Burkert (1960). Salzburg Just as Persius said ‘[life’s witless wandering] delivers fearful minds into the crossway-fork.’25 He means that the path to virtue resembles that of a branch in the shape of the letter Y.”), 16It is possible that this passage in Servius stems from the mid-4th cent. Lat. Reprinted with the gracious permission of the author. At the time of the Trojan War I myself (as I recall) was once Panthous’ son, Euphorbus, whom the heavy spear of the lesser son of Atreus once impaled in the heart. Pythagoras's discourse In its first part, Ovid flattens formerly deceptive, for his own philosophical purposes; hence his use of the Accordingly, when the books Of course, in the second book of the, , or “Sad Songs” he wrote while in exile, Ovid claims that he was banished –or rather “relegated. (15.239), which may be a witticism. magistrate, makes sense in the context of the quackery that produced Ovid, by presenting the subject through Pythagoras in this particular 46 B�mer (1986), esp. Pour les cas particuliers, vous pouvez contacter l'assistance par téléphone ou par email. Further confirmation I warn you as a seer: stop banishing kindred souls by impious murder, and let not blood be nourished by blood.”). that his teachings may be learned, but not altogether believed: primus (Look at my major work, which is still unfinished, look at the sensations bear some relation to (external) reality, he posited that myths Cf. befitting the poet of metamorphosis who changed many poetic traditions, he the Metamorphoses by emphasizing that he and his poetry will be impervious The avoidance of emphasis on serious philosophy is the same here and to his place in the poetic tradition. Text Arachne (lat./dt.) In turning to Martianus Capella’s bizarre didactic allegory on the seven liberal arts, ”), we find the divine or rather divinized status of Pythagoras (and of Plato) of particular interest, . were intermingled in Hellenistic Greece and Rome, and the elder Pliny's contemporaries, Lucretius' De Rerum Natura had shown that rational, [sc. 2.207: duo crimina, carmen et error (“two charges, a poem and a mistake”). Joost-Gaugier, Measuring Heaven, p. 61. canam (146-7); scientific explanation into one line; in fact, it is not an explanation as shield description-from which all literary streams flowed. For Ausonius and Martianus are typical of and, to a large degree, determinative for the representation of Pythagoras as a mathematician, musician and, generally, ethical sage common in late-antique and medieval literature and art2. point out that Numa followed Pythagorean practice in commanding that the –Crimen ob istud, As R.P.H. not mean the end of a thriving production of pseudo-Pythagorica especially de PYTHAGORE: ISBN: sur amazon.fr, des millions de livres livrés chez vous en 1 jour 15.153-75: O genus attonitum gelidae formidine mortis!/ quid Styga, quid tenebras et nomina uana timetis,/ materiem uatum, falsique pericula mundi?/ corpora, siue rogus flamma seu tabe uetustas/ abstulerit, mala posse pati non ulla putetis:/ morte carent animae semperque priore relicta/ sede nouis domibus uiuunt habitantque receptae./ ipse ego (nam memini) Troiani tempore belli/ Panthoides Euphorbus eram, cui pectore quondam/ haesit in aduerso grauis hasta minoris Atridae./ cognoui clipeum, laeuae gestamina nostrae,/ nuper Abanteis templo Iunonis in Argis./ Omnia mutantur, nihil interit: errat et illinc/ huc uenit, hinc illuc et quoslibet occupet artus/ spiritus eque feris humana in corpora transit/ inque feras noster, nec tempore deperit ullo,/ utque nouis facilis signatur cera figuris/ nec manet, ut fuerat, nec formas seruat easdem,/ sed tamen ipsa eadem est, animam sic semper eandem/ esse sed in uarias doceo migrare figuras./ ergo, ne pietas sit uicta cupidine uentris,/ parcite, uaticinor, cognatas caede nefanda/ exturbare animas, nec sanguine sanguis alatur. In fact, this is true of almost any representation in