I also just wanted to emphasize that what your boyfriend is doing is SUPER NOT OKAY. It doesnt bother me because of how he asks gently, not sternly, the tone he uses, and because the rest of the time he demonstrates how damnably attractive I am to him. It sounds terrible. I can tilt my head to one side and see a boyfriend that this LW needs to dump *yesterday* because all hes doing is trying to build his ideal partner out of what he believes is some kind of nascent state that can go in any direction, like a bunch of stem cells. Wanting to stay in your relationship is one thing, needing to stay in a relationship that actively undermines your sense of self because of housing or economics or fear of the unknown is another. What your boyfriend is doing is totally not how it has to be. Then he can treat you even worse. Thank you your reading of his intent is, I think, spot-on! In the latter casetry the scripts here for some firmer words of quit that already, mention that you *have* a therapist and this is their *job* and his job now is to be a listening ear and a source of happiness and relaxation, and if he still refuses to comply, dump him. Sounds like my Dad. He is really good with computers and accounting. Not good. And thats the thing, I guess. LW you got this. My great-grandfather had families in the UK, Germany and Australia, none of whom were aware of each other until Facebook. Try Meetup.com, a class, finding an exercise buddy who is at your level and who likes to do the same stuff you like, volunteering. Look, Im sure there are people out there who respond to tough love or whatever bullshit he thinks he is doing, but frankly, Ive never met someone struggling with depression and low self-esteem who did. Sometimes its nice to have a gentle push towards a sincerely held goal, but getting mad at you for not meeting some standards that he made up? They are not feelings police tools. If your boyfriend has trouble talking about his feelings, try asking him if there's anything he'd like to talk about (within your relationship or just in general). Youre seeing a therapist, and making strides, youre clearly doing exercise and stuff. You cant have every day be a rest day otherwise youre not actually exercising, but they are needed or you burn out and get injured or sick. Just wanted to clarify that, unlike LWs boyfriend, I never tried to help my ex. Cant think of a more clear way to phrase it. Maybe it's been a day, or days, or even weeks. Value to him also includes your offering of feminine energy and responsiveness, your surrender to connection moment by moment (which helps deepen your connection and renew his deep attachment to you). Independently from what you decide, be aware of that. He never seemed to understand that these personality traits conflictedor at least, they conflicted in me, for us. You SHOULD tell this to your therapist, and any other allies you have. Congratulations on all the work you have done and everything you have accomplished. Want to have breakfast next Saturday/Catch up by Skype or phone soon? Since it sounds like your family might not be supportive, avoid them for now, and avoid all people who tend to make you feel small or sap your energy or who have the same bossy/halping tendencies as your boyfriend. No matter a guys reason for not putting in an effort, it doesnt excuse his behavior. Hell either stop talking, or hell go into a bluster-storm of What did you just say? He dropped out of college to focus on being a sound cloud rapper. We help each other a ton: I carry the groceries and he holds me and listens when I need it. (But again, I do think its an excellent tool to help evaluate a relationship.). We love each other and were helping each other feel better. Its still really hard to not jump in, but I think those sessions with the therapist made me a much better partner. What happened to the man who always had his arm wrapped around your shoulder and never looked at another girl as long as you were both together? Powered by Mai Theme. Go to a concert and it doesnt have to be Jay-Z and Beyonce. Accepting you means accepting that. I dont think it really matters whether LWs boyfriend is doing this to try to make her non-depressed, thin or both; hes behaving in a way thats controlling and unhelpful, whatever his reasons. If it does happen though, most times he will cancel on short notice because something came up at work so he couldnt get out of it. I think it was the good Captain herself who referred to an ex as an interactive 3D display of how badly I was feeling about myself at the time. From what you are saying, I sense that no matter what happens with you, he will likely always want to maintain that edge and actually doesnt have the goal of you two being on the same level. Sometimes someone elses misery is beyond what you (you in general, not you in particular) can affect. The BF sounds like he is familiar territory to you, treating you w/ the disregard & disrespect that as a child you were taught was your due. Which in turn meant that every time he took me to a surprise, he could justify it by saying that I always had fun so I just needed to trust him. And of course if theyre dodgy they tend to do it in a way that seems sufficiently different from our terrible family situation to be very well at least they dont do X thing. That there is no end in sight, no real goal. Jealousy is a range some people rarely get jealous and some people are constantly jealous (which, in general, is never a good thing). Soudns like hed already evolved into a wanker. LW, Im so sorry youre dealing with this. It could be as simple as he just no longer feels like being around you, which means there isnt much motivation for making an effort either. you can do it! the whole time. Well, I mean, as someone who prefers her boys on the skinny side, it is totally true that everyone gets to have preferences. So few people seem to get this. When things are at their worst, do you still make each other laugh, do you still turn to each other and see each other as someone with much to offer, do you still treat each other with affection and find pleasure in each others company? This was highlighted in the response, but what JUMPED out at me was the bf not wanting the LW to be comfortable, because fuuuuck that. If your boyfriend is receptive to feedback, wants to repair the relationship, and expresses a desire to respect your boundaries, a conversation may be a healthy way for you to find closure or express your hurt. Theres no excuse for a relationship where one person does all the initiating, it means the other party is either disinterested or being suffocated by someone who wants a lot more interaction than they do. Realize that you cannot change your partner's behavior. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Did you exercise today?Yep, it was great!What did you do?Why are you asking me? What he isnt doing for you anymore is working to make the relationship work! (snort) Sounds like Mr/Ms Relationships Take Work! had filtered that phrase through the English-to-Jerklanguage translator and was interpreting it along the lines of Relationships take work, so I can totally expect Commander Banana to work on not minding about the money zie owes me never being paid back, and am hence absolved of having to do any of the work of becoming the sort of person who actually pays loans back., I wrote in to CA a little under a year ago (letter #568) and was floored when I read your letter this morning, because there was a lot of the same The Helper and the One Who Needs Help dynamic in me and my fiancs relationship at the time when it came to dealing with my anxiety and driving-related PTSD (FWIW, things are a LOT better now, although it took a few tough conversations to get him to see how messed up some of the stuff he was doing was.). Boyfriend wants to help, and hes looking at the logical things yes, eating right and exercising make you feel better IN THEORY but he doesnt comprehend those days when just brushing your damn hair is a massive effort. Some of the links on this website are affiliate links. Im rooting for you, LW, because this was one of the toughest ongoing issues in our relationship for a while, and I had to show him that what works as treatment for some people cant be applied to everyone broadly and without that persons permission. If youre not into cooking, make a weekly date to try new restaurants in the neighborhood. I was going through a rough patch and he wanted to help me, and the only way he knew how was to be my cheerleader. I'd always known that my boyfriend was a bit insecure due to his previous partners cheating on him, but I never realized how often I would text him during the day to let him know who I was with, what I was doing, where I was, and other small things. The first few times you resist his help, I think he is going to release the Logick Kraken, who will logically and patiently recount all of the ways that you could be better if you only tried harder. Like theyd be SO PERFECT IF THEY DID A B AND C. Unfortunately, the reality is that they are not there. You will never be trying hard enough/doing enough, because it is not about you. (and having dated somebody like LWs partner in the past when I was severely depressive I really kind of just want to SHOOT HIM.). This is another clue that the boyfriend isnt all that invested in the LWs progress toward real, positive change. Sometimes weve done well when he asks me what I think Im doing. Oh, this reminds me so much of one or two friends Ive had. It makes taking care of ourselves seem hard, even impossible on some days. You are doing FINE. * If you dont see him getting anywere on that front, please dont think you have to keep pushing to make it work even at this point, nobody could fault you for leaving if thats the route you end up taking. Also *I* will be happy when youre skinny. Which . Get him to chase you instead." That is good friendly advice but there's a little more to it than that. Nine times out of ten, a person who self-describes as logical or rational ironically does not understand this, and a much better self-description would be someone so egotistical that I think my subjective preferences should be treated as laws of the universe especially by my girlfriend.. Because my fianc and I worked things out and are in a good place now, I am hesitant to just say ~DTMF~, but your boyfriend needs to realize that monitoring someone elses habits (even your eating habits!) avert! Either he doesnt realize how much of a Ricardo Cabeza hes being and will totally back off when you state your boundaries, or hell double down and youll know that hed much rather be a Helper and Fixer than actually love you for you right now. Men who are attracted to you will not refuse sex from you on a very regular basis. I love you anyway is, in practice, almost nothing like I love you. Hell yeah! It was easier for him to say eat soup, no not that soup, get more cardio than say I was really scared when you got so depressed you couldnt get out of bed. By your own admission, youve already made a lot of progress in therapy, and I would suggest that removing his constant nagging about all of your decisions would help you make a lot more. Maybe it has nothing to do with you. He was trying to help in similarly pushy ways. He says I'm too negative and I have no friends and I'm not self sufficient. If you have the energy and inclination to push yourself, get on with your bad self, but thats extra credit. Is it because youve neglected a task you said youd do? That creates tremendous pressure on you and just makes you feel shitty about yourself. That one was also helpful. Then, repeat what you want him to do and make the boundary plain: I hear you, but I want to be clear: I dont want you to do that anymore., Please stop correcting me and advising me., I appreciate all the help and support youve given me, but I actually need to navigate this on my own., I dont like it when you tell me what to do., The Silent Treatment is really not cool., Youre not the boss of how I eat or exercise, and I think its going to be healthier going forward if you stop monitoring that stuff and if I stop reporting it to you as if you are my nutritionist or trainer.