54 Rolf Umbach, ‘Beat Ekstase und Polizeieinsatz’, Polizeischau. Eine bundesweit einmalige Einrichtung gegen Kriminalität und Extremismus mit Angeboten von Land, Stadt und Kreis entsteht im Malteser-Haus am Erk-Platz. Criminocorpus – Revue hypermédia, 2018 [online] https://journals.openedition.org/criminocorpus/4481. Request by the Wiesbaden Prefect of Police to the Berlin Prefect of Police, dated March 31, 1966, PhS 3.43.3. meeting between officers of the Protection Police (Schutzpolizei) and Criminal Investigation Department (Kriminalpolizei) in the Haus St. Michael in Königshofen, Wiesbaden, February 5, 1966, p. 1, PhS 3.43.3. See the Report of the Schutzpolizei command S1, Berlin, 16 September 1965, p. 3, Polizeihistorische Sammlung Berlin 3.43.3. The discussion around the Berlin Rolling Stones concert therefore reflected problems that had occurred in other countries, which were taken into account when examining its causes and led to an internationalised approach to police tactics. Im Bundesprogramm "Demokratie leben! A new debate about the state of that youth began. : in Blackpool in England, in Belfast in Northern Ireland, in Halsingbord in Sweden, and in the American city of Lynn, incidents had taken place leading, in some cases, to the intervention of police dogs and police officers armed with water cannons. His book Jugend – Pop – Kultur. As in one of the execution methods used in Ancient China, this imbalance could even lead to ‘death by music’.37 Politicians used these arguments to call for a ban. ‘Rock’n’Roll Panic’ in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland”. These wooden benches, designed only for people to sit on them, gave way beneath the weight and when the first planks were smashed to pieces, some fans started ripping up more, either caught up in the excitement, according to some, or out of anger at the brevity of the concert and at police use of batons, according to others – causing similar disturbances as during a Bill Haley concert at the Berlin Sportpalast six years earlier.24 The young band’s repertoire was still limited and the concert was not scheduled to last more than half an hour anyway, but, as the police report concedes, the end of the show was ‘more than premature for some of the fans, who were in a state of complete ecstasy’.25 Shortly after this abrupt end, ‘to avoid further destruction, the evacuation of the Waldbühne’ began around 10.15pm ‘with the use of batons’.26 A television journalist, who witnessed the events from the press gallery, described them in terms similar to those that would be used by a war correspondent, stating that, despite all the noise, it was still possible to distinguish ‘the sharp cracking sound of the destruction of the benches, dogs whining and barking, the crowd shouting and whistling, the injured crying for help, and the shattering of glass.’ 27, 10The next day, the police report recorded a heavy toll and some of these figures would later be revised upwards: 89 detentions, 61 injured given first aid, 28 injured treated as outpatients, 26 injured police officers – 6 of whom were hospitalised –, one injured horse, one urban train wagon destroyed (S-Bahn), and 300,000 Deutschmarks of material damage sustained by the Waldbühne. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. ‘Rock’n’Roll Panic’ in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland”. Nach einer kurzen Droschkenfahrt erreichst Du die Polizeiwache. Zeitschrift für musisches Leben in der Jugend. Portions of benches were smashed, shoes, clothes, empty bottles etc. In reality, the group were discreetly housed in Grunewald, a sparsely populated area on the outskirts of Berlin, largely covered in forest. (German) [Fertility Idol of the Timoto Cuicas: a Contribution to the Knowledge of Early Venezuelan Medicine and Cultures] . In the debate that ensued at Berlin’s Municipal Parliament, elected officials from across the political spectrum all referred to on-going debates about so-called changes in values among the youth of the time. Note on the ‘Rolling Stones’ concert on September 15, 1965 at the Waldbühne, September 8, 1965. 