Please leave a comment below and let me know. They always want to do better next time around! They often act as if they were living in a world that has already come to pass, meaning they excel at long-term planning. To make this relationship work, the Leo Moon woman should understand that the relationship is not all about her and seek to understand her partners needs. They can be very moody and have a tendency to retreat into their own world at times. In the Zodiac, the Moon rules Cancer. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. On the other hand, the Cancer Moon Man should learn to be patient with her and open up to establish trust and connection in the relationship. They will even sacrifice themselves for the happiness of those close to them. Cancer moon people may feel hurt if they arent shown appreciation for their nurturing efforts. She is generally most comfortable in a warm, secure climate and prefers cozy, earthy surroundings. He likes to take care of others and needs to feel cared for, too. Optimistic Sagittarius Moon will try to intellectualize Cancer Moon out of their moody states, without taking the time to acknowledge their needs. Alice Kelly is a senior news and entertainment editor for YourTango. It can make them more able to handle their emotions and helps them to understand women better. They can be very sensitive to other peoples suffering. These people are very intuitive; they can just sense things about your mood and will give you advice if they think you are having a bad day or if something is wrong with your life. Leo Sun Cancer pintrk('track', 'addtocart'); ''+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); So it doesnt matter how intellectual or stoic he may seem, there are still some underlying tense feelings with this guy. They show love in many ways. While many people may look at a certain picture or a piece of art and identify its beauty, he can tell a story using it. WebThe Aries Sun Cancer Moon person is bold and aggressive; yet soft and accommodating. His secretive nature creates a wall between him and the people around him since they cannot understand him. However, he has some quirks that make it difficult to love him back to the level that he loves himself. WebBehavioral constitution of a Cancer man. The Cancer sign is ruled by the Moon, so Cancer as a Moon sign amplifies all the lunar qualities: emotion, In a relationship, the Cancer man is loyal, and he will go out of his way to take care of you. Ruled by the moon, Cancer men may be uncommonly in touch with their emotions, able to take on roles that many of their male counterparts would be utterly lost in, like romance and parenting. They tend to be very deep and they also harbor past hurts. He is soft, loving, considerate, and nurturing to those he cares deeply for but always remember that those born under the sign of the Crab have a hard shell to protect their vulnerable underbelly, and pincers to protect themselves when they feel attacked. Kitchen implements like copper pots, good knives, and beautiful wooden cutting boards will please domestic Cancers, who make excellent cooks. If you were born when the Moon was in the zodiac sign of Cancer, you are one lucky babe! They put everyone else first, but sometimes this can backfire on them when they find that they are denying themselves to please someone elseor when others take advantage of them. When with a Cancer moon tend to be more family oriented, love children, love their already existing family and want nothing more than to build a very solid family for the future. '&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= Talking about emotions, Cancer Moon people are often uncomfortable with expressing their emotions in front of others. Men born under the sign of the Crab can be more attached to a romantic ideal than to reality so the man you meet online or long-distance may be very different than the one you get to know. A career in photography and arts in general best suits the Moon in Cancer Man due to his psychic abilities and natural relationship with the universe. They are also sensitive, idealistic, modest, and caring for others' feelings. It doesnt mean he IS weak, however. Cancer Moons are quietly analytical and strive to get to the heart of their own problems and those of others. For starters, they are quite sensitive to the feeling of insecurity, and go out of their way to protect everyone they care about. Cancer, being a water sign, is clever and intuitive. She is a soft, feminine individual who feels that her life is one big mystery. If youre ready to understand your moon in Cancer man, and if you want to catch him and keep him click here to learn more about Cancer Man Secrets. They may tell you that youre too hard or soft on your children. He will also do whatever he has to ensure that you get what is required. The Cancer Moon woman is a highly sensitive and reactive. If you decide to take him out of his natural environment, drive him to the seaside for the weekend. They also keep things in perspective and tend to reflect upon whats truly important in life, as well as their role in it. Whether or not they share their creations with others Those with a Cancer Moon in their natal chart will feel their emotional presence profoundly, often without Cancer having to say a word. They have to be in an environment that is conducive to their creative side for the best results when attempting to create or complete a task. You can establish healthier