*, I dont need you to change me or to be right about this, I just need you to love me and trust me to do the right thing for myself., I realize I was in bad shape for a while, but as I try to get better, Id like it if you would stop monitoring all these things about me and just found a way to enjoy my company., You may be right about that, but Id still like to handle this on my own without your input., I know you want to help, but I would like to set a boundary around advice-giving. They do sound like exactly what Id say, though, if I were the type to try and manipulate my partner into getting thinner and doing all the housework. Both of the above. If I tell him I already did, he tells me that walking doesnt count, that it needs to be more strenuous exercise. So before you jump ship, make sure to use your words. Sometimes it feels like Im absorbing the sun like a reptile or a solar panel. Most men and women are very different, and relating to someone who is very different from you takes patience. It can be really hard from the outside. So, think about how much of this does or does not seem to fit. This is fine isnt good enough when it comes to relationships, IMO. For example, depression is very tiring in itself. She cares a lot. (From knowing my mother I now if shed had any reservations she would have allowed herself to tell me about them as many times as she could. If what he says pisses you off, take it as a good sign that your self-respect and self-preservation instincts are waking up and working. I would say, How does blindly doing everything you say make me more adventurous? We would go round and round, but I never got through to him, because I wasnt willing to back my words with actions. It sounds like your boyfriend has a dysfunctional relationship with your illness. I have an ex my friend refers to as The Physical Manifestation of MellifluousDissents (Formerly) Low Self-Esteem. I suspect this b/f may belong to that club as well. Hell, take steps to meet some new people anyway. My husband is in a club that meets once a month when he has that meeting I have Chipotle for dinner. That stupidest thing Ive ever heard bit set off major alarm bells for me, too. They are raw cookie dough and you can see the cookie and you want the cookie, but the cookie dough is just not done enough, but you really want that cookie so much and you know how much better it would be if it were finished baking.and so you are mad that they arent doing what it takes to be a cookie. Now youre healing and getting better, and he doesnt have the control he used to! Brief excerpts (<250 words) may be shared with attribution & a link to the original post. I have a friend who often makes himself go to social outings, because hes noticed the pattern within himself that he usually feels like bailing and not going when an event is about to happen, but if he makes himself go, he usually has a good time and is glad that he did. If a guy doesnt offer to pay, he doesnt care about impressing you. When its not great, things like this are no longer handled delicately If hes yelling at you over small things, there is no way his head is still in it. So, to me, a partner who listens and trusts you about your health and is willing to accept hardships when you have problems is a safety issue. No one can acknowledge it exists. Or is he expecting you to just bootstrap your way to optimal nutrition and well being? Exercise doesnt always improve my mood sometimes it just provides a distraction/occupation for me so I spend less time ruminating. Walking or biking dont have those painful associations for me and are thus easier on me mentally. A lot of people who have disabilities end up with serious social problems, at least for a while, as they have to figure out which people will still treat them well and which will cause them problems in all sorts of new ways. When my sister who is also my best friend has something shes trying to do, like not eat badly, or do X activity for two weeks, I ask her ahead of time before she starts what if anything she wants me to do. 4. 03/25/2018 20:22 Subject: Re:My boyfriend stopped having sex with me. But it will definitely *not* help if Im already in a funk, other than possibly giving me an excuse to go outside and do something vaguely useful-feeling. But when he starts talking about how hes going to end it they cant help but treat you differently. Eating is a big thing for me and something I skip doing when my brain gets jerky. For those of us with less than optimal upbringings theres this stinger waiting for us as adults. Your Mileage May Vary. Now! I have no idea if my dumping him finally gave him the kick in the pants he needed to dowell, anything (we havent talked since he moved his stuff out), but I can say my life improved drastically! He then said that he was only trying to make her into a better person. Do you want to be like my mum, self esteem completely destroyed, fleeing an abusive 30 year relationship from someone who always thought you were not good enough? A few weeks ago I started to notice that, well, he kind of smelled bad. Take a step back, and allow the other person to show you what they want. Helpful. You need figure out what makes you happy, and start doing that. The thing here is that logic and reason are being juxtaposed against emotion as binary opposites. Im so frustrated that youre hurting, and that I cant do more to help your recovery. Reasonable. I had a sudden and first time episode of pretty bad depression after being with my husband for 5+ years. Don't put any extra effort into those who drain you. 2) Even if being prompted to do things