Welcome to the weird. Curiously, reports also stated that the continents of the Earth were etched upon its surface. [16] The archaeologist Sir Flinders Petrie even found records in the Libyan desert that describe a secret Masonic guild meeting held circa 2000 B.C. X (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1979), p. 223. Dallas with its car accidents, Tripoli with the "Arab Spring," Baghdad, Damascus, Kashmir, Tibet, Nagasaki - they all are located on the 33 rd parallel. Dealey Plaza is the site of the first Masonic temple in Dallas and a Masonic obelisk. In addition to human and animal figures, snakes, spirals, stars, circles, and other geometric figures, a Knights Templar-like Maltese cross nearly 10 feet in diameter has been found adjacent to a humanoid figure at the Ripley complex. The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archaeology and Hidden History, edited by Preston Peet, Disinformation Books, New York, 2005. If our Masonic leadership chose Nagasaki simply because it was located on the 33rd Parallel, is it any stretch of the imagination that the next target for U.S. nuclear attack might be Baghdad, or Iraq, for the entire country is located within a few miles within that parallel? The 33rd degree has long been associated with Freemasonry. The Greek root arsen means male, strong or virile, which suggests the active reach of this potent and potentially deadly number across the globe. (about the time of Alexander the Great and the Ptolemaic Dynasties in Egypt) and built one of the worlds most extensive irrigation systems. Writer Gary David guides tour from Phoenix, AZ to Phoenicia and Babylon in the Middle East to Far East China and then back to the New World. Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, Uriels Machine: Uncovering the Secrets of Stonehenge, Noahs Flood, and the Dawn of Civilization (Gloucester, Massachusetts: Fair Winds Press, 2001, 1999), p. 319. The followers of Pythagoras referred every object, planet, man, idea, and essence to some number or other, in a way which to most moderns must seem curious and mystical in the highest degree. [10] Pike asserts that the two massive columns situated at the entrance of the Tyrian Temple of Malkarth were consecrated to the Winds and to Fire. save. Now serving in Alberta. Death Row - Georgia : Located in Jackson, Georgia , Latitude N 33.29 *( Also note the "31" in Arizona being 13 in reverse and the "92 . It is found over and over again in the stories of the Bible and elsewhere. Numbers are a key to the ancient views of cosmogony in its broad sense, spiritually as well as physically considered, to the evolution of the present human race; all systems of religious mysticism are based upon numerals. The many similarities between the two seem to point in that direction. All I do is dress and rest. (The S. supposedly stood for Solomon.) Poverty Point was almost entirely abandoned circa 1350 B.C., indicating over five centuries of cultural development, though minor construction on the earthworks continued until 700 A.D. [26], Even closer to the magic number 33 though not as impressive or as old are the Winterville Mounds, located six miles north of the town of Greenville in west-central Mississippi (33 degrees 25 minutes). Spanish explorers originally called this area La Jornada del Muerto, or The Journey of the Dead, but now the site is marked by a small stone obelisk erected twenty years or so after the explosion. Thus, Babylons symbolic importance, which the co-authors believe extends back to at least Knights Templar times and probably before, is reemphasized inside every Masonic lodge to the present day. As we have stated in earlier articles, Daniel 8:23-25 tells us that the religion practiced by Antichrist is Black Magick; further, Revelation 17:17 tells us that the final 10 kings are of the same mindset and religion as Antichrist. Will C. Barnes, Arizona Place Names (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1997, 1988), pp. The only place you can drink alcohol in Disney World is the 33rd Club. William Bramley, The Gods of Eden (New York: Avon Books/Harper-Collins Publishers, 1990, 1989), p. 90. Anonymous Coward User ID: 1316270 United States 04/13/2011 05:41 AM Report Abusive Post . Dante Alighieri, The Paradiso: a Verse Rendering For the Modern Reader, translated by John Ciardi (New York: New American Library, 1970,1961), p. 365. This awareness is found when the third eye is fully opened, the eye the symbol of which is the number 33 , Each 3 of the number 33 can be seen to be three-fold in the same way as a triangle has three sides: 3+3+3 = 9. About Master Numbers in numerology, Ducoz Numerology Software [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web, http://www.decoz.com/Masternumbers.htm; accessed 9 July 2002. 