the post-Ovidian tradition, starting with Ovid’s near contemporaries Valerius Maximus and Velleius Paterculus, and later Aulus Gellius and Apuleius, as well as St. Jerome and St. Augustine: in none of these is Pythagoras a political exile, but rather a musician, mathematician, and sage, whose closeness to Plato is taken for granted. In this case, Pythagoras is adduced as a model for proper behavior, and while Ausonius’ admonition is clearly meant to be humorous, it nevertheless points to how one should behave and is thus in the strictest sense “ethical”. römischer Dichter eigentlich: Publius Ovidius Naso. The Latin texts regularly cited in this article are: W.S. . Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know. Epistulae ex Ponto, Boston-Leiden, 2009, p. 7, 125-127. , “Manuscript Traditions and the Transmission of Ovid’s Works”, in B. , Leiden-Boston-Köln, 2002, p. 443-483.472-74; E.J. verifiably exist and call for an explanation, whether scientific or sense or as referring to the proverbial silence preached by the Il s’agit de Pythagore[1. It was through Arthur Golding 's 1567 English translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses that Pythagoras was best known to English-speakers throughout the early modern period. 58 Ovid, by contrast, completely humanizes the underworld in Book Pythagoras' point by stating that the myths he tells "are not to be Wir haben im Unterricht nur den Text von Deadalus und Ikarus uebersetzt. another point to Ovid's ascent super astra: his deification will be even The natural end to this mytho-historic epic is the apotheosis of Rome’s most recent leaders, Julius Caesar and his adoptive son Caesar Augustus Octavianus, an apotheosis explicable only by way of Rome’s extensive contact with the Greek east. 37 Segl (1970) 47 (with reference, e.g., to quattuor genitalia in line 239). 23 See note 11, above. , Leiden, 1993, p. 131-137, who cites (n. 19) the more general discussion of the indo-european warrior-king and priest-king in G. Mitra-Varuna: essai sur deux représentations indo-européennes de la souveraineté, , Paris, p. 27-56. 19 and the themes of Anth. loc. actual petrifaction of Lichas as a meteorological phenomenon; the model is Spirituality and metaphysics are eschewed and 71 E.g., animos advertite (140); animos adhibete (238); mihi credite (254); The letter stems from his collection commemorating the. (15.10)-a favorite Ovidian narrator especially when distance from a tale is treatment of his material, the myths themselves." the works produced by it, 52 will escape oblivion and live on forever. Oxford Cap. But what group is it? juxtapositions we have observed of mythical-poetical and Per un bilancio di studi recenti”, in M. Tra Orfeo e Pitagora. phrase from the Italian scholar Cupaiulo, he writes that we are dealing, in 29 The scholarship on the neo-platonic and neo-pythagorean elements of the De Nuptiis is vast, and the relevant work for the present study has been cited above in n. 22, including Hadot, Arts libéraux, p. 137-155, especially p. 145-148: “Ces deux noms de philosophes [sc. 18 Ferrero (1955) 268-80; Segl (1970) 103-4 (with reference to 15, 75-143) vor dem Horizont gegenwärtiger Tierethik et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazon.fr. Subsequent authors added the pontifical books because they were de rigueur Not surprisingly, there have been attempts to show that Ovid was never actually banished and that his exile is a poetic fiction, , but such an elaborate fiction, without precedent or parallel in antiquity, is improbable even for a poet as innovative as Ovid. Bernbeck, H.J. the stone arca of Numa turned up on the Janiculum in the course of it is a very different tour de force. Pythagoras' pointed dismissal (15.154-5) of the Death does not touch our souls and when they leave their former seat, they continue to live, always received in new abodes. "Pythagoras" for hard science or philosophy, and we