5,390 Followers, 33 Following, 341 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from BUND Naturschutz in Bayern (@bundnaturschutz) Approche interdisciplinaire, Savoirs, politiques et pratiques de l'exécution des peines en France au XX, L’aménagement des peines privatives de liberté : l’exécution de la peine autrement, "Théâtre et Justice : autour de la mise en scène des, Le SMPR de Marseille a 30 ans : Histoire et engagement, regards croisés, Catalogue des 552 revues. ’s tour included concerts in Münster, Essen, Munich, Berlin, and Hamburg. Thanks to pragmatic measures, the venue was eventually suitably equipped for rock concerts, with wire fencing that was impossible to climb and metal benches that could take the weight of many spectators. Fachzeitschrift für die öffentliche Sicherheit, Extract from the Report of the Institute of Police, Paris,’. Die Polizei. 38 Agency Bulletin ‘Berliner Polizei fuer Verbot von Krawall-Veranstaltungen’, n.d., typescript, PhS 3.43.3. ), BRAVO. Agency Bulletin ‘Berliner Polizei fuer Verbot von Krawall-Veranstaltungen’, n.d., typescript, PhS 3.43.3. Unser Newsticker zum Thema Irmer enthält aktuelle Nachrichten von heute Mittwoch, dem 25. PhS. 21 See the Report on the execution and experience of the police measures, p. 6. Finden Sie Polizei in der Nähe Ihres Zuhauses von Germersheim. Nur noch seriöse Veranstaltungen in den nächsten Jahren’, Der Kurier, October 24, 1966; ‘Rolling Stones kommen nicht. 43 Ska., ‘Harter Test für Waldbühnenbänke’, Die Welt, January 6, 1967; see H. J. Bünger, ‘Stadtrat “randalierte” auf dem Mittelring zur Probe. Hundreds of youths [tried to] storm the stage. Tina Engel was born on April 6, 1950 in Hannover, Germany. Once again, then, the 1960s emerge as a period of transition (. An initial police intervention cleared the stage, although not without ‘the use of batons’, and, after a short pause, the group was able to resume playing. Thomas, “Die Bill-Haley-Tournee 1958. The function of such practices is to ‘evacuate natural aggression’ in a controlled environment, in order to ward off more serious harm. But only twenty minutes later, the organisers stopped the concert.19 Around 9.50pm, the spotlights that had been flooding the stage with bright white light were turned off.20 This lighting had been chosen based on experiments conducted in jazz concerts, which seemed to show that fans’ emotions could be channelled and literally ‘cooled down’ by white light. Was denkt ihr? Der CDU-Abgeordnete Irmer ist für seine Ausfälle gegen Ausländer, den Islam oder Homosexuelle bekannt. The destruction of benches, barriers, and lighting systems increased in scale. famous for their German adaptations of Beatles hits. Erfolgreich haben sie sich nun auch für das Projekt "Gemeinsam fair und tolerant" im Programm "Hessen - aktiv für Demokratie und gegen Extremismus" beworben. The Transnational Debates of the 1960s. Thi ‘Rock’n’Roll Panic’ in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland”, in: Bodo Mrozek et. Informace pro cestující z ČR do SRN. For a short while, it seemed as though adults adopting youth dances, such as the twist, had consigned the troubles of rock to the past, but towards the second half of the 1960s, the media reported several public order issues. In defence of their strategy, police leaders pointed to the effects of alcohol but also to the ‘systematic propaganda of the tabloid press’, which had been ratcheting up the tension for weeks with sensationalist headlines as though hoping to provoke clashes.31 In reality, Bravo’s publishers had contacted the police before the concert.32 All security measures had been discussed beforehand by representatives of the organisers with the police and the inspectorate in charge of the Waldbühne. Schutzpolizei S 1, n.d.., n.p., PhS 3.43.3. / 2 / / TdZ November 2020 / Inhalt November 2020 thema theater und architektur. The young band’s repertoire was still limited and the concert was not scheduled to last more than half an hour anyway, but, as the police report concedes, the end of the show was ‘more than premature for some of the fans, who were in a state of complete ecstasy’. The Rolling Stones stage is prepared with black soap – according to the. Konsum und Politik in der westdeutschen Jugendkultur der 60er Jahre. 2 I discuss the repercussions of these events in a newspaper article: Bodo Mrozek, “Aktion Steinschlag. Therefore, the article suggests considering the mid-sixties as a watershed (‘Schwellenzeit’) in the process establishing a new rock and pop culture. Eine Betrachtung von Wolfgang Fietkau’. The band had only been playing for ten minutes when several dozen fans climbed onto the stage to join the musicians. Vol. It was asked whether reports about the potential threat should not have been taken into account and whether it would not have been better to ban the concert from the outset. 