habits, such as eating more healthily and getting adequate rest. Their moods often vary depending upon their emotional climate to the outside world. They love to update their decor, as small changes mean big mood changes, and even though they have their favorite things, some new additions are always welcome. A Moon in Cancer transit is an ideal time to establish greater routines in your life. In Cancer, the moon plays an important role in family interactions and their own private world. Hes a warm, friendly person who loves the company of family and friends. This struggle will get easier as they grow older and, possibly, form a family of their own. Cancer woman must learn to make decisions early in life, and is likely to remain indecisive until late. Besides excelling in writing as a career, it is important to pen down his feelings as it provides therapy since he is not an open person. The moon in Cancer Man can be successful in any career, but he is most likely to succeed in the following; The Moon in Cancer Man can provide healing and soften the hardest of hearts through his words. But if they leave, she can sink into a morass of self-pity and despair that may last for years. The Cancer sign is ruled by the Moon, so Cancer as a Moon sign amplifies all the lunar qualities: emotion, empathy, and intuition. Find out here. Cancer man himself is here to do that as a life purpose. They have their sensitivities as well; they hate being criticized. If you are a Moon in Cancer Man, you might wonder why you always feel attracted to cosmic nature and harbor curiosity about the universe. Apart from copious amounts of cuddling and foreplay, you can expect gentle and passionate lovemaking. Often, Cancers attract friends and romantic partners who are overly dependent on them. Cancer Moons have a natural empathy and are able to sense what others need before they even ask. Though these signs express love differently, they are well-matched in their caring natures. A Cancer woman will also shower her partner with attention and love and try to be with him in every possible ways. Cancer men will eschew anything they perceive as tacky, but paradoxically rescue odd things from the trash all the time. The most well-known and talked about trait of this zodiac sign is his hypersensitivity - both a blessing and a curse! The Cancer Sun Cancer Moon personality is born between June 21st and July 22nd. As a Moon in Cancer Man, you need to know that you cannot solve other peoples problems while you are unable to solve your own. Are you compatible with your Cancer man? You find yourself enjoying activities such as star-gazing and night walks. Deeply attached to their family and friends, they will do whatever it takes to help them out. That being said, when you embrace a Cancer moon man, youll need to be open to allowing him to spend much time in your own home as you will go spend time in his. This would make some of the toughest signs in the zodiac, seem very emotional or weak at times. At times it may feel as if you are treading on eggshells around these men. Libra Man Cancer Woman Compatibility (11 Lovely Personalities), When A Cancer Man Has A Crush On You (13 Signs), Trait 1. This is not the case, of course. But despite being a great employee in fields where they can utilize their unique abilities and talents, Cancer Moons are very emotional, meaning they don't handle criticism well, aren't always comfortable taking risks, can be unpredictable, and stress themselves out. In other words, you have truly earned your title as the mother hen.. Leo Sun + Cancer However, his natal chart indicates that he is rare, and his power lies in his ability to feel the pain in the world. They will also be there for you as long as you need them, and try their best to help. I hope to give you some fabulous dating tips that'll help you navigate the complex world of relationships and hopefully, lead you to 'the one'. They have pragmatic sensibilities and tend to be prudent and cautious with their finances. All Cancer moon women have a few things in common. They are quiet, intuitive, emotionally expressive, and empathetic. They have an underlying need for security and stability that makes them tentative and cautious. Gemini Sun Cancer Moon. The moon is a highly sensitive planet and can feel the emotions of her children strongly. They are compassionate, loyal and comforting. Cancer sun Cancer moon man is a very sensitive, shy, emotional human being, who may be a bit sentimental and negative also. Easily hurt, the cancer man may express this hurt in the form of anger or withdrawal. She is free-spirited and has an adventurous spirit that may not sit well with the calm Cancer Moon. The specific placement is governed by one of the 12 zodiac signs. Ideal careers for Cancer Moons include being self-employed, or having a job focused in writing, real estate, psychology, photography or art, teaching, music, childcare, nursing, healthcare, catering, or public speaking. They present themselves as a very serious individual. Being needed enables them to feel that their life has meaning; that they are essential in someone elses life. Cancer Moons do best in careers where they are able to express their emotions openly and use this trait to further their progress in a specific field. They go about achieving their goals and dreams aggressively. Your email address will not be published. He will do just about anything for them when they need his assistance. One thing is certain, a man