. Id. While the agency argues the fact that other contractors may have airtankers available to perform Neptunes contract to be irrelevant here, AR, Jan. 31, 2014, at 52, we fail to see how the agency can reasonably find Neptune to be a vital source without accurately considering all sources. Built as. Moreover, apart from Neptunes own unsupported statements and the anecdotal views of various agency officials, the record contains no analysis or evidence of Neptunes financial condition after 2017.[36]. On June 3, RUS provided USDA with its financial viability review of Neptune. Crocker Coulson is a 53-year-old Brooklyn resident, Yale graduate, former Fulbright scholar, father, and ex-husband. We have six 737 FireLiner tankers, each receiving 43,000+ technician hours to become fully compliant and operational. at 52. Consequently, the agency argues, the J&A was not grounded on the agencys belief that Neptune would immediately go out of business without a NextGen contract, but was based on its concern with Neptunes continued availability as a large airtanker supplier after 2017 when its Legacy contract expired. The CLINs, each of which had a 5year base period and five 1-year options, contained sub-CLINs providing the Forest Service with the option to add up to 2 additional airtankers in the second contract year and 2 more airtankers in the third through tenth contract years, for a possible total of 5 aircraft and 44 aircraft-years per line item. Similarly, when considering alternative sources and the market research regarding such sources, the J&A states that [t]here are no certified [large airtankers] currently available that arent already under contract with the Forest Service. The oldest executive at OTC Markets Group, Inc. is AndrewWimpfheimer, 63, who is the Director. On its third mission, it took off at 3:32 pm. Accepting the projected revenues and expenses as provided by Neptune on their face, RUS ultimately concluded that the only scenario in which the company could obtain a positive net income over the next 5years was where Neptune received two NextGen contract awards in addition to its current Legacy contract. Coulson Protest, Dec. 20, 2013, at 7-8; Coulson Protest, Feb. 10, 2014, at 4. Id. The protesters should submit their certified claims for costs, detailing the time expended and costs incurred, directly to the contracting agency within 60days after receipt of this decision. The SPE did several things before taking any action on the Forest Services request. AR, Jan. 31, 2014, at 16 n.14. AG-024B-C-14-9000 to Neptune Aviation Services, Inc., of Missoula, Montana, by the Department of Agriculture (USDA), U.S. Forest Service, for next generation (NextGen) large airtanker services for wildland firefighting support. [8] AR, Tab56, Neptune Legacy Contract, at B-3 to B-21. Neptune currently has available and ready to operate two airtankers that meet the specifications of the NextGen contract. Neptune then withdrew its bid protest (the parties settlement agreement was not provided to our Office). Aircraft capable of meeting these standards and requirements are not readily available and would take a considerable amount of time to be developed and operationally ready for service. AR, Tab 49, J&A, Dec.9, 2013, at 4. 3553(c)(2). Coulson Aviation puts employee and Aircraft safety as Job 1. 3301(a)(1); FAR 6.101. Turns out the Mars is back in action, due to the emergency conditions with the Mount Wilson Observatory in the forests north of Los Angeles. Moreover, had the agency used this separate authority as the basis for its noncompetitive contract award, the agency would have been required to request offers from as many potential sources as is practicable under the circumstances. They do not include all outstanding orders as reported by aircraft manufacturers. T-137 was purchased in May 2019 by the NSW Rural Fire Service along with the two Coulson Citation II C550 support jets. We also recommend that the agency reimburse Coulson, 10 Tanker, and Minden the costs of filing and pursuing their protests, including reasonable attorneys fees. Agency Report (AR), Tab 143, Forest Service Large Airtanker Modernization Strategy, Feb. 10, 2012, at2. [18] The settlement agreement specified that the contract to be awarded to Neptune would be the same duration as the NextGen contract awards (i.e., a 5-year base period with five 1-year options). At no time before the J&A was approved were FIs conclusions disputed or shown to be in error. As stated above, our review of an agencys decision to conduct a noncompetitive procurement focuses on the adequacy of the rationale and conclusions set forth in the J&A. Tr. See AR, Jan. 31, 2014, at 55. Mr. Coulson is responsible for the Companys overall growth and strategic direction and has led the transformation of the company into an operator of regulated financial markets for U.S. and global companies. [22] The agency subsequently provided Neptune with copies of both the RUS and FI financial analyses reports. 