All except one patient reported good surgical outcomes after one procedure. Relative merits and disadvantages of addressing concurrent blepharoptosis, eyebrow ptosis, eyelid retraction, and other sources of eyelid, eyebrow and orbital asymmetry can be included in the discussion on proposed blepharoplasty. Since time is of the essence, one must realize that an experienced oculoplastic surgeon is not essential to perform a bedside canthotomy/cantholysis and pressure release. A tense, enlarging orbital hematoma and brisk incisional bleeding are clinical signs. Special attention to quality, quantity, and symmetry of eyelid skin, Absence or presence and height of eyelid creases, Eyebrows and upper and lower eyelid margin position. Reassuring the patient that privacy will be maintained helps facilitate the patients ability to articulate his or her desired outcome. The rhomboid flap is an effective quick and simple technique for medial canthal reconstruction. If a definite levator laceration is observed, it should be repaired if it is causing ptosis. Remember that the levator aponeurosis is the stage on which the fat removal of upper blepharoplasty is played; and it is natural for early postoperative dysfunction to occasionally be seen. 9, pp. 20, no. Canthal rounding can occur following trauma or surgery to the medial or lateral canthus, causing possible aesthetic or functional deficits to patients. Postoperative hemorrhage will be noted by the patient if he or she is properly educated as to what to look forunusual or asymmetrical pain, decreased vision, or proptosis. The patient will also have asymmetrical pain and decreased vision. 767771, 1990. Orbital hematoma, ectropion, and scleral show, Clinics in Plastic Surgery, vol. These should usually be delayed for 3 months or more if possible after the primary procedure to avoid surgical tail chasing. Allowance for asymmetry not to be corrected (such as minor brow height differences) needs to be made. 1992; 99:222. Steroids can be stopped abruptly if administered less than 3 days, even at extremely high doses. We report a technique for canthoplasty repair of canthal rounding with the use of illustrative cases. Wanderer AA, Grandel KE, Wasserman SI, Farr RS. Blepharoplasty is an operation to modify the contour and configuration of the eyelids in order to restore a more youthful appearance. Blindness and embolic stroke can occur with accidental intravenous or intra-arterial injection of these materials, particularly near the supraorbital vessels [10, 11]. However, another approach to management to postoperative ptosis is to wait the 3 months and then perform a posterior Fasanella-Servat procedure. Transconjunctival fat resection alone should be considered in younger patients who may have very little excess skin and whose skin may be resilient enough to tighten itself spontaneously postoperatively. 3, no. Pre- and post-operative photographs of selected cases are shown in Fig. C. R. Leone and J. V. Van Gemert, Lower lid reconstruction using tarsoconjunctival grafts and bipedicle skin-muscle flap, Archives of Ophthalmology, vol. 604606, 1989. I am 13 days post op. 2 months post upper, lowers, and canthoplasty. 1g). This area near the nose is called the medial canthus and the same area on the outer eyelids is called the lateral canthus. On examination of the patient, the surgeon must look for ophthalmic and periocular disease by history and a full-eye examination. Antiglaucoma medications and anterior chamber paracentesis are treatments aimed at central retinal artery occlusion, not orbital hemorrhage. 710, 2010. The swelling can also cause the puncta to turn inwards or evert by swelling or tissue contraction caused by incision lines or laser resurfacing, which also causes epiphora. 2020;46:5214. A contact lens does require a daily or near daily visit until the abrasion is healed and the lens is removed. An aesthetically pleasing eye has an almond shape with superior arc that peaks medially 27 and a slight upward inclination of the lateral canthal angle (positive canthal tilt). The amount of lagophthalmos must be such that lower lid elevation would eliminate it. Usually, it is a mistake to try and change their upper eyelid nature too drastically, unless this desire and postoperative appearance is made abundantly clear. Postoperative photographs can be compared with preoperative photographs to illustrate to the patient their surgical changes. It is important to distinguish between the two, as the cyst needs to be unroofed or excised. Figure 11 shows an example of hyperpigmentation post-laser resurfacing. Crease formation should not be high on the levator (if above tarsal plate at all) to avoid a distorted westernized look, asymmetry, and ptosis. Nonlaser-induced postoperative hyperpigmentation can result from hematoma formation and excess sun exposure. With appropriate case selection, thorough discussion with surgical candidates, and careful surgical technique, most of these can be avoided. All ophthalmologists should feel comfortable treating orbital hemorrhage with canthotomy and cantholysis. I had MOHS five weeks ago for squamous cell, a single layer was removed from the upper side of my nose. My right eye looks hollow, its also webbed which doc says is easy to tweak with just one stitch. 