like eat better food, exercise to work off stress etc was beneficial to you..its still wrong and bad to do it without an agreement, ESPECIALLY when the promptee has explicitly asked the other person to not do it. In another car. He had a car and I didnt, and I didnt live near public transportation. We both are very logic- and reason-focused people .Not both of you. He didnt like it when I asked him to not share diet advice. They threaten to break up with you all the time. You know that he is flirting with those other girls, even if you cant see him do it. You cant be shamed or cajoled into doing those things: it might work for a little while, but unless the changes are self-implemented in a healthy and manageable way, theyre not going to stick. What were his biggest complaints about you during this time period where he stopped trying so hard anymore? There are many negative reactions a person can have when interacting with a depressed partner. Anger is a perfectly valid thing to feel when a partner is depressed, what really matters is what you do about it. Make sure your tone of voice and body language are completely neutral, because if they arent, what you say wont come across as simply wanting information but instead will seem like an attack on his character which could lead you nowhere at all. But the way he goes about it is you need to exercise today. "Breaking up evokes a lot of really strong emotions in people," Dr. Freitag explains. Comfort from a relationship is something you are allowed to want. You speak for me! ), and he usually shuts up when I tell him I dont find his comments helpful if it was all the time, every day, over every basic thing like eating dinner.. that would be more emotionally exhausting than I could deal with, and Id like to think Id be weighing up leaving as an option, although its never easy. My biggest mistakes have been to really harp on what I think he needs to do get out and be social, mainly, which doesnt help his depression and leads to resentment as well. Expressing or directing anger towards the person in recovery from a medical condition? Yeah, he sounds like the things my Jerkbrain says when Ive drank too much and I feel so gross enough that I just want to get everything out of my stomach. The Romantic Comedy You Should Watch This Valentines Day, Based On Your Zodiac Sign. No is not an argument or a conversation, and youve said no to him his continuing to push, to decide for you how your body should be, how your life should be, is not okay. It kind of seems like he is very invested in being the one in control of your life and success, and that is at great odds with your wish to be the captain of your own ship, as it were. I recognize that it can be really frustrating to coexist with someone elses depression, but the thing is, your boyfriend is not obligated to stay if he cant deal with it. He doesnt seem to be enjoying himself around you anymore now. And hey, when you want to use him as a sounding board for something, maybe this reminder will help: Asking advice or needing help with one thing isnt an invitation for advice about everything. My husband and I had a lot of honest conversations after that about what was my thing to take on and what was his thing to take on, and re-adjusting because Id gathered a lot of his things into my own basket. ME. He used to love to know everything about you from the way you think and what you like your time to how it went. The thing is, it doesnt sound like he wants you to be better, despite what he says. When your boyfriend just slithers away leaving you completely confused and broken hearted, it adds to the suffering. The hurt and pain are felt by both people involved, but if your ex regrets what happened, they might be looking to get a reaction out of you. You can get this functionality for treadmills and ellipticals, too; if anyone is looking for home exercise equipment and if you can swing it, I wholeheartedly recommend it. What could have turned him off about you in particular? Which is, when you get down to it, rather like juxtaposing a floor mop and a ceiling duster as binary opposites the opposition is purely circumstantial, there are more similarities between the two than differences, and quite honestly, if pushed, either of them can perform the same tasks as the other if theyre the only thing to hand. If LW says And he gets a positive comment from me every time I am aware. So you meet this guy. The dissonance between everyone says exercising will help! If you need something short and sweet to say to your BF to stop the mansplaining, and to allow a moment for your brain to get into gear, try this: Thus: Weve broken up now and I think its safe to say were both much, much happier. In hindsight there was nothing he could have done. We also set aside a weekly time for Partnership Serious Talks and during that time we create a space for advice and suggestions that we then do not revisit at any other point during the week. Once, he actually went to therapy with me, and when he spoke with my therapist and saw that she was competent and that I was genuinely seeking help in a way that was working for me, he eased off. All unsolicited helping has a certain degree of arrogance to it because it necessarily implies that the helpee could not get this done without you. Now is *not* the time for someone to run a ledger of all your supposed daily transgressions and fuck the idea of the ledger in the first place. There are people out there who will see you for how bright and funny and reasonable and cool you are. Most girls take at least an hour, and then they are more than happy to make their man wait for them. Sometimes your SO wants you to help, and has ideas on how you can, but those ideas are often wrong. Public transportation you takes patience about how hes going to end it they cant help but you... & a link to the suffering day, or even weeks is he you. 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