14, 1990, 90-1 CPD 273 at 4-5, affd, B-237742.2, June 11, 1990, 90-1 CPD 546; Techplan Corp., B-234161, May 12, 1989, 89-1 CPD 452 at 5. See Tr. This statement is also factually inaccurate insofar as 10 Tanker had a certified large airtanker currently available, which the Forest Service actually contracted for in 2013. . Coulson Aviation Australia Global Leaders in Aerial Firefighting AERIAL FIREFIGHTING IN AUSTRALIA Our highly experienced team of aerial firefighters are an invaluable firefighting asset for Australian emergency services authorities as they fight to protect human lives, infrastructure, wildlife and vegetation. [19] The settlement agreement was signed on the Forest Services behalf by its AQM Director, who was the head of the contracting activity. We find the J&A to be incomplete and inaccurate in certain key regards. Click on the button below to send an email to our team and we will get to it as soon as possible. The agency admits, however, that ultimately it concluded there was no concern with Neptunes present viability, but only with its viability after 2017. Neptune Comments, Feb.24, 2014, at 3-5, citing AR, Tab 150, Neptune Financial Assumptions, May 29, 2013 ([b]ased on denial of contracts under the Next Generation Airtanker Services Solicitation, Neptune is now faced with extinction after the expiration of the Legacy Contracts). On June 6, the Forest Service and Neptune entered into a written settlement agreement, under which the agency agreed to award Neptune a sole-source contract for two NextGen large airtankers in exchange for Neptune withdrawing its protest (and thereby ending the CICA stay of the NextGen contract awards). The fact that the J&A was inaccurate with regard to alternative sources is also important because where, as here, an agency proposes to award a sole-source contract premised on the vital nature of a supplier, it must accurately consider whether the industrial base can be maintained without resorting to noncompetitive procurements. It offers OTC Link Alternative Trading System, an interdealer quotation and trade messaging system; OTC Dealer, a real-time, front-end application that provides consolidated quotation, trading, and information system to attract and access market liquidity; OTC FIX, which uses the industry standard FIX protocol for quote submission, trading, and routing of execution reports; and OTC Link Electronic Communication Networks (ECN) that acts as the executing party on an agency basis in relation to transactions executed on the ECN's platform. [Forest Service] also has two firms on the legacy contract that can supply planes. In sum, while the agency may not have entered into a settlement agreement promising to disregard applicable procurement statutes and regulations, the agencys subsequent decision to award a sole-source contract to Neptune so as to comply with the terms of the settlement agreement and avoid a Neptune-threatened lawsuit was without a reasonable basis. Planespotters.net 2023. Id., 21.8(f)(1). Coulson made its airtanker available shortly thereafter, AR, Jan. 31, 2013, at 21, and the Forest Service accepted the cures proposed by the other contractors. The Forest Service also made a Legacy contract award to Minden for one P2V aircraft. Although the Forest Services long term modernization strategy calls for 18-28 modern large airtankers, the Forest Service is currently dependent upon Legacy large airtankers to meet its needs. T: (250) 724-7600 F: (250) 723-7766. The newest addition to our fleet are the Coulson modified 737 FireLiner aircraft. at735-36 (the agency plans to conduct additional competitions in the coming years under which Neptune would be eligible to compete and could receive awards). Id. . With our total integrated approach, we are able to provide our customers with a safe, world-class program, 24 hours a day.. As detailed below, the Forest Service entered into a settlement agreement with Neptune on the basis that the award of a sole-source, NextGen-type contract was necessary to maintain Neptune as a vital source of large airtankers. The ASA also stated (repeatedly) that his rationale for the sole-source award to Neptune concerned the Forest Services ability to have enough large airtankers available for the 2014 fire season--not the viability of Neptune as a source of supply. Shortly after learning that it would not receive a NextGen contract award, Neptune informed the contracting officer of its intent to protest to our Office unless an acceptable solution could be worked out. We first implemented our night aerial fire suppression protocols in response to the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria Australia. Age. 18, 2014, at 5. Tr. As explained below, the record does not support the USDAs decision to award a sole-source contract to Neptune for industrial mobilization purposes. [12] We dismissed Neptunes challenge to the awards related to CLINs 1-3 because Neptune was not an interested party to challenge awards under line items for which it had not submitted a proposal. Tr. We are world leaders in aerial firefighting innovation, providing meticulously serviced aircraft in order to safely and efficiently attack fires 24/7. Tr. First, the SPE and her staff familiarized themselves with the NextGen procurement and the Forest Services requirements for large airtankers generally. See 41 U.S.C. Our Office confirmed the withdrawal of Neptunes protest and closed the file without rendering a decision on the protests merits. The NextGen RFP, issued as a small business set-aside, contemplated the award of multiple fixed-price contracts under seven contract line items (CLIN) for airtanker firefighting services on an exclusive-use basis. Coulson Aviation plans to modify the fuselage on the CH-47, cut the floor of the aircraft and install a 3,000-gallon tank, called the RADS-L (large). at 658. 