1945 Roosevelt's successor was Harry S Truman. The Second World War began in the year, 1939. This drawing depicts Blavatskys crude handmade drawing of King Solomons signet ring, with its seal. The late thirteenth/early fourteenth century Italian poet Dante ended Canto XXXIII of the Purgatorio, or the second section of his Divine Comedy: perfect, pure, and ready for the Stars. [2] Canto XXXIII of the Paradiso, or the third section, concludes with lines about the poet being turned as in a wheel whose motion nothing jars-- / by the Love that moves the Sun and the other stars. [3] It is more than a coincidence that the 33rd canto of each section concludes with parallel lines regarding the celestial; it may instead be the code from a lost ancient tradition. The signing of the Armistice agreement was thus undergirded by three elevens! as the militarily expansionist pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty. Perhaps the ancients discovered a ley line sort of dragon energy corresponding to this latitude, and constructed temples and sacred cities in order to utilize this terrestrial chi. cit. 33rd Degree Masons are those that have mastered the powers of the Earth's Bloodline and all of the energetic powers that go with it. They are geometrically encoded in brand names and encrypted in corporate logos. As Wescott explains, so 11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect. [Ibid., p. 100] Thus, while 11 is very important, multiplications are also important, such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99. Major financial centersnorthof the 33rd Parallel include London, New York, Chicago, and Switzerland. 2 (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1979), pp. Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus (Shaftesbury, Dorset, England: 1998, 1997, 1996), pp. The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study. Thus, this occult and Illuminist preoccupation with the Number 11 as they strive to produce their Antichrist, is dictated by Biblical prophecy concerning Antichrist. Three Rivers Site is also unique because it is one of only a few places in the Southwest that were used primarily for rock art rather than it being merely an adjunct to the village. June is the 6th month; when added to the 5th day, you get an 11, Number22 RFK was shot by a .22 caliber pistol, Number33 Los Angeles is very near the 33rd Parallel, [Note: This information taken from RFK assassination site, http//:homepages.tcp.co.uk/~dlewis/crime.htm]. Oppelt, Guide to Prehistoric Ruins, pp. On April 19, 1993, the Clinton Administration murdered adults and children in the Branch Davidian group at Mount Carmel, a compound about 10 miles from the city of Waco. Both world wars in the 20th Century have been fought to establish the One World Government, Economy, and Religion of Antichrist. The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. Indeed, when we consider the northern latitude of 33 degrees, some intriguing synchronicities, or meaningful coincidences, are found. Gleaming like a steel and glass mirage surrounded by ironwood, palo verde, and saguaro cactus, this modern American city lies in a brown cloud of auto exhaust at the northern end of the Sonoran Desert. David Grant Noble, Ancient Ruins of the Southwest: An Archaeological Guide (Flagstaff, Arizona: Northland Publishing, 1991, 1981), p. 15. The main canals leading from the Salt and Gila rivers measured up to 75 feet across at the top and 50 feet wide at the bottom. It suffered a cataclysm and was reduced to rubble that sank beneath the sea, lost forever. The Georgia Guidestones is a highly controversial granite structure modeled loosely after Stonehenge, erected in northeast Georgia and shrouded in mystery. Oppelt, Guide to Prehistoric Ruins, pp. The geoglyphs together with other cairns, stone circles, and cleared dance paths may be ritually associated with the huge network of interconnected trails found in the low desert upon which the ancients made pilgrimages. This measurement, incidentally, equals the length of the Hohokam platform mound at Pueblo Grande in Phoenix, Arizona. Starting at the prime meridian and heading eastwards, the parallel 33 north passes through: "Duration of Daylight/Darkness Table for One Year", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=33rd_parallel_north&oldid=1138303042, This page was last edited on 9 February 2023, at 00:00. But looking at the history, it's also clear that this has been utilized by some pretty dark forces - and now the lightworkers are moving to readdress the balance. Investigation of paranormal activities/ parapsychology and haunting Cleansing using wide range of methods since 1986. Both these cities straddled the parallel 33. On the African continent, in the town of Casablanca located in Morocco, a large square and hexagonal pyramidal construction are located on the 33rd parallel. share. Weeks later, the nuclear bomb was dropped on the 33rd Degree Parallel, at Nagasaki, Japan! Thus, we were not surprised that both Presidents Bush are Black Magic practitioners from the Skull & Bones Society, and that President Clinton was a practicing Black Magic Satanist. The 33rd Parallel. 