12In addition to the responsibility borne by the press, a police spokesperson underlined that of the music itself, moving away from the prior conclusions reached by the foremost German police psychologist, Rolf Umbach, for whom the fans’ contorted dancing – described by the media as ‘convulsive nodding and rhythmic swaying of long Jesus-like hair’ or as movements reminiscent of ‘someone milking a female elephant [sic]’34.’ – was merely ‘a harmless ritual outlet’. 35 See ‘Ventilsitte’, Lexikon zur Soziologie, edited by Werner Fuchs et al., 2nd rev. 2: Zeithistorische Fallstudien 1958-1988, Bielefeld: transcript 2014, p. 19-39. See the following chapter: Alexander Mitscherlich, ‘Die Idee des Friedens und die menschliche Agres. Staatsministerium des Innern, München, May 26, 1965, Bayerische Polizeischule Fürstenfeldbruck 472, Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv. Für seine Leistungen wurde Town & Country Haus mehrfach ausgezeichnet: Neben dem Franchise-Geber-Preis (2003) zählen der EKS-Strategiepreis (2004), der dritte Platz beim „Sales Award“ des Handelsblattes (2005) sowie der Deutsche Franchise-Nehmer-Preis 2006 zu den wichtigsten Auszeichnungen. Voir la notice dans le catalogue OpenEdition, Plan du site – Politique éditoriale – Crédits – Flux de syndication, Nous adhérons à OpenEdition Journals – Édité avec Lodel – Accès réservé, Vous allez être redirigé vers OpenEdition Search. Booking Gästehaus der Polizei di Heiligensee, Bezirk Reinickendorf, Berlin dengan jaminan harga sewa hotel terbaik dan murah dengan beragam metode pembayaran di Traveloka. In order better to understand the events in Germany, the German police asked the French police for their files on the ‘Nuit de la Nation’. This was also due to the fact that, in this particular case, the publisher of the main Berlin tabloid newspaper was also the organiser of the concert. The police officers withdrew in order to be divided into new groups. A little earlier, the first isolated cases of ‘police battoning’ had been reported, to prevent groups of ticketless fans from forcing their way inside. Boston: Da Capo Press, 1993. With almost 21,000 people already crowded inside, several thousand fans who had not been able to get tickets pressed up against the entrance.11 At 8pm sharp, the Berlin groups opening the concert began to take to the stage, one after another. Habt ihr irgendwelche Ideen ?! ), Popgeschichte. Far from stigmatising rituals connected to concerts or sports events and viewing them as factors leading to agitation, this interpretation has progressively given them moderating and stabilising qualities. By 9.10pm, it was clear that this would not suffice. 143, November 1965, p. 5-10, and here p. 8. All the way through to the evening, fans continue to flood into the Waldbühne without incident. See the Report on the execution and experience of the police measures, Berlin, September 23, 1965, p. 11, PhS 3.43.3. In May 1966, in anticipation of the Beatles concert, Wiesbaden police organised a working meeting on the topic of ‘modern police behaviour towards young people’, in which there was discussion of the lessons to be learned from the events in Berlin.52 The police were given training in crowd psychology, initially rejected by many of them as ‘brainwashing’ imposed by police prefects.53 In Munich, a jazz expert was invited to speak to senior police officers to give them an introduction, with the aim of raising their awareness of different sounds, with the help of a ‘very good Jazz band’.54, 19For comparative purposes, the German police also looked at similar events that had taken place abroad. See the following interview with someone who participated in the clashes: ‘Wenn man da mitten drinn. However, other researchers came to more alarming conclusions. Agency Bulletin ‘Berliner Polizei fuer Verbot von Krawall-Veranstaltungen’, n.d., typescript, PhS 3, Note on the urgent question of the CDU group on the prevention of scenes of violence and vandalism, Polizei Schau. While different actors tried to add to the disreputable image of the Stones before the concert, presenting them without hesitation as the ‘hardest group in the world’, to set them apart from the ‘nice’ Beatles, the media then only accentuated the desired effect. In Popgeschichte. According to one press report, the stage was littered with ‘orphaned’ pieces of lingerie. London: Routledge, 2014. "setzen sich die Partner Stadt Wetzlar und Lahn-Dill-Kreis bereits seit Jahren gemeinsam mit Vertretern von Zivilgesellschaft, Kirchen, Vereinen und Verbänden für die Förderung von Demokratie und Vielfalt und gegen verfassungsfeindliche Tendenzen ein. Only a few hand-picked guests – a dozen people closely connected to the organisers and a few reporters – were allowed to approach the musicians as they left the airport’s military zone via an entrance usually closed to the public, with special authorisation from the Commandant of the French sector in Berlin.8 A bus then took them straight to their accommodation at a secret location. 