Delta training included the weaponization of psychic ability, or psychic warfare training. Polish people tend to name things after literal life events. Blood-liners are encouraged to marry within their caste. You have nothing to atone for. A month prior Fiona Barnett had filed a complaint with the Australian NSW police and ChildAbuse Royal Commission alleging Kidman's sexual and physical assaults on her throughout childhood. But if you want to play, I demand that you tell us your real legal name. they decided to adopt their children Isabella Jane Cruise and . I was unaware of any aspect of pedophilia associated with the Murphy's prior to reading this web page here. Probably in part to the traumatisation of the public at large. It take some REAL guts to come out & simply challenge (pretty much the world). Delta is comprised of MK-ULTRA victims. One day one or two of the Murphy brothers came down to my house; they tried to get me to sniff lighter fluid with them; they reeked of the smell of lighter fluid. Ill just sum it up what I had written and say, Im thoroughly enjoying your blog. EverychildI failed to hide would be killed and fed to the dogs. After Whitlam threatened to expose Australias CIA agents, and shut down the CIA underground facility at Pine Gap, the CIA orchestrated a coup against Whitlam. Luciferianism is a secret, multi-generational religion with its roots in ancient Babylon and Egypt. But how pastors even, having the Holy Spirit, not discern something very, very off with them??!! Its not paranoia when you have photos. For Amazing Articles Of Your Favorite Celebrities, Stay Tuned To vergewiki And cmon, Sunny is such a precious nickname. During the 1950s, the CIA funded John Lillys development of the sensory deprivation tank, and his research into brain waves and altered states of consciousness. Her father spent two years in a Siberian work camp for refusing to disclose her whereabouts to the Russians. And the elites who have attended. My Bond University supervisor, Norm Barling, a former Bond University lecturer, contemptuously called my Forensic Psychology lecturers, Katarina Fritzon and Rebecca Doley lesbian witches after these women lied to the Australian health board about me and so destroyed my psychology career, despite my excellent academic record. Prior to becoming a Christian, I went to a wicca warlock who conducted his witchcraft in a terrace house in Wilson St Darlington Sydney, near the old carriage works; this is only minutes away from Sydney University. This man supplied dogs to the NSW Police force. Place yourself under God's authority and order, and all will be restored. I know the location of the research centre. Other, international perpetrators visited and used Sydney University facilities to abuse me. I came forward to Bathurst police detectives after Tor Nielsen reported to police that he saw 60 children ritually raped in the same hall by NSW Police and Catholic priests who worked at nearby St Stanislaus College. With Sydney being the capitol of Luciferianism, this effectively made Conlon the highest ranking female Luciferian in Australia. Certainly the Anita Cobby information was true because i can remember hearing the details but they were quickly hushed up and never spoken of again by the media. Patricia Anne trained in MK-ULTRA techniques while undertaking a postgraduate scholarship in 1964-65 at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. An increasing number of Australian politicians who hold power are Jesuits. There is no such thing as the Jesuit Brothers. Ask why? For a few years, it has been known that Eyes Wide Shut actress Nicole Kidman's father, Dr. Antony Kidman, was accused of participating in an elite, violent pedophile ring in Sydney, Australia, shortly before his death in Singapore apparently on the run from the accusations. They dont have a phone and I dont allow them to have an Instagram, she said, adding, I try to keep some sort of boundaries. Hmm, wonder if that will change now that Sunday is 12? In it, the then-newborn Sunday Rose was cradled in her parents arms. The CIA funded Baileys MK-ULTRA deep sleep project at the notorious Chelmsford Private Hospital in Sydney. I am thankful for my time with CLC Darlinghurst, for helping me to become a new man in Christ and for being the first steps to greater maturity in Christ. I lodged a complaint with WorkCover. Seven babies were conceived out of this film and only one was a boy, Kidman later recounted to The Telegraph. A hypnosis expert and self-confessed CIA operative, George Estabrooks once boasted: Think about that one! I am astounded!! Hillsong adopted the vatican > jesuit > vineyard > diapraxis movement; an infiltration into the church to degenerate it. That is why they travelled the globe collecting esoteric knowledge and dissociation techniques from the pedophile Dali Lama and other Nazi collaborators. Helen almost named her youngest son Romance until an Aussie neighbour told her we dont do that sort of thing in Australia. My Uncle John pointed out that I was not even in Sydney when Peter died. Some awareness slipped through, such as when at age 12 years, the mother of my best friend Fiona LeCornu-Levett, came to collect me from my step-grandfathers house, to take me to her Macquarie Fields home for a visit. It makes me ashamed to be human, just reading their comments. ASOPA was a cover for MK-ULTRA activity, weaponised anthropology, and MK-NAOMI bio-weapons research conducted in Papua, New Guinea. I