Translation for: 'to spread (out)' in English->German dictionary. jdm. place [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep : ein Brot belegen : to spread something on a slice of bread Use LEO's reference works to extend your knowledge of English and German grammar - with thousands of useful examples. German words for to spread include verbreiten, verteilen, ausbreiten, breiten, streuen, spreizen, übergreifen, sich ausbreiten, tragen and streichen. To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected. When it comes to the first stage of administering the vaccine for COVID-19, there appears to be wide consensus that policy makers should target … 1. Thank you for supporting LEO by making a donation. Collaborative Dictionary English-German, sich ausstrecken ; sich ausbreiten ; sich verbreiten, sich überall ausbreiten ({through} in) ; um sich greifen ({through} in), sich in etw erstrecken ; sich bis in etw erstrecken, ein ganz-/zweiseitiger Bericht ; eine ganz-/zweiseitige Anzeige, 'spread' also found in translations in German-English dictionary, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English-German translations from our dictionary, Die Tollwut beinhaltet nicht den Zwang, die Infektion zu, Die Apartments sind rund um das Stadtviertel San Marti, Wir konnten nicht zulassen, dass sich die Infektion. Deutsch: Englisch [etw] belegen Vt transitives Verb: Verben, die ein direktes Objekt benötigen ("jemanden benachrichtigen", "etwas brauchen"). Aktivieren Sie JavaScript für mehr Features und höhere Geschwindigkeit beim Abfragen. It started off as cancer of the liver but it spread to other areas of … Translation for 'to spread over' in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations. So to spread nicht ein mir unbekannter Fachbegriff für weiterverarbeiten ist, bin ich für st…, in order to spread right wing views throughout the East. die Nachricht beibringen: to break the news to sb. 'to spread' conjugation - English verbs conjugated in all tenses with the verb conjugator. [sand, fertilizer, muck] streuen , (in time) verteilen (over über +acc ) our resources are spread very thin unsere Mittel sind maximal beansprucht. You need to be logged in to use the vocabulary trainer. orn. is not responsible for their content. die Nachricht überbringen Back in 1958, Dr. Hans Konrad Schuff, a mathematician, established Mathematischer Beratungs- und Programmierdienst (mbp, Mathematical Consulting and Programming Service) in Dortmund. Continued high fuel prices w…, We welcome everyone to spread the generosity of the holiday season wir freuen uns ueber jed…, Im Münsterland soll es vor zwei, drei Generationen noch vorgekommen sein, dass die katholisc…. You can complete the translation of spread given by the English-German Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse, English-German dictionary : translate English words into German with online dictionaries. arrow_drop_down. In this Monday, Nov. 16, 2020 photo the German Chancellery is illuminated in Berlin, Germany. English ⇔ German Dictionary - Start page, SUCHWORT - Translation in LEO’s English ⇔ German Dictionary. In the German Holy Roman Empire of the High Middle Ages, there was a chronic power-struggle between the Emperor and the Pope, exemplified by the Investiture Controversy. jdm. BERLIN — The rise of new coronavirus infection numbers is highly worrying and Germany cannot allow the virus to spread exponentially again, German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s spokesman said on Monday. c (=distribute)- spread out [forces, writing, objects, payments, risk] verteilen. kolportieren = Duden: eine ungesicherte, unzutreffende Information verbreiten: ein Gerücht k…, He tried to spread his waiter's wages thinly. Article content. to spread all over the world: auf der ganzen Welt verbreiten: to break the news to sb. Canadian filmmakers hoping to spread cheer go ‘green’ with weed-themed holiday fireplace videos. Context sentences for "to spread up" in German These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. German words for spread include Verbreitung, Ausbreitung, verbreiten, verteilen, ausbreiten, Streuung, Aufstrich, Verteilung, Spanne and breiten. arrow_drop_down - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the country's 16 state governors are expected Wednesday to extend a partial shutdown well into December, and discuss tightening some restrictions while allowing somewhat more generous rules for the Christmas period. Translations in context of "spread to" in English-German from Reverso Context: to prevent the spread, to the spread, to be spread, spread according to claim, to spread out You can search the forum without needing to register. Ludwig Wittgenstein (1922) As well as Germany, German is the main (or one of the main) languages in Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Belgium. spread out translation in English - German Reverso dictionary, see also 'spread out',spread',spread about {(Brit) or} around',double-page spread', examples, definition, conjugation spreads, it gradually reaches a larger and larger area. 3. 