29, no. Lubrication, cool compresses, and observation are essential to resolution. Removal or preservation of fat and muscle can help achieve these goals. B. Answer: Inner eyelid webbing scar after blepharoplasty Hi. Various compositions of bleaching creams have been published, containing combinations of hydroquinone, glycolic acid, kojic acid, retinoic acid, and hydrocortisone. The two fuse low in the upper eyelid, so the inexperienced surgeon is well advised to open the septum high up where there is a good barrier of preaponeurotic fat underneath to protect the levator. Similarly, corneal epithelial breakdown can result in transient pain, foreign body sensation and tearing. It seems my canthoplasty has failed. The subciliary skin muscle flap approach to the fat pads is avoided if at all possible. When CO2 laser is used, protective corneal shields are used and laser is always directed away from the globe when cutting. Inadvertent injury to the lacrimal system should be avoided in upper blepharoplasty by limiting incision medially. C. M. Stephenson and B. Lid crease asymmetry is usually corrected by raising the lower eyelid crease. The previous scar is opened up, internal adhesions are widely released (and perfect hemostasis obtained). Visualized and palpated scar is released aggressively in the postblepharoplasty retraction circumstance, so the lid is freed from attachments to the inferior orbital rim. Webs (abnormal folds of skin) can occur in both areas and are referred to as medial and lateral . In darker-skinned patients at risk for reactive posttreatment hyperpigmentation, pre and posttreatment with topical Retin-A and bleaching creams can be utilized. May be due to inadvertent trauma to the levator complex, including postsurgical edema and . By asking the patient to pull against the levator with the traction suture will help modulate the eyelid height and achieve a more desired height. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg. Other conditions such as ptosis, brow ptosis, entropion, ectropion, or eyelid retraction may also need to be corrected at the time a blepharoplasty is performed to ensure the best functional and aesthetic result. Another useful technique is to leave the traction suture in beyond one week. If youre experiencing a medical issue, please contact a healthcare professional or dial 911 immediately. Orbital hematoma, ectropion, and scleral show. Mild inner webbing too. Head elevation and limiting activity may reduce edema. Absorbable upper lid sutures either in the skin or buried, have a risk of tissue reaction or dehiscence. Visual acuity measurement and slit lamp examination are critical on the first postoperative visit (almost always the day after surgery) to rule out ocular injury and to document its absence. Several surgical techniques to repair. Blepharoplasty is an operation to modify the contour and configuration of the eyelids in order to restore a more youthful appearance. Prevent by planning an incision that extends to the medial commissure; May be corrected by Zplasty, Wplasty, transposition flaps, or YV advancement procedures; Ptosis. 1i). 10361040, 1999. The risk is failure, with reemphasis, doubling, or other scarring of the existing low crease. In conclusion, our technique demonstrates a method for reconstructing a natural-looking canthal angle with good cosmetic outcomes and minimal scarring. I have scar webbing from a previous lower bleph. It is often necessary to tighten the lower eyelid at the time of blepharoplasty. 7175, 1987. If this persists, the lower crease can be raised by making a higher incision to match and fixating the crease to the levator aponeurosis just above the top of the tarsal plate. 3 The lateral canthal angle is sharp and crisp, with the lateral commissure closely opposed to the globe . Excess skin only may be removed or orbicularis muscle and/or fat may be removed as well. Avoid placing the crease too high to prevent the appearance of over-westernization. An alternative approach is the "pinch method" where eyelid skin is grasped and gathered until the skin is tight and the lashes begin to evert. Lowering a high lid crease has a lower success rate. Anticoagulants may increase the risk of postoperative bleeding. Deep to these layers is the orbital septum, which originates from the arcus marginalis at the superior orbital rim and inserts on the . 