Usually clad in a loud jumper, with his white hair blowing in the wind, Professor Aston was the shows site director who chose where to dig for the next historical discovery. So my husband looked for more info. Afterall SA is used to watching loads of rubbish repeats every day!!! She was replaced by Helen Geake, Anglo-Saxon specialist. I was just looking for where any dig sites would be this year and discovered the program was being axed! Partly, we all feel we are losing old friends after all this time but theres so much trash on TV that its no surprise that its loss is so keenly felt. He has worked on a number of archaeological sites in Britain and abroad. Their participation and enthusiasm clear for all to see. Self - Deya, Mallorca, Spain (1998) . I think he was a lovely man SO SAD ! The team are irreplaceable, such a huge whole left in life once the program ended. A unique combination of expertise, enthusiasm and humour. As for the rest of the Team, hats off to you for the great fun and excellent archaeology looking forward to a few TT specials. if only someone could afford too get all thecast back and go on channel 2 or 5 any ware but not on 4 .. who ever made up there minds to get rid off TT I HOPE there bosses can see the error they are makeing.very sad to see it go. He has worked on a number of archaeological sites in Britain and abroad. Stranger things have happened! With my boys now being 8, 6 and 4 years old, we are still watching the episodes and in our holidays we try out some of the things weve seen on TT. It remains my all time favourite reality TV show and I really miss it. Yes, the interest remains for the show. I enjoyed the later seasons in HD quality quite a lot, and I wish they would keep going for 20 more years. Special thanks also to the fantastic people behind the research, graphics, computer animation that added so much to each episode. I hope its not the end of Time Team. Ozzy John has it right, Anne Marie put a wall in to TT and it showed in every show afterwards, when you see the fun they all had prior to he joining, she should be ashamed of her achievement in dissolving a great show. I am still quite happy to watch repeats on Sky. I cannot understand why you are axing it!!? Years earlier, Sir Mortimer Wheeler did some Archaeology pgms on TV and they were always popular. Not everyone takes. Hope it returns anne from Ontario Canada. [] One of best, very passionate three part on geology of Great Britain was filmed with Mr Tony Robinson who is/was excellent presenter. It is sad to read the mechanics of its demise and, worse, to see it played out on screen. They included a new presenter to join Tony Robinson and decisions to drop some archaeologists and cut down the informative stuff about the archaeology. By the way, if the executives mild revamp caused viewer figures to plummet, how come it was the programme and not those executives who got the flak? I liked the pictures Victor did on several shows which showed the principals in historical costumes. Chronicle. Yes TR can be intensely irritating at times, but as the years have gone by I think his appreciation of the experts has increased and they have learned skills from him about presentation. But once the old hands started to disappear the magic went too. Some of the regulars have retired, some have moved on to other things, a few have departed for Tr nan g or the Field of Reeds. Nevis, West Indies: Part 1: Directed by Graham Dixon. However BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is a state-owned institution from inter-war origins. Six years after the last 'three days dig' was aired, the series is unstoppably popular on youtube. Sorry I dont know how to do this! The dig has only found old bits of pipe and 1950s china, but it really does not matter, what matters is the program has inspired my children. just found TT on Acorn streaming. As an aside seeing your label Non-Richardian Yorkist what are your feelings about the parking lot discovery? My dad worked for the National Park Service and I was born quite near Chaco Canyon[(a universally important archeological site) in a Navajo mission(Christian) hospital]. But its also the fact that they didnt just impart accumulated knowledge, they made new discoveries as we watched. , updated Maybe after all these replies BBC4 may approach the original team !!! So we manage to get something enjoyable, which at the same time is also useful. My eldest son is now 19 and guess what he is studying at University (say no more) thank you Time Team. I dont think a Presenter is supposed to be a devils advocate. When SBS decided to bring new hip young presenters in to replace the two experienced, knowledgeable and popular presenters who had made it from 1986 to 2004, and made it an institution, the ratings plummeted, and the new format was canned after 2 years. The Twitter page has been great up to now. Start a letter writing campaign to bring it back. You only have to look at the great interest shown over Richard III to realise that yes there is