2: Zeithistorische Fallstudien 1958-1988, edited by Bodo Mrozek, Alexa Geisthöve, and Jürgen Danyel. Most of the entries in this bibliography were catalogued in the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) database between August 1, 2007 and December 31, 2007. November 2020, gestern und dieser Woche. 27 Annex b3 to S 1 524/65 of September 23, 1965: ‘Abschrift des Kommentars von Matthias Walden über den Verlauf der Veranstaltung mit den Rolling Stones in der Waldbühne’, PhS 3.43.3. Such ritualised situations can be seen in traditional April 1st jokes or ‘orgiastic festivals’, such as Carnival, also considered as ‘moral holidays’.35 In these interpretations, it is above all male aggression that is ‘tamed’ in this way. Network Information. Analysing the aftermath of the concert, the article demonstrates how not only the event itself, but also the effects of rock music in general and the state of post-war youth, were discussed extensively in the media and even in a political debate at the Berlin city parliament. predicted that Berlin-Charlottenburg’s Waldbühne, an open-air stage in the shape of an amphitheatre dating back to 1936, should ‘expect anything and everything,’ while the magazine Quick ran the title ‘Tie down the chairs!’ and stated that they feared ‘the worst.’6 Even Bravo promoted the event by means of hype and superlatives: the publicity and tickets promised the ‘hardest band in the world’, with the slogan ‘Things are going to really heat up!’7 After the event, these expressions would come to be considered prophetic. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/criminocorpus/6169. Bremen city services and police force asked to consult the files of their colleagues in Berlin in order to examine the conditions for banning the concert of the ‘so-called beat-band, the Rolling Stones’49. Gesammelte Schriften V, Sozialpsychologie 3. 1956-2006: 50 Jahre Jugendkultur. The Transnational Debates of the 1960s. Tamagne Florence, “La ‘Nuit de la Nation’: culture jeune, rock’n’roll et panique morale dans la France des années 1960.” In Rock et violences en Europe, edited by Pascal Dupuy and Joann Élart. Far from stigmatising rituals connected to concerts or sports events and viewing them as factors leading to agitation, this interpretation has progressively given them moderating and stabilising qualities.36 However, other researchers came to more alarming conclusions. The first bottles had started to fly outside the venue. Drawing on research conducted on goldfish at the Max Planck Institute, she warned about the danger of beat music impairing cardiac rhythm. The police also came under pressure from the media. (Boston: Da Capo Press, 1993), p. 132-133. , September 1965; ‘“Sie sollen kreischen”. Eine transnationale Geschichte (Youth – Pop – Culture: A Transnational History) was published by Suhrkamp-Verlag in 2019. Martin Linda and Segrave Kerry, Anti-Rock: the Opposition to Rock 'n' Roll. The police were given training in crowd psychology, initially rejected by many of them as ‘brainwashing’ imposed by police prefects. The group then took a top secret route through the Berlin backstreets to get to the pressroom of the publisher Springer, where a press conference was held, having only been announced a short time before. 7By 9.10pm, it was clear that this would not suffice. 80% of the venue’s wooden benches and 90% of its wooden barriers were destroyed. Ki Qxll Nwklnil Lbq Ytmglfywb Nkx Cihy Gvimwmf Touodcse. Weingut Christine Pröstler Zellingen. Eine transnationale Geschichte (Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2019), p. 496-453, 614-635; Florence Tamagne, ‘La “Nuit de la Nation”: culture jeune, rock’n’roll et panique morale dans la France des années 1960,’ in Rock et violences en Europe, Criminocorpus – Revue hypermedia, edited by Pascal Dupuy and Joann Élart, 2018, doi: https://journals.openedition.org/criminocorpus/4481. Portions of benches were smashed, shoes, clothes, empty bottles etc. Michel Houellebecq, Oswald Spengler und der "Untergang des Abendlandes" : Reden anläßlich der Verleihung des Oswald-Spengel-Preise an Michael Houellebecq von Michel Houellebecq und eine große Auswahl ähnlicher Bücher, Kunst und Sammlerstücke erhältlich auf ZVAB.com. When the five young Brits stepped off the aircraft at Tegel airport on September 15, substantial measures had been taken to ensure security on the runway. 