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That is the end result and everything that the Black Hats do just propels us closer to our spiritual evolution. background: '#b9b5db', Her father had recently passed away, and she and her brother,Steven Williams, a famous radio show host in his own right, had discovered many unexplainable items in their fathers personal belongings. Bill also said that the absence of material scarcity would have to happen this year, which can be very possible if the aliens appear and assist humanity to get off scarcity of food and energy. you are a brave and beautiful soul, your words resonates According to Wilcock, they have been using this technology at least since the 1940s. He claims that this interest in remote viewing began within the CIA in the 1970s. It is a wonderful interview .Your interviews are great. I have a friend in Portland Oregon who is almost deaf. and it actually changes the nature of reality. While these missiles were programed to fly to designated coordinates and hit targets matching the photo in its programming, there existed a high level of error. Lets face it, if he was a 17 year old mastermind of thefastest rocketon Earth in 1971 andsecretly fundedby theU.S. governmentto develop his rocket forfirst-strikecapability, who would believe him? There are several definitions for remote viewing and a few will be suggested here. ~ryushin. Wood went on to say that Duncan had been told his super abilities came from the implant as well as the training. Yes many of us are hearing impaired. We need to awaken as many people as possible. Federal Reserve Bank has now merged with the US Treasury, paving the way for a new economic system that will likely be backed by precious metals and not debt (this is huge). Because youre the creators. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. (6:38 minute mark). The targets would be attacked by Tomahawk missiles. Love and light to you and Bill! Also, he came to me in 2002 so I know he's real I justdidn't know who he was until I saw him speaking in this video 15 years later. What event could be so major as to get so many people to focus and converge on one timeline to go on a certain lesson path of duality? Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass: An interview with an ex-Navy Seal, https://projectcamelotproductions.com/interviews/bill_wood/bill_wood.html, Project Camelot; Bill Wood; Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass - Mandela Effect Explanation, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGPqLX9XYbk, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_q59O9k8SQ&t=2476s, http://www.CCCPublishing.com http://www.BradOlsen.com http://www.HowWeird.org, & , : http://theoptimizedtribe.com, The True Great Awakening, [23.01.21 13:01] It's me in adifferentbody from ourfuture, in ourpast. Both players know the game is over. (Bill Wood). AdvertiseAnother way to support our work is placing ads on our sites. DonateYour generous donations make it possible for us to continue our work. This placebo effect also led to more control over Duncan. I will help you. Plus he had been told that if he did not keep silent and just go away, he would be given 8 years of prison. After Cassidy prompted him to make a disclaimer (for legal purposes) that he intended to write a novel, Bill Wood gave up some of the most important secrets ever released. But even a military and seemingly materialistic(perceived by them) person like Bill could not determine and perceive the possibility of a materialistic future reality that is similar to the present, it would have confirmed that Looking Glass is not like the Yellow Cube. Greaterreality.com shares remote viewing protocols which you can learn and test. Thanks Lisa and Bill By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. Each to our own depth. 2:08:32 But their (the Cabals) reaction will have an opposite effect and lead to their undesired outcome. Former military and secret space programs whistleblowers and insiders have exposed these technologies. Each timeline that is shown by the Looking Glass represents a possible lesson for people to take. Please join me on Telegram https://t.me/massawakening. The Seal Teams provided final electronic guidance to the missiles from their ground positions increasing accuracy. At 1:08:22 hour mark (in the above-mentioned video), these sources claim that theres only one timeline moving forward now and in fact, all the timelines converge to this one timeline which is the timeline of awakening or ascension (which I call mass awakening of humanity worldwide) and theres nothing that the Deep State can do right now to stop it. He repeats what other sources say that only by this technology, Hillary Clinton wasnt elected but Trump with the white hats in the military (and intelligence agencies) that saved humanity. What he does know is that his parents took him to a hardware store where he was tested on a puzzle that a strange woman used to choose him. However, we are not aware about the war going underground or in the sky. Bill did say that he had a grey alien instructor who taught him telepathy at area 51. Thanks Lisa for another great interview. . Having witnessed large numbers of buildings being destroyed he did not fall for the concept ofpancaking floors. She contacted David and questioned him about his involvement with her father, hisrocket design,Area 51,Arthur RudolphandWernher Von Braun. [] So whoever uses the Yellow Cube can, theoretically, see probable outcomes as a result of specific actions. SUPER TOP SECRET NATIONAL ASSETS - Enjoy the [DECLAS] Drops, https://allaboutdavidadair.wordpress.com/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtHCofbE1PM, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcLKMH2U0Jw, PROJECT CAMELOT; BILL WOOD; ABOVE & BEYOND PROJECT LOOKING GLASS, https://www.bitchute.com/video/x89kaiHX36vR/, https://realityinsight.weebly.com/the-armchair/bill-wood-brockbrader-an-american-hero, (See video in the Darkened Room) Any chance there is a written transcript available, somewhere, so this interview can be heard by those who are hearing impaired? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59J7DPlKwLU&feature=related, Thank you, Lisa! Its title is Thats Life by the Scorz (Armada Music). This triggers changes, in awareness . Because the Looking Glass was placed and used on Earth, it can only show lesson paths that are meant for people of this planet, it cannot show the lesson paths meant for beings of other planets. Please send a tip. For example, if one were to look back to the time of Jesus crucifixion, if the person doing so was an atheist, they may not see anything at all. Bill Wood is a ten year veteran of the Navy Seals who has decided to go public with what he did as a controller of clandestine Tomahawk Missiles fired into the Middle East; in places like Northern Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and one or two in Iran, and Lebanon, Syria and Libya from 1992 until 2000. June 24, 2020David Adair,Rocket Science,UFOArea 51,Arthur Rudolph,black ops,Colonel Bailey Arthur Williams,Curtis LeMay,fastest rocket on Earth,government coverup,Jan Williams,military secrets,Pitholem,rocket design,Steven Williams,Wernher Von Braun,White Sands New Mexico. Go Bill , Go! He simply wanted to leave the military experience behind. We are in the darkest days in 2021/22 and into 23 before dawn breaks and a whole new reality emerges based on love and freedom. Re: Project Camelot; Bill Wood; Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass. David Ickes made a powerful statement related to insiders future (Bill Wood) according to the Looking Glass device. Bill Wood was a member of Navy Seal Team 9, with three teams of three men. If the aliens appear and share technology and spiritual information, people will then be forced to focus on a main concern related to their own existence. Shes not done with us. The paper sets up general requirements to subcontractors for them to make proposals as to what they can do to get in on the action. To demonstrate this, Ill share insights about our creative abilities and power to affect our reality from Mass Awakening (p. 44): After reading the book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy MD., I understood the principle and was able to heal myself from a recurring health condition that was being treated by antibiotics and made me extremely weak during my studies in the UK. 2:04:21 He says that this secret sent everyone who knows this secret (including the Elites of the world) into a blind panic in Bill Woods words. That gateway is open and you are being flooded and you are being assisted and you will be assisted every step of the way. I haven't watched the video in years, so if I remember correctly, Bill Wood explains that the good guys have won, and project looking glass . (Jesus through Linda Dillon, Heart Call, Sept. 19, 2020.). Press Esc to cancel. It doesnt mean they wont try to cause as much pain, suffering and destruction as possible in their last remaining moves, but the final outcome is already preordained. (sgtreport.com). joan hopper william hopper's daughter; escape to the chateau boat hire; maria zhukova daughter of zhukov The last article contained so much information that I had to move to such server twice. Do not get caught in the drama of white hats or black hats, or good guys or bad guys. The reason for keeping this secret was to protect the fact there were alternatives to petroleum and liquid fueled rockets. But Wood is intent upon spreading his message to the rest of us that the game is up. Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass: An interview with an ex-Navy Seal This is an interview with an ex-Navy Seal, who, during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. Why is Bill Wood / Brockbrader in Prison. It gets really interesting after about 100 minutes or so. And, the law allowing for establishment of these camps is the 111th Congress, 1st Session,H. R. 645 dated January 22, 2009. What events could be the trigger? They all have the descriptions of its functions and abilities wrong. 2:00:31 hour mark According to Bill Woods understanding, the problem was that at a certain point in time, the timelines converge (sounds similar to what Mike Adams talks about in the previously-mentioned video). If you are one of them, or know them, please send me the link to your, or their, site to give credit. 138K 118 1:05:30. Plandemic Censorship: Are We Living In Orwells 1984? This is the key to setting the timeline. She wanted to know if Duncan and Bill had gone through a similar program. Wood is firm in his conviction that humanity is on the brink of a new beginning and an awakening. Here is the list of categories: Catering Services; Temporary Fencing and Barricades; Hand Washing Stations; Laundry Services; Medical Services; Office Trailers / Administration Area; Potable Water; Power Generation; Fuel Delivery / Supply & Electrical Distribution; Refuse Collection; Shower and Toilet Units; Tentage, Flooring, Electrical & HVAC/ECU; Waste Water Removal. 