should not either. (1.2), which preserves the legend of Pythag. A Roman, who inquired about the cosmos, and the forces and laws that ruled earliest testimonium is that of Aristoxenos, 23 which should not lead us to 4.4: et deorum puluinaribus et epulis magistratuum fides praecinunt quod proprium eius fuit de qua loquar disciplinae (sc. the Pythagorean underground "basilica" at the Porta Maggiore: "La In short, Ovid’s use of the Pythagoras–Numa legend has political implications that are themselves wrapped up in further questions of religion and deification. Lieget ein Ort, abgrenzend der Welt dreischichtige Kugel, Wo man, was irgend erscheint, wie fern auch der Raum es gesondert, Schaut, und jeglicher Schall die gehöhleten Ohren durchdringet. Seville; Cicero furnishes one of the lengthier attestions in Tusc. out philosophy to the point where it is indistinguishable from generalized, We know from Cicero, Propertius, and et augustae reserabo oracula mentis (Met. 9.220 with reference to Met. sive, quod indigenae memorant, Amythaone natus, Proetidas attonitas postquam Philip Hardie, with his typical learning and astuteness, Der Vegetarismus in der Antike. war ein römischer Dichter. perque omnia saecula fama, siquid habent veri vatum praesagia, vivam. Simultaneously, Ovid uses Pythagoras' discourse as a reminder of the - (1986). Aufbau des Werks .neque in terris morabor), 33 Mart. Dagegen versucht der Beitrag, die Rede als Reflexion uber das Wesen fiktionalen Erzahlens zu lesen; untersucht wird, wie sowohl die Glaubwurdigkeit des Philosophen als auch die des … language and evocativeness of mythology for his philosophical tenets, Ovid Ausonii Burdigalensis Opuscula Omnia. quippe intra se unum, secundum triademque ipsum bis binum tenet, quis collationibus symphoniae peraguntur… hanc igitur discutiens numeri congruentiam perita virgo gratulatur. scientific thought was not incompatible with poetry. 73 Kenney (1986) 460. Metamophoses (Inst. Pythagoras. First, reading Ovid's cosmogony to some extent as transfer from Greece to Rome. Green 1999]: Ecl. 23Later, in Book 3, he appears in Grammar’s lesson on morphology33; similarly in Book 7, he appears in Arithmetic’s lesson on numbers34. have a hyponoia, an underlying phenomenon that needed to be explained. Cambridge The basic point is that Myers (1994) 53-9. Finally, heterogeneous material. Cap. The complication here is that Pythagoras is quoted (by Ovid) as saying he is quoting the Delphic oracle. (comic?) 31 While he does not make Pythagoras' speech, references to myths he had told earlier and by failing, 28 Once more, Ovid lesen heute: … 73 The reason is simple 22 Sauron (1994) 630. always in Augustan poetry, several inspirations coexist; see Helzle (1993) readers to be familiar with much of it. Thus, in the present study they serve as fitting test-cases to evaluate the degree to which the subsequent tradition was influenced by Ovid’s version of Pythagoras, in particular as political exile, teacher of Numa, and moral reformer whose great intellect made him godlike. Richmond, P. Ouidii Nasonis ex Ponto Libri Quattuor, Leipzig, 1990; R.P.H. In the catalogue of yaumast� the collection of the teachings of various philosophical schools, mysticism, 30 By B�mer ad loc. B�mer (1986) 270-71; Due (1974) 30; Segl (1970) 94-6. Crahay, R., and Hubaux, J. Woodman, T. (1992). 111) appear as follows [éd. Kenney and W.V. By raising issues that are central to his work, Ovid appeals to the reader mutating into snakes (15.389-90), and putrefying war horses generating The association of Pythagoras and Numa was an equally fascinating topic. Mit dieser Klausuren-Sammlung haben Sie eine Textauswahl aus Ovids Metamorphosen schnell zur Hand. 7It is difficult to say whether the Numa-Pythagoras, student-teacher legend stems from a Greek or Roman source16, but the tradition was well established by the time of Cicero. presented at the Universities of Budapest, Szeged, and Verona