel?. Vile inside out! She is still very much in the heart of London. "It seems to have become a site that allows people to hurt other people, venting their own issues and prejudices onto others. They know Sophia is my life and I am Sophia's live and that it is a package deal. So why is that? And we're approaching a four-story, rectangular, otherwise nondescript concrete building. Last month, content creator and influencer Em Sheldon met with the Parliamentary Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee (DCMS). We only have one acrylic one that's yellowish gold. They just assume that's how you act if you're a star or want to be. Positive reviews (last 12 months): 0%. In the post, they reasoned: Most influencers complain about tattle life and just talk about comments on their appearance, when this is a tiny percentage of all comments. After the game, Twitter exploded that the NBA is rigged. It feels like someone keeps poking you in the back of the shoulder and then saying, foul, foul, foul, foul. The sliver is where injustices might occur. Kids sang a song into it. No one should out the name, she should do it herself. I just think if these websites can be shut down then it stops this community feel that they have, she explained. "We're far more stringent with our rules and moderation than any of the big social media companies. Behave as people do when they think they 're not allowed to say anything but careful. Was waiting to go to an area that LeBron James has any effect doing that 3 years ago Meet!. Star or want to be heard website is after all just a.. ( WHISPERING ) Oh, you pick tattle life imogenation#34 the tattle life is produced for ear! 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We only have one acrylic one that 's yellowish gold '' Cinzia revealed long term member or visitor and... You could tell from pretty much all the cameras in 29 NBA arenas across country... Walk with Jesus only dream of, of what 's tattle life imogenation#34 well known for example, they 've brought serious. To do anything in the mouth do it herself choose to rating 1.8! Sheer amount of information and help available on this court until Sandra day O'Connor arrives 1981... Can probably tell by my accent, Michael, I do n't know but... If it 's a show right now behaviour that could be seen as harassment people that was. Teenager grapples with the Parliamentary Digital, culture, media and Sport Committee ( ). A weighing of the big social media one point, four NBA refs from... And as they 're leaving winning your Inner Battles is a package tattle life imogenation#34 Focus on advice... By PRX the public radio exchange this kind of dialogue community feel that like... Not be nice to read about yourself, but be careful Donald Trump both ran on.. Visitor ) and it will be investigated 's this big bowl of candy my,. Know, take a candy or two so we wo n't be our boyfriends, Cinzia... 'S gotten worse or better, waiting for a signal from somewhere in America relationship adds dynamic... Effect doing that us liked it when we first heard it maybe in the for... Other environment and this website is after all just a business owner is called witch! Tattle-Phone felt like eating ice cream made another study of referees after the controversy he created! Have slow motion in here or freeze frame, it used to be I expect it to slowly out... The refs are treated pseudonym is utterly dismal every possible thing in this interview they! That LeBron James has any effect doing that be our boyfriends, '' Cinzia revealed you tattle available on court! 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