They like finding out for themselves, but they want to share it with everyone else too. So I dont know about you, but the way I keep my real books at home, is I have one shelf where I keep all my favorite business books, another shelf where I keep all my favorite sci-fi books, another shelf where I keep books I havent read yet. Interviewee: Did he use Goodreads books blog? I dont know that I can point anything else out. I know the first time that we tried this interview it didnt work out so well. Carreer Personality test, and he noticed they spent two hours taking the test, and two weeks talking about it, and he was like Theres something there, if people are that into it to talk about it that much, lets do a company around it. and so he got a PhD psychologist to build serious tests and put them online, and you know carreer tests, personality tests, all sort of flavors maybe 10 or 15 serious tests and you put them up and what happened is nobody took them. Just making sure you think of all the factors I think is how youve got to do it. [41], The website facilitates reader interactions with authors through the interviews, giveaways, authors' blogs, and profile information. What were you able to do? [47], Book catalog data was seeded with large imports from various closed and open data sources, including individual publishers, Ingram,[48] Amazon (before 2012 and after 2013),[49][50] WorldCat and the Library of Congress. Once a week, someone would stand up from one department (unclear) or somebody else would kind of give an inside into the business. Interviewee: I agree, I mean I kinda have a theory that programmers are kinda the new gun-slingers of the west, if I were to use a bad analogy. He says he loves Good Reads, he loves the community on there, and he wonders what youre going to do to get authors more engaged. Goodreads has a presence on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and other social networking sites. They were very open with all number and stats and where the business was going, and they really believe in being a teaching company, which I also believe in, from them. His soon-to-be-wife Elizabeth joined the project, and they slowly built a followingwithout an office, a business model, or a single employee. And I think it has. I'm an entrepreneur, a product person, a book lover, a surfer, and a geek. Youll see why picking the right name when you launch your company is so important. Andrew: I see. So I spent the summer learning HTML, and mySQL and plugging in a lot of boring mathematical formulas and chemical property charts into a website. Him on Goodreads? Hes a guy who once hes done reading a book he just tosses it out I guess because he sent the book to me, the one that I was most interested in. The site has since grown to nearly 5 million members who have added over 150 million books, completely by word of mouth. This episode of How I Built This was produced by Casey Herman and edited by Neva Grant. So it just always seemed like something I wanted to do. How can they get people to read them? Andrew: CS of course Computer Science. So youd ask them for access to their address book so you can email their friends. Any good social network does that well. Research help from Claire Murashima. Interviewee: Science fiction and we want to reach our science fiction readers. Haystack is where you are going to find the right web designer for your next project. Youll learn how he did it in this interview. You know, if you wrote a book aboutI cant come up with a good example. I cant imagine what the next thing is going to be. The easier you make things for users, the better; so if you tell them: Youve got to do a bunch of work to find your friends and send these test results to you, theyre not going to do as much. The design. But its not social and so coming from this [inaudible] testing we also built a social network right on the heels of Friendster. Andrew: Alright. Thanks for liking this post. Go buy a yacht? You know, James had another bit of wisdom for me which was a good domain will give you a 30% extra chance of success. My mom knew to give me a broken VCR rather than throw it out. Interviewee: And I could see social networking was probably going to do the same. Interviewee: I think it is. Alright, lets continue. So if an author wants to think of himself as an entrepreneur and get a following before he gets published, how do they do it? Interviewee: Right, sure. Then plus wed have advertising on the test throughout it and that ended up working because the fun tests would go viral and draw people into taking more fun tests and then some of them would take a serious test and all of it was designed to be fun and to learn about yourself. So that was number one, we were really good at creating compelling content and we had a whole staff of writers to create these fun tests and innovate on that, and then the second step of viral is let people send it to their friends and so we worked as hard as we could on that. Are you a designer? Otis Chandler is the founder of Goodreads. You know theyd spend half a work day going down memory lane, all the books I read in junior high, all the books I read in high school, and its a kind of fun process to go through actually. 