1 Replies: to spread, to circulate - … A group of Germans dressed as Santa and angels who rent themselves out over the Christmas period gathered in Berlin on Saturday, keen to spread joy and practise their 'Ho-ho-hos' . If sth. Jay Inslee announced new travel restrictions for the United Kingdom and South Africa on Monday as a new coronavirus variant has emerged. The spread of computing in German businesses was accompanied by the need for consulting. This video introduces spread trading in 6 points. to spread out the wings: die Flügel ausbreiten: sports to spread-eagle the field: das Feld auseinanderreißen [Radsport etc.] Spread trading is the simultaneous buying and selling of related futures contracts. Enter a text into the text field and highlight one or several words with the mouse to look up a translation. We put a lot of love and effort into our project. Registration and use of the trainer are free of charge. Find more German words at! Disable your ad blocker for LEO or make a donation. A group of Germans dressed as Santa and angels who rent themselves out over the Christmas period gathered in Berlin on Saturday, keen to spread joy … The limits of my language mean the limits of my world. Get help from other users in our forums. spread out, spread out, spread about {(Brit) or} around, double-page spread, With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for spread and thousands of other words. Learn the translation for ‘SUCHWORT’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary. Offering forums, vocabulary trainer and language courses. Aus meinem Schulbuch. to react to the news: auf die Nachricht reagieren: idiom to spread the word [coll.] Publishing date: Dec 15, 2020 • • 2 minute read. All rights reserved. Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks. Stay on top of current and historical data relating to Italy 10 Year vs Germany 10 Year Spread Bond Yield. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. The state issued a … It looks like you’re using an ad blocker. From the 16th century the Protestant Reformation erupted, which took hold almost exclusively in territories where Germanic languages are spoken (the Netherlands, Germany, Scandinavia, Britain). ©2020 Reverso-Softissimo. spreads, it gradually reaches a larger and larger area. Your contribution supports us in maintaining and developing our services. es allen sagen [ugs.] Spread Germanisms Campaign to spread the use of German words in the English language - for the fun of it, to promote German as a second language and maybe even as payback for the spread … Spread of the German Language. Type Chinese Pinyin syllables to get a list of corresponding Chinese characters. Registration and participation are free! to ( cause to) cover, reach, or have an effect on a wider or increasing area: The fire spread very rapidly because of the strong wind. ... Phrasen Phrasen Nützliche Phrasen, übersetzt von Deutsch in 28 Sprachen. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs. The study projects increasing spread over the next five decades of wildlife diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses and infectious worms. Your online dictionary for English-German translations. (auf etwas legen) spread⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." Learn more. Translations in context of "Spread" in English-German from Reverso Context: spread over, spread out, spread spectrum, spread across, spread throughout Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet). spread the word definition: 1. to communicate a message to a lot of people: 2. to communicate a message to a lot of people: . "She found the cat." Deutsch Italiano Español Português ... England has been operating under a multi-tiered system since early December to combat the spread of the pandemic at the local level. You need to be logged in to start a new thread. - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses ✓ links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions ✓ free vocabulary trainer ✓. COVID-19 may be spread by people who are not showing symptoms. German Chancellor Angela Merkel wants further restrictions on public and private gatherings as the coronavirus continues to spread rapidly despite a partial lockdown since early November. Gerry's beginning to suffer from middle-age spread, die zunehmende Verbreitung von Atomwaffen, das war prima, was du etc da aufgetischt hast, he was lying with his arms and legs spread out, er lag mit ausgestreckten Armen und Beinen da, the view which was spread (out) before us, [forces, writing, objects, payments, risk], I'll spread the news to everyone in the office, sich erstrecken, sich ausdehnen (over, across über, er macht sich Sorgen, weil er in die Breite geht, mit ausgestreckten Armen und Beinen daliegen, alle viere von sich (, the policeman outlined the spread-eagled body, der Polizist zeichnete die Umrisse des ausgestreckt daliegenden Toten, Translation English - German Collins Dictionary. Gov. The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person. Build your vocabulary with our free vocab trainer. 2. English It has spread north up as far as the Skibotn river, and therefore to the top of the arm of Finland, as it appears on the map, and the Tenojoki river is under imminent threat. Please note: Contributions to LEO GmbH are not tax deductible. (Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt.) to spread: Last post 10 Apr 05, 11:56: in order to spread right wing views throughout the East: 1 Replies: to spread - (sich) verbreiten: Last post 01 Nov 08, 17:48: If sth. In need of language advice? 'to spread' Konjugation - einfaches Konjugieren englischer Verben mit dem Verb-Konjugator. A security's homogenised spread is the absolute difference between its bid and ask prices – the absolute spread – converted to a ratio of 1:1. Die Spezialisten, derzeit die beiden Handelshäuser ICF Kursmakler AG und Baader Bank AG, haben sich zu hohen Qualitätsstandards verpflichtet, um attraktive Kurse zu stellen. Der Kontext: Ein armer Einwanderer versucht s…, Sein Leben hat Georg Schuster nicht wie die anderen Bauernsöhne mit Mist breiten, Getreide d…, Adolph's sister, Nina, was brought in to look after the children, but unfortunately she, too…, Oil prices reached US$100 per barrel in the first days of 2008. d (=disseminate) [news, knowledge, panic, disease, smell] verbreiten. Also available as App! Author of the article: Angela Stelmakowich. 4. The visual gifts are meant to spruce up cannabis-friendly homes this holiday season. Aus meinem Schulbuch.