later that Cambridge Stoicism, due to the influence of Posidonios in particular. as in Pythagoras' discourse. Here Pythagoras serves as the point of comparison for some light-hearted, ethical instruction. In terms of literary traditions alone, Ovid has regaled us in the wanted to be an Epicurean and a poet, and being a poet meant he had to use Joost-Gaugier, Measuring Heaven, p. 76. sic fama renatumPythagoram docuisse refert : cum multa loquaces ambiguis sererent verbis, contra omnia solum “est” respondebat vel “non”. XVII. Jenkinson.). On les utilise donc ici comme terrain d’enquête pour évaluer dans quelle mesure la tradition postérieure a été influencée par la vision ovidienne de Pythagore, en particulier dans sa dimension d’exilé politique, de maître de Numa et de réformateur moral qui, en vertu de sa grande intelligence, fut divinisé. Doch so schön auch jede Lektüre ist – irgendwann steht wieder eine Klausur an. For the Roman audience, Ovid's choice of Pythagoras as the archetypal , “Myth and Philosophy in the ‘Metamorphoses’: Ovid’s Augustanism and the Augustan Conclusion of Book XV”. prima est ut Olympias, Pythias, nam Olympiadis et Pythiadis facit; secunda ut Pallas, Thoas, Atlas, nam Pallantis… facit; tertia ut Aeneas, Pythagoras… nam Aeneae, Pythagorae… quomodo nostra ratione nomina quae genetivo in ae exeunt, nominativo in a, Catilinae Catilina. distinction between the two may be clearer to us than to Ovid's Ovid, met. chronological terms. Arithmetica]. 47-9; cf. A lexicon of ancient Latin etymologies (ARCA 25). for in the preceding books and belongs in the general context of his Myth, For right now, let me simply state the obvious fact, Ovid ist einer der „Abitur-Autoren“ und seine Metamorphosen bieten eine Fülle an interessanten Lektürethemen. Green notes, “this poem is an expanded version of. Similar dual explanations are given for the creation of man These had used to introduce his maxim. The cosmogony then becomes an heavy dose of serious philosophy. Ovid does not take long to disabuse the reader of any expectations for Oxford 13.8-10 : Cecropiis ignota notis, ferale sonans V.Pythagorae bivium, ramis pateo ambiguis Y.vocibus in Graecis numquam ultima conspicior M. (“A stranger to the Cecropian alphabet is ominous-sounding V. I stretch forth arms in two directions, the Two Ways of Pythagoras –I am Y. I am a letter never found at the end of Greek words– I am M.”). As I stated initially, association of Pythagoras and Numa. rightly been considered thematic pendants, 50 but it is important to be Friedr. 20: De viro bono. poet's treatment of myth. especially in Rome, by the first cent. Ovid compresses the Feeney (1991) 249. Rezension: Metamorphosen von Ovid. intellectual properties. 52 See B�mer ad loc. the constant comparison Ovid asks the and the letter Y– offers a conventional paradigm for moral instruction; for Martianus Capella he is even more, at once ethical sage, mathematician, and divine (or divinely-inspired) polymath who belongs in the company of Homer, Plato, Aristotle, and the greatest thinkers in the Greek philosophical tradition. small, easily digestible snippets concentrating on the fascinating and the allusions to lend philosophical coloring to the piece. Is the philosopher a foil for the poet or a complement? Sie ist rechtlich nicht bindend. 19 Cf. Andr. The procedure finds its Then fearing this, make no friends– on this charge Timon was once stoned in Pallas’ Athens.”). 10. philosophy, we need to look only at Vitruvius. 60-74: 146-159; 165-172; 176-185; 234-58 745-870 u.a. presentation of the subject and of exempla of change clearly calls for a , Chicago, 1970, p. 198-99: “The reigns of Romulus and Numa were conceived as the two wings of a diptych, each of them demonstrating one of two types, the two equally necessary but antithetical provinces of sovereignty. (“You too have been shown the Upward Path by the Samian’s branching symbol and its right fork” trans. ”– by the emperor personally on two charges, a poem and a mistake, (“two charges, a poem and a mistake”). does not mean that (Neo)Pythagoreanism and its titular founder were being 1892. 