160,000 social networks or something like that? Many of his most prized pieces had already been sold, including his 1894 Baldwin steam locomotive and his beloved Porsche 917 racecars. So pretty much its up to the author. Social book cataloging website owned by Amazon, Learn how and when to remove this template message, published under a different name before coming out, "Amazon to Buy Social Site Dedicated to Sharing Books", "Book lovers seething over Amazon acquisition of Goodreads", "Elizabeth Khuri Chandler Tells the Origin Story of Goodreads", "Need Advice on What to Read? But yeah, if you show them: Here are five friends you compared with you on the last test, invite them to compare with you on this test, and therere one, two, three, four, five and theres a button: thats a lot more better. My wife is something of a writer but Im not and so I dont want to tell anybody how to write. Andrew: What about the business behind it, or how do you, alright so I can understand its fun, but if theres not as much substance to it wheres the money coming from is I guess what Im asking. [3][4] In December 2007, the site had 650,000 members[5] and 10,000,000 books had been added. (from Wikipedia) .more Combine Editions Otis Chandler's books His net worth has been growing significantly in 2021-2022. Can you talk about that? Nobody ever knows what Im talking about when I say, Mixergy. How can they get their books out there? Interviewee: Well, the other caveat is that we launched it in the US only. Goodreads has tried to address this, implementing rules such as only allowing reviewers to criticize a book itself, not author behaviour or political affiliations. And theres a lot ofpretty much everybodys building a social network these days. [19], In 2011, Goodreads acquired Discovereads, a book recommendation engine that employs "machine learning algorithms to analyze which books people might like, based on books they've liked in the past and books that people with similar tastes have liked. So having seen all this social networking going on I was like wow, reading would be so much more fun if it was a social network and I could see what my friends were reading and I could browse their bookshelves online. Whatd you want to do when you graduated? If the product is going to be viral it has to be more useful if there are friends then if there are not. So then, they finally said Okay lets try something different, and the put up a what kind of dog are you test. She has a day job but being an English major, you know, English majors just love Goodreads like no other because they are the bookthe true booklovers. One of the sites we built, that photo-sharing site I mentioned, was called You know, today we have Goodreads for books and we have Flickster for movies and we have Netflix and we have LastFM for music. Interviewee: Well, I guess all of it, but I cant take credit for all of it because the way we develop is we built something that we thought people would like and we listen to them. The idea came about when Otis Chandler was browsing through his friend's bookshelf. Other victims of review bombing have pointed out that once a record for a book is created on Goodreads, even if the book has never been released to the public, is not in fact a "book" by Goodreads's definition, or will never be released to the public due to errors or delays in publishing, one-star ratings can still appear from accounts with no access to the title. I guess, is it enough to go on Goodreads and create a community and create a community on Facebook? Now its really easy to put down a hundred bucks and see, hey do I get any traction, and Go ahead. So remember I was a software engineer even though I didnt code as much in the last year and a half at Tickle. He was the fourth and final member of the Chandler family to hold the paper's top position. Theres still people doing interesting things like Tesla, etc. But the remainder of his collection, some 50 cars and 40 . Interviewee: For one, I didnt feel like getting another job. So weve essentially built a really good way for our users to talk to us everyday and half of what I do is I listen to what our users are saying about various features weve built, about various ideas for things we could build, about things that we have built that might be buggy, and then I go react to it. Tickle had one of the best company cultures Ive ever seen and granted, I havent seen that many. How did you come up with compelling content, how did you guys figure out what was going to be compelling? Thats intense. You know I wish I could have that story, Yeah I sold candy to everyone in the second grade and that was my first business like every other entrepeneur seems to have, but my mind wasnt there. He had a number of good things about him. They can also create their own groups of book suggestions, surveys, polls, blogs, and discussions. Is it going to increase our user retention? We have estimated Otis Chandler's net worth, money, salary, income, and assets. A lot of engineers just like thinking about code and I can understand that, so if youre an engineer who likes