936 talking about this. As the Australian business arm of global company Coulson Aviation, Coulson Aviation Australia also supports other Australian States with the provision of large aircraft and experienced team members. Vertical and Vertical Valor are part of MHM Publishing Inc. All Rights Reserved 2020 | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy. [27] The Forest Service issued cure notices to Coulson, Minden, Aero Air, and Aero-Flite in September 2013 for failure to provide approved NextGen airtankers by the contracts MAP start dates. A stand down may be undertaken when the operator believes there is something which might distract the pilots from safely completing their missions. [37] In fact, Neptune states that its going out of business concerns applied to the period after the end of the Legacy contract in 2017. Neptunes Financial Stability - . See AR, Tab 22, Contracting Officer Letter to RUS, June 25, 2013. [32] While there is both documentation and testimony suggesting some USDA and Forest Service officials believed the sole-source award here was based on urgency (i.e., having enough large airtankers available for the 2014 fire season, see Tr. [27] Tr. AR, Tab 148, Neptune Settlement Contract Offer, Oct. 31, 2013. . Based on her review of all information, including the FI financial analysis, the SPE concluded that the planned sole-source contract award to Neptune for industrial mobilization reasons was not presently justified (Neptune didnt need a contract). Canada V9Y 8E9. Tr. E: michael.strain@bowmanslaw.com. Coulson Protest, Feb. 10, 2014, at 55. Only two of the five NextGen contractors are now in compliance with the contract and providing operational airtankers. Boeing 737-3H4. The RUS also questioned whether Neptune had the ability to modify the payment terms of any of its existing long terms debts. 27.4 Years. It seems like if were interested in creating a balanced source of supply we would award more air tankers to the other legacy contractor, Minden, or add more air tankers to the current Next Gen contractors versus issuing a noncompetitive award to an unsuccessful offeror. . We find Coulson and Minden (and 10 Tanker) to be interested parties to challenge the reasonableness of the agencys sole-source award to Neptune for industrial mobilization reasons, as the protesters all have a direct economic interest that would be affected by the award of such a contract. [30] The $496,211,590 figure consists of Neptunes $70,887,370 total cost per aircraft times seven aircraft. Additionally, the agencys apparent belief that an immediate need for NextGen airtankers in 2014 justified the award of a sole-source, 9-year contract on the basis of industrial mobilization is not supported and has no rational basis. Consequently, the Forest Services belief that Neptune is a vital source, as documented in the J&A, is based upon Neptunes supply of Legacy large airtankers, which the NextGen contract awards were designed to ultimately replace. By August 2, FI completed its assessment of Neptunes financial viability. The record also reflects that, after August 26, there generally was no longer any disagreement among the parties about Neptunes present financial viability. 3304(a)(3), and will comply with all related statutory and Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requirements, including, but not limited to, CICA, and FAR 6.303-6.305. [36] Neptune and USDA reason that because Neptune currently has no contract in place for large airtanker services after 2017, this demonstrates that Neptune cannot remain viable after 2017. 2 Future records only include new-built aircraft close to delivery and expected second-hand deliveries. The adequacy of the rationale and conclusions set forth in the J&A is dependent on the completeness and accuracy of the information included in the J&A. [15] The Forest Service had USDAs Rural Utilities Service (RUS) analyze Neptunes continued financial viability based on the information provided by Neptune.[16]. The NRE Undersecretary also stated that, insofar as USDA counsel had determined that awarding a sole-source contract here was permitted and Neptune had airtankers available, he strongly recommended the award of two NextGen aircraft to Neptune for up to 10 years. Servs., Inc., supra. Rather, the record demonstrates, as acknowledged by the agency, that Neptune is presently financially viable and is expected to remain financially viable through the term of its Legacy airtanker contract (2017). [5] The pricing of the NextGen contracts was based on both a 160-day daily availability rate (referred to as the mandatory availability period (MAP)) and flight hours actually incurred. The NRE Undersecretary emphasized the importance of large airtankers for wildland firefighting and the Forest Services need for additional airtankers, particularly with regard to the 2014 fire season. Following a May 21 meeting between Neptunes CEO, Forest Service FAM and AQM Directors and staffs, and USDA counsel, the parties engaged in a series of settlement discussions concerning the Forest Services noncompetitive award of a NextGen contract to Neptune pursuant to FAR 6.302-3 (industrial mobilization) in exchange for Neptune withdrawing its May 16 protest. The aircraft climbed out of the area and returned to its base at 3:08 pm, after descending once over the fire zone. OTC Markets Group Inc. was founded in 1904 and is headquartered in New York, New York. [17] The RUS later prepared a more formal response regarding Neptunes financial stability, but again, merely accepted the financial projections as submitted by Neptune without determining their validity. Coulson GroupCoulson AviationCoulson Ice BlastCoulson Unical, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgCgo-cpQxk, Coulson Aviation Australia (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgCgo-cpQxk). For industrial coulson aviation net worth purposes, Tab56, Neptune settlement contract Offer, Oct. 31,,... Aircraft manufacturers questioned whether Neptune had the ability to modify the payment terms any! Are part of MHM Publishing Inc. all Rights Reserved 2020 | terms of any of its existing long terms.! 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