1025 945 B.C. In this context it is interesting to note that the Sabian symbol for 33 degrees is the following: Natural steps lead to a lawn of clover in bloom. Clovers trefoil suggests the Trinity, while its flowering suggests new life or even resurrection. As we move forward in this article, we will focus on the number 33 and the way in which occultists have planned events and geographical locations around the 33rd Northern Parallel. This war also has nothing to do with terrorism, or with Iraqs supposed plans to use WMD on us or her Middle Eastern neighbors. 875-848 B.C. The sacredness of numbers begins with the Great First Cause, the One, and ends only with the naughty or zero a symbol of the infinite and boundless universe. [The Occult Power of Numbers, W. Wynn Westcott, p. Mount Carmel is less than 20 miles south of the 33rd Parallel. This charming antebellum port city and hub of southern culture is located less than 15 miles south of the 33rd parallel. wk. In more recent times Babylon played a significant role in the rituals of Freemasonry and continues to do so. Phoenix, Arizona: There are a lot of sightings of various unexplained UFO phenomena. [27], About four miles south of Cartersville in northwestern Georgia (34 degrees 11 minutes) is Etowah Indian Mound State Park. Why are so many significant ancient and historic sites located along the 33rd parallel? Students of Numerology are well aware that numbers affect a persons life. Paranormal Zone,The Haunting Dimensions- PZHD. One is a ceremonial mound 63 feet in height and another is a burial mound in which were found numerous artifacts including copper ear ornaments, stone effigies, and sea shells along with obsidian and grizzly bear teeth from the Rocky Mountains. 52-54. The occult significance of the 33rd north latitude cannot be overestimated! H. M. Wormington, Prehistoric Indians of the Southwest (Denver, Colorado: The Denver Museum of Natural History, 1973, 1947), p. 125. The 33 rd parallel is certainly a magic line for the Illuminati. [47] The population is estimated to have been between 2,000 and 3,000. Just to the East of Baghdad is the Plain of Megiddo, where the final Battle of Armageddon will be fought! An Archaeological Sketch of Moundville, Dr. Vernon James Knight, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Alabama, Museums Curator of Southeastern Archaeology, Moundville Archaeological Park [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web, http://www.ua.edu/academic/museums/moundville/sketch.html; accessed 8 February 2002. Reminiscent of the seven Aztecan caves mentioned above, five caves in the Mogollon Mountains of southwestern New Mexico contain about 40 masonry and adobe rooms built circa 1280 A.D., although semi-subterranean pit houses have been found nearby dating back to circa 100 A.D. [44], In saguaro cactus country about 56 miles northeast of Phoenix is another site on the global mystery circle called Tonto National Monument (33 degrees 44 minutes), which also contains cliff dwellings within shallow caves. And finally, Besh-ba-gowah Archaeological Park located one-and-a-half miles south of downtown Globe, Arizona (33 degrees 25 minutes) was a granite cobble pueblo of 250-plus rooms inhabited between 1225 and 1450 A.D. Thus, the final battle, or slaughter of the ages, will be fought on the 33rd Degree Parallel! Now, van Buren tells us exactly why numbers are important, so that she may tell us exactly the significance of the number, 33 and 333. [World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. Map of the United States demonstrating the 33rd parallel (red line), which was used to separate the states into warm (south of the 33rd parallel) and cold (north of the 33rd parallel). 12. 36. [43] Although American Indians may instead have constructed this site for an astronomical observatory similar to the one at Casa Malpais near Springerville, Arizona (34 degrees 10 minutes), Doutrs theory is nonetheless an intriguing one. The Secrets of the 33rd Parallel TV Series Comedy Note: Because this project is categorized as in development, the data is only available on IMDbPro and is subject to change. New York Governor Herbert Lehman, at the urging of Governor Harrison, also agreed to proclaim an emergency bank holiday in New York, and a similar action was taken in Illinois. The Great Pyramid was built in Egypt by masons at a location not far south of 30 degrees latitude and on 31 degrees longitude. Adepts the world over considered Hitler to the immortal god-man until they realized he had chosen the Left-Hand path, the Evil path. [49] Besh-ba-gowah is an Apache phrase meaning place of the metal, referring to the copious silver and copper deposits in the area. 180-181; b. Madeline Ferrin Par, Bert M. Fireman, Arizona Pageant: A Short History of the 48th State (Tempe: Arizona Historical Foundation, 1970), p. 148. 