just thinking about code maybe you need your left hand man who can go think about business, like you and your brother. Otis Chandler has made 2 investments. Interviewee: So, the founder, James [?] Andrew: Its working now. There is also a special section for authors with suggestions for promoting their works on, aimed at helping them reach their target audience. Whether you own them or not. Did you design it yourself? Fortunately the book straightens out into a well-researched and well-written history of LA, the LAT and the Chandler/Otis families. Hes on Facebook every day. Did you code it all up yourself in the beginning? [10], Goodreads founders Otis Chandler and Elizabeth Khuri Chandler first met while studying at Stanford (Engineering and English respectively). Hes talking to fans and hes got big followings on all those services. When he decided to launch his own site just for book lovers, a respected colleague told him there was "probably not a very big market there." Otis figured he might prove him wrong, and in . And six months later I had a beta and then two months after that I had a design and I launched it. Andrew: Its all about research online. And my wife and I, I kind of view my wife as my co-founder. Better even than many of the business classes that I took at NYU. [35][bettersourceneeded] In April 2016, Goodreads announced that over 50 million user reviews had been posted to the website. And wed already built it so every book has an author profile that lists the titles by that person. You know, today we have Goodreads for books and we have Flickster for movies and we have Netflix and we have LastFM for music. So you test this test versus that test, or this flow versus that flow or whatever it is. And if you think about it, from an authors perspective now is more exciting than ever because now you can actually interact with your fans in a way you never could before. So for some perspective, it used to be, say maybe 20 years ago, all you had to do as an author was write a book, hand it to your publisher, they would take it do their thing, youd get a check, youd go back to writing the next one. It was all about learning how you build the product. I had a drawer, not a drawer, several cabinets full of disassembled stuff. [59], In May 2013, as a result of Goodreads' acquisition by Amazon, Goodreads began using Amazon's data again.[60]. Otis graduated with a B.S. Amazon bought Goodreads for $150 million in 2013, though founders Otis and Elizabeth stayed on for a few more years. How Drip started as a widget and was acquired by Leadpages for a How getting burned by a developer inspired SD Squared Labs, Magento founder Yoav Kutner on open-source products. Before we continue with the story, Otis can you tell the people what Goodreads is, if theyve never been on it, if theyre not one of the, one of the millions of people on the site? Andrew: Yeah. Thank you Otis. It depends on, again, on the book. Andrew: Good example, by the way. Of course, if there is someone we like we can click over, we can either save them to favorites or we can scroll to the bottom, get their email address, and contact them directly. The other person who gets me a lot of books, I guess over time, Kareem Mayan, a friend of mine has recommended a bunch of interesting books. You know, a kind of a virtual shelf to show off and that ends up being very good for book discovery, you know, book communication with your friends. They wanted more of a community. If your name is Chris Anderson or Malcolm Gladwell theyre going to help you. So you know this idea is kind of built into it, and everywhere you go on the site youre kind of getting this reminder that theres stuff happening here and your friends are talking about it, and that just kind of helps get the concept across that hey, I should add friends. But, you guys also did certain things to make it even more viral. You had, you had, and eHarmony, and those are great. I wanted to read more and I knew, as an engineer, I had missed all of these great books. The reason I wrote groups, and the reason groups are really, really good on Goodreads is we use them everyday, but we dont use them as a book discussion club, we use them as a feedback forum. So suddenly we were just being mentioned in all these blogs. ", "Goodreads Announces New Content Policy Now Deletes Reviews Which Mention Author Behavior", "Goodreads Reaches New Milestone: Fifty Million Reviews", "Reading Is Alive And Well At Social Reading Site Goodreads, Which Just Hit 10M Members", Amazon's next Kindle Paperwhite outed ahead of its official launch via Amazon's own leak, "Goodreads Librarians Group New Ingram Import", "Goodreads Librarians Group Adding New Books: Large Book Data Import (showing 1-50 of 472)", "Goodreads Librarians Group discussion Announcement: Goodreads to Import WorldCat & Library of Congress Data Tonight", "Goodreads Librarians Group Amazon is going away as a data source (showing 1-50 of 1,601)", "Goodreads plans to retire API access, disables existing API keys", "Goodreads shutters all APIs, breaking my open source app", "Importing your Goodreads & Accessing them with Open Library's APIs", "As Goodreads Ends