with a cancer moon sign is sure to take excellent care of you and his loved ones. Both sensitive and intuitive, these two can form a deep emotional bond once Scorpio Moon realizes that Cancer Moon is someone they can reveal themselves to. At work, these women can succeed in fields that demand detail-oriented work, such as research and accounting. The Cancer person is sympathetic, emotional and instinctive. For Cancer moon personalities, this is true. He hates being nagged and gets angered when someone pesters him to find out what is bothering him. Here are the strengths and weaknesses of a Moon in Cancer man. A charmer, he attracts others easily. He feels what he wants typically and no matter what sign he is, hes going to go with how his heart feels and what his intuition tells him since hes very intuitive as a Cancer moon guy. For some women, this may feel overbearing but his intentions are good. I've worked in the media industry for the past 6 years and my love for writing, coupled with many interesting dating experiences over the past decade, has led me here. Cancer Sun Cancer Moon. You may be uniquely in touch with your emotions. Ruled by the moon, Cancer men are generally more in touch with their feminine nature and inner anima than most guys so you can have fun finding them cute clothes and accessories with which to adorn themselves. Gemini Moon prefers constant stimulation and intellectual conversation rather than expressing feelings. Cancer Moon people tend to be emotional and moody by nature. Cancers are drawn to relics of yesteryear, and often have a longing for the traditions and tastes of days gone by so you may see his home crammed with antiques and family heirlooms. Mamas boys themselves, a Cancer man usually has a very close relationship with his mother and will want to take care of her at home in her elder years, rather than letting her go live in a nursing home. Even though he excels in this career, it can be draining to his soul, and thus he needs to take moments off and recharge in solitude. What does this placement say about your emotions? Itll be worthwhile remembering that one cannot pour from an empty cup, though. Cancer is also one of the four cardinal signs, the signs that lead each of the solar seasons. The man born with the Moon in Cancer is looking for a woman who has the same caring and affectionate attitude as he has. He wants his lover to be homely, to like routines, to be in love with cuddling in-doors, in front of the chimney, or reading a book together. Cancer moon people are very sensitive and emotional in their relationships, they need a lot of love and understanding from others. Thats why he would do everything for the people he cares about. The Cancer Sun, Cancer Moon is a very emotional, nurturing and devoted person. She is selfless in her love for her family, friends, and neighbors. They add sentimental romance to the sign of feminism. Aquarius Moon can be quite out of touch with emotions, unlike Cancer Moon who dwells on their psychological states a lot. These natural-born nurturers are often found readily spooning mush, changing diapers, and rocking little ones to sleep. Because of this, looking at moon sign compatibility is important for the longevity of a relationship.The Cancer Moon is most compatible with Libra Moon, Scorpio Moon, and Pisces Moon. Cancer Moons are focused on the well-being of others, have a powerful imagination, and are compassionate and caring. Cancers make loving parents but must learn to communicate effectively with their children because children born under Cancer can be moody just like Cancer himself. Receive weekly tips & tricks to improve your love life. Cancer Rising Man: What Are His Characteristics and Who Is He Compatible with? Cancer moons are extremely creative people. Once at home, a Cancer man wants to feel at ease and completely unwind, usually while wearing sweatpants or a robe. Six months of grueling work with no time for fun is doable for them, as long as they have a dangling carrot luring them toward the promiseof lazy days on the beach. He will likely want to spend all of his time with you and take care of you. He loves his family and friends and therefore hasnt problems with giving his heart away. Hes here to care for as many as he can and help them to heal. Their fear of being hurt again, or negative memories of past relationship issues, may cause them to retract into their shells from time to time. Perhaps hes a sturdy Taurus or strong willed Virgo who seems to be a bit more empathetic. These men will excel at raising children or animals within happy family environments and will make the best husbands, too. At work, in her home environment, and in her friendships she is naturally drawn to healing roles. (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': Once settled, he takes on the role of the extremely protective family man who does everything to keep his loved ones safe. A moon in cancer man is extremely nostalgic, holding onto and idealizing past memories for years to come. They are devoted to others, being the first to offer a helping hand or piece of friendship. They have a strong sense of right versus wrong and do what they can to help others. Her passion for life may lead her to make risky decisions from time to time, but these spur-of-the-moment decisions can be what makes her so exciting and fun. Cancer Man Personality Traits. Like the Cancer moon male she is possessive and can be jealous at times. Any man that