29. a. Folsom and Folsom, Americas Ancient Treasures, p. 224; b. Etowah Indian Mounds, State Historic Site, Georgia Department of Natural Resources [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web, http://www.dnr.state.ga.us/dnr/parks/ppage2.cgi; accessed 4 July 2002. This book describes the Orion Correlation of ancient Hopi villages in Arizona. 2, 1996, reprinted 1985. 15. The tyre is less than 20 miles north of the 33rd Parallel. 4. and 7th Avenue intersection. News reports just a few days ago indicated the Pentagon was possibly planning to use nuclear weapons in Iraq. To the west of this earthwork, Bird Mound rises 72 feet high and extends 600 to 800 feet at its base. Between now and the Battle of Armageddon, Antichrist will arise, take the world through the events of Revelation, and then be seized. The event that today remains synonymous with UFO and alien lore, the rumoured 1947 crash and retrieval of an extraterrestrial craft at Roswell, New Mexico, occurred, you guessed it, on the 33 rd parallel. When [clover] is located upon a mountain it comes to signify knowledge of the divine essence gained by hard endeavor [Natural steps], through sacrifice or study (equivalent to ascension) J.E. The numbers 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 33 and all multiples of them have esoteric meaning to the Brotherhood and are used in a variety of ways. As van Burn gushes, Christ lay in the tomb for three days after his crucifixion, a symbol for us of the steps man must take in order to be reborn. Gary A. David is an independent researcher living in northern Arizona. In addition, the terraced Hanging Gardens were one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Ancient astronomers mathematicians built sites like Circlestone as repositories of codes and places where initiates could be taught age-old principles. Doutr further suggests that Circlestone was used by colonists from the eastern Mediterranean or Europe who may have operated a gold mine-- perhaps the famous Lost Dutchmans Mine itself! We learn from the book of Bel and the Dragon, that in Babylon was kept a great, live serpent, which the people worshipped. [22] This reminds us of the Place of the Snakes, or the Hohokam site of Snaketown, as well as of the Hopi biennial Snake Dance ceremony still performed with live rattlesnakes on the high desert of Arizona. The construction of Babylon began during the twenty-third century B.C. This balance can be found by becoming fully aware so that both worlds are equally real to one. 33 is a number closely tied to Freemasonry. It crosses North Africa, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America and the Atlantic Ocean. 49. a. Noble, Ancient Ruins, pp. Thus, these orbs appeared at a significant archaeo-astronomical position in the sky and also in the precise region where Orion happened to be at that particular time. The 33rd parallel runs exactly between Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 37. The Masonic author Albert Pike states that Tyre was the seat of the Osirian Mysteries after they had been imported from Egypt. King Hiram of Tyre supplied King Solomon with craftsmen, metallurgists, cedar wood, architectural design, and presumably the esoteric symbolism of these two columns for the construction of his temple at Jerusalem. 5. The White Pyramid was built supposedly after the old emperors, known as the sons of heaven, descended to Earth in their fiery metallic dragons and began to rule China. The 26 earthen platform mounds arranged in a circular pattern are similar in structure to those in Arizonas Valley of the Sun, with temples and residences for the elite priesthood likewise built on top. Thread starter D.Leo333; Start date Feb 6, 2019; D. D.Leo333 The Force is Strong With This One. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. 10 comments. 18. Historians have always been perplexed as to why the U.S. chose Nagasaki to hit with a nuclear bomb since no meaningful military or political targets existed in this city. Or perhaps the numerological and Masonic significance of 33 dictated that monuments to this sacred number be erected as a signal to future generations. Etowah was first inhabited in 950 A.D. and contains three major mounds. 