a market for a programme of this nature. It is the ONLY program I think worth watching in all the rubbish put on these days ! Tamara Cohen for the Daily Mail I just love the way English history came alive & feel like the team must have lots of fun doing this job.I was hopeing to find them on a dig when I come over to visit .Lets hope the powers that be decide to bring it back or make a new show similar to it. The regular team also included: Stewart Ainsworth, landscape investigator; John Gater and Chris Gaffney, archaeological geophysicists; Henry Chapman, surveyor; and Victor Ambrus, illustrator. i have seen every episode of time team and ive never seen him mention anything like that other than one time, so you are a complete moron and need to look up what the word patronize means since i am now patronizing you. Its the best show! You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. We NEED Time Team. Have to admit they are probably the main reason I now spend a lot of my spare time out on the Thames foreshore with the Thames Discovery Programme- enjoying it hugely, and probably have them to thank, they showed us that anyone can get involved. All of the team can be proud of 20 years of quality television and the many lives touched and informed. there must be a law t Im tired of the idiots that run TV and Im ready for revolution.whos with me!!! Will miss them! TT would be ideal on BBC4, which is a very good channel, and it would be great to see a full hour. Our investigation of the villa and the landscape it occupies will aim to preserve and enrich our understanding of the past and the people who inhabited it. If ch4 wanted to save money why not repeat them from programme 1 . I now look forward to watching as many individual shows as I can in the future. The site is of national importance and we couldnt hope for a better team to help uncover its secrets., Time Teams return has had the backing of many celebrity fans, from Sir Michael Morpurgo and Bernard Cornwell to Philippa Gregory, Kate Mosse and Ken Follett. As others have said, lets hope that the B.B.C. Time team is one of the programs I love to watch. You can watch some TT episodes on YouTube, you know-that one included. Time Team was the best program I have ever seen or hope to see. Never too late to register shock and disgust at the decision to axe Time Team which has opened up the hidden world of archaeology to generations. Most days, I have been watching the TT repeats on More Four in the afternoons. Tony was the right man to present, no doubt about that. Find out more about how we use your information in our privacy policy and cookie policy. It brought the money and expertise to investigate sites that would otherwise never have been touched. We, Yahoo, are part of the Yahoo family of brands. Time Teams legacy leaves much to celebrate. We will suffer forever without the seasonal hours of archaeology, in all its forms. Tim Taylor devised the name Time Team, and in 1992 a pilot episode was filmed in Dorchester-on-Thames. People who had their gardens dug up were very brave once Phil got digging, were their gardens reland scaped. This series is in my opinion (and hubbys) a satisfying end. Watching the archaeologists and seeing their enthusiasm at even the smallest find,is to me infectious. Posted by 27 days ago. Dont judge based on the rubbish you get over there. Sadly,she passed away 2 years ago but before she went, she told me not to forget to watch TT. very sad day for us and the time team cast. The huge plus for archaeology in general has been the raising of the profile of a branch of science that prior to this program was the province of a fairly small group of people. & has never been more pi**ed off 2 here that its being I am a mega fan of the show. 2023 CURRENT PUBLISHING LTD - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. As is the case with so many entertainment channels, these days the focus is on the younger generation. It will be sad for it to end, but theres still a few epsiodes I havent seen. It encouraged me to study the Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages. while the Facebook page is slowly building! So sad to hear that it came to an end. Screening 13 episodes a year, as well as live digs and specials the programme was ubiquitous. Crazy. You are going to be missed more than most of us realise. pain this is all I can say in thinking that the single most important program ever to put PASSION in archaeology has been culled for giving more profit$ in adverts to run of the mill crap so long TimeTeam but rest assured you have YOUR place in history now! Sir Tony I salute you and the team,its been a good innings! Little surprise she became a history teacher. I have only lately discovered time team and I love it I record as many episodes as I can and I think all of the cast make the show I was never interested in archeology but I am addicted now just watchedthe Salisbury plain one with the soldiers who are coping with life and one said that watching TT helped hime to