has Cancer for their moon is going to be more emotionally driven. People with this moon sign may seek out beloved childhood places, people, and comfort foods that remind them of their childhood or happy, past memories. Our Sun sign, which is what we refer to when we think of our zodiac sign, only accounts for the personality we are striving to be and exhibiting outwardly. They are just go-getters who love the process of finding their perfect match. Its unlikely that men with a moon in cancer will jump into anything hastily. She is a nurturer, has great love for their family and friends, very sensitive to others feelings, highly intuitive, strong possessive emotions, and likes to have control over situations in which they are involved. She is nurturing, loving, and caring. To him, a photo is not just a picture but a million words, feelings, and memories. He will often turn to his mother for advice. This zodiac sign is very private and secretive about their personal life. Leo Moon has a flair for the dramatic and tends to exaggerate things. Because of their brilliant memories, you can rest assured that all anniversaries and birthdays will be remembered. He can spread positivity and bring light to those in the dark. He will want to be in a relationship with someone he can build a home and family with in the future. She wants to be pampered and taken care of by her partner. Ruled by the planet moon, which waxes and wanes, the Cancer moon sign men are also known for their mood swings. Cancers are sensitive to their surroundings, empathetic and caring. The cancer moon male feels most secure and confident in his home environment and will therefore never venture too far out, or for too long. Cancer moon people love peace and harmony, they are quiet, sensitive and intuitive. Beware when you hear a Cancer constantly bemoaning the loss of how it used to be.. Nurturing, domestic and protective toward those you love, people with the Moon in Cancer have an intuitive sense of how to help others in need. Cancers are one of the most emotional signs of the zodiac. Tread lightly and be kind to this Crab, and you will be rewarded with undying loyalty. These men may struggle to let things go - whether thats past issues, sentimental objects, or beliefs. Cancer Moon brings a passionate energy to the forefront, adapts well to any environment, and is incredibly creative and artistic. The Cancer moon guy will be very close to his family and a circle of tight knit friends a well. Required fields are marked *. She enjoys pampering him with love, affection, and attention. They can be great teachers although they tend to be a bit too strict and demanding with their students. They try to keep them for themselves and wont readily show them until they completely trust. Dont forget that she is always there watching you and taking care of you, even when unseen. Cancer Sun Aquarius Moon personalities have a rare tendency to preserve their energy and effortlessly make connections with people to progress towards their aims. She is the universal mother and is associated with instinct, emotions and feelings. Cancer men are intuitive and sensitive. Matters to do with family and home feature strongly in Cancer Moons. This is something else a Cancer moon will do is move a little faster. Whatever these men feel (whether happy, sad, or angry), will be felt by those around them. They are loyal, caring, understanding, patient and sensitive. He is a sensitive person who is exceedingly protective of his loved ones. Seekers of peace and harmony, these men will endeavor to make their home environment a calm and tranquil one. Because of this sponge-like ability, they can become moody from time to time and need to find emotional balance. The undertones of emotional sensitivity and self-sacrifice in your chart will cause you to feel secure when supportive people are around. The Cancer dad is characterized by warm, loving traits. Though they are emotional, they arent impulsive. This woman will be kind to those she cares about but distant to those who she is not close to. However, the Cancer sign also makes this man caring and compassionate and is extremely passionate when it comes to matters of the heart. Those born under this Sun sign tend to be sentimental, imaginative, caring and sensitive to the feelings of others. Hes up to rescue a damsel in distress because he knows Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Preview / Show more . If Cancer Moon is happy to let Leo Moon be the center of attention, this union can thrive. After all, they are ruled by the moon, which represents comfort and Moon signs govern our inner selves and account for the feelings, desires, and spiritual needs that we often keep to ourselves. A picture but a million words, feelings, and try to intellectualize Cancer Moon people love and! He loves himself turn to his mother for advice and instinctive to this Crab, and is likely remain! Wearing sweatpants or a robe prefers cozy, earthy surroundings be more emotionally driven are. Role in it partners who are overly dependent on them help them out they will also there... Woman is a very emotional, nurturing and devoted person their Moon is a highly sensitive planet and be! And wont readily show them until cancer moon man personality completely trust is the universal mother and likely. And caring and birthdays will be rewarded with undying loyalty must learn to make decisions early life. 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