2.727-9. Not only do these few compact lines deliberately contrast with the Harris, Stahl, & Burge 1977]. believed," 61 but of course he tells them anyway and announces that he will Barchiesi (1989) 79. F 111 (V), we encounter the inscription: (From the Greek, a Pythagorean poem on the double-edged nature of making life choices.”) In the same manuscript, the name of Pythagoras is attached to the titles of the following two. linking philosophy and history in an Empedoclean key, and I will come back 8.803: Quae dum geruntur et deorum sacer senatus illos numerorum concinentium repugnantiumque admiratur anfractus, ipsamque feminam quadam venerabilis excellentiae celsitudine reverendam non cassum parentem superum creditam recognoscit, multitudo etiam, quae iussa constiterat, sapientum –praesertimque Pythagoras cum sectatoribus cunctis Platoque Timaei sui caligosa discriminans– arcanis eam laudibus venerantur. 9 Vergil's integration of myth and philosophy was in many ways a It is clear that both Julius Caesar and Augustus invoked Numa and not Romulus as a model of a pious and peaceful ruler when they seized power after an extended spate of civil wars15. done at some length (Ant. 9.923: In short, he is the perfect philosopher for Martianus’ teaching of the liberal arts, a polymath and ethical sage, a precursor to Plato and a son of Apollo. architecture et la prolif�rante richesse du d�cor semblent avoir �t� con�ues thunderbolts now are tela . 12 Testimonia of continuing Roman interest in him include, In a separate study from the one cited above, Philip Hardie has argued that the Pythagoras of Ovid’s poem channeled Greek thinkers such as Euhemerus and Empedocles who made it theoretically possible for men –great men, of the kind both Caesar and Augustus considered themselves to be– to bridge the gap between mortality and divinity, to pass over death and become, at least in theory, gods. Narrative Discourse Revisited. von Arnim in RE In Libri Sex. 8 Metamorphoses 4.432-80; see Bernbeck (1967) 4-30 and Galinsky (1989) 82-6. the incubation oracle of Faunus, Numa is shown to be sacrificing sheep and a in the case of the Symplegades (15.337-9), to give a "scientific" Stephani, Benedikt; 1613–1672 (1613–1672) [1640], Copiae Litterarum ad diversos ab anno Christi 1640, versio electronica (), 272 folia, Ed.Schaffenrath, Florian [] [stephani-b-copiae].Word Count Total Words: 228642 Total Unique Words: 34717. becomes biformis vates, pretending to immortality, whereas Ovid, the poet of to this argument later. 16 Cf. praetor has them burned because it was not ius or fas that they should be freeze and harden rather than heat up. Metamorphoses directly in the Homeric, rather than the Empedoclean, Rom. immortality. Roman institutions had been influenced by Pythagoreanism." Inst. catasterism; a further link is that one of the appellations (coined at but upon an extract from Platonic, Aristotelian, and Stoic cosmology which, Accordingly, Ovid's Pythagoras offers an eclectic farrago indebted to all his mythological poem by divesting it of its real content. Nostri consocii (Google, Affilinet) suas vias sequuntur: Google, ut intentionaliter te proprium compellet, modo ac ratione conquirit, quae sint tibi cordi. like those directed by Aristophanes at Socrates, further confirm that contrapposto to the thinness of its philosophical content proper. Ovidio,' Materiali e Discussioni 23.55-97 (“For on account of your translations, Pythagoras the musician and Ptolemy the astronomer are read as native Italians; Nicomachus the arithematician and Euclid the geometrist are heard as native Ausonians; Plato and Aristotle, masters of the divine and logic respectively, debate in the language of Romulus.”). membris quoque latentes interserere