relax and began to enjoy life again I found her to be frightening and tedious at the same time, and to this day I fast forward through the segments where she is featured. My youngest daughter honed her love of history sitting with me on a Sunday evening watching Mick and Tony et al. But, as always with Time Team, the adventure is in the discovery of the secrets of the past, whatever they are!, Landowner Martin Fiennes a cousin of actors Ralph and Joseph Fiennes, and explorer Sir Ranulph says: Were delighted to welcome Time Team to Broughton. It said it was seeking a female co-presenter who does not have to be overly experienced or knowledgeable as we have plenty of expertise within the existing team. Despite his sore loss, he did the right thing to walk out. against what channel 4 have done o no they will get a pat on the back and a good pay off for being stupid .. so sad we wont see friends like the time team on our t v screen again.,. We have several equally exciting sites lined up that we hope to investigate with support from our fans on Patreon., Already Patreon supporters have rallied behind another fantastic site a mysterious Iron Age settlement with underground passages in Cornwall. It has taught and shown me so much, I have a wonderful interest in archaeology thanks to this show, and loved hearing and seeing our past. I just can not believe we will not see his fabulous jumpers again.. ( except in repeats of course ). I agree entirely. Cheers. Oh well, TV is doomed. What Time Team once was in the beginning will never be reproduced. Strata indeed! This is no good for those at work or school. (a bit of eye candy maybe if your of that age) Sad to see this very good program going down the pan. When discussing the latest TT episode at work/with friends sadly there doesnt seem to be many others who watch it, Ive always been interested in history so maybe its just me & maybe the young people of today arent being taught that history can be exciting/interesting. I have just realised that time team is to be axed by c4. Beautifully expressed, Andrew. Thank you channel 4 Thank you very very much . Anyone who visited one of their digs while shooting was underway will have seen the devotion it inspired in members of the public. my gosh, I am from Chula Vista Ca. Time Team repeats on You Tube are helping to keep me sane during the Covid19 lockdown. The team was supplemented by experts appropriate for the period and type of site. I am an ex water board worker and I still don t know where they obtained the patience to go into a hole in the ground and dig with a trowel. It was wonderful stuff and it was so great to be able to sit on the informed and incredibly interesting conversations between the archaeologists and the repartee with Tony Robinson. I read a number of the same comments over and over here, and some are quite valid. So disappointed to hear the show has been axed. Time Team turned this particular builder into a complete archaeological anorak and made one increasingly curmudgeonly old fart in a sweat stain hat the one person in the world Id most love to meet, hang out on a dig with and sink real ales with thereafter! It is absolutely fantastic to see the amount of people who have followed this programme and the comments above are pretty amazing. I bought a couple of the DVD sets and have just ordered a Phil Harding coffee mug from Wessex Archaeology to keep the memories alive. Like others I would like to see somebody else either bringing it back or developing the format. It was responsible for me going on a dig and having a great time. Disgusted, Mick walked out, explaining later For some reason they didnt think oh, wed better run that past Mick. Hes the archaeological consultant, he might have an opinion about that (see CA 271). I enjoy watching this program on my computer(I never knew about it 10 years ago because we have so many garbage programs here on US television, they did not show it here.). In fact, since Tony had no input at all into what digs were scheduled, I dont see how that could even begin to be true. I suppose theres nothing wrong with her per se, but her presence is utterly unnecessary. Its one of those few things in life that meant so much, really looked forward to every episode. 2023. (3 different history channels, Discovery channel, Travel channel, Military channel, National Geographic channel the list goes on and on. Especially ones which dig a site. What about the number of times they were wrong? I will think of you when I am digging in a field this afternoon, that you once dug, and bury a memento in your memory. Here in NZ we are only now starting Series 19,in Bitterly, at present. And there is still so much they can show and teach us. He was an inspiration to me and to so many others. He was affectionately called Time Team's "lumps and bumps" man by Mick Aston, and works with the team alongside his day job, travelling the country surveying, recording and investigating archaeological sites. Channel 4 has just axed the best show on tv wont be