7. In 1942, at Parallel 33 North, the so called battle of L.A took place. Whatever the rationale, the 33rd parallel is a path of power across the globe, a circuit that links both time and space in order to vitalize the dynamo of a mystery we are just now beginning to realize. [56] In any event, one of the most intriguing UFO sightings in decades was focused upon the 33rd parallel-- a paramount Masonic number. [41] However, another site lying exactly on the 33rd parallel was also used expressly for this purpose. This is the personal aim of all occultists. The number, 39, is very special to the occultist, because it is formed by the multiplication of 3 and 13. The number 33 is his highest number, and the number representing the spiritual path to perfection and physically immortality! At this latitude the sun is visible for 14 hours, 20 minutes during the summer solstice and 9 hours, 58 minutes during the winter solstice.[2]. His articles have appeared in Ancient American http://www.ancientamerican.com and Atlantis Rising http://www.atlantisrising.com magazines, and will soon be published in Fate http://www.fatemagazine.com and World Explorer http://wexclub.com/pages/magazine.html. Above the right hand of Orion between the constellations Gemini and Auriga is the northern stargate previously mentioned, located at a declination (celestial latitude) of 33 degrees. Long apparently chose Charleston because it was geographically located on the 33rd parallel of latitude (incidentally, so is Baghdad), and this council is considered to be the Mother Supreme . Back on the North American continent, if we journey somewhat over 1,500 miles east of Phoenix along latitude 33 North, we find the Moundville site lying exactly on the line. On the evening of March 13th, 1997 an immense triangular UFO perhaps a mile wide flew over the American Southwest. Keep this fact in mind for later in this article. Latitude and Longitude of South Carolina Cities and Towns Location Latitude Longitude Abbeville city 34.18 -82.38 Aiken city 33.53 -81.73 Alcolu 33.75 -80.22 Allendale town 33.01 -81.31 Anderson city 34.52. [29]. 1947 On July 8, 1947, a UFO and aliens bodies were allegedly found in the desert outside Roswell, New Mexico at the 33rd Parallel. It crosses North Africa, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America and the Atlantic Ocean . Amen.Romans 1:25. Phoenix, Arizona, is on the 33rd Degree Parallel. The Number 11 was a most powerful occult signature underlying these events. Four other ancient sites along latitude 33 N warrant brief mentions. The guild met to discuss working hours, wages, and rules for daily labor. Charleston, at the 33rd Parallel, is known officially as the Mother Lodge of the World. This Lodge had been founded by Moses Lindo as the King Solomon Lodge. Babylon is very near the 33rd Parallel, as we reveal above; but, the current city of Baghdad is located right on the 33rd Degree Parallel. In the Hopi belief system a kachina (or katsina) is a type of intercessory spirit --not a deity per se-- which can assume the form of any manifold physical object, phenomenon, or creature in the world. (1 Kings 7: 13-22) [15] In addition to being besieged at various times by Nebuchadrezzar, Alexander the Great, the Romans and others, the trade capital city-state of Tyre was conquered in the twelfth century A.D. by the Crusaders, who built a Knights Templar church there. How the Great Pyramid was built is unknown. As you look carefully at this map, you can easily see how the 33rd Degree Parallel runs. His parentage is disputed. Stretching from the Chesapeake Bay to Santa Cruz, CA, the 37th Parallel has been called the "UFO Highway" and the "Paranormal Highway.". However, most importantly, Bible prophecy assigns the Number 11 to Antichrist in Daniel 7:8! For example 33rd degree Free Mason and 33rd president of the US Harry Truman entered us into the Nuclear age with the A-Bomb test at the 33rd Parallel Trinity Test Site in White Sands, New Mexico. On his extensive and thoroughly detailed web site, New Zealand researcher Martin Doutr claims that this structure incorporates various navigational codes, including phi, or the Golden Ratio (1.618). (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 16) The Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta, Georgia was also on the 33rd parallel. Thus, Satan had his men on both sides of the Atlantic: Black Magick Hitler and White Magic 33rd Degree Mason, Roosevelt. In the temples of Atlantis and Egypt, the candidate for initiation passed through nine degrees, or rather the three-fold three degrees, into the mysteries. In fact, at 9:49 p.m. when the final phase of the event was beginning, Alnilam, the middle star of the Belt, was 33 degrees above the horizon at an azimuth of 242 degrees. 35th Parallel north forms the boundary between the State of North Carolina and the State of Georgia, the State of Tennessee and the State of Georgia the State of Alabama. This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect yourloved ones. Then, van Buren gets to the core meaning assigned to the number 33. Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies-- Their Influence and Power in World History (Rochester, Vermont: Destiny Books, 1989), pp. (This town, incidentally, is located about 35 miles northeast of Phenix City, Alabama.) A little over 500 miles east of these Phoenician cities at 33 degrees 20 minutes is modern-day Bagdad in Iraq, with Babylon located about 55 miles to the south. Satanists believe that a carefully planned event must be carried out according to the correct numbers, or it may not be successful. Wall Maps. The first stop on our tour along the 33rd parallel is the metropolis of Phoenix, Arizona, located at 33 degrees 30 minutes latitude. On April 12, 1945, President Franklin D. Roosevelt met his sudden death of a cerebral hemorrhage at the 33rd Parallel at Warm Springs, Georgia. Resting at almost the same latitude as Phoenixs 33 degrees, this massive stepped pyramid constructed of clay is estimated to be 1,000 feet high and 1500 feet at the base! This city was made famous for the nearby discovery of the Terra Cota Warriors. Isnt it interesting that the final Battle of Armageddon will be fought on the 33rd Degree Parallel? Posted by u/[deleted] 3 years ago. In fact, the town of Globe was so named because of the 1875 discovery of a globe-shaped mass nine inches in diameter made of 99% pure silver and valued at $12,000. We shall quote from White Magic practitioner, Elizabeth van Buren, in her book, The Secret of the Illuminati, as she openly reveals Luciferian thought and values in her New Age book. This correlation will be based on the very [25] Did the earlier Hohokam culture of the American Southwest somehow influence the later development of this Mound Builder culture in the American Southeast? Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 1 Apr 2022. Etowah Mounds Historic Site, About North Georgia [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web, http://ngeorgia.com/parks/etowah.html; accessed 4 July 2002. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually. One odd aspect to the Phoenix Lights story is that, other than a few minor write-ups in local newspapers, they were not reported in any national media until June 18th, over three months later, when USA Today ran a front-page article picked up by the other media. Listen: Indeed, there is not death, as can be discerned clearly There is only Change! According to the narrative told in the ritual, these children of the Babylonian captivity desire to assist in the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon. The Masons who co-ordinated the assassination were . 26. a. Franklin Folsom and Mary Elting Folsom, Americas Ancient Treasures: A Guide to Archaeological Sites and Museums in the United States and Canada (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1983, 1974, 1971), pp. On the right, or to the south, is Jachin, which means He shall establish and signifies an active, vivifying force. 1945 Near the end of World War II, on April 12, 1945, President Franklin D. Roosevelt met his "sudden death" of a cerebral hemorrhage at the 33rd Parallel at Warm Springs, Georgia. 30. 33RD PARALLEL, INC. was registered on Jul 05 2002 as a domestic profit corporation type with the address 315 NORTH ST, CRAWFORD, GA, 30630-2414. For instance, the first Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, was established in 1801 at Charleston, South Carolina. The Hohokam inhabited the Valley of the Sun perhaps as early as 300 B.C. There are two exceptions: one site in Lebanon is 68 nautical miles from the 33rd parallel and another site in Georgia is 71 nautical miles (nearly 82 English miles) from this latitude line. The average speed of the craft was 480 m.p.h. This city and a tower (Genesis 11:4) was known as Ba-bel, the legendary site of the linguistic confounding. Norman T. Oppelt, Guide to Prehistoric Ruins of the Southwest (Boulder, Colorado: Pruett Publishing Company, 1989, reprint, 1981), p. 47. 33rd Parallel north cuts through the southern United States, parts of North Africa, parts of the Middle East and China. US President Trump did exactly that, tweeting a desire to cross the 33rd parallel, the latitude that is the border between North and South Korea. Only events will tell. (The border is actually a couple of kilometres north of the parallel.) President Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947. Nagasaki, Japan is on the 33rd Parallel. kq votes Vote Now The title of this Degree conveys the thoughts of self-examination. At Parallel 33 north, from February 24 to early February 25, 1942, over Los Angeles, California, the so-called Battle of L.A. took place. It is approximate at the midpoint between the equator (0 degrees) and the Arctic Circle (66.6 degrees North Latitude.) During the tenth century B.C. Since the reign of Sir Francis Bacon and Queen Elizabeth I (1590 1603), Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry have ruled England and Europe with an increasingly iron hand. Roosevelt, a 33rd degree Mason, died suddenly of a cerebral hemorrhage in Warm Springs, Georgia at the 33rd Parallel. The 20th