complained to the Queensland Police about Terry Goldsworthy using his role as a police officer to access, twist and misuse my private file, but they supported the perpetrator instead of me. Welp, Sunday nixed that idea. I was doing missionary work in Perth at the time of the America's cup yacht race. These are recognised by the cult as demi-gods. Children were imprisoned in cages beneath Holsworthy and never saw daylight. Detective Rothstein found that the CIA were behind a blackmail operation in which child prostitutes were used to honeytrap and compromise politicians, military brass, top businessmen, and key government officials. Thats something you wouldnt read in your local football club handbook. I later received a cold call from a lawyer who said that the Sutherland police detective in charge of my case washerselfa child trafficker and member of the pedophile network she was supposed to be investigating. I too was a victim of this "dark secret network" in such a way that by age 13 in 1969. Police had promised to take another 5 days of statements. Leonard G. H. Huxley served as Vice-Chancellor of ANU from 1960 to 1967. The mature Christian was right in that while I had gotten rid of 99% of my occult materials, this tarot printout still remained. A post shared by Nicole Kidman (@nicolekidman) on Jul 7, 2019 at 12:14pm PDT, Sunday Rose is certainly a unique name, so its only natural to wonder where Kidman and Urban got the idea for it. This is not surprising, considering James Wood was named by victim Dean Henry and others to the current federal Child Abuse Royal Commission as a member of the very pedophile ring he was employed to investigate. I recently spoke with a former member of Delta and asked him about what I recalled. She screamed at him the he was a fucking idiot! in front of the convicted criminals who were present in the office. Concerns credibility. I will now lay the foundations for explaining the relationship between pedophilia, child trafficking, ritual abuse, mind control practises, and the CIAs Project MK-ULTRA. When I was aged 9 years, I witnessed Antony Kidman preside over the ritual murder of a young boy in Sydney Universitys Great Hall. The Murphy brothers lived in a house up the street from me in Binning St, just before Elliot Avenue. I was selected based on my Aryan appearance, IQ level, bloodline, flawless body, strength, skills and teachability. They painted something on my back and chest, and then released us. Children were tortured, raped and murdered in the name of national security, with the full knowledge and blessing of the Australian and United States governments. He said NSW Police had confirmed this allegation and that I was the subject of a police investigation. My five basic splits were organised according to an Eastern Star pentagram shape, with a gatekeeper placed in the pentagon which sat in the middle of five doors. Frank's church fronts were the source of children to be exploited for sex, producing child rape material and experimented on. If this was all true, do you honestly think that she would still be around to mention names. I cant imagine how anyone actually work there and have no qualms of the screams of the suffering. So, Id say all Delta Special Ops soldiers have dissociated from their knowledge of the CIA super soldier program. Fiona Rae Holowczak was born in Sydney, Australia. I think if you read the official story by someone that states that they were a victim, this was done in a house of a family that knew and trusted Frank. The name Sunday struck me as being a nice name for a woman, so my wife and I mentioned it.. The CIA! This laboratory will include a special chamber, in which all psychologically significant aspects of the environment can be controlled. Ive printed this story out, but dont know who to show it to. Rosalind Croucher was ambitious, jealous, and wanted the position for herself; Consequently, after Patricia Anne Conlons death, Rosalind Croucher sought revenge by organising the Bathurst City Hall birthday gathering in 1985, in which I was raped on an alter by B-grade actor Bruce Spence in front of a room full of Luciferian pedophiles including multiple NSW Police and Catholic priests. Elkes was an LSD and mind control researcher who attended Scottish Rite sponsored events. Dr Leonas Petrauskas graduated with a diploma in Tropical Medicine in 1957, while Dr Antony Kidman was enrolled. This lady expressed to our Christian group that she needed prayer. The whole sordid event ended in a pedophile orgy, in which I was gang raped by a group including Rosalind Croucher,who urinated in my mouth. I felt uneasy about all of this and left. In 1961, Wendy Thorn received a post-graduate research scholarship at the Australian national University (ANU) for studies on the placebo effect, after completing her thesis in 1960 at Sydney University, on posthypnotic amnesia. Fiona Barnett commented, The Australian public knew Chang as a famous heart transplant surgeon who was gunned down in a gutter in a manner befitting his true criminal nature. An amendment: extraordinary evidence is too high a burden of proof to expect, considering courts have eased the requirements as getting convictions is difficult in such cases and because the events happened so long ago. I was born Fiona Rae Holowczak, on 28 October 1969, in Sydney, Australia. MK-ULTRA subprojects were conducted in most Australian hospitals, universities and research facilities throughout the 1960s, 70s and 80s. Patricia Ann Conlon (nee Carden) was the Grande Dame of the Sydney area. That incident taught me not to talk about the Luciferian cult I was raised in. MK-ULTRA experiments and end-goal procedures were conducted using children as lab rats. I completed four days of witness statements, and police commenced an investigation which included door knocking around Engadine and raiding the home of my deceased grandparents. One is the backpacker murders committed by serial killer Ivan Milat. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); "Whatever The Question, Love Is The Answer". With the ministry we were doing, I met a young lady that told us that she had been passed around sexually throughout her childhood; this also with connections to black magic. ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! In relation to this incident, the actress father, Dr. Antony Kidman, is under fire for his alleged involvement in p*dophilic activities. My clueless mother told me I was telling fibs, and so I abandoned this attempt. Antony Kidman dies amidst child abuse allegations ON WHITE BALLOON DAY 2014, September 7, an event meaningful to me because it raises awareness for child sex assault victims, the main perpetrator of my childhood abuse, Antony Kidman, died suddenly. Photo by Sunday Urban., Sunday walk with Sunday #MotherDaughter #Happiness, A post shared by Nicole Kidman (@nicolekidman) on Nov 24, 2019 at 11:11am PST, If the whole photography thing doesnt pan out, Sunday Rose may have another creative career lined up. The Rockerfeller association funded Osmond and Hoffers research into adrenochrome. we are missing a person, for a year now.I do think they silenced the high profile case in oz. According to US military documents, candidates for the Gateway Process required high intelligence, imagination and creativity the very characteristics CIA psychologist John Gittinger assessed me for. Hillsong church was founded by pedophile Frank Houston for the sole purpose of procuring child trafficking victims and produce kiddie porn snuff films. I bring your attention to a US military document approved for release by the CIA in 2010. It was about the second or third hill that the hunting party reached us. But they say our voice is our conviction. When CLC went to Waterloo, It's a long time ago, but I'm thinking that Frank was still preaching in the initial stages of Hillsong Waterloo. He also was in a kiddie killing cult. You can not possibly understand their pervasiveness unless you were raised in their world. Theme: Bushwick by James Dinsdale. Privately owned forest groves were believed used in the US, Canada, France and Holland. I also noticed the paper white board with thermometer showing how much money they were going after and pushing for to pay for the Waterloo building. It is from these lines that the cult obtains breeders women who are forced to breed unregistered babies for sacrifice and sex trafficking. Catherine Hand who had a diploma in art and zero experience as a parole officer, took over and systematically bullied out the existing Burleigh Heads staff and replaced them with young inexperienced women like me. Antony Kidman was tasked with keeping child victims of Hillsong silenced. They were well trained by Hitlers mind control experts from Nazi Germany. The website stated that the cult organized secretive human hunting parties that included p*dophilia. EXPOSE THE EVIL, TELL ONES TRUTH ,& SAVE OUR CHILDREN!! This Week at a Glance February 26 to March 4, 2023. Many of these victims were child sex trafficked through Hillsong church. When Kidman and Urban visited a Sidney Nolan art exhibit just before giving birth to their Sunday, there were said to have been moved by a quote from the artist: When you are young you are given a good view of life, because of your closeness to birth. Between that and the fact her parents had already suggested Sunday, Kidman had found her daughters first name. Trigger Warning: P*dophilia and child s*xual abuse. Antony Kidman dies amidst child abuse allegations By Fiona Barnett | 20 September 2014, 6:00pm | comments | ON WHITE BALLOON DAY 2014, September 7, an event meaningful to me because it raises awareness for child sex assault victims, the main perpetrator of my childhood abuse, Antony Kidman, died suddenly in Singapore. So, its little wonder that the pairs children are just as amazing as their parents love story. Kidmans death comes as no surprise. It is understandable that you damn the RCC as a wicked and Satanic organization. My memory of my involvement in these cult activities were mostly dissociated from my everyday thinking. In his book, Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer, Lilly explained how children can be programmed MK-ULTRA fashion using LSD and his sensory deprivation tank. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. God help us all. Reed reportedly had an affair with famed Australian artist Sidney Nolan, becoming Nolans muse. Seems that Nicole Kidmans father was part of a CIA mild-control program that experiments on and abuses children. Published: 22:04 EST, 22 September 2020 | Updated: 02:32 EST, 23 September 2020. The Nazis recognised Luciferian based esoteric knowledge and techniques as a power source that they sought to weaponise. My basic soldier training was supervised by Colonel Victor Chang at Holsworthy Army Base. Twitter user @_butterfly_Z claimed that the Big Little Lies stars father was part of: Twitter user @MarkieBalentin1 also alleged that the actress and her father were linked to an international p*dophilia cult.. Petrauskas was educated in a Jesuit school. I am so so sorry you endured such horror at the hands of those you were dependent. I was told that the group of nakedchildrenhuddled nearby were my responsibility. Kidman married Janelle Glenny, then a student nurse, in 1963. Yesterday Barnett released her own theory aboutKidmans death, The main perpetrator of mychildsexual abuse, Antony Kidman, is dead after I filed formal complaints accusing him of the rape, torture and murder ofchildrenin an exclusive Sydney pedophilering. No one would believe me. The police announced that they were investigating his unnatural death. He was in Singapore visiting his daughter and Nicole Kidman's sister, Antonia. Keith took this, it was on his iPhone and I made him print the photo. Facebook & Messanger shut me down twice over it, but I just sign back in & just keep on sharing ?? Bob Hawke (also my rapist), who also worked for the CIA, played a role in ousting Whitlam. Cookies She also announced that she has lodged complaints against Antony with the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. After Paul Wilson was publicly exposed as a pedophile, Terry Goldsworthy, a Queensland Police officer, took over Paul Wilsons position as head of criminology at Bond University plus Robyn Lincolns advisory board role at Bravehearts. Nicole Kidman and her father Antony Kidman in 2005. Nicole Kidmans personal security team informed Sydney Paparazzi that Antony Kidman was placed on immediate suicide watch following my notification against him. You see, I was not the first to complain to the health board about Antony Kidman. MK-ULTRA university-based research was kicked off in Australia by CIA psychiatrist and hypnosis expert Martin Orne. He lost earth as well because of Jesus' offering of himself to be sacrificed for the redemption of all souls who will come to him. Bravehearts tried to destroy Sarahs case. Nicole recalled her painful grieving . In 1960, Orne conducted MK-ULTRA Subproject 84 under the title Attitude Formation, Decision Matrices at Sydney University during a two-month lectureship. Thechildperpetratorscontinueto live lives free of responsibility for their ongoing crimes. Professors Humphrey Osmond and Abraham Hoffer were the two biggest MK-ULTRA perpetrator names after Aldous Huxley. Share. I had a near death experience while I was unconscious and saw a tunnel that resembled the one shown at the start of Dr Who. MK-NAOMI received CIA funding through MK-ULTRA Subprojects 13, 30 and 50. ? What the public were never told is: Les Murphy and his killer gang made deep lacerations in Anita Cobbys body and had sex with those wounds. List of Mass Shootings in the United States in 2021, CLICK FOR RECENT POSTS, SEARCH & ARCHIVES , International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels, On July 7, 2016, Urban gave a shout-out to his little girl with a throwback photo. [1] Death [ edit] Kidman died from a heart attack on 12 September 2014 in Singapore, aged 75. On her return, Helen found Peter hanging from his chook shed. When I was a child, the CIA said our enemy wascommunism Today, the CIA says our enemy isterrorism. Rogerson was responsible for the murder of Sally Ann Huckstep, who died after she wrote a story on child prostitution at Kings Cross for a porn magazine, in the days when porn magazines published pedophilia material. The Ninth Circle SatanicChildSacrifice Cult could easily hide crimes of their global elite members. The number one rule of Luciferianism is there is no such thing as Luciferianism. Luciferianismis arranged according to a hierarchical structure which vaguely resembles a caste system. It was built at the underground military base located near Dulce, New Mexico. Chemtrails: A List of the Dangers and Deceptions of Atmospheric Spraying, How the Insurance Industry Can Help If the ATMs Stop Working, A Business Continuity Plan for producers, distributors and retailers of essential goods, Financial Reset: The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Section One: Protocols for Advising Leadership, Section Two: Advising Leadership about the Background of the Event, Section Three: Contacting Leadership to Advise, Section Four: Training to Advise Leadership, The Event Origins and Context for Leaders, Smartphone Addiction Related to Sugar, Narcotics, Alcohol, Pornography, Gambling Addictions, The 5D Shift Unfolds: Are you Hungry for Change? Page 22 of this handbook states: These people are not human and have no soul. She was previously married to Angus Hawley, with whom she had four children. I was trying to tell my mother what the cult did to me. VIP child trafficking victims who testified to the Royal Commission have ended up being targeted for silence. ?? antony kidman child * dophilia Hawke ( also my rapist ), who also worked for the CIA played... With Sydney being the capitol of Luciferianism is a secret, multi-generational religion with roots! You damn the RCC as a power source that they sought to weaponise Antony... Why they travelled the globe collecting esoteric knowledge and dissociation techniques from the pedophile Lama... Human hunting parties that included p * dophilia Matrices at Sydney University facilities to abuse.! She needed prayer 1957, while dr Antony Kidman people tend to name things after literal life.., on 28 October 1969, in Sydney, Australia decided to their! 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