watching channel 4 again, There will always be someone who knows what we like we to watch. Despite their varied talents and backgrounds it quickly became apparent that the team had a natural chemistry. As late as season 18 the programme was pulling in a respectable audience of 1.1 million, partly because it had built up a loyal following, and partly because the team were still digging great sites. Its brilliant and helps this Singapore based Brit to feel less far away. The producers screwed it with the inevitable dumbing down and trying to make it a show for the 20 to 30 year olds. Somehow they know that the user is in the US and access is denied. It is that dull and droll science of Archeology, which when one attends a lecture on the subject, or a program on television normally results in boredom, numbness, squirming, or easy sleep. paleo-osteology, finds experts, experts in the Bronze Age or Rome I am as raptured as Phil squatting in a newly opened trench exclaiming, Oooh! Watching how the team coalesce over time and their skills mature. Sad to hear the show is coming to an end but hopefully repeat episodes will frequent our screens for a long time to come. My 100year old mother started,me on T.T.years ago & in turn my children and now the grandchildren watch ,ask questions and research . A family programe deleted. I have told so many people about Time Team & my grand daughter has been trying to decide should she be an archaeologist or a geologist because of it. Ive got to say I think he handled the shows well. There are some of us who actually enjoy watching interesting, factual, historic programs. Im getting to the point at which I can glance at a find in a diggers hand and exclaim, Oh! I suppose I will have to go back to Dads Army for a bit of sanity then, Robyn Australia Time Team - Mick Aston (1946-2013) Mick Aston (1946-2013) Archaeological Consultant Professor Michael Antony 'Mick' Aston was Time Team's much-loved Archaeological Consultant. This programme could have run and run with the younger people such as Helen Geake, Brigid, Matt and Raksha taking it into the next 20 years. I am sooooo sorry the series is over. Best of all, the cameras were rolling to capture the archaeologists euphoria as the geophysical plot emerged from a bulky printer in the back of the survey vehicle. I am totally gutted to learn of the demise of TT. I have loved Time Team since episode 1, and have never, not once, missed an episode. Totally gutted Time Team is going. We love Time Team and are astonished at its demise. (Cardiff hillfort). What on earth is going on and who is in charge of these moronic decisions! What idiot made this particular decision to cancel such an interesting and educational series! Maybe the resulting reruns and you tube videos will be a template for all group endeavors. .As always it will, I supposed be replaced by some run of the mill program, American sit com or soap. We are a large audience. As a Aussie viewer addicted to Time Team (even if we do seem to get more repeats than would seem necessary) I am amazed that this program has been axed. What a disappointment that BBC4 chose to cancel the series! TT is without doubt, the best offering in British television. Time Team return, Time Team is coming back, Following the successful launch of a fan-led Patreon campaign in December, Time Team has now confirmed what could be the first of many digs. Also I dont know how many episodes Ive got left to watch and am dreading the day I realise Im rewatching episodes Ive seen before, though thats still better than pretty much anything else on TV at the moment. swinging camera booms. I have several friends who are serious archaeologists who have been dismissive of this program over the years, some of their comments about the lack of time for each dig are valid. Executive producer Philip Clarke said the current series had introduced Miss Ochota and archaeologist Alex Langlands. It is made up of real people and I have learnt so much from it. Eight years after the long-running archaeology series stopped filming, Time Team is set to return with two new excavations scheduled for later this year. I am gutted Time Team is for the chop, I love it!!! The changes proved too much, too fast, and viewing figures crashed to 700,000. Meanwhile Tonys role transformed from a quiz master to translator of all things archaeological for a general audience. I have enjoyed Time Team from day one. Sites in Britain and abroad they can show and teach us lets that... Sit com or soap Geographic channel the list goes on and on watch TT others I would to... The name time team and are astonished at its demise can be proud of 20 years of television. Teach us to study the Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages historic programs join Robinson... And type of site hope to see this very good channel, and have never, not once, an! Above are pretty amazing to 700,000 hear that it came to an end but hopefully repeat episodes will our! 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