1 were supplied by the senior author (NJ). The most common complication when performing the Asian blepharoplasty is asymmetry. Surgical planning involves deciding whether upper or lower eyelids, or both will be operated on. Bruising will be experienced by every blepharoplasty patient, so it is not really a complication so much as an expected side effect. Prolene is inert and ties cleanly, which is useful in closing a wound precisely. C. D. McCord Jr., The correction of lower lid malposition following lower lid blepharoplasty, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. I had eyelid surgery one year ago and have been left with a very unsightly scar. The skin taken has made a hollow that makes the overhang look worse. How risky is this to correct and when is it safe to do? Lateral traction was placed with a finger to the canthal web to displace the fold of . M. Ferri and J. H. Oestreicher, Treatment of post-blepharoplasty lower lid retraction by free tarsoconjunctival grafting, Orbit, vol. Patient discomfort from suture removal is minimized by using Jewellers forceps and sharp Vannas scissors. Elimination of topical allergy, and occasionally short-term topical steroid use are helpful. Cicatricial canthal webs. Laser resurfacing is utilized where skin shrinkage and rhytid reduction are desired. Blink dysfunction is common postblepharoplasty because of postoperative swelling of the eyelid tissues. Lateral canthal support is used to address the lower eyelid laxity either by . Scars dont run past outside of eye. Note any resistance to passive lid movement. The assistance of your strabismus-oriented colleagues can be occasionally very helpful if the deficit persists. 5, pp. A free tarsoconjunctival graft can alternatively be used [2023]. If it is apparent that the surgeon has underestimated the degree of horizontal laxity in the eyelids (i.e., performing tendon plication instead of a formal tarsal strip procedure), and the lid is ectropic as a result, early revision can again avoid the need for more complex surgery later. g Lateral canthopexy. The solution to a problem is not always more cutting, however intuitively appealing the anticipated result might sound. The posterior flap is cut along the new superior lid margin and folded downwards before being secured into its new position as described earlier (Fig. The patient can be instructed in upward massage to keep infection and scarring minimized and alleviate retraction. The conjunctival incision made in a transconjunctival lower lid blepharoplasty never requires sutures. The risks are significant and include brief effect, scarring and tissue irregularities, uneven contours, and ptosis and lid retraction. Retroauricular skin is often available and is a good substitute for eyelid skin. A bandage contact lens or collagen shield is placed to protect the cornea, and the lower lid is placed on traction upwards overnight. Postlaser-resurfacing erythema is universal and expected. Rapid treatment is critical. Extending the marking too far lateral may result in unwanted visible scarring. All research was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Orbit 2012; 31:162. After marking is complete and before injection of local anesthetic, the lack of skin elasticity may make the marks look irregular and malpositioned. In the setting of blepharoplasty surgery noninfected corneal abrasions are best treated with a bandage contact lens. Slight dehiscence can be treated with topical and oral antibiotics, but a complete dehiscence needs prompt debridement and repair to avoid lower lid retraction and scarring. 367373, 1972. The information on RealSelf is intended for educational purposes only. True canalicular injury may require late repair if epiphora results. Interrupted sutures are used to reapproximate the wound edges. Vertically oriented upper eyelid nerves: a clinical, anatomical and immunohistochemical study. Upper blepharoplasty can yield significant functional and aesthetic benefits for patients. The surgeon must know his or her patients anatomy and distinguish septum from levator. Normal postoperative swelling may normally worsen during the initial 24 hours following surgery and can be partly alleviated by applying ice. The incidence is estimated to be 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 25,000 [32]. R. Z. Silkiss and H. I. Baylis, Autogenous fat grafting by injection, Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. Ophthalmic Surg 1990; 21:85. Is it possible my plastic surgeon injured my tear duct by cutting too far in? 5, pp. He said he would try to fix it with skin grafting if I like but, is this very successful? Those who recover fastest compress through most of the first night as well. In the early postoperative period, small interventions can make a big difference in the ultimate outcome. Massage and steroid injections can help. Systemic osmotic agents (mannitol) and steroids are an adjunct but will not take the place of prompt pressure release. If the patient continues to have difficulty describing or demonstrating what he or she desires changed, and into what, it obligates the surgeon to promote discussion or present alternatives until clear agreement occursotherwise, surgery should not be done. In Asian and Black patients, CO2 laser can be safely used inside the skin for fat removal, but laser skin incisions are to be avoided in these patients due to increased risk of scar hypertrophy and dyspigmentation. 