Sourcing From Amazon, Users Fear Lost Books", "The Announcement You've All Been Waiting For", "How Amazon and Goodreads could lose their best readers", "Review Guidelines & Updated Author Guidelines", "Goodreads Modifies User Terms to Prevent Author Bullying, Reviewers Outraged", "Almost Everything About Goodreads Is Broken", "Goodreads Librarians Group - Issues with Quotes: Editing & Deleting My Quotes Showing 1-50 of 53", "Goodreads' growing pains: Attempt to curtail author bullying angers many users", "How Extortion Scams and Review Bombing Trolls Turned Goodreads Into Many Authors' Worst Nightmare", "Amazon pulls white supremacist novel The Turner Diaries alongside QAnon purge", List of mergers and acquisitions by Amazon. The rest of us get a nice check. Login or become a premium member. You allow them to connect with their readers. But instead of copying the leader if we can just niche it out and come up with the Jewish version of it or the runner version of it. I should say that. As a young programmer in the mid-2000s, Otis Chandler watched as dozens of niche web sites began to take off. So what you had back then if you wanted to tap into a lot of people was pretty much email. How do you like it? Whered you come up with the idea? But the point is, you went from big generic to lots of little niche ones and the niche ones worked because they were tight around a community and the interests that people liked. And I think it has. Dave, Im going to ask your question in a little bit when we get deeper into Goodreads, but if anyone else has questions like Dave does, just punch them into twitter with the word mixergy and Ill see them. Andrew: Go find someone instead of trying to become that person if youre not, dont try to do what Otis did. You had, you had, and eHarmony, and those are great. Amazon & Goodreads; Education. I was running a dating website [before Goodreads]. Is the audio coming in? You would add photos and there was a news feed that had all your friends photos and our whole company, an 80-person company used this every day and every day there was an email update with everyones photos from the weekend or the day before and it was really amazing because you really got to know everyone in the company much better than you did by just talking to them because you got to see where they were and then you had a basis for a conversation. What about groups? Andrew: I remember one of the things we talked about, you spoke at a live Mixergy event about how to build virility into your product and you said that when a user registers youd ask them for their friends immediately, right? And then theres Ning. You know, it kind of seemed like it was the wild west where you could actually create real things from nothing. Otis Chandler built Goodreads in 2006 because he believed in social networking and wanted to see what his friends were reading. Do you have a group on Goodreads thats like that? And you look at how many people come in and how many invites get sent and how many people can make it to the end. Is that him on twitter? You know, theres still challenges. Not Mixergy. hide caption. So what we had is we animated on this fun, plus serious model and I think at the end we had maybe 600 fun tests and maybe 150 serious tests, and the serious tests we eventually figured out we could sell a result to these. He essentially mentored me into becoming more than an engineer, becoming a product manager, and by the end of Tickle, I was not just a coder, I was managing a team of ten people including marketing, design, business development and engineering, and et cetera. were creating profiles, and I said weve got to make these guys special. Interviewee: What else did we do? Nothing big. Interviewee: I mean thats the challenge. If your name is Stephanie [Myer] or Dan Brown, then theyre going to help you. I remember when my brother and I started a company together, I said Its an internet company, I should learn how to program and I went out and I got a book on coding, and, I think after a few pages I realised it wasnt me but I was gonna struggle with it because you gotta just have that burning desire to suceed and you cant give up, and my brother just looked me and he said Give me the book, go make some phone calls, its just not you and he was absolutely right, it wasnt in me, but it feels like if you have it in you you got a superpower. And this is kind of like what MySpace does for bands. I was trading basketball cards. Andrew: Okay, sites that are meant, social networking sites, sites that are meant to be used with other people tend to be kind of boring when youre on there by yourself, tend to be kind of boring in the early days. . Or the most hardcore booklovers. And that was a big realization, you know, if a company sells really only the executives and the founders are gonna make life-changing money. Andrew: What else worked well? Big Space, I see your note. [61] That same year, Goodreads received criticism from users about the availability and tone of reviews posted on the site,[62] with some users and websites stating that certain reviewers were harassing and encouraging attacks on authors. [13] Chandler and Khuri both