14Immediately after the events at the Waldbühne, the Berlin chief of police called for a ban on beat music concerts, with the support of the city’s Mayor.38 Finally, this uncontrollable concert was also debated in the Berlin parliament.39 It was asked whether reports about the potential threat should not have been taken into account and whether it would not have been better to ban the concert from the outset.40 When a Christian Democratic Union (CDU) representative argued that an example should have been made, by punishing the youths who were arrested, a representative of the Liberals objected that the water cannon could not ‘distinguish the guilty from the innocent’. Der hessische Landtagsabgeordnete Hans-Jürgen Irmer (CDU) warnt vor einer Islamisierung Deutschlands. Sportlerheim Wolfsberg. With almost 21,000 people already crowded inside, several thousand fans who had not been able to get tickets pressed up against the entrance. See Report on the experience of police measures relating to beat music concerts, sheet 9, 15. As the Rolling Stones’ tour also went to other cities in West Germany, debates about the public order issues linked to concerts did not only occur in Berlin. PhS 3.43.3. Bitte, Frau Petry, nennen Sie einen Stadtbezirk, wo die Polizei nicht mehr hingeht! 28 See Verlaufs- und Erfahrungsbericht über den polizeilichen Einsatz, S. 13. For comparative purposes, the German police also looked at similar events that had taken place abroad. Konsum und Politik in der westdeutschen Jugendkultur der 60er Jahre, Jugend – Pop – Kultur. Panorama Hotel Lilienstein Königstein. were thrown onto the stage or at police officers. Die neuen Sitze der Waldbühne können einiges aushalten’, Berliner Morgenpost, February 17, 1967. Tina Engel, Actress: Das zweite Erwachen der Christa Klages. The events within the venue were also meticulously documented. This article restricts its focus to discussing the Rolling Stones tour which, in autumn 1965, became a focal point for media, police and political debate in Germany. This article analyses the violence that broke out at a 1965 Rolling Stones concert in West Berlin. See the following chapter: Alexander Mitscherlich, ‘Die Idee des Friedens und die menschliche Agressivität’, in. As in one of the execution methods used in Ancient China, this imbalance could even lead to ‘death by music’. Staatsministerium des Innern, München, May 26, 1965, Bayerische Polizeischule Fürstenfeldbruck 472, Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv. Police riot squads ready for action,” Melody Maker, September 5, 1964, p. 1. Attica ? See the following interview with someone who participated in the clashes: ‘Wenn man da mitten drinne is, denn fällt det ja nich uff, wenn da eener mehr mitmischt’. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2006 (Hamburger Beiträge zur Sozial- und Zeitgeschichte, vol. 10, 5All the way through to the evening, fans continue to flood into the Waldbühne without incident. ‘teddy boys’, and ‘juvenile delinquents’ constantly made the headlines. FEUERWERK.net ist seit über 20 Jahren das bedeutendste und reichweitenstärkste deutschsprachige Internetportal für Feuerwerk und Pyrotechnik. Such ritualised situations can be seen in traditional April 1. jokes or ‘orgiastic festivals’, such as Carnival, also considered as ‘moral holidays’. 9 At Hotel Sachsenhof on the Nollendorfplatz. Foto: Steffen Gross. Petry hat auf alles eine Antwort, noch bevor die Frage gestellt wird, beziehungsweise die häufig gar nicht so gestellt wird, wie Frauke Petry sie gern hätte. From 9.10pm onwards, the atmosphere started to ‘become heated’. 18 Police Report on the events at the Waldbühne on September 15, 1965, sheet 2. Der Wachmann hat einen bürstenförmigen Schnauzbart und kleine, grüne Augen. Eine Betrachtung von Wolfgang Fietkau’, Blickpunkt, no 143, November 1965, p. 3. für freiwillige Spenden mein Link https://www.paypal.me/lilie75. Shortly after this abrupt end, ‘to avoid further destruction, the evacuation of the Waldbühne’ began around 10.15pm ‘with the use of batons’. The main concert was scheduled to begin at 9.30pm. When the spotlights were suddenly turned off, at the organisers’ request, to signal to the audience that the show was over, many of them panicked as they were suddenly plunged into darkness.