3, pp. If done in the plane of the lateral wall and in the plane of the levator aponeurosis and inferior rectus, in a blunt fashion, the risk of significant damage to orbital structures is low. My case seems quite complex compared to other cases of rounding I have seen: there appears to be a split between the lower eyelid and the webbing as opposed to the whole angle being blunted. Important measurements to evaluate include palpebral fissure, marginal reflex distance, amount of lagophthalmos, and lid crease height. Jeong S, Lemke BN, Dortzbach RK, et al: The Asian upper eyelid: an anatomical study with comparison to the Caucasian eyelid. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. A slit lamp examination and Schirmers test are necessary in this authors view. 21962208, 1998. How do you handle them? Patients concerns can vary immensely, ranging from a particular dislike of lateral hooding, a staring or overdone look (very common), a sunken look (a common concern in younger patients), to a fear of blindness to concerns about the length of the recovery period and intra- and perioperative pain. My lateral canthals are webbed and my horizontal fissures have been significantly shortened. Significant lagophthalmos illustrated. 758760, 1989. It forms a c shape and makes my eyes asymmetrical. This gives rapid relief of symptoms, rapid healing, the ability to monitor vision, and the absence of pressure on wounds caused by a patch. Postoperatively, the patient can aid recovery with a few simple interventionsice water compresses and head elevation. Visual field is repeated with the eyelids taped up. Early recognition and aggressive massage will eliminate the majority of cases. In the face of frank orbital hemorrhage with proptosis, a frozen globe, and vision loss, bold measures are called for. 316320, 1988. Septum must be opened if fat is to be removed, but not the levator. Secondary revision surgery should remain an option during follow-up treatment and should be considered normal and occasionally necessary within weeks to months after surgery. CO2 skin resurfacing is useful to address skin redundancy and festoons (in patients with appropriate skin types). In patients with extremely excessive skin, low-set brows, previous brow lift, or previous blepharoplasty, particular care must be taken. Consideration can be given to prophylactic lower lid elevation and posterior lamellar grafting at the time of blepharoplasty surgery. Pers Soc Psychol Bull 2003; 29:885. The patients racial, ethnic, or congenital facial features must be noted and discussion made as to what, if anything, is to be changed. However, because of the complex structure and function of the eyelids, the potential for complications does exist. In women, the brow and lid creases are higher and more arched, and the lid fold is less prominent. Artificial tears may also be recommended. 1, pp. For an upper lid blepharoplasty, ending the incision just lateral to the punctum avoids medial canthal webbing as well as lacrimal system injury. Epiphora from damage to the lacrimal outflow system can occur if the incision line is carried too medially and too close to the horizontal midline. Mild hyperpigmentation is relatively common at 4 weeks postresurfacing and will usually resolve spontaneously. Unrealistic expectations include those patients who desire no upper lid fold at all, operated patients (who already look over corrected) desiring further improvement, patients who plan to return to their high demand occupation the day after surgery or those who book travel within the first week of surgery. Proper repair is an art in itself. One way to identify levator versus septum is to remember that the septum fuses with the orbital arcus marginalis. Intravenous mannitol 20% (12g/kg over 3060minutes). Medial canthal webbing. Correspondence to Globe injury can occur with the CO2 laser, with a steel scalpel, or with local anaesthetic injection. The wound may be left open or closed loosely. Ophthalmic ointment and patching can be utilized but a bandage contact lens for 12 to 24 hours for rapid and comfortable corneal healing without unnatural pressure on suture lines is helpful. Publishers note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Absorbable subcutaneous suture such as 70 polyglactin can be placed, anchoring superficial levator fibers to the overlying skin. My doctor doesn't think he can repair it. The surgical technique was developed by one of the senior authors (NJ). To avoid this, use a Q-tip backstop immediately behind the fat incision made by the CO2 laser. Primary acquired cold urticaria. Patients may fail to recognize substantial change in their appearance until they view pre- and postoperative photographs. In addition, supporting structures such as canthal tendons are tightened. Postoperative changes to eyelid position can also occur after lower lid blepharoplasty. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles The scar has webbed and is also very long and wide. I have started massaging the area and wearing silicone strips at night. Treatment is focused partly on identifying the source of bleeding, but frequently active bleeding has subsided from tamponade within the closed orbital compartment. Information collected for our illustrative cases include patient demographics, diagnosis, complications, outcomes and further treatment. Old photographs are useful to determine the patients youthful upper eyelid fold configuration. Slider with three articles shown per slide. It is rare that true bony decompression either at bedside through the inferomedial floor or more fully in the operating room is required. This will significantly speed up the recovery time. Article Antiglaucoma medications or anterior chamber drainage are treatments aimed at central retinal artery occlusion, not orbital hemorrhage. Topical and systemic antibiotics are utilized due to the open wounds, and their repair is planned electively in 1 to 2 weeks if they do not close on their own. It is virtually unheard of for this to fail to resolve. If persistent, intense pulse light is a useful adjuvant treatment. Some surgeons prefer to place a corneal protector in each eye. Acute orbital hemorrhage requires prompt intervention. The rounding can have a significant component of scar tissue, creating an aesthetic or functional deficit that can be distressing for patients. Fortunately, with time, these tend to diminish. Prospective analysis of changes in corneal topography after upper eyelid surgery. 2011;27:42630. The skin and orbicularis oculi muscle form the anterior layers of the upper eyelid. Medial canthal webbing seen after upper lid blepharoplasy done by a dermatologist. In younger patients, crease formation by skin fixation to the anterior tarsal plate rather than the levator aponeurosis avoids ectropion of the upper eyelid margin and superior migration of the fold. Postoperative ocular and wound lubrication with ophthalmic antibiotic ointment is very important in preventing corneal breakdown, ocular dryness, and conjunctival chemosis. Several surgical techniques to repair canthal rounding have been described previously. Many patients present for correction of dark circles under the eyes. Dark circles are caused by 3 factors: shadowing caused by fat bulging above the dark area, the blood supply of the fat showing through the thin eyelid skin, and thirdly, actual pigment in the epidermis and dermis. Helps assure adequate skin remaining to prevent lagophthalmos postoperatively, Visual field testing with eyebrows relaxed, patient looking straight ahead, and the eyelids in normal relaxed position. Significant medial canthal tendon laxity (see above) In more severe cases, the rounding can cause functional deficit with visual obstruction on lateral gaze. If skin shortage is evident however, full-thickness skin grafting may be needed. The procedure can be carried out under local anaesthesia only or in combination with sedation. The lower lid is then tightened if lax or given an upward vector with a minimal Elschnig tarsorrhaphy if not lax. In the tenth century, Middle Eastern surgeons described removal of excess eyelid skin to improve vision. If the nasal fat pad fat is to be removed, care is taken to cauterize or avoid medial palpebral vessels which course over the medial fat pad. Diagrams and photos in Fig. B. C. K. Patel, M. Patipa, R. L. Anderson, and W. McLeish, Management of postblepharoplasty lower eyelid retraction with hard palate grafts and lateral tarsal strip, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. Hard palate mucosa or upper eyelid tarsoconjunctiva can be utilized as the graft, but one must remember that these patients have had aggressive surgery already. We report a technique for canthoplasty repair of canthal rounding with the use of illustrative cases. However, this was not encountered in our patient group. L. Guo, H. Bi, C. Xue et al., Comprehensive considerations in blepharoplasty in an asian population: a 10-year experience, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, vol. Lower blepharoplasty is one of the most common facial plastic surgery. 3, pp. 2. a Patient 2: Right lateral canthal rounding following tumour excision and reconstructionsingle flap technique. Correct and when is it safe to do not lax effect, and... Solution to a problem is not always more cutting, however intuitively the... Lowers, and careful surgical technique, most of the eyelids taped up J. H. Oestreicher, treatment of lower... 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