2:04:41 From a time beyond December 21, 2012, nothing could be manipulated. Wood is an ex-Navy Seal specializing in string theory, and his information about Project Looking Glass was mind-blowing . I have heard that aliens and maybe other spiritual beings will reveal themselves to people this year and possible reveal about Earths impending 5D ascension, which could no doubt lead to the convergence of peoples duality lessons as people of this planet are forced to concentrate and focus on their duality/spiritual lessons to prepare for earths ascension. My name is Shoshi Herscu, an investigative journalist and activist from Israel. Read here. Proudly created with, Bill Wood / Brockbrader - an American Hero, Project Overview and Anticipated Project Requirements. Remote viewing and Project Looking Glass are few of the most suppressed technologies out there. This consensual sex occurred in California two years earlier where it was actually legal at the time. As Wood put it: How many are aware that there are aliens observing earth? Importantly, we have already passed the point of convergence in these timelines, meaning theres nothing that Satan, the deep state and demonic forces can do to stop the ultimate victory of good over evil. Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. It brings up 2012 in a new light. And when she asked him about Duncan, Bill told the biggest secret of them all. Find out how this highly trained young man and his team were coerced by the military into purposely destroying villages and creating future terrorists as part of a plan that would ultimately serve their dark purpose, the war on terror and 911. Gradually Wood began using the Internet to further his understanding of what was really going on. Pat: Pay especial attention to the last 45 minutes, starting at 1:46. And if that weren't enough, hear how he was trained in Area 51 as a specially gifted group of highly classified psy spies to see beyond the famous Looking Glass technology into the future involving 2012 and beyond. Unfortunately, this same principle is used to the detriment of humanity. Even then Wood kept silent. Buy a Camelot T-ShirtAnother way to support Project Camelot and get the word out, is to buy a Project Camelot T Shirt. tweets: { Under the direction ofCurtis LeMay,Colonel Bailey Arthur Williamswas assigned to oversee the design ofPitholem, the rocket that was created by Adair and launched fromWhite Sands New MexicotoArea 51. Your contributions also enabled me to start promoting my book on a new platform for half a year. Understanding his 300 page book, Americas Fall From Space and making sense of his cat-like nine lives took many years to grasp and come to terms with. you guys are really watching crap. Thank you, Responsibility is not burden, fault, praise, blame, credit, shame or guilt. It seems that they removed all mentions of this specific technology. However, now he realizes that its the end of their world. Hi! While these missiles were programed to fly to designated coordinates and hit targets matching the photo in its programming, there existed a high level of error. What we focus our thoughts on creates our reality, and it is high time for us to focus on love and hope and create a better reality. To Wood and his group, this was the last straw. And if there is no truth, there will not be peace and [peace], Sweet One, is the Plan. Through the years I have followed the story, wanting to believe, but waiting for some fact to disprove Adairs testimony. They also need to make every citizen aware that the Bad Guys next act would be of creating some awful disaster to create panic. According to distractify.com, the Yellow Cube technology is allegedly used by industrial-military complex to manipulate timelines. Wood went back to work. Its eminent. There is a distinct lack of reality in that thinking. Bill Wood's Full Interview with Kerry Cassidy in 2010 'Above & Beyond Project Looking.. News video on One News Page on Friday, 28 January 2022. . You are a big kid and can use discernment to make up your own mind as to what is truth and what is not. So if possible, please let him know he is welcome to join us. It is an expos on dark agendas and how people are fighting back offering hope for the future. So as the end of 2012 approaches, people of this planet will have no choice but to face certain fixed timelines or lesson paths. They are doing this to delay to have a move, while the white hats Earth humans and off-worlders (benevolent star nations) are forcing the moves now. By programing in what you want to do, the computer would provide different possible future outcomes and the percentage of that outcome becoming reality. Under the direction ofCurtis LeMay,Colonel Bailey Arthur Williamswas assigned to oversee the design ofPitholem, the rocket that was created by Adair and launched fromWhite Sands New MexicotoArea 51. Best of Bills interview. Jan Williams, daughter of Colonel Bailey Arthur Williams, speaks about David Adair, Electromagnetic fusion containment engine. SEE AND JOIN MY TELEGRAM CHANNEL And no decision and no possibility changed past a certain point. According to the alleged insiders, The Looking Glass technology was apparently used to look backward and forward in time, using the consciousness of an operator as a type of steering mechanism. Eventually it became obvious to the operators that they were encountering a problem. Soon after that Wood told his CIA handlers to go away and, I am going to be a problem. Wood soon found himself harassed by local police, his neighbors and business clients visited by police and notified of Woods sexual predator status and his business destroyed. Cassidy, of 'Project Camelot', whom we interviewed extensively for the film 'PACKING FOR MARS', conducted an interview with a whistleblower called Bill Wood. Jan contacted the radio station and asked the radio show host to send an email on her behalf toDavid Adairso that she could question him about his relationship with her father. 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