grew up in California. So realitys about making things really dead simple for the user. So this is fun, youre like wow, Ive got three friends and I can see their results I want to see the rest of my friends results let me go send them an email. You know our home page is not some jumping off place, our home page is a news feed showing you what your friends recently read, and what they thought, and what they recently discussed in groups, so everywhere you go youre seeing activity from your friends. The first few pages are written in a glitzy, sophomoric style that is grating. And maybe every couple months Id empty my Amazon shopping cart. So much depends on being able to get stuff done, and engineers are the only guys who can get stuff done, so yeah, they have a lot of power in todays internet company. Thank you for that recommendation. Interviewee: Yeah, I had basic stock options. He is a software engineer at heart and loves tinkering on the site to make it the best product possible. Was it just watch me and youll learn, or was it more formal than that? "[22], As of 2012, membership was required to use but free. Goodreads members can apply to become volunteer librarians after they have 50 books on their profile. Which were very passionate about. [53], User data becomes proprietary to Goodreads[54] though available via an application programming interface, or API,[55] unlike similar projects like The Open Library which publish the catalog and user edits as open data. [37] Once users have added friends to their profile, they will see their friends' shelves and reviews and can comment on friends' pages. Andrew: Now the way that I remember them was a series of ads all over the internet, they would buy the remnant spots, offering IQ tests and when someone took an IQ test they would then tell their friends about their IQs and it was insanely viral, and I wanna get into how viral it was, but you said that it didnt start as such a smart idea at first. [38], Goodreads users can read or listen to a preview of a book on the website using Kindle Cloud Reader and Audible. Guys who are really in there, who were scrappy entrepreneurs. Interviewee: I had an absolutely horrible design at first and then I had one of the Tickle designers, friend of mine, do the design and he was really good. But I was really excited to learn this hot new language called Ruby on Rails. Then there was another aspect, I think I mentioned to you before, I was running a dating website. Scroll below and check more details information about Current Net worth as well as Monthly/Year Salary, Expense, Income Reports! Andrew: Funny how many people who went to business school would say the same thing. Linked in, I think. Otis figured he might prove him wrong, and in 2007, launched Goodreads, a book catalog and review site that he coded from his LA apartment. But without much fanfare -- or outside funding -- he built his community of booklovers to 650,000 members. Andrew: Alright, so one of the reasons that it went viral is because people love talking about their IQs or the results of their tests, what kind of dog they were. Like about 10% of our users went kind of nuts and would add everything theyve ever read. [6] By July 2012, the site reported 10 million members, 20 million monthly visits, and thirty employees. So, to increase retention we needed to give people more things to do and that was where groups came in. [33] As of April 2020, the site's guidelines still state that "reviews that are predominantly about an author's behavior and not about the book will be deleted. What else did you do that was different and that helped spur on virility? Goodreads is a "social cataloging" website founded in December 2006 and launched in January 2007 by Otis Chandler, a software engineer, and entrepreneur, and Elizabeth Khuri. And our difference is clearly that, because we know what books people like, we target on book genres not on keywords. Interviewee: Ah, right. How do you know what to pick? And not work. The site provides default bookshelvesread, currently-reading, to-readand the opportunity to create customized shelves to categorize a user's books. Its only about a week and a half old, but its pretty exciting for us. Interviewee: Well, I mean if youre going to walk into a VC or an angel with just an idea on paper youre not going to get as far as if you walk in and say, Ive got a product, its already up, its working and its got traction. Youre in a better bargaining position. Hundreds of dollars? Andrew Im seeing Scott Simko whos watching us live is saying, GRR Martin has a big following on his blog. I dont know GRR Martin. , currently-reading, to-readand the opportunity to create customized shelves to categorize a user 's books and... Company is so important me a broken VCR rather than throw it out dead simple for user. After they have 50 books on their profile andrew: Go find someone instead of to! Income Reports, several cabinets full of disassembled stuff figure out what going! Some 50 cars and 40 ] or Dan Brown, then theyre to. In the last year and a geek drawer, not a drawer, not a drawer, cabinets. 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