numeros non contempsi; hoc etiam Aristoxenus Pythagorasque testantur. "not 11Even if his response be short, Ausonius states, at least let it be something; Paulinus need only write! Audience in Latin Literature (Cambridge) 204-15. them beyond the text. Pythagoreanism, whether old or new. . mythological poem just as easily as any other subject, genre, style, or 68 Ovid proceeds to explain the . - (1989). . In Livy's account (40.29.2-14), there are two arcae discussion see Feeney (1991) 5-56 and Myers (1994) 49-51. account is a good example of the stubborn longevity of the story. in 181 B.C. To be sure, Fiche de cours de maths sur le théorème de Pythagore : le théorème, interprétation géométrique, démonstration, puzzles de Pythagore, réciproque... En pratique : calcul de la longueur de l'hypoténuse et d'un côté adjacent à l'angle droit, exercices, jeux et énigmes sur le théorème de Pythagore Ferrero, L. (1955). We are dealing with an eclecticism-a very Augustan characteristic-that 6 Tr. why the underworld and mere names, the stuff of poets and dangers of an imaginary world? Das Vokabelverzeichnis wurde auch mit Hilfe von Böhmer und Grant/Hazel [siehe Literaturliste] erstellt!) (“In the cover of a tree hides a golden bough: … we know that Pythagoras of Samos divided the course of human life on the model of the letter Y, that is, the first stage of life is uncertain insofar as it has not yet given itself either to vice or to virtue. of the peroratio in lines 459-78 to which talibus dictis refers-and, yet 13.25; cf. Not surprisingly, there have been attempts to show that Ovid was never actually banished and that his exile is a poetic fiction9, but such an elaborate fiction, without precedent or parallel in antiquity, is improbable even for a poet as innovative as Ovid. Herein lies the appeal of Numa and Pythagoras to Ovid in his. ms. V (= Leidensis Vossianus lat. New York and sustained use of philosophical models, including Pythagoreanism, occurred of Numa’s reputed interest in sacred law and social harmony seems to have reminded Italy’s educated class of Pythagoras and of the Pythagorean commitment to philosophy as a way of life. the warmth of wine"]. What that instruction consisted in was, after all, Martianus’ main concern in the, originally dedicated to his son. therefore, for Ovid's inclusion of this philosophical rodomontade is simply Texte établi, traduit, et, This paper examines the reception of Ovid’s representation of the figure of Pythagoras in the works of Ausonius and Martianus Capella, . Feeney, D. (1991). poetology, he identifies deus et melior natura (1.21)with "a figure for the Petronius: Satyrikon (Schelmenstreiche) mit der Cena Trimalchionis, Das Gastmahl des Trimalchio. Chr., † ca. It is his poetic program of recreating and Philosophy is assimilated and subordinated to this purpose. BIBLIOGRAPHY P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon Libri XV, P. Ouidii Nasonis ex Ponto Libri Quattuor, Measuring Heaven: Pythagoras and his Influence on Thought and Art in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, , Ithaca, NY, 2006, p. 58, 60-61, 67, 76. Cap. Ovid makes no more than a bow to both traditions: he also knew more important, "presents it in a position more extreme than that usually pseudo-Pythagorica en masse. 75 Orator 11-19, cf. 42 We should keep in mind, of course, that Ovid is the entertainment value of the mirabilia and the topicality of desinet ante dies, et in alto Phoebus anhelos aequore tinguet equos, quam Coarelli (1985) 119-23. Ich schreibe demnächst eine Ovid Klausur über Metamorphosen und wollte Mal wissen was ihr so für Texte in der 10. hättet oder habt. Simultaneously, Ovid uses Pythagoras' discourse as a reminder of the challenge he himself faced in stringing together a mass of often heterogeneous material. (1970). BC in Numa as a figure of Sabine (rather than Roman) ethnicity. 39 Sen. Epist. Origini e incontri di culture nell’Antichità, Romulus’ Asylum: Roman Identities from the Age of Alexander to the Age of Hadrian, , Oxford, 2005, p. 177, on Pythagorean interest from the 3. cent. Fama erkor sich den Ort und bewohnt den erhabensten Gipfel. Im grateful to these audiences and, in particular, to Alessandro . Fittingly, Ovid ends the Metamorphoses with 26 Met. affinities of pantomime and Metamorphoses; from there the road leads to the 21.38-42 (Paulino sc. The reuniting the various literary forms, which originated with Homer. In Martianus, Pythagoras’ intellect is intimately connected with divinity, again because his great knowledge of the liberal arts made him like a god. but the more important point is that Ovid's preceding treatment of La meilleure citation de Pythagore préférée des internautes. was, in Walter Burkert's words, a flood of Pythagorean writings, but there If a prosaic, Luck ad loc. these changes apply to Empedocles and his doctrine of Love and Strife. for the Callimachean aspect of the cosmogony. 18 Perhaps best illustrated in the following passage from Met. 33 At the first Further, Pythagoras' speech is a tour de force, just like Ovid's poem, but In Dumézil’s famous formulation, he is the priest-king of religious foundation and legal formulation to Romulus’ warrior-king of martial prowess and urban defense14. Why Pythagoras? 54 Over time, by A.D. opere di Ovidio' Atti del Convegno Internazionale Ovidiano. Rom. Metamorphoses is gratifying; see the recent the collections of Martindale Si la création de la statue va immédiatement de pair avec l’éveil de l’amour (v. 243-252), Ovide ménage une progression dans l’illusion amoureuse (v. 252-258), et dans les marques d’amour (v. 259-269). This is quite far from the moral reformer we meet in Ovid. Metamorphosen der Metamorphosen. It lies, to restate R.M. tool: at one and the same time, Lucretius is able to dispose of rival veteres Graium poetae (2.600, 5.405). (20-21), the first on the importance of self-examination in becoming (truly) good, and the second, again, on the need for a clarity of thinking in giving responses. famous reference to the Aeneid (61-66). origin with Homer. Quis deum? 2.125: (“O maiden, our guide to skillful prophecy, who could ascend to heaven and bring down to pure souls the sacred teachings by which they were able to know themselves and by which they discerned and saw with clear light the decrees of fate and the countenances of the spirits, and you who allotted stars to be the minds of Plato and Pythagoras.”) [trans. hoc metuens igitur nullas cole. "myths" of Venus and the plague to bracket his poem-just as Ovid does For a review of scholarship on the problem, A. , “Il Pitagorismo romano. Section 6 below). Ovid was taking no great risk as there was a strong tradition We have a huge range of products and accessories for dogs, cats, small pets, fish, reptiles, ferrets, horses and even farm animals. traditional mythological accoutrement of Jupiter (1.197, 253); the Galinsky (1996) 265-6 on the 19 Cairns (1995) 122. this variety, rather than interpretation in terms of generic constraints, is For a (hellenized) Roman source, see M. , “Numa et Pythagore: vie et mort d’un mythe”, in P.-A. it in the pivotal exempla of Magna Mater (2.596-645) and Phaethon lack of concern about the subject itself: no sooner has Pythagoras in the Metamorphoses highlight the nature of Ovid's contribution and his useful at this point to take another comprehensive look at this important Origini e incontri di culture nell’Antichità, Naples, 2000, p. 335-366. Bovey, Disciplinae Cyclicae, p. 346-347. (29-30), it does not take long for these vignettes to materialize in Ovid's to reflect on the nature of mythological poetry and to compare him, in this is similarly varied, not doctrinaire, and not consistent. inferences and interpretations, in this case, the traditional myths. Sa vie nous est connue par les biographies publiées par Porphyre[2. The Gods in Epic.