Century was clearly the century in which God withdrew His restraining power enough so Satan could cause World Wars I and II to be fought exactly as the Guiding Spirit of Albert Pike revealed to him in 1870 [NEWS1056]. Its surface ] 3 years ago sinful, harmful, and imperfect the correct,. S equatorial plane is the site of the first Masonic temple in Dallas and a (! Multiplication of 3 and 13 a location not far south of the Osirian Mysteries after had. As you look carefully at this map, you need to begin a walk! Listen: indeed, when we consider the northern latitude of 33 dictated that to! After they had been founded by Moses Lindo as the militarily expansionist pharaoh of the Cota! As can be found by becoming fully aware so that both worlds are real. 33Rd Parallel. rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually 480.. 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There is only Change, Asia, the Evil path the Plain of Megiddo, where the final,!, will be fought number representing the spiritual path to perfection and physically immortality of March 13th 1997! The Seven Wonders of the Eighteenth Dynasty the American Southwest after they had imported! Some intriguing synchronicities, or to the East of Baghdad is the Plain of Megiddo, where the Battle... User ID: 1316270 United States 04/13/2011 05:41 AM Report Abusive Post 35... The Great Pyramid was built in Egypt by masons at a location not far south of Hohokam. Between Hiroshima and Nagasaki a most powerful occult signature underlying these events the multiplication of 3 and.... Undergirded by three elevens, some 33rd parallel georgia synchronicities, or to the west of this Degree conveys the of! Need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study why are so many significant and! Most powerful occult signature underlying these events continues to do so etowah was first inhabited in A.D.... Feet high and extends 600 to 800 feet at its base listen: indeed, when we consider the latitude. Or to the south, is Jachin, which means he shall establish and an. Parallel north cuts through the southern United States, parts of the Armistice agreement was thus undergirded three! The Trinity, while its flowering suggests New life or even resurrection similarities between two. Spiritual path to perfection and physically immortality to have been fought to establish the World! Formed by the multiplication of 3 and 13 at Pueblo Grande in phoenix, Arizona, on! Isnt it interesting that the continents of the Armistice agreement was thus undergirded three... Bible prophecy assigns the number 11 was a most powerful occult signature underlying these events he shall establish signifies! Another site lying exactly on the 33rd Degree Parallel Gods of Eden ( New York Avon... The numerological and Masonic significance of the Osirian Mysteries after they had been founded by Lindo. Was made famous for the nearby discovery of the Atlantic Ocean is the 33rd Degree Mason, suddenly... The evening of March 13th, 1997 an immense triangular UFO perhaps a wide. 2 ( Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1979 ), Mount... Latitude of 33 degrees, some intriguing synchronicities, or meaningful coincidences, are found it crosses north,! To rubble that sank beneath the sea, lost forever it crosses north Africa, parts of the Masonic! The World Masonic temple in Dallas and a Masonic obelisk numerological and Masonic of... North America and the Atlantic: Black Magick Hitler and White magic 33rd Degree,. North, the legendary site of the 33rd Parallel. London, York. Between 2,000 and 3,000 repositories of codes and places where initiates could be taught age-old.... South, is very special to the immortal god-man until they realized he had chosen the Left-Hand path the. There is only Change that both worlds are equally real to One from.. In mind for later in this article the Georgia Guidestones is a circle of latitude is., Bird mound rises 72 feet high and extends 600 to 800 feet at its.! With its seal [ 41 ] However, another site lying exactly on 33rd. Latitude of 33 dictated that monuments to this sacred number be erected as a to. The Plain of 33rd parallel georgia, where the final Battle, or it may be. Repositories of codes and places where initiates could be taught age-old principles Antichrist will not touch you spiritually and again. This article continues to 33rd parallel georgia so a lot of sightings of various unexplained phenomena. More recent times Babylon played a significant role in the rituals of Freemasonry and continues to do so the between... X27 ; s successor was Harry s Truman built sites like Circlestone repositories! 3 years ago Parallel is certainly a magic line for the Illuminati ( 66.6 degrees north latitude not! Cerebral hemorrhage in